
Contact Federal Government Officials

1.   Yesterday, we learned that Trump, with Mitch McConnell’s support, will sign the bipartisan agreement on border security so as to avert another government shutdown, BUT will declare a “national emergency” to get his money for the unnecessary border Wall to appease his base; his plan seems to be to raid military funding.  Congress could, in theory, strip Trump of his emergency powers, but many lawsuits seem more likely:  
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/02/14/donald-trump-emergency-border-wall-long-legal-fight/2548526002/ or https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mcconnell-says-trump-will-declare-a-national-emergency-for-border-wall/  We must make it clear to our MoCs that, like Nancy Pelosi, we regard this as an “end run around Congress” and count on them, Democrat or Republican, to oppose this fake emergency in all the ways available to them.  Otherwise, our democracy becomes a sham.

2.   While many across the country are being surprised that despite the tax cut which was said to help, most of us are actually paying more in taxes this year as we file with the IRS.  As expected, however, the tax cut, which favored the wealthy and big corporations, has enabled some companies, even those who have high profit margins, to not be paying any tax.  Amazon, for example, will be paying zero.  http://fortune.com/2019/02/14/amazon-doesnt-pay-federal-taxes-2019/  Let’s tell our MoCs that we need a tax code overhaul that will be fair and equitable.

3.   S1, the controversial bill that was passed by the Senate last week, now goes to the House. In addition to providing more military weapons to an already heavily armed area, this bill would allow states to refuse to award contracts to businesses who participate in the boycott against the Israeli government. Whether or not we support the boycott, we should be aware of the First Amendment issues this bill challenges and how it could set a precedent for disallowing other boycotts, as discussed by the ACLU. This is the reason that several Jewish organizations who do not support BDS, like J Street and Americans for Peace Now have come out against this bill. Let’s make sure our House Reps. know that we do not see a position against this bill as anti-Semitic, as proponents are claiming, and we expect them to make a strong stand for free speech.

4.   Comments on the Department of Education’s Title IX reform proposal will be open again today, but for just 24 hours. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/public-comments-reopen-devos-campus-sexual-assault-rules-only-one-n970956. Among the many problems with the reforms is that it will make it much harder for schools to deal with any sexual assaults that happen off-campus, which is where most incidents occur. https://www.apnews.com/3823e7c2ca3349e1a77487e62cfbf891. Let’s make sure to take a few minutes to submit a comment here by midnight tonight. For more information on what to say, we can check out Hands off IX, but any brief expression of opinion will be counted.

5.   New resolutions in Congress, HJ Res. 37 and SJ Res 7 have been introduced to stop providing aid to the Saudis on their devastating war in Yemen, which has led to an extreme humanitarian crisis. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/11/01/662634864/a-call-for-a-ceasefire-in-yemen-makes-news-its-catastrophe-doesnt  HR Res 37 passed in the House on Wednesday.  The same resolution passed the Senate last year and might have passed the House if Paul Ryan had brought it up for a vote, so this has a really good chance of passing if we keep up the pressure. Let’s thank our reps who voted for this and check to see if our Senators have signed on as co-sponsors, and ask them to support using the War Powers Resolution to stop an unauthorized war. As with the money for the Wall, Trump claims he can get congressional authority elsewhere.  This way lies authoritarianism.  We can find more information here from Indivisible.

6.   In order to prevent another shutdown, Congress and Trump must pass another budget agreement by this afternoon. There seems to be a deal in the works, one that doesn’t include money for a physical wall. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/12/negotiators-an-agreement-in-principle-to-avoid-government-shutdown.html This is good, but let’s remind our MoCs that we aren’t thrilled with alternative plans from Democrats to fund a “smart wall,” or technology like drones and surveillance that serve primarily to deter and intimidate. That’s not any more humane than a wall. “Instead, we’d like to see a shift in U.S. border policy that genuinely prioritizes the protection of human life.” https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/429454-democrats-smart-border-technology-is-not-a-humane-alternative-to-trumps Let’s remind our Senators and Representatives that border policy is only a part of immigration policy, which really needs an intelligent and humanitarian-based overhaul. Human lives are not bargaining chips in any case.

