10/27/17                                                                                     http://roganslist.blogspot.com/

Contact Federal Government Officials

Rogan’s List blog may have a new look, but it still has the same quality actions!

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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      By a vote of 216 to 212, the House narrowly passed the budget resolution that gives a fast-track to Republican tax “reform”:  http://www.npr.org/2017/10/26/560215916/congress-paves-way-for-tax-legislation-by-passing-budget-resolution The narrowness of that vote suggests that some of our Republican MoCs may be susceptible to arguments that this tax “reform” serves the wealthy and not the majority of us. The battle moves to the Trump Tax Plan, which they plan to have in place by December 23, introducing it in the House Nov. 1, sending it to Ways and Means Committee Nov 6 and to the Senate by Nov. 13.   We need to apply pressure on our representatives in Congress to consider who this “reform” will profit. We can read MoveOn's Ben Wikler's expert analysis:   https://twitter.com/benwikler/status/923573702092099584 and Chad Bolt of Indivisible's take:  https://twitter.com/chadderr/status/923616697189314560  We can 1) use MoveOn's Toolkit:  .https://notonepenny.org/, 2)  contact members of the House Ways and Means Committee:  https://waysandmeans.house.gov/subcommittee/full-committee  We stopped the ACA Repeal, and, if we fight hard, we can stop this too.

2.      While it is refreshing to hear some Republican senators begin to speak out against Trump, it is still important to make sure that their actions, and votes, follow their words. Vox has a great article, which details how these senators should band together in order to gain leverage and get good legislation passed http://bit.ly/2yKqEDX For instance, rather than freely voting to pass the banking bill, Senators Corker, Flake, and McCain could have used their votes as leverage to get crucial bipartisan legislation passed. Let's call these senators and remind them that they can and should use their influence and positions to work across the aisle; something that has rarely been done in this administration. Senator McCain: (202) 224-2235 Senator Flake: 202-224-4521 Senator Corker: 202-224-3344

3.      Yesterday, Trump declared the opioid problem a national emergency and said that the border wall would help curtail the access to the drugs.  http://time.com/4999244/opioid-crisis-donald-trump-criminals-drug-companies-mexico-china/  Politifact checked the accuracy of that and found that Trump’s own Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis did not recommend a wall.  http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/oct/26/will-border-wall-stop-drugs-coming-united-states/   Let’s make sure our MoCs know here’s another reason we don’t need the wall.

4.      Representatives Ro Khanna and Walter Jones' bipartisan legislation to withdraw the United States Armed Forces from Yemen is slowly proceeding in in the House, but it still needs to be passed by the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Let's familiarize ourselves with the bill:  http://nyti.ms/2yWyeu2 , then contact the chairman and ranking member and ask them to support H.Con.Res. 81: Directing the President pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution to remove United States Armed Forces from unauthorized hostilities in the Republic of Yemen. Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce: (202) 225-4111 Ranking Member Eliot Engel:  (202) 225-2464

5.      “A 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy has been detained by federal immigration authorities in Texas after she passed through a Border Patrol checkpoint on her way to a hospital to undergo emergency gall bladder surgery. The agents allowed her to continue to Driscoll Children’s Hospital, the family said, but followed the ambulance the rest of the way there, then waited outside her room until she was released from the hospital. Representative Henry Cuellar, a Democrat who represents the Laredo area in Congress, called on Wednesday for the girl to be released back to her family.” https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/25/us/girl-cerebral-palsy-detained-immigration.html  ICE teams should be working to get drug groups and criminals, not wasting their time and our money chasing after a sick little girl. We can join Rep Cuellar and demand the release of this child.  Let’s call our reps no matter where you live and ask them to pressure ICE to release this little girl. We do not agree with separating children from loving families.

6.      The Department of Interior has announced a proposal to drastically increase entry fees into seventeen national parks http://n.pr/2zQu0FQ While it currently costs $25-$30 per vehicle year-round, the new fees would increase to $75 per vehicle, during a five-month peak season making our national parks less accessible to many of us. Meanwhile, the Trump administration's proposed budget for 2018 would cut $296.6 million from the National Park Service (NPS) https://on.doi.gov/2z8W224 We have until November 23 to submit public comments protesting this rate hike. National parks should be accessible (and affordable) for everyone! Let’s submit comments to 
https://parkplanning.nps.gov/proposedpeakseasonfeerates or1849 C Street, NW, Mail Stop: 2346 Washington, DC 20240.

