

Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 

NEXT COVID RELIEF BILL:  The House  passed another COVID-relief bill, the HEROES Act (H.R.6800) in mid-May.  The Senate has refused to take it up.  https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/505120-heroes-act-would-help-families-weather-the-ongoing-covid-19-storm  The Senate Republicans, however, have begun working on their own relief bill, “but with no apparent Democratic involvement it’s unlikely to receive enough support to pass both chambers.”  McConnell claims that the focus will be “kids, jobs, and health care.”  He also claims that liability protections for businesses will also be included.  https://www.rollcall.com/2020/06/30/new-coronavirus-relief-bill-senate-republicans/  Let’s tell our Senators that COVID is a bipartisan issue that needs a bipartisan solution and that if liability protections potentially put workers at risk they should not be included.
HOUSING PROTECTIONS:  Yesterday, July 1, was rent day for many in our country.  With the unemployment rate due to COVID, eviction delays being stopped, and the eventual ending of COVID relief funds, very many people will be in financial trouble and lose housing.  “The  Emergency Housing Protections and Relief Act of 2020 ,  [H.R.7301 which was passed by the House this week] sponsored by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), allocates $100 billion to emergency rental assistance programs, creates a $75 billion relief fund for homeowners and extends the eviction and foreclosure moratorium put in place by the CARES Act through March 2021. It is now with the Senate, where it is not expected to pass.”  https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/30/house-passes-emergency-rental-assistance-and-mortgage-relief-bill.html  Let’s tell our Senators that unless they have something better to offer, we want them to support this needed relief and to offer more as needed during this global pandemic.

FOLLOW-UP TO DEMAND THAT INCARCERATED CHILDREN BE RELEASED *WITH* THEIR FAMILIES, NOT SEPARATED FROM THEM: This past Friday, Federal Judge Molly Gee ordered ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) to, at best release families or at least the children of these families by July 17th who are being held in US Immigration Detention Centers as they try to seek asylum in the US. The judge knows that COVID is spreading in these centers. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/government-must-release-migrant-children-detention-centers-because-coronavirus-judge-n1232328  These families need to absolutely be released together now so they can go to their sponsors or families.  Let’s send postcards to the following ICE Authorities to let them know that there is community support for released families and to help ensure they appear for their immigration hearings.  Let’s as them to do the right thing and keep these families together. 

ICE Acting Director Matthew Albence
500 12th St. SW
Washington, DC  20536

ICE Deputy Field Office Director Achim
1777 NE Loop   410  15th Floor
San Antonio, Texas  78217

ICE Assistant Field Office Director Christopher George
Philadelphia Field Office
114 North 8th St.
Philadelphia, PA  19107

PROTEST SD GOVERNOR FOR ENABLING TRUMP’S REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH SOCIAL DISTANCING: Trump is supposed to speak at Mt. Rushmore tomorrow, and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, says social distancing and facemasks will not be required. https://www.axios.com/south-dakota-governor-social-distancing-trump-event-c20b93b8-0177-4ac5-bc88-9e6bf1a31d72.html. Let’s tell Governor Noem that this is NOT simply a matter of people’s personal liberties. Ignoring scientifically proven precautions against COVID will put the lives at risk of anyone the people attending this event come into contact with. Governor Noem should prioritize the safety and health of the residents of South Dakota, whom she has been elected to serve, not the whims of an immoral president who values his own ego more than he values the lives of American citizens. 

PASS THE WOMEN’S HEALTH PROTECTION ACT: While we can celebrate the Supreme Court’s recent decision on reproductive rights, the ability of women to decide whether to bear children is far from secure. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/29/884958610/what-supreme-courts-ruling-might-mean-for-abortion-rights. The Women’s Health Protection Act (S. 1645/ HR 2975) would create a safeguard against the frivolous bans and unnecessary medical restrictions that states are passing to try and restrict abortion. Let’s tell our MoCs that we want to move this bill out of committee and pass it ASAP, before the next Supreme Court challenge. We can get more information at Act for Women.

