

Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

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Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 

DEMAND THAT INCARCERATED CHILDREN BE RELEASED *WITH* THEIR FAMILIES, NOT SEPARATED FROM THEM: Once again, Judge Dolly Gee, in light of a significant COVID infestation at two family detention centers has ruled that ICE must release detained children by July 17. However, the order “allows ICE to decline to release a child if there’s not a suitable sponsor or if the parent signs a waiver.” Most parents have chosen to sign waivers, because they do not want to be separated from their children, who, due to a lack of tracking protocols, have often been lost in the system.  thttps://apnews.com/bb44b51b597757ca389b543fc161fbc5. We need to keep advocating for these children by insisting that they and their families be released together. Let’s sign this petition and this petition, and then ask our MoCs to put pressure on ICE to protect the health of these families and to stop separating families

PUTIN’S BOUNTY ON AMERICAN SOLDIERS: As terrible news unfolded over the weekend that Putin has paid Taliban fighters in Afghanistan to kill American soldiers, Trump and the White House have denied that Trump was informed of this by US Intelligence sources.   https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-26-2020  However, “Top officials in the White House were aware in early 2019 of classified intelligence indicating Russia was secretly offering bounties to the Taliban for the deaths of Americans, a full year earlier than has been previously reported, according to U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the intelligence.” https://apnews.com/425e43fa0ffdd6e126c5171653ec47d1 As Dan Rather’s News and Guts queried “Imagine wearing the uniform of the United States military, and learning that Russia is paying bounties to Afghan soldiers to kill you. Then you hear that your commander in chief has not only known about this for months and not only done nothing, but has actively courted the Russian president." https://www.newsandguts.com/since-learning-of-russian-bounty-on-u-s-troops-trump-continued-to-court-putin/  There still seems to be no bottom and it becomes clearer that Trump is not serving the interests of the nation of which he is president. Let’s contact our MoC to ask that they demand his resignation and do something to help guarantee our troops’ safety and make Russia accountable.  Let’s also contact Sec. of Defense, Mark Esper: https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-department-of-defense and Sec. of State, Mike Pompeo: https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-department-of-state and ask what they are doing to stand up for our troops.

TRUMP PHONE CALLS:  As if things were not bad enough, even Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame, is now expressing grave concern about Trump.  "One person familiar with almost all the conversations with the leaders of Russia, Turkey, Canada, Australia and western Europe described the calls cumulatively as 'abominations' so grievous to US national security interests that if members of Congress heard from witnesses to the actual conversations or read the texts and contemporaneous notes, even many senior Republican members would no longer be able to retain confidence in the President."  https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/29/politics/trump-phone-calls-national-security-concerns/index.html  Let’s contact our MoCs to ask what they are doing to ensure our national security.

DEMAND INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT OF JUSTICE DEPARTMENT: In a rare move, the Senate Judiciary committee voted 21-1 on a bipartisan bill S 685 that would expand Inspector General oversight of the Department of Justice.  https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/504532-senate-panel-votes-21-1-to-back-justice-ig-measure-over-graham-objections. But since Judiciary Chair Lindsay Graham, and Attorney General, William Barr oppose the bill, it’s not clear whether it will be taken up for a vote in the full Senate. Let’s call Majority Leader Moscow Mitch McConnell and demand that he bring this up for a vote and ask our Senators to support this bill and put pressure on the leader to bring it to the Senate floor. 

CHILD CARE IS ESSENTIAL: Child care across the U.S. has become increasingly expensive, with quality, licensed child care unattainable for millions of families (https://bit.ly/3i622fc). One of the ways we can improve the system and support families and child care workers is by increasing federal funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) via the Child Care is Essential Act (H.R. 7027/S. 3874). Let's read more about the legislation  here, then contact our MoC in the House and Senate and ask them to support these bills. We can use this tool from MomsRising to get in touch, or we can contact our MoC directly.

