10/26/17                                                                                     http://roganslist.blogspot.com/

Contact Federal Government Officials

Rogan’s List blog may have a new look, but it still has the same quality actions!

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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      We have a chance to impede Republican Budget, scheduled to be approved today barring a last-minute revolt. Rep Peter King of New York and several other Rebublicans object to the elimination of state and local taxes, because they think voting for this could cost them re-election. Let's convince them that they're right and encourage them not to vote for this or any budget that cuts these exemptions.  https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2017-10-25/state-tax-break-could-jeopardize-budget-vote-macarthur-says  Fewer than one-third of us like this plan: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tax-poll/fewer-than-a-third-of-americans-back-trump-tax-plan-reuters-ipsos-poll-idUSKBN1CT2TD   This is good chance to write a further wedge into an already fracturing party. Let’s call oour House Representative and tell them you will not stand for losing your State and local tax deductions and will vote against anyone who takes them away.

2.      The CBO has weighed in and the Murray/Alexander healthcare bill has received the best score of any of the healthcare options that have failed.  It would keep coverage stable, and cut the deficit.  While it is too late to affect 2018 premiums, it is the best chance we have.  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/25/cbo-score-murray-alexander-health-care-244158  Let’s keep on our MoCs now that we have this additional information.

3.      Trump's nominee to be Under Secretary, or Chief Scientist, at the Department of Agriculture, Sam Clovis, will likely be having his confirmation hearing with the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry very soon. According to a provision in law, the person who holds the position of Chief Scientist must be chosen from "among distinguished scientists with specialized training or significant experience in agricultural research, education or economics," in which case Clovis should immediately be rejected for the position. Further, Clovis is homophobic and does not agree with sound science http://n.pr/2xIzmBV Let's make sure we call committee Chairman Pat Roberts  ((202) 224-4774) and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow ((202) 224-4822) and ask that they oppose the nomination of Clovis to Under Secretary at the Department of Agriculture.

4.      It looks like the bipartisan Murray-Alexander cost sharing reductions bill may have enough votes to pass the Senate http://politi.co/2zG68Vh Now, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needs to bring the bill to the floor for a vote http://bit.ly/2zDDzHf Let's contact Senator McConnell and tell him that we need to stabilize the insurance market, and the Murray-Alexander bill needs to be brought to a vote (202) 224-2541

5.      Jeff Flake’s announcement that he will not run for Senate in 2018 for his seat in Arizona was accompanied by a fiery speech:       
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/oct/24/jeff-flake-speech-donald-trump-senate  and a fiery op-ed in the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinions/enough--it-is-time-to-stand-up-to-trump/2017/10/24/12488ee4-b908-11e7-a908-a3470754bbb9_story.html . This is a summary of how Flake’s announcement played out during a day when Trump dined with the GOP Senators regarding tax reform:http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/24/trump-republican-unity-corker-flake-244127 Although Flake’s voting record continues to be distressing, it is going to take more in the GOP speaking up like this for any near-term movement in the White House to be possible. It is of note that Senators Flake and Corker have spoken up after announcing they are not running again. Let’s join in Flake’s cry of “Enough” to our own GOP MoC and let’s say the same to Trump: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC, 20500

6.      Senator James Risch (R-Idaho) said to Wolf Blitzer on CNN that it is Blitzer’s job to call our Trump’s lying – not his own as a US Senator: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/357003-gop-senator-tells-cnns-wolf-its-your-job-to-speak-up-on-trump Let’s remind Risch that he has an oath to uphold:

7.      In the aftermath of the 60 Minutes/Washington Post report on how Congress unanimously, and seemingly unknowingly, consented to tie the hands of the Drug Enforcement Agency in cracking down on pharmaceutical companies that enable the wrongful distribution of opioids, bills are being filed in the House and Senate to repeal the offending law:  S. 1960 and H.R. 4084  Let’s tell our MoCs that we want them to repeal the Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act of 2016, restore the ability of the DEA to do its job, and more broadly address the deadly public health crisis of opioid addiction.

8.      US Ambassador to Canada, Kelly Knight Craft, has said that she believes “both sides” of climate science:http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/356836-us-ambassador-to-canada-believes-both-sides-of-climate-science Let’s let Ambassador Kraft know that science does not have two sides, hence being science: https://ca.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/ottawa/

9.      The Senate's 51-50 vote to overturn the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's new rule prohibiting forced arbitration clauses in financial contracts (http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/25/559950275/senate-kills-rule-on-class-action-suits-against-financial-companies) has deprived the CFPB of an important tool for equalizing the huge power imbalance between financial institutions and their customers. In the wake of this vote, we need to tell our MoCs that we continue to support the core mission of the CFPB "to make consumer financial markets work for consumers, responsible providers, and the economy as a whole." Whatever they might think about forced arbitration clauses, every member of Congress must know that we are done with simply trusting companies like Wells Fargo and Equifax to act in our best interest, and that we will vote for representatives that take the protection of our financial lives seriously.

10.  Govtrack is a nifty resource that disseminates information on bills as they pass through the legislative process. One especially useful feature that we should probably add to our browser favorites: the Congressional Votes Database. Here's where we can look up how our Congresspeople have voted on every single bill! 
https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes# Since Govtrack is a very small outfit (and not a government organization), let's also consider donating to help them keep supplying this vital information: https://www.patreon.com/govtrack

11.  The Center for the Study of Immigrant Education at the University of Southern California has published an "interactive map providing our latest estimates of the number of people that are DACA eligible, and the number of actual DACA recipients by U.S. Congressional District." They have also included calculations on "the estimated contributions that workers with DACA status make to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in each Congressional District." With the discontinuation of DACA, it's important to think about the fact that "this economic contribution is directly equivalent to the loss in GDP anticipated if all DACA workers from the district were removed from the workforce."      Besides the informative visuals, this excellent page also offers resource links at the bottom with more information about DACA and various Dream Act proposals, not to mention: how we can contact our MoCs! Which we should do to remind them that they need to pass a clean Dream Act, and soon. 