GRAB YOUR WALLET NEEDS OUR HELP:  Shannon Coulter, a marketing specialist began the Grab Your Wallet project following the revelation of the Trump tape before the election.  Her goal was to “encourage consumers to boycott everything Trump.” https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/grab-your-wallet-s-shannon-coulter-there-s-no-quitting-n742236  The project has been successful, but there are 46 companies still on the list.  Ms Coulter is asking us to tell these companies that “you will not do business with it again until it cuts ties with the executives who funded Trump's rise.”  https://myemail.constantcontact.com/The-boycott-.html?soid=1129868021479&aid=BZd95mLSi5c   Let’s get writing:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9QEq3WZQRMaII7TmEk_Fml-u-S2Y0NdL1lsoGmPxi4/edit#gid=0

SUPREME COURT VOTER: “The amazing advocacy group Demand Justice, whose entire focus is on getting progressive judges confirmed and stopping GOP court stacking, has launched a new project called Supreme Court Voter. It's "a movement of people ready to say “enough.” From their website: "We cannot allow a politically motivated bloc of justices to continue putting the interests of the Republican Party, the rich, and the powerful ahead of the interests of our democracy. We’re not going to sit by while they threaten progress we’ve fought so hard for. We are ready to fight for a Supreme Court that represents all of us and upholds the rule of law." They need our help. Sign up here. THIS IS SO GOOD!! “  (h/t Chop Wood/Carry Water)


2020 ELECTION CALENDAR: This resource is searchable by date and state -  https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/2020-state-primary-election-dates.aspx

REMINDER- CHECK VOTER REGISTRATION STATUS:   Let’s make sure to regularly check our voter registration status. States are purging voters routinely--we don't want to get caught off guard. Take 1 minute and check right now: I Will Vote  Then, let’s check how to vote by mail in our state. Many rules have changed due to the pandemic and we may be able to vote with a mailed ballot. We can find our state's latest voting rules here: How to Vote By Mail in Every State

NEEDED HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR VOTER REGISTRATION:  The Civic Center’s Future Voters Action Week (FVAW) is a 5-day, virtual workshop that trains a select group of dedicated high school students and 2020 graduates to lead efforts to improve youth voter participation. Participants from around the country develop personalized Public Narratives and action plans to lead drives during High School Voter Registration Week. Applications are now open for the next session: July 6-10th from 12:00 - 1:30pm PT / 3:00 - 4:30pm ET.  FVAW takes place entirely over Zoom. There is no cost to apply or to participate, and required program materials will be available online.  Let’s make sure this information gets to those who can use it:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtsf4AyMPVWq2BaHljDazgXRX3jTay35uBF2prTR_lp0en5A/viewform

HELP FOR FINANCIALLY STRAPPED CAMPAIGNS:  Some candidates, like these three in Kalamazoo have little money, but great ideas.  “They adopted free, easy to use apps where possible to reach more voters, fund raise and mobilize their supporters. Volunteers for the three candidates collaborate to get the most value from their efforts in creating videos, flyers and online events.”  https://thedemlabs.org/2020/07/01/david-vs-goliath-in-kalamazoo/  If we are a candidate or working with a campaign, let’s check to see what DemLabs can do to help us at little to no cost:  https://thedemlabs.org/

P2V ELECTION RESULTS: A FLIP!  Democrat Karen Berg has won the special election for Kentucky's 26th Senate District. The State Senator-elect defeated Republican Bill Ferko 58% to 42%. (Source: WHAS11). This seat has been held by Republicans for the past 25 years. Our thanks to everyone who supported Berg's campaign. Let's request 5 addresses from one of Postcards to Voters' current campaigns to flipping celebrate.


ALL: ASK STATE LEADERS TO USE US OF CARE HANDBOOK TO PREVENT COVID SURGES: It has been five months, and the number of COVID cases in the US are soaring to record and alarming rates. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/25/record-spikes-in-us-coronavirus-cases-push-up-hospitalization-rates-in-16-states.html  Given the failure of federal leadership, finding our way out of this mess is a real challenge. The United States of Care is ready to help, offering us The COVID-19 State Preparedness Handbook detailing five actions to plan, prepare, and prevent COVID-19 surges. This handbook has already been shared across the country and has been featured in the Washington Post and Healthcare Finance News. Now we can click here to read and share this handbook and ask our state and local leaders to adopt the best practices to get this pandemic under control.  https://unitedstatesofcare.org/covid-19/new-preparedness-handbook-details-5-actions/  We can also click here to watch and then share a webinar featuring a panel of health care experts discussing the handbook, as well as their on-the-ground experience. 

