
Contact Federal Government Officials

1.    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has announced that he will set up a vote on the Green New Deal proposal introduced in the House by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) and in the Senate by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA). https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/429635-mcconnell-to-set-up-vote-on-ocasio-cortezs-green-new-deal. The bill is not expected to pass, since Republicans in the Senate are currently trying to brand this attempt to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as hard-left socialism and a government takeover and exploit Democrats who vote for it. Let’s make sure our MoCs get the message loud and clear that we want them to support S Res 59/HR Res 109 because climate change is a dire problem, and Republicans can't simply keep ignoring it.

2.   Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has publicly apologized for her anti-Semitic tweets, but House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), has never apologized for the using same anti-Semitic trope equating Jews with money and power when he sent a tweet last fall accusing three Jewish millionaires (Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg) of buying the midterm election. And Trump has never apologized for calling neo Nazis fine people, or using the same anti-Semitic tropes equating Jews with money and power, not to mention bragging about grabbing pussies, or using anti-Native-American slurs when tweeting about Senator Elizabeth Warren and making a joke about the trail of tears. Let’s educate ourselves by reading this article from Vox that explains the differences in how anti-Semitism has manifested itself on both the right and the left. And then, let’s thank Rep. Omar (202-225-4755) for apologizing and ask that she continue to educate herself about the differences between criticizing the actions of the Israeli government and anti-Semitism. Then let’s demand that Rep. McCarthy (202-225-2915) and Trump also acknowledge and apologize publicly for their own anti-Semitic, misogynistic and racist behavior.

3.   A majority of respondents in a new poll say they trust special counsel Robert Mueller's credibility more than they trust President Trump's. A Washington Post/Schar School poll released Tuesday found that 56 percent of Americans surveyed said they view Mueller as more credible, while 33 percent said they trusted the president's version of the facts more. Fifty-seven percent said the special counsel was more interested in “finding out the truth” than “hurting Trump politically.”  https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/429565-poll-majority-trusts-mueller-over-trump  Let’s let our reps know that we want the Mueller report to be public.

4.   During Trump’s pro-wall Monday evening rally in El Paso, one of his supporters attacked a BBC cameraman after Trump had been verbally attacking the press: 
https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/feb/12/bbc-cameraman-shoved-and-abused-at-trump-rally-in-el-paso   Let’s let our MoC know that we cannot abide this descent into authoritarianism. 

5.   The Senate is currently considering the bipartisan Natural Resources Management Act (S. 47). This legislation is essential in expanding protections for wildlife, adding National Heritage Areas, expanding National Parks, and reauthorizing funding for the preservation of buildings and structures at Historically Black Colleges (https://www.outsideonline.com/2389938/natural-resources-management-act-public-lands-explainer). However, there are currently over eighty proposed amendments to the original bill, some of which are especially concerning. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has introduced two amendments; one (S.Amdt.141) which would sell an undisclosed acreage of land from the Daniel Boone National Forest, while the other amendment (S.Amdt.140) would allow the construction of docks, boat slips, and marinas (and therefore roadways and access to these structures) in the Daniel Boone National Forest. Meanwhile, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) has introduced amendments (S.Amdt.187 and 154) which would prohibit the president from establishing or extending National Monuments in Utah, unless authorized by Congress and approved by the Utah state legislature. If we are from Kentucky or Utah, let's contact our senators to tell them how we feel about the proposed amendments affecting our state. We can all contact Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Lisa Murkowski, and tell her that we oppose these amendments and that we want to see a clean Natural Resources Management Act pass committee: Mailing address: 522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202)-224-6665

6.   As we come upon the first anniversary of the Parkland massacre on Valentine's Day, it is good to note that the new Democratic House has introduced several commonsense gun-related bills.  https://psmag.com/social-justice/the-116th-congress-is-refocused-on-gun-control-in-the-wake-of-parkland  Let's contact our MoCs and tell them that these schoolchildren, as well as all the others who died needlessly at gunpoint, deserve their support for any and all legislation to make lives safer.  