7.      Since the Supreme Court chose to designate corporations as people and equate money with speech, we badly need new legislation to undo those regrettable decisions. Back in 2013, Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) proposed a constitutional amendment as S.J. Resolution 19 (https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/senate-joint-resolution/19), and at a mere 3 sentences, it is a model of clarity and brevity. Let's read/text/email it to our MoCs today to remind them that this is what we want, so that maybe we won't have to spend so much time fighting ridiculous attempts to enact tax cuts for the 1%.

8.      When asked about the dispute between Trump and Senators Corker and Flake, Texas Senator Ted Cruz said, “We've got a job to do, damn it, and so all of this nonsense, I got nothing to say on it. Everyone shut up and do your job, is my view.”  
http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/357116-cruz-on-gop-trump-feud-shut-up-and-do-your-job  Jay Caruso penned a good op-ed on this topic for the Dallas Morning News: 
https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/10/25/sen-cruz-colleagues-shut-donald-trump Let’s be in touch with Cruz to remind him that Corker and Flake are doing their jobs: https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=email_senator

9.      “Vice President Pence on Wednesday said that President Trump has instructed the State Department to stop funding certain "ineffective" United Nations relief efforts and to instead provide humanitarian assistance directly through USAID and "faith-based groups."” 
http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/357224-pence-says-us-to-stop-funding-ineffective-un-relief-efforts This sounds like yet another disturbing step towards blurring the line between church and state. Let’s ask our MoC to work towards legislation that will block this sort of measure, and contact the State Department (https://register.state.gov/contactus/contactusform) asking it not to implement Trump’s instructions.

10.  The Trump-Pruitt EPA has bowed to chemical industry pressure and reversed the ban on chlorpyrifos, a pesticide toxic enough to cause brain damage in infants in utero https://ww2.kqed.org/futureofyou/2017/10/09/farmworkers-want-common-pesticide-banned-in-calif-after-trump-epa-refuses/  Democrats in Congress are trying to step up where Polluting Pruitt is letting us down, proposing legislative bans through S. 1624 and H.R. 3380. Activists on the ground in California are also looking to their state government to stop use of this poison. Let’s make sure our elected officials know where we stand. Let’s contact our reps and let them know we want them to co-sponsor proposed legislation to bar chlorpyrifos, and let’s reach out to our state legislators and ask them to step up where the federal government is set to let us down on this issue. (H/T Jessica Craven)

11.  With a president who has demonstrated open contempt for our constitutional values in the White House, surveillance reform is more important than ever. It’s time to put an end to warrantless spying on Americans and let the notorious “Section 702” expire. Yet Congress is preparing to extend this power until the end of 2025 http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-cyber-surveillance-congress/senate-diverges-over-renewal-of-internet-spying-law-idUSKBN1CT18J   Let’s contact our reps and tell them we need to renew our commitment to privacy and civil liberties, and they should oppose any efforts to keep Section 702 in place.

12.  With so many environmental regulations being slated for deletion, some former EPA staffers are helping us know how to address these:  How to Public Comment on Federal Environmental Regulations and thereby Save the Planet:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kqFdVb0avt1GpGOX8daC-5SMlDOmiKKoeJ3KI5ZVEXE/edit 

State Actions

1.      ALL:  Santa Cruz indivisible is sharing information on Interstate Crosscheck Voting Software. This software program is being used in 27 states. Many states have dropped Crosscheck in favor of ERIC which was in part funded by the Pew Foundation. http://santacruzindivisible.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Interstate-Crosscheck-Voting-Software_Final3.pdf  “In Kobach’s hands in Kansas, Crosscheck has evolved into a tool for shoring up claims of voter fraud instead of its original intention of keeping voter rolls accurate. And critics say that mission inappropriately targets voters who made innocent mistakes and shouldn’t be criminally charged.”  http://hppr.org/post/kansans-caught-crosscheck-system-singled-out-kobachs-voter-fraud-campaign. “In theory, the program is supposed to detect possible cases of people voting in multiple locations. But academics and states that use the program have found that its results are overrun with false positives, creating a high risk of disenfranchising legal voters.” 