ALL: PUBLIC HEALTH NEEDS FUNDING: Kaiser Health News and the Associated Press jointly investigated the state of public health departments nationwide.  They have published 6 “takeaways”: spending on public health has dropped by 16% per capita in the last decade; public health jobs have evaporated (and officials have quit or been fired); 2/3 of us live in counties that spend more than twice as much on policing as on non-hospital health care; ¾ of us live in states that spend less than $100 per person per year on public health; some public  health workers earn so little that they qualify for government assistance; and states facing budget shortfalls have begun laying off or furloughing them:     https://apnews.com/324baaee6417d0bd64fbe249b09da143 and https://khn.org/news/six-takeaways-of-the-khn-ap-investigation-into-the-erosion-of-public-health/   All this is happening as the US coronavirus rates skyrocket.  We must demand that our state, county, or city officials—whoever is in charge—fully fund public health departments and bring back the officials and the workers necessary for their functioning at a living wage.

MA: TELL GOVERNOR TO FOLLOW NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY’S LEAD AND CLOSE DOWN INDOOR DINING: New York City and New Jersey have postponed indoor dining after a surge of cases in states where indoor restaurants and bars are open. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/cuomo-to-reveal-fate-of-nyc-indoor-dining-today-as-city-beaches-finally-reopen-for-swimming/2494249/. However, Massachusetts recently re-opened indoor dining last week, which threatens the excellent progress the state has made in reducing incidences of COVID. Let’s tell Governor Baker that we want him to follow NY/NJ’s lead and shut down indoor dining before it’s too late!


LEARN TO TEXT WITH TEXT TROOP: If we are looking for more ways to get active from home, Text Troop  can teach us how to text in one of their upcoming Text Troop Webinars. The training covers: the programs we’ll be texting for, the tools we’ll use - Slack and TextOut, and how to text. To make sure we are comfortable with the process and ready to go, there will also be time at the end for personal walkthroughs. We can find a time and date that works for us and then sign up for a texting workshop  here:
https://calendly.com/text-troop/how-to-text  Once we are trained and ready to go, we can find lots of texting opportunities here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=openprogress.com_07hrf3847on7rfoi859584ag60@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York

GET A FREE ACTIVIST 101 WEBINAR FOR OUR GROUPS: If we are terrified about where our country is, desperate to get it someplace better, but unsure how to start, Jessica Craven, of Chop  Wood, Carry Water  https://www.facebook.com/ChopCarry/ has a Zoom webinar just for us! In over 60 minutes, we will get an overview of several easy ways we can help flip the presidency, the Senate, and a bunch more seats, and leave the GOP a pile of smoking rubble in November. We will also learn how the tiny bit that we do matters so much. All we need to do is put together a group, give her a time, and she’ll be there with slide deck and a handy google doc to give us at the end.  To set up a free, one hour Activism 101 Webinar for our group, we can contact Jessica Craven here: cwcwdailyactions@gmail.com

FLIP THE SENATE, SAVE THE WORLD ON JULY 2:  Given the current political momentum, there’s a real chance that Democrats can retake the Senate in November. We are invited to a Zoom conversation and (bring our own) cocktails event with Senator Cory Booker and two of the brightest lights and biggest hopes for flipping Senate seats: Jaime Harrison and Governor Steve Bullock. The event will take place on July 2, at 8p (ET)/5p (PT). We can participate even while making dinner, in our sweats (no one will see us), and we may get our questions answered.  It’s free to RSVP, but of course the goal is to raise buckets of money for great candidates  RSVP HERE or if we would like to attend without making a contribution, email Brynn DiNino at brynn@corybooker.com to RSVP.  If we can’t attend, we can DONATE HERE.

MY BLACK RECEIPT:  My Black Receipt builds on the protests that are happening now addressing police brutality and the mistreatment of black people in the U.S. Part of this mistreatment comes from how wealth has been distributed historically in the US.  My Black Receipt will redistribute wealth to the black community by supporting black businesses. Over one month starting on Friday, June 19, My Black Receipt will focus on a different business sector each week and ask everyone to support black businesses in all their purchases in that sector. Let’s support this protest and help amplify the message through social media on June 19 through July 4, using the hashtag #MyBlackReceipt and on Instagram: Official Black Wall Street. 

GET TRAINED TO VOLUNTEER VIRTUALLY FOR BIDEN: The upcoming 2020 Presidential Election will be crucial in deciding the fate of our country and our democracy. After 2016, we know we cannot be complacent, but must do everything possible to defeat Trump and get our country back on track. One way to start is to help Joe Biden's campaign which is looking for volunteers right now. We can click here to join an Action Center trainings (which will be offered 75 times between May 27 and November 1) and learn how to use our online organizing hub to volunteer virtually for Joe:  https://www.mobilize.us/joebiden/event/149561


System Failure: How the Trump administration’s deregulatory agenda is affecting the health and safety of Americans -


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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