7.   Millions of people are suffering in Yemen, with nearly 76% of the population needing humanitarian assistance. https://wapo.st/2MZyvVxhttps://bit.ly/2Wvu60R and  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-11/white-house-threatens-veto-of-bill-to-curb-u-s-role-in-yemen The US support for this war is abhorrent, and the Senate finally acknowledged this when it passed a resolution to remove US forces from Yemen at the end of 2018. At the time, outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan blocked the House from taking a vote, but with a new Congress comes a new opportunity to pass a resolution. Representative Ro Khanna has introduced a war powers resolution (H.J.Res.37) to remove US armed forces, which has already passed out of committee (https://bit.ly/2BxwBHb). Let's contact our Representatives in the House and ask them to pass this legislation ASAP. We can also contact our Senators and ask them to cosponsor and support the Senate version (SJ.Res.7). 5Calls has a call script and phone numbers we can use here.

8.   Last week, Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced legislation (S. 373) which would "prohibit the Pentagon from discharging any currently serving member of the military solely on the basis of gender identity. It would also say that recruits cannot be denied entry into the military solely based on their gender identity," (https://thehill.com/policy/defense/428996-gillibrand-introduces-bipartisan-bill-to-allow-transgender-military-service). The bill currently does not have any other cosponsors, Democrat or Republican. Let's tell our senators that we support our troops and transgender people's rights, and that we expect them to do the same by cosponsoring this legislation. 

9.   “A bipartisan group of House lawmakers introduced legislation Monday that would ban oil and natural gas drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).”  This legislation would repeal a portion of the 2018 tax-cut that okayed such drilling.  https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/429462-lawmakers-introduce-bill-to-ban-drilling-in-alaska-wildlife-refuge  Let’s let our reps know that we want this to pass so that that ANWR can remain a pristine environment and not be lost to greed.

10.  Here’s another *very* not normal item, and something we should contact our MoCs about: “A special unit within the Federal Bureau of Investigation that handles war crimes may be shut down imminently, according to officials familiar with the administration’s decision-making process. The FBI’s International Human Rights Unit takes the lead on investigating individuals within the United States who have been accused of committing international crimes, including war crimes, torture, genocide, female genital mutilation, and the recruitment of child soldiers. It also investigates international crimes committed against or by U.S. citizens abroad and enforces immigration statutes that can be invoked against abusers who cannot be prosecuted for their underlying crimes for whatever reason.”  https://www.justsecurity.org/62548/exclusive-fbis-war-crimes-unit-chopping-block/  While the article states that it is unclear why the unit may be disbanded, we’d say it’s obvious why this administration might want to do that...for any number of reasons. Let’s give our Senators and Representatives a call. 

11.  Insects are fundamental to ecosystems throughout the world, and now a massive review of scientific research has revealed that they are disappearing with frightening speed. The causes of this massive die-off are no surprise, and chief among them are pollution, habitat loss, climate change. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/27/magazine/insect-apocalypse.html    Let's tell our MoCs that we see this unfolding crisis as a clarion call to tackle climate change head-on with a Green New Deal, and to reverse the Trump administration's efforts to gut environmental rules and industry regulations. 

12.  U.S. land managers will move forward in March with the sale of oil and gas leases that include land near Chaco Culture National Historical Park and other sites sacred to Native American tribes. https://apnews.com/cb5aa97fc7b243a3baef02a3ab1ff0f4   The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) website is now accepting public comments from Feb. 11 to Feb. 20 here. Let's submit our public comments in opposition to these sales. Let's spread the word to other environmental protectors. Our collective voices can make a difference on this issue.

13.  Last week, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), introduced a bill, S420, to decriminalize marijuana and allow for it to be taxed and regulated. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/marijuana-legalization-senator-ron-wyden-introduces-s-420-a-bill-to-legalize-marijuana/ Let's encourage our own Senators to sign on to S420 as co-sponsors on this important criminal justice reform bill. 


Other Actions

1.    California Governor Gavin Newsom has followed in the footsteps of New Mexico’s governor and is pulling California National Guard troops from the border: 

2.   If we are a Democratic woman who wants to run for office, or know someone who is, let’s get familiar with Emerge America, https://emergeamerica.org/ . The group will be holding the 2019 Emerge America National Candidate Boot Camp, March 22-24, in Washington, D.C., to train Democratic women to run and win campaigns up and down the ballot. Sign up is here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeD2BF1xe4HunL5Mkg_T2NkzIX4wRjsCMy1QPR0oHKEtSwBhA/viewform