2.      NY - Manhattan:  Per the NY Post, A former candidate for Brooklyn ​district ​attorney ​wants to take on Manhattan DA Cy​rus​ Vance ​Jr. — ​as a write-in candidate ​– ​in next month’s election, ​for failing to press ​sex crimes ​charges against ​disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein​ in 2015​. “Cy Vance, Eric Gonzalez, Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump, seems it’s about power and money and the drive to hold on to both,” former Brooklyn prosecutor Marc Fliedner told The Post. “Even when it’s at the expense of what is so obviously right under the law.” If we are in the Manhattan DA's district, let's write-in Marc Fliedner on our ballots. 

3.      VA: On Wednesday, Postcards for Virginia volunteers sent 136,000 postcards to Virginia voters.  If we are Democratic voters in Virginia, let's watch our mail for a get-out-the-vote reminder postcard from a grassroots volunteer.  We Rogan's listers can go the extra mile by taking a selfie with the postcard with the hashtag #FlipVABlue and posting it on our social media accounts.  If we want to write postcards, the Postcards4VA campaign is over but we can still write for other qualified progressive candidates (including some in Virginia) at Postcards to Voters. Email: JOIN@TonyTheDemocrat.org 

4.      CA:  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when, how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have only 19 days to get 20 more supporters.  Help them reach their goal by November 15   to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. Please click, add your social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share  https//www.thunderclap.it/projects/63537-aca-signup-reminder  Find out more about how Thunderclap helps grassroots organizing here:  https://www.socialworkhelper.com/2013/10/02/thunderclap-can-help-grassroots-organizing/amp/

5.      GA:  “Days after activists filed a lawsuit over the security of Georgia's election systems, the university housing the servers at the center of the case wiped them of all data.”  http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/357323-georgia-election-server-wiped-days-after-lawsuit  A Voice for All Georgia is now seeking the recall of Secretary of State, Brian Kemp.  We can help by becoming a petition circulator:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNeUzeyFRdoAnnmBJuPi-N6X9H21qYDfKkjT_VjICGnONLwQ/viewform

Other Actions

1.      Let's read this article on the use of inmates for free labor from Talk Poverty "Last week, a Louisiana sheriff gave a press conference railing against a new prisoner release program because it cost him free labor from “some good [inmates] that we use every day to wash cars, to change oil in the cars, to cook in the kitchen.” Two days later, news broke that up to 40 percent of the firefighters battling California’s outbreak of forest fires are prison inmates working for $2 an hour. Practices like these are disturbingly common: Military gearground meatStarbucks holiday products, and McDonald’s uniforms have all been made (or are still made) with low-wage prison labor.  Inmates are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act, which requires that workers are paid at least the federal minimum wage. That makes it completely legal for states to exploit inmates for free or cheap labor. More than half of the 1.5 million people in state and federal prisons work while incarcerated, and the vast majority only make a few cents per hour."  Let's be aware of how inmates are being used as slave labor. We can check out this list at Caged Bird magazine of 50 companies currently supporting this form of slavery.  We can write to these companies to let them know we do not approve and think inmates should make at least minimum wage.

2.      "The WNBA and NBA Board of Governors have unanimously approved the relocation of the San Antonio Stars to Las Vegas, WNBA President Lisa Borders announced last week.  MGM Resorts International will own and operate the team, which will begin play in Las Vegas in the 2018 season. The team’s home arena will be the Mandalay Bay Events Center. In addition, MGM Resorts International has named Bill Laimbeer as the team’s President of Basketball Operations and Head Coach.  A two-time WNBA Coach of the Year and three-time WNBA champion, Laimbeer played 14 NBA seasons and won back-to-back titles with the Detroit Pistons in 1989 and 1990. Season ticket holder deposits will be accepted beginning in early November."  If we are in or near Las Vegas and want to follow a scandal-free sport, let's consider getting tickets and supporting the Stars. We can follow @LasVegasWNBA and visit wnba.com/lasvegas for additional information.