12.  In the wake of the death of four U.S soldiers in Niger, there’s renewed energy on Capitol Hill for a real debate on reining in presidential war powers, with the chair and ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee getting to work on a new proposal http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/23/mccain-war-powers-niger-attack-244085)  We’re long overdue for putting real limits in place, and Congress needs to know we don’t want Trump to have a blank check to make war any longer. Let’s contact our reps and tell them we want them to make this a priority instead of wasting time trying to cut taxes for the wealthy.

13.  The nomination of Jim Bridenstine for the top position at NASA has some environmental and public health groups on edge, and not just because of the Oklahoma congressman’s public skepticism about climate change per USA Today. 'The Tulsa lawmaker serving his third term has co-sponsored legislation that would force the Environmental Protection Agency to divulge all scientific and technical data the agency is using to craft regulations. Advocates say that legislation would block efforts to reduce pollution because some of the raw data required to justify new regulations would reveal private health information about individuals and therefore could not be released to the general public."  Let's tell our Senators to oppose climate-denying secret-science supporting Bridenstine.   We can also sign this petition at stopbridenstine.com

14.  The EPA’s proposed strategic plan does not mention any aspect of climate change,  https://news.vice.com/story/epas-4-year-plan-says-nothing-about-climate-change   Let’s use this site from the Union of Concern Scientists to tell Scott Pruitt that we need climate solutions, not denial:  https://secure.ucsusa.org/onlineactions/-V977Y6b30iUbZNbKikjcQ2  We can also leave a comment on the official EPA site:  https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EPA-HQ-OA-2017-0533

15.  The US Department of Agriculture has rescinded “an Obama-era rule that would have made it easier for independent farmers to bring lawsuits against big food companies they raise chicken and other livestock for....The rule aimed to make it easier for farmers to bring companies like Tyson Foods, Pilgrim Pride and Perdue to court over what they say are unfair, deceptive and retaliatory practices.…advocates say the interim final rule marked the first step in creating a culture of accountability, particularly in the poultry industry, where they say farmers are forced to compete against each other in what’s often a rigged system. ”http://thehill.com/regulation/356802-trump-officials-quash-litigation-rule-for-farms Yet, again the current administration seems to be working for the big corporations. Let’s let the Secretary of the USDA, Sonny Perdue, know how disappointed we are in the USDA's decision to rescind this rule: @SecretarySonny or Sonny Perdue, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20250.

State Actions

1.      ME: Vote to expand health care coverage in Maine on November 7! Maine’s Republican Governor Paul LePage keeps vetoing Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act—but his vetoes can be overridden by the people of Maine. The group Mainers for Health Care http://mainersforhealthcare.org/ is drumming up support for a ballot referendum known as Question 2. If Question 2 passes, 70,000 Mainers will get health insurance through a Medicaid expansion. If we’re in Maine, let’s be sure to vote YES on Question 2 on Tuesday, November 7 http://mainersforhealthcare.org/about/ , and let’s volunteer to get out the vote in support of this important measure: http://mainersforhealthcare.org/take-action/

2.      FL:  "Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) spending priorities for 2018 continue to take shape as he enters his final year in office with a major statewide election on the horizon.  The Republican governor wants the Legislature to increase spending on environmental programs.  Scott’s record on the environment has been controversial on issues ranging from climate change to offshore oil drilling. Early in his tenure, he called for major budget cuts to the state’s five regional water management districts, and in non-election years he called for budget reductions in the Department of Environmental Protection."   Read the full article at the Miami Herald. If we are Floridians, let's continue to look at Rick Scott skeptically on environmental issues. We anticipate that he will be running for the US Senate seat currently held by Senator Bill Nelson (D).  Let's not be fooled by Rick Scott's last-minute attention to the environment.

3.      MO:  It Starts Today, a grassroots movement to help take back seats all over the country by helping to finance their campaigns in a new way, has now launched their first state initiative – in Missouri!  Let’s find out more how we can turn our state around, click here.

Other Actions

1.      The Virginia legislative election will be a key test of our ability to turn out voters in the Trump era, and big victories could badly weaken Trump until midterms (http://www.dailypress.com/news/politics/dp-nws-election-overview-2017-story.html). We need to give it our all and get our folks to the polls. Democracy for America, MoveOn.org and Indivisible have set up a dialer to help call voters tonight, tomorrow evening and all day Saturday.  We can sign up to take part at this link:  https://www2.democracyforamerica.com/events/dfadialer/2017.

2.      Sleeping Giants has launched a new campaign, focusing efforts on getting institutions to divest from Mercer's Renaissance Technologies http://bit.ly/2xnKIL2 Every two days, we'll be contacting a different institution, then taking three steps:  1) "GO to Breitbart and take a screenshot of an offensive article to forward, 2) WRITE a POLITE, NON-OFFENSIVE email or tweet to several decision makers on our list informing them about why an investment in Renaissance Technologies is ultimately funding bigotry. Include the Buzzfeed article above and your screenshot, and 3) