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Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:

CORRECTION: “UNIFIED SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN”: From one of our own:  Twitter warriors (#TW) and Demcast (#DEMCAST) are working together to coordinate social media campaigns across various Resistance and pro-democracy groups. Our purpose is to join the collective power of our voices to support Blue electoral wins in 2020. If your group would like to join us, we will add you to a group in an application called basecamp and as a team will pick no more than 2 campaigns per month to cross promote within our groups. Our first campaign is for ACA - #GetCovered  Let’s sign up: 

CORRECTION: PRESSURE THE SENATE TO TAKE IMPEACHMENT SERIOUSLY: After a week of damning public testimony, Republicans in the Senate are refusing to consider the many ways in which Trump risked national security for his own political gain, instead calling on every tactic to deflect the issue to illegally outing the whistleblower and focusing attention on the Bidens. Let’s keep telling our Senators that we expect them to put country over party and consider the evidence in the upcoming impeachment as impartial jurors, the way the Constitution dictates. 

IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS: US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testified Wednesday before the House Intelligence Committee during the Impeachment Hearings and revealed far more than was expected about the culpability of Trump, Pence, Pompeo, and Mulvaney:  Let’s get all hands on deck to respond: 1. Call the White House to demand Trump’s resignation 1-202-456-1111 2. Call our MoC to demand their support for impeachment (Congressional reps) and removal (Senate) 3. Contact friends and family (particularly in red and purple states) to ask them to also contact their MoC to help create a critical mass. 4. Prepare to attend an Impeach and Remove protest which will occur the night before the eventual impeachment vote:

SUPREME COURT COULD CRIMINALIZE IMMIGRATION ADVOCACY: The Supreme Court will be hearing a case on whether a federal law that criminalizes “encouraging” undocumented immigrants to stay here violates First Amendment free speech. and This will make it even more difficult for attorneys to provide due process to clients they are trying to help. Let’s ask our MoCs what can be done to amend and clarify the intent of that law so that attorneys can still give their immigrant clients due process and people’s First Amendment rights can be protected. 

IRONIC, MITCH COMPLAINS OF CONGRESS HOLDING BILL: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) ripped House Democrats on Wednesday, arguing they were holding President Trump's trade deal with Canada and Mexico in perpetual limbo. Speaker Pelosi has refused to allow a vote," he said. "In public, House Democrats insist and insist and insist that they care about more things than simply impeaching the president. They insist that they want to work together and legislate. But actions speak louder than words."  Mitch neglected to mention the 200 bills that are sitting on his desk that he has refused to place for a vote in the senate that congress has sent to him. Let’s tell Mitch to practice what he preaches and get those bills to the floor for a vote and stop picking and choosing what he likes: and

PROVIDE FLU SHOTS FOR MIGRANTS: A group of doctors have offered to provide free flu shots to migrants on the border, but Customs and Border Patrol has indicated that it will refuse the offer. Contagious disease is more rampant in closed conditions, and this refusal is putting many people’s health at risk. Let’s ask our MoCs to intervene and also contact DHS (202-282-8000) to ask them to reverse this decision.   

STOP DEPORTATION OF ASYLUM-SEEKING MIGRANTS TO GUATEMALA: A new controversial program that allows the administration to deport immigrants from El Salvador and Honduras to Guatemala has just been piloted in El Paso, raising concerns even among career asylum officers. The program allows federal asylum officers to interview people and decide who is elegible to be deported to Guatemala and denies these immigrants a right to consult an attorney before their interview. So far, the program has been shrouded in secrecy, due to its controversial nature. Let’s raise awareness by posting about this on social media and through letters to the editor, and also express our concerns to DHS (202-282-8000) and our MoCs.

DECOLONIZING THANKSGIVING: Christine Nobiss, Plains Cree/Saulteaux, George Gordon First Nation, is an activist and de-colonizer, who has some very clear action items for us this holiday season: "With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I ask you to please take the time to educate your peers about Thanksgiving's real history; to support Native people as they resist the narrative of the holiday; and to organize or host alternatives to this holiday." Let's read through her article here, and take the time to check out the resources she has provided for us, including this toolkit for correcting harmful Thanksgiving curricula in schools. 

CLIMATE CHANGE FOR INVESTORS/CONSUMERS: Our carbon-spewing economy is powered by money, and a sub-2C future depends greatly on us redirecting the flow of that money. This sounds daunting, but ultimately, it is individual people like us who both fund the companies (through our investments, pensions, etc.) and consume their products & services. It is literally our money, and the brilliant folks at Influence Map have created a clear set of infographics and reports to tell us exactly how our dollars can support (or hinder) a sub-2C future. Let's all do our homework by using this valuable information to intelligently direct our investing and spending:  

GRATITUDE TO THOSE TESTIFYING: Let’s join Postcards for America in thanking Lt. Col. Vindman and Jennifer Williams for their testifying on Tuesday.  Send postcards of support to Lt. Col. Vindman: Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 1650 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20502 (*Add #PostcardsforAmerica at the bottom of your cards) Watch the video of his opening statement here:  Or read it here:

TEACHING STUDENTS TO SPOT FAKE NEWS:  Facing History and Ourselves, an organization that fights bigotry and hatred using the lessons of history , is offering to teachers, for free, an approach to helping students learn how to spot fake news through a technique called “lateral reading.” It’s called “How to Read the News Like a Fact Checker: A Media Literacy Strategy” Let’s take a look and share it with the teachers in our lives.


2020 ELECTIONS: If we are looking for 2020 Election information or if we have some to share, we can check out Equal Vote Local’s BlueWave Database 2020. We can click here to find information about candidates, voting and more arranged by state. This editable document also allows us to add our groups and any candidates running for office:  We can also find out more about Equal here at their website:

VOTER ENGAGEMENT—The Right Question Institute: A Catalyst for Microdemocracy offers tools and training for increasing voter engagement among low-income people. Let’s sign up and use their resources:

BLUEPRINTS FOR CHANGE: The Blueprints for Change Progressive Organizing and Campaigning Manual is a compilation of all guides produced through Blueprints for Change up till November 2019 in its current edition. This PDF doc, which is full of internal links for easy navigation, also contains information on the project, its policies, values and a full list of all contributors.  “The “blueprints” we are talking about are collaborative how-to guides designed to capture, communicate and inform innovative campaigning strategies and tactics. This project focuses on how-to’s drawn from campaigning practices that are emergent (new and not yet fully documented), in demand by campaigning groups and field-proven (have been applied with success in prior campaigns).” Let’s sign up for our copy here:

SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT SUSAN COLLINS: Collins claims to be a moderate who puts Maine’s interested first, but her record, including the 156 extremist judges she has confirmed, shows otherwise. We can find out more in when we check out Suite Up Maine’s comprehensive guide to her voting record and its harmful effects on Mainers and other Americans, along with the damage done by judicial and executive appointees she has confirmed. We can then use the letter to the editor guide, shareable, printable graphics, PDFs resources in the Collins Toolkit to share this information with, friends, family and on social media. 


OH:  STOP DEATH PENALTY FOR ABORTION BILL IN OHIO:  Ohio lawmakers just introduced a Total Abortion Ban, House Bill 413, that could sentence women and abortion providers to death. Under this proposed law, doctors and pregnant women could be charged with murder for abortion care, birth control, help during their miscarriage and fertility treatments.  The new proposal would also require doctors to attempt to re-implant ectopic pregnancies in the uterus, which is extremely dangerous and physiologically impossible.  and  If we live in Ohio, we can call our Representatives now.  If we don’t live in Ohio, we can ask our family and friends there to call. 20 Republican Legislators support this bill, including two of the bill’s main sponsors, Rep. Candice Keller, R-Middletown, OH and Ron Hood, Dist. 78. If our OH rep is in this link, we can flood them with calls at 1-800-282-0253  to say NO on House Bill 413.  If we are able, NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio would welcome our financial help, too:  

WI: VOTER ROLL PURGES: Approximately 234,000 Wisconsin voters could have their voter registration de-activated, depending on the outcome of a lawsuit filed by the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty ( These voters have been identified as having possibly moved, and according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, should have received mailers in October, asking them to confirm their address. Currently, the voters should be able to vote in February and April 2020 elections, but that could change depending on the court's ruling. If we received a postcard from the Wisconsin Elections Commission, let's be sure to confirm our address ASAP. If we have any questions, we can also contact the Elections Commission directly. Phone: (608) 266-8005, E-mail:, or in-person at 212 East Washington Avenue, Third Floor, Madison, Wisconsin 53703. We can also check to see if we are registered to vote here.


CLIMATE STRIKES CONTINUE:  From Future Coalition:  On Nov 29 & Dec 6, we strike again! Youth across the U.S. will lead a #ClimateStrike on Nov 29 & Dec 6 to demand legislative action to combat the climate crisis.  Strike with us!  Let’s find or host an event:

MORE CLIMATE STRIKE: The climate crisis is accelerating and slowing it down will require our sustained attention and effort, and that climate strike we marched in back in September was just the beginning. On December 6th, as world leaders gather at the UN’s annual climate conference, young people across America will join a national #ClimateStrike to take the momentum from September to our elected officials’ doorsteps. Climate change is the biggest issue humanity has ever faced, so let's all pledge to help our kids tackle it, here:

ATTEND A NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW RALLY: MoveOn is sponsoring “No One is Above the Law Rallies on the night before the House votes on Articles of Impeachment. We can sign up here to organize or attend an event in our area. 


The Invention of Thanksgiving -

The Whistleblower Complaint has largely been Corroborated. Here's How -

Why I Quit My Job Carrying Out Trump’s Immigration Policies -


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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