2/15/17 To-do List
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Contact Legislators
Contact your legislators here: https://www.callmycongress.com
or via free online fax here: Reps:
Senate: https://faxzero.com/fax_senate.php
If your senators and reps aren't saved in your
phone yet, text your zip code to
520-200-2223. You'll immediately get a text back
with everyone's contact info, INCLUDING your STATE senator and representative.
- Sen. Chaffetz is not interested in fulfilling his role in the Committee on Oversight and Government reform. This is unacceptable, and frankly dangerous as we untangle the mess of Russian involvement in our government. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/14/us/politics/russia-intelligence-communications-trump.html Since Chaffetz is not listening, let's call the rest of the Committee and tell them to investigate the president's ties to Russia: https://oversight.house.gov/subcommittee/full-committee/
- Call Sen. Brady and other members of the Ways and Means Committee and ask that they release Trump's tax returns. Brady has stated "If Congress begins to use its powers to rummage around in the tax returns of the president, what prevents Congress from doing the same to average Americans?" but the two situations are not comparable. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-tax-returns-idUSKBN15S2GZ The president of the United States should be thoroughly vetted, and we cannot be sure of Trump's business entanglements, both foreign and domestic, until the tax returns are released. Members here: https://waysandmeans.house.gov/subcommittee/full-committee/
- Since Paul Ryan is not making it easy to get through to him, UltraViolet [a leading women’s rights organization] is going to drive a truck full of postcards to Speaker Ryan's front door. If you write a note right now, they'll put it on a postcard and deliver it with thousands of others! https://act.weareultraviolet.org/sign/paulryan_postcards/
- From
one of our own: Watching
CNN right now and a consultant said the MOST important thing right now is
for all the Democratic representatives to have 250 phone calls per day
demanding investigation into trump team ties to Russia. If they don't hear
much from home, or if they go home and hold town halls and their public
doesn't show interest then they will not push it forward. We all need to
call our MoC ASAP and DEMAND full public
investigation into Flynn and Trump administration ties to Russia! Call your legislators! All of them!!
- Join Weekly Resistance in asking all our governors to publicly commit to vetoing any bills that threaten our rights to protest. Go here for the easy way to do it: http://www.weekly-resistance.online/past/protectProtesters.html
Other Actions
- The Office of Government Ethics has determined that Kellyanne Conway misused her position by telling people on national TV to buy Ivanka products and is recommending that the White House discipline her. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/319493-ethics-office-calls-on-white-house-to-discipline-conway Let the White House know that you agree by sending a comment here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact#page or by sending postcards to: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
- On Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 9 PM EST, MomsRising is holding a
Telephone Town Hall to share simple, easy-to-use tips about some of our
favorite organizing and advocacy tactics with members who are ready to do
more. RSVP here:
- From one of our own:
While most networks are covering Flynn and the Russian
situation, Fox News is talking about how this grassroots movement is NOT a
real grassroots movement, but rather one that has been started by
Obama. It is time to let them know
that this IS a real grassroots movement that is being lead by local
citizens. Fox New’s number is 888-369-4762. We should flood them with
- “Defending Obamacare”: Organizing for Action (OFA) will be hosting an online training this Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. ET to focus on the tactics we can use at town hall meetings to have the biggest impact, including how to ask pointed (but respectful!) questions, how to maximize your chances to ask a question of your member of Congress, and how to use social media to amplify how you're contributing to the momentum nationwide. To register: http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/4O78D1W8XKF1KZQZ
- From one of our own: For those interested in getting out your wallet, I suggest calling Zappos. I was reading an email from the company today, and noticed the "suggested for me" included an Ivanka Trump item. I called customer service at 800-927-7670 to let them know I loved the prompt and friendly service, but would not be shopping there until they announced that they were dropping all Trump products. Customer service was friendly and appreciative, said she was sending the message as I was on the phone, and related that the company is reviewing feedback at this time!
Petitions to Sign
- In
late January, then Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates (the one who
was fired for doing her job with the immigration ban) warned Donald Trump
that top national security aide Michael
Flynn had misrepresented his conversations with Russian officials and
could be vulnerable to blackmail by Russia—posing a
significant national security risk.
She was right and Flynn is gone. It is even more important now to join MoveOn.org
and vote in favor of a House investigation into Donald Trump’s financial
conflicts of interest and ties to the Russian government: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/investigate-trump-and-1
- Add your name to demand that CNN, NBC and CBS broadcast the
hundreds of U.S. veterans acting at Standing Rock to stop DAPL and the
police violence perpetrated on behalf of Big Oil: https://actionsprout.io/92044C/initial
- The Husband –and-Wife Team that is Driving Trump’s National Security Policy: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-national-security-gorka-234950
- Russian Cruise Missile, Deployed Secretly, Violates Treaty, Officials Say https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/14/world/europe/russia-cruise-missile-arms-control-treaty.html?_r=0
- From Two Hours a
Week quoting Indivisible Guide: "This is the long game. We are
going to lose a lot. We are going to get good at losing. We are going to
lose cabinet votes for terrible nominees. We are going to lose bills that
are offensive and appalling. But while we are losing, something else is
going to happen. We are going to keep raising our voices and slowly our
representatives are going to start listening to us. We've seen it
happen.…It'll happen over months, where you keep showing up, regularly.
Then, we are going to start winning. It'll sneak up on us... Every
time we change the narrative,
every time we delay, every time
there's a newspaper story about a member of Congress avoiding his or her constituents,
that's a win. And it matters." Read the rest here: https://www.facebook.com/indivisibleguide/posts/219055018558375
- Let’s all play
Resistance Bingo!! https://www.storybasedstrategy.org/resistance-bingo.html
Rogan’s List is now a
participant in and strategic partner of the Action
Alliance, a federation of more than fifty #resistance sites located throughout the
nation, each with its own methods and approach. Other member sites are
listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/ --scroll down and click through
and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Please consider using "Democratic" instead of "Democrat" (Contact Legislators, No. 4): The Democratic Party, Democratic representatives. The Republicans (Republics?) started using Democrat because "democratic" is a positive term, and they wanted to be disrespectful. We're supporting the GOP's dirty tricks if we adopt their strategies against ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of articles about this online. Here's one about Bill Maher: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/bill-maher-sees-subtle-dig-in-republicans-who-say-democrat-instead-of-democratic/
Thank you for catching that, Bobbi, and correcting me! The change has been made and will be going forward. This article is good, too: http://www.factcheck.org/2007/12/the-democratic-or-democrat-party/