7.   The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has introduced a proposal to rescind an Obama-era rule that was set to go into effect this August regarding payday lending (https://on.mktw.net/2SPNyX6). The rule would have required payday lenders to assess a borrower's ability to pay back a loan, but with the new proposal, even that would no longer be required.   (https://bit.ly/1NBCLqwhttps://nyti.ms/2thIMDk). Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), chair of the House Financial Services Committee, is asking CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger to rescind the proposal and instead "work on implementing a comprehensive federal framework -- including strong consumer safeguards, supervision, and robust enforcement -- to protect consumers from the cycle of debt.” (https://politi.co/2GsPqi1). There are a couple things we can do to fight back against this new proposal: 1. Let's make sure to leave a comment opposing proposed rule at the Federal Register and 2. We can join Representative Waters in asking Director Kraninger to rescind the rule: Mailing address:  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1700 G St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20552 Phone: (855) 411-2372

8.   Last year, the Trump administration proposed a rule to ease firearm export regulations by switching licensing from the State Department to the Commerce Department for certain kinds of weapons. This would mean that there would be no licensing fee, and the process to obtain the license would be less complex (https://bit.ly/2GN3Yt3). Now, the administration has decided to go ahead with the rule, with the changes going into effect in less than a month (https://nbcnews.to/2DjVC8P). To prevent this from happening, and ensure that we maintain stricter regulation, Representative Norma Torres (D-CA-35) has introduced a bill (H.R. 1134) to expressly prohibit the removal of these firearms from the United States Munitions List. Let's contact our representatives in the House and ask them to cosponsor and support this legislation.


1.    Postcards to Voters' volunteers have already written to voters in Virginia for next Tuesday's special election with Campaign 144: Ibraheem Samirah for Delegate. We can still obtain address for Campaign 143: Eric Coleman for Tennessee State Senate. Let's continue to request 5 addresses to help get out the vote in 2019. 

Other Actions

1.    Registering voters by mail in key battleground states is part of Swing Left’s (https://swingleft.org/) larger strategy to take back the White House and the Senate, to keep the House, and to flip state seats to end extreme Republican gerrymandering.  Let’s organize a Voter Registration by Mail party and get underrepresented, Democratic-leaning voters on the rolls. Even if only a small percentage of them vote, it could make all the difference in battleground states. Information and instructions are here:  https://swingleft.org/p/vrbm

2.   If we need some help sorting out which candidates for the 2020 presidential election aligns best with issues we feel strongly about, let’s check out I Side With: https://www.isidewith.com/elections/2020-presidential-quiz 

3.   Generation Citizen https://generationcitizen.org/ is a civics-education organization that partners with schools to teach young people how to use the political process to make change in their own communities. GC’s Democracy Coach Program places college volunteers in high school classrooms to help teachers implement the curriculum. Let’s encourage college students to check out the program and apply:  https://generationcitizen.org/our-programs/democracy-coach-model/

4.   Yes, we need to win in 2020. But what happens in 2020 depends on elections in 2019. We need to flip seats in governorships and state legislatures around the country to reverse extreme Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression laws that block Democratic wins in federal (and state) elections. Let’s contribute what we can to the Flippable Fund to help flip key state seats blue in 2019. Even $5.00 can make a difference! https://flippable.org/act-now/

5.   In honor of Valentine’s Day, let’s think of a resistor, a journalist, an activist, or a politician who would appreciate hearing words of thanks and encouragement from us and then follow through.

6.   It's time once again for Audubon's Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), a free, fun, and easy event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of bird populations. We can read more at Audubon. The 22nd annual GBBC will be held this weekend: Friday, February 15, through Monday, February 18, 2019. We can visit the official website at birdcount.org if we want to participate.