3.      "The NAACP is warning travelers — in particular, African-Americans — that their safety could be compromised if they fly American Airlines, citing a series of "troublesome conduct" by employees." per this article from NBC News...In a memo Wednesday to American Airlines employees, CEO Doug Parker said he was "disappointed" and said the air carrier shares the same mission as the NAACP. "We do not and we will not tolerate discrimination of any kind," Parker said. "We have reached out to the NAACP and are eager to meet with them to listen to their issues and concerns." We are glad to hear that American Airlines is reaching out to the NAACP.  Let's write anyway to let them know we stand against discrimination in all forms and want to know what they are doing to combat this systemic problem in their organization.  Let's tell them that we will not be flying their airline until the NAACP rescinds their warning.  American Airlines, Attn: Doug Parker, Chairman and CEO, PO Box 619616, DFW Airport TX 75261-9616  or we can call 817-963-1234.

4.      We have been watching the federal government’s inadequate response to the Puerto Rican disaster, but we must now pay attention to the voracious for-profit companies that are about to make a fortune from somewhat dubious contracts to “fix,” for example, the power grid:  https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/26/16533512/puerto-rico-power-contracts  As Elizabeth Yeampierre & Naomi Klein point out, the “Disaster capitalists” are “circling Puerto Rico, but this time they may not get their prey. . . . Puerto Ricans — both on the island and the mainland — are fighting back in real time.  Under the banner of a “just recovery” for Puerto Rico, thousands have come together to design a bold and holistic plan for the island to be rebuilt as a beacon for a safe, resilient, and thriving society in the era of accelerating climate chaos, spiraling economic inequality, and rising white nationalism.”
https://theintercept.com/2017/10/20/puerto-rico-hurricane-debt-relief/  Groups like the Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica de Puerto Rico (https://www.facebook.com/organizacionboricua/) and  Resilient Power Puerto Rico (http://resilientpowerpr.org/resilientpr/) are working to save PR from the “disaster capitalists” who want only to profit from the misery of Puerto Ricans. We should lend them our support.

5.      From Indivisible Ventura:  “Let’s talk about this 11 year-old girl who’s been worried about the Flint water situation since she’s been 9. Along with playing piano, swimming, fencing and taking dance lessons, she has invented the cheapest, most effective test for lead in water and won “America’s Top Young Scientist”. God, what was I doing when I was 11?”  Let’s send her congratulations through her school:  STEM School and Academy, 8773 S Ridgeline Blvd, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129


1.      Let’s join in this petition to change the definition of racism in dictionaries to reflect that it is a system of power, not just bigotry:  https://www.change.org/p/merriam-webster-change-the-definition-of-racism-in-dictionaries-to-reflect-that-it-is-a-system-of-power

2.      Let’s tell Michigan State University to divest from Renaissance Technologies whose CEO funds Breitbart:  https://www.change.org/p/michigan-state-university-msu-divest-from-renaissance-technologies-whose-ceo-funds-breitbart

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize


1.      Former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum has written an interesting op-ed for The Atlantic about the effect of Senator Flake’s retirement:  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/10/one-more-straw-upon-the-camels-back/543957/

2.      “How I Can Offer Reparations in Direct Proportion to My White Privilege” - http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/just-transition/how-i-can-offer-reparations-in-direct-proportion-to-my-white-privilege-20171025

3.      SPLC President Richard Cohen testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions about the responsibility of universities to uphold the Fourteenth Amendment as well as the First Amendment -  https://www.splcenter.org/news/2017/10/26/splc-senate-colleges-must-uphold-free-speech-can-denounce-racist-speakers

4.      What is going on with this whole Steele dossier thing? Who's to blame for what? What is really going on with HRC and uranium? It can be hard to keep straight. This piece by David Corn, who was the first to report on the Steele memos in October 16, explains: "Republicans are asserting the Steele memos should be dismissed because they are a dastardly Democratic oppo concoction and saying this somehow undermines the whole Trump-Russia scandal. Yet at the same time, they are demanding an investigation of the fake Clinton-uranium scandal that was based on a debunked story subsidized and promoted by a big-money conservative donor and Trump backer." We can read the whole article here:  http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/10/how-republicans-are-jumping-on-the-new-steele-scoop-to-distract-from-the-trump-russia-scandal/

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