HOLD SENATOR SUSAN COLLINS ACCOUNTABLE FOR KAVANAUGH VOTE: While we should celebrate yesterday’s Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision upholding abortion rights it should be noted that justice Brett Kavanaugh voted for the increased restrictions. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), who claims to be pro-choice, told Americans that she voted for Kavanaugh despite his anti-choice positions because he assured her that he would respect legal precedent. However, it was Justice Roberts, who recognized the legal precedent in a Texas case, who voted with the four liberal justices, despite his personal opposition. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-strikes-down-restrictive-louisiana-abortion-law-n1231392. Let’s make sure that Senator Collins (202-224-2523) knows that we will not forgive her for this vote, and let’s donate money to her opponent, or to the Maine People’s Alliance, which will be working to educate Mainers on Senator Collins’s abysmal voting record. 

TELL PROCTOR AND GAMBLE TO JOIN JULY FACEBOOK BOYCOTT: Honda, Hersey’s Levi’s, Starbucks, North Face, Patagonia, Ben and Jerry’s and its parent company Unilever and more have joined  the #StopHateForProfit  campaign, to encourage Facebook to stop fostering hate on its platforms. https://www.forbes.com/sites/afdhelaziz/2020/06/24/facebook-ad-boycott-campaign-stop-hate-for-profit-gathers-momentum-and-scale-inside-the-movement-for-change/#2d3986701668  However, Proctor and Gamble, the world biggest advertiser has remained silent. They are, however, currently reviewing their policies of advertising on all platforms, and we can tell them enough is enough.  We can call Proctor and Gamble at (513) 983-1100 to ask they join the “Stop the Hate for Profit” campaign, pausing their advertising until Facebook seriously changes its hate enabling policies. We can also email their CEO David S. Taylor, here: taylor.ds@pg.com

URGENT NEED FOR COVID-19 CONTACT TRACERS:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield told Congress on Tuesday that the United States has about 28,000 contact tracers, falling short of the 100,000 that are needed to track the spread of coronavirus. Contact tracing often gets less attention than COVID-19 testing but experts say it is also an urgent priority to stem the spread of the disease.  https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/504098-cdc-director-us-has-about-28000-contact-tracers-out-of-100000-needed  Contact your County or State Health Department and apply to be a Covid-19 Contract tracer. Many online classes are offered for free. Ask your county health department which ones they accept. Help stop the spread of Covid-19. 

POSTCARDING OPPORTUNITIES:  From one of our own:  Keep reminding yourself: every action, even if it seems small, takes us closer to the justice we're working toward. The things you do matter!  We can find this week's postcarding write-ups here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WmFmrG_zSxlMbLmPbB8pWGHSQsqDEORfWqo1i_c9aY8/edit?usp=sharing

PAID SWING LEFT COLLEGE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM: Swing Left is seeking 17 college students who are attending school in AZ, CO, GA, IA, ME, and TX, to mobilize campus communities in their state to vote and volunteer. Fellows receive training in online and in-person organizing. The commitment is 10 hours/week over 12 weeks, plus a virtual 2-day Summer Summit training. Stipend: $2,400. Let’s encourage qualified college students to apply: https://swing-left.breezy.hr/p/5a7b8d7854ee-college-fellow

WANTED: SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER VOLUNTEER: Vote Forward is looking for “an experienced and motivated volunteer developer to work on the software that will help thousands of volunteers write ten million hand-written letters to voters in time for the November 3rd, 2020, election.” If we’re qualified, let’s apply, and if we’re not, let’s spread the word: https://vote-forward.breezy.hr/p/fff6d1f6a22c

EQUIPMENT NEEDED:  From one of our own:  If you have any unused/used/old/new working iPads please PM me. We recently with help of our Global Challenge Student Ambassadors launched EmpowerandHelp Remote Mentorship Program for children affected by Refugee Crisis. Currently program is teaching 10 students -remotely and as we have enough resources, we will expand it further. Some of these students have missed on 4 years of education straight due to living in camps. And even if they are in Grade 6 as per school, they need basic help.  If we can help, let’s contact Empower and Help:  http://empowerandhelp.com/contact/