3.  “The Dream Resource Center at the UCLA Labor Center is now receiving applications for the Dream Summer Fellowship. “Participants are placed within social justice-based organizations and work closely with their host organization to incorporate and strengthen the role of immigrant issues alongside the organization’s social justice work. Over the summer, fellows engage and lead social justice efforts by aligning the call for immigrant rights issues alongside the unique challenges of queer and transgender communities, Asian and Pacific Islander communities, Black immigrant communities, the ongoing mass incarceration and criminalization of people of color, worker rights, and health care access for all.” Note: “Dream Summer is open to undocumented immigrant youth and allies.“” The deadline is on Friday.  Let’s learn more and share:  https://mydocumentedlife.org/2019/02/05/2019-dream-summer-fellowship-open-to-undocumented-youth/

4.   Congressman Jeff Merkely (D-OR) is calling for Apple and Google to stop supporting Absher, a Saudi app that allows Saudi men to track and then control women’s movements. The e government portal app also supports and facilitates the Guardianship program where men are placed in control of Saudi women’s travel. Amnesty International has also called on the tech companies to examine the human rights issues and harm the app, which has been downloaded over a million times, causes Saudi women.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/02/12/human-rights-groups-call-apple-google-review-saudi-app-that-can-restrict-womens-travel/  and https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/02/12/human-rights-groups-call-apple-google-review-saudi-app-that-can-restrict-womens-travel/  Let’s contact Apple CEO Tim Cook who is said to pay attention when we do. We can contact him at: tcook@apple.com-or tweet at him at @tim_cook   Let’s also contact Google CEO Sundar Pichai at SundarPichai@google.com  or 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043  asking them to stop supporting this restrictive and harmful app.

State Actions

1.    FL: To get Medicaid expansion on the Florida ballot, supporters must have 800,000 valid signatures from 14 of the state's 27 congressional districts certified by February 2020. A mix of national and local health care groups have been collecting signatures to support a voter referendum that could cover an additional 700,000 low-income Florida adults.  Let's read more at Politico. We can print and send in this Florida Constitutional Amendment Petition Form to add our signatures. Let's tell our Florida friends and family about this opportunity.

2.   NY:  Today is the 2nd of only 8 days during which we can comment on the Williams NESE fracked gas pipeline, designed to span Lower New York Bay, to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC); the feds have green lighted this project, so now its fate is up to the DEC and Gov. Andrew Cuomo and us: https://www.thenation.com/article/latest-pipeline-battle-ramping-new-york/  We can read the many reasons to oppose this latest extension of the Transco pipeline and submit a comment to the DEC here:  https://actionnetwork.org/letters/dec-comment-1-climate-change-and-emissions-goals  To contact Gov. Cuomo: 518-474-8390 or NYS State Capitol Bldg., Albany, NY 12224

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.    Construction is set to begin on a section of border wall is already taking over more than two-thirds of the 100-acre National Butterfly Center in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The New York Times informs us that, “The federal government waived 28 environmental laws to expedite construction.” Noting the environmental concerns at issue here they continue, “the Rio Grande Valley is one of the most biologically diverse regions-in the country and a major bird migration corridor, with more than 500 species recorded.” All of this is at risk of destruction if the wall is built here.   https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/08/us/border-wall-states.html   A restraining order has been applied for to save this refuge and we can help support it by joining Action Together Network’s Twitterstorm  TONIGHT Wednesday, February 13 , 8-9PM EST. We can find it more about the storm here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/380822369407004/?ti=icl or go directly to the Tweetsheet link for prewidtten tweets, ready for us to send out: https://goo.gl/2SciZ9

2.   On Friday, February 22, from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM (EST)  DemLabs is holding a Digital Storytelling workshop in Washington, D.C. Experts will review their storytelling projects and the apps used to create them.  The workshop is free, but space is limited. RSVP here.

3.   On March 15 there will be Youth Climate Strikes all over the world.  Let’s keep an eye on this site for updates of where and when we can attend and help: https://www.youthclimatestrikeus.org/ 


1.    'A Woman, Just Not That Woman': How Sexism Plays Out on the Trail -  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/11/us/politics/sexism-double-standard-2020.html

2.   15 ways the Trump administration has changed environmental policies - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2019/02/15-ways-trump-administration-impacted-environment/

3.   AP fact check: Trump plays on immigration myths - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/ap-fact-check-trump-plays-on-immigration-myths

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