7.   Let’s ask our local grocery stores where we shop to stop selling National Enquirer.  Here’s why:  https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/zorn/ct-perspec-zorn-national-enquirer-bezos-extortion-morality-0213-20190212-story.html

8.   From one of our own:  I decided I wanted to assemble a data base for the legislation I'm tracking so I can sort it by topic, house of Congress, status, etc. I'm hoping it will allow me to do more through, comprehensive issues/addresses write-ups. Please use/share/distribute as you see fit.  I'll be updating it at least once a week—hopefully more often than that.  Link:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m96oNurFCCOmNU95cDYS3Ct8tMhoOY5NloFJlTqS1Kw/edit#gid=0

9.   We need good people to run in every district, for every elected office, but it can seem challenging to find resources to conduct a campaign for local positions. If we are interested in running for School Board or another local government position, we can check these two resources to get started. The Candidate Bootcamp offers a free detailed timeline of steps to run for office, including access to checklists and worksheets. They also offer resources on budgeting, fundraising. We can check them out here.  https://candidatebootcamp.com/how-to-run-for-political-office-2019/  VoteRunLead has this well detailed Campaign Plan series that is free and easy to access. We can take a look at  it here: https://voterunlead.org/resources/campaign-plan-part-1-understand-the-game/

State Actions

1.    CA:  Two urgent issues are addressed in a newly introduced bill SB281, gun control and affordable housing. This bill would ban gun shows at the Cow Palace and transfer the land to locally controlled joint authority of San Francisco, Daly City and San Mateo County. According to Scott Weiner, one of the bill’s co-authors, “for decades, Cow Palace has ignored local views on the site: that there shouldn’t be gun shows & that the land should be developed. The local community will now decide the future of this land, e.g., whether to keep Cow Palace & whether to create housing/mixed use development.”  The bill is co-authored by the entire San Francisco and San Mateo County legislative delegation. We can read more about the bill here:  https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/Bill-would-ban-Cow-Palace-gun-shows-could-lead-13614916.php  We can read the full text of the bill here:
https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB281  We can use this tool to find our Representatives here and then ask them to support this much needed bill:  http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/

2.   FL: In a 5-3 partisan vote, the Florida state Senate Education Committee approved SB7030, which would give school districts the authority to implement the controversial “guardian” program and allow classroom teachers to be armed.  Let's read more at Florida Watchdog. The Florida State Legislature doesn’t convene until March 5 so let's go ahead and contact our FL state senators to let them know we oppose SB7030.

3.   KY: The KY state Senate voted 23-12 to pass bill SB100, which would effectively kill the solar industry in Kentucky. The bill now heads to the KY State House. Let's read more at Courier-Journal then contact our KY state representatives to let them know we oppose this solar-killing bill.

4.   VA:  The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is still in play.  There are some legislative hijinks going on, but it looks like it could still come to a vote on the floor.  https://www.virginiamercury.com/2019/02/14/rule-81-five-consecutive-readings-and-a-weird-trick-advocates-hope-will-get-a-floor-vote-on-the-era  Let’s call our rep in the House of Delegates to help make this happen.

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.   On Friday, February 22, from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM (EST)  DemLabs is holding a Digital Storytelling workshop in Washington, D.C. Experts will review their storytelling projects and the apps used to create them.  The workshop is free, but space is limited. RSVP here.

2.   On March 15 there will be Youth Climate Strikes all over the world.  Let’s keep an eye on this site for updates of where and when we can attend and help: https://www.youthclimatestrikeus.org/ 


1.    Inside The Largest And Most Controversial Shelter For Migrant Children In The U.S. - https://www.npr.org/2019/02/13/694138106/inside-the-largest-and-most-controversial-shelter-for-migrant-children-in-the-u-

2.    A Reading List for Ralph Northam:  If he won’t step down, the governor will need this anti-racist syllabus - https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/02/antiracist-syllabus-governor-ralph-northam/582580/

3.    Shutdown deal includes language to protect a butterfly sanctuary and other landmarks from border barrier - https://www.texastribune.org/2019/02/14/government-shutdown-deal-includes-protections-south-texas-landmarks/

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