2020 ELECTION CALENDAR: This resource is searchable by date and state -  https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/2020-state-primary-election-dates.aspx

REMINDER- CHECK VOTER REGISTRATION STATUS:   Let’s make sure to regularly check our voter registration status. States are purging voters routinely--we don't want to get caught off guard. Take 1 minute and check right now: I Will Vote  Then, let’s check how to vote by mail in our state. Many rules have changed due to the pandemic and we may be able to vote with a mailed ballot. We can find our state's latest voting rules here: How to Vote By Mail in Every State

ELECTIONS TODAY:  Today, June 30 three states have primaries:  Colorado, Oklahoma, and Utah.  If we live there, let’s vote! 

VOTE-BY-MAIL POSTCARDING OPPORTUNITY: From Postcards to Voters: "Dems have opened up a 302,000-voter advantage over Republicans in vote-by-mail enrollment, an edge that could pay big dividends in Trump’s newly adopted must-win state," (https://politi.co/2Vf713n). Tens of thousands of volunteers have written to Democrats in all 67 Florida counties to encourage them to enroll in VBM.  Over one million fun, friendly, fully handwritten grassroots postcards have been mailed since we adopted this project in June 2018. We still have more to write and we need more volunteers.  Write as few (or as many) as you want every few days.  We always have addresses of Democrats who are not yet enrolled in FL VBM. Write #PostcardsToVoters with us! Text JOIN to (484) 275-2229 and #MailTheVoteFL

WRITE LETTERS TO VOTERS: Vote Forward is working on an initiative called “The Big Send,” which involve writing letters to voters to encourage them to vote this November. Two million letters have been written so far! It’s fun to sign up to write letters ourselves, but a virtual letter writing party is even better, so they’ve put together a party kit. Let’s get some friends together and start writing letters! The party kit is here:  https://bit.ly/3g9m0nG

CALLING COLORADO POSTCARDERS TO FLIP FLORIDA: Colorado-based Blue Wave Postcard Movement is sending postcards to Florida Democrats to urge them to register to vote by mail. They’re working on other key states, too! If we’re in CO, let’s sign up and start writing: https://www.bluewavepostcards.org/home

ELECTION PROTECTION: The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law https://www.lawyerscommittee.org/mission/ runs an initiative called Election Protection to defend our right to vote https://866ourvote.org/. Whether we need help ourselves in exercising our right to vote or we wish to volunteer and protect the voting rights of others, Election Protection is a great resource. Let’s:
  • Add the Voter Hotline number to our cell phone contacts lists
    • English 866-687-8683
    • Spanish 888-839-8682
    • Asian Languages 888-274-8683
    • Arabic 844-925-5287
  • Volunteer

BECOME A POLL WORKER:  Many locations are needing poll workers for upcoming elections.  Traditionally, these jobs have been held by older people, however with COVID, many of these workers will stay home for health reasons.  https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/democracy-2020/elderly-workers-run-elections-but-covid-19-will-keep-many-home/  Let’s share this fun video with others as a way to encourage young people to become poll workers in their local elections:  https://asgoeswisconsin.com/episodes/workapoll  Then, let’s share this link that shows them how:  https://www.eac.gov/voters/become-poll-worker


CA: VIRTUAL LEADERSHIP TRAINING FOR FUTURE LGBTQ+ LEADERS: The Equality California Institute is ready to train and foster the next generation of LGBTQ+ leaders with its Virtual Leadership Academy this summer. Over 100 graduates have already been helped to run for office or seek appointments to boards and commissions. Training consists of 6 online sessions through the months of July and August, presented by current California public officials as well as Equality California institute staff. Graduates’ credentials will be included in a resource bank of LGBTQ+ leaders and used to advocate for placement in appointed positions. If we or someone we know would excel as an LGBTQ+ leader, we click here and apply to The Equality California Institute Leadership Academy by 6pm PST on Tuesday, July 7:  https://action.eqca.org/Leadership 

MI:  SHUT DOWN LINE FIVE:  Due to discovered damage to Enbridge Line 5, “Ingham Circuit Judge James Jamo Thursday ordered Enbridge to fully shut down the Line 5 pipeline at the bottom of the Mackinac Straits…”  https://www.michiganradio.org/post/judge-orders-enbridge-temporarily-shut-down-line-5-within-24-hours  Line 5 has long been an issue due to past violations and environmental concerns. https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-environment-watch/enbridge-line-5-shutdown-prompts-michigan-debate-over-risks-vs-economic  Let’s email Gov. Whitmer’s office every day until she agrees to cancel the original easement given to Enbridge and demand that she terminate any agreement that allows for the transport of fossil fuels either through or under the Great Lakes:  https://somgovweb.state.mi.us/GovRelations/ShareOpinion.aspx 


GET A FREE ACTIVIST 101 WEBINAR FOR OUR GROUPS: If we are terrified about where our country is, desperate to get it someplace better, but unsure how to start, Jessica Craven, of Chop  Wood, Carry Water  https://www.facebook.com/ChopCarry/ has a Zoom webinar just for us! In over 60 minutes, we will get an overview of several easy ways we can help flip the presidency, the Senate, and a bunch more seats, and leave the GOP a pile of smoking rubble in November. We will also learn how the tiny bit that we do matters so much. All we need to do is put together a group, give her a time, and she’ll be there with slide deck and a handy google doc to give us at the end.  To set up a free, one hour Activism 101 Webinar for our group, we can contact Jessica Craven here: cwcwdailyactions@gmail.com

FLIP THE SENATE, SAVE THE WORLD ON JULY 2:  Given the current political momentum, there’s a real chance that Democrats can retake the Senate in November. We are invited to a Zoom conversation and (bring our own) cocktails event with Senator Cory Booker and two of the brightest lights and biggest hopes for flipping Senate seats: Jaime Harrison and Governor Steve Bullock. The event will take place on July 2, at 8p (ET)/5p (PT). We can participate even while making dinner, in our sweats (no one will see us), and we may get our questions answered.  It’s free to RSVP, but of course the goal is to raise buckets of money for great candidates  RSVP HERE or if we would like to attend without making a contribution, email Brynn DiNino at brynn@corybooker.com to RSVP.  If we can’t attend, we can DONATE HERE.

MY BLACK RECEIPT:  My Black Receipt builds on the protests that are happening now addressing police brutality and the mistreatment of black people in the U.S. Part of this mistreatment comes from how wealth has been distributed historically in the US.  My Black Receipt will redistribute wealth to the black community by supporting black businesses. Over one month starting on Friday, June 19, My Black Receipt will focus on a different business sector each week and ask everyone to support black businesses in all their purchases in that sector. Let’s support this protest and help amplify the message through social media on June 19 through July 4, using the hashtag #MyBlackReceipt and on Instagram: Official Black Wall Street. 

GET TRAINED TO VOLUNTEER VIRTUALLY FOR BIDEN: The upcoming 2020 Presidential Election will be crucial in deciding the fate of our country and our democracy. After 2016, we know we cannot be complacent, but must do everything possible to defeat Trump and get our country back on track. One way to start is to help Joe Biden's campaign which is looking for volunteers right now. We can click here to join an Action Center trainings (which will be offered 75 times between May 27 and November 1) and learn how to use our online organizing hub to volunteer virtually for Joe:  https://www.mobilize.us/joebiden/event/149561


For Native Americans, voting rights were hard-won. Mail-in voting could undo the gains - https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/21261058/vote-by-mail-native-americans-voting-rights-covid-reservations-ballot

Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China - https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53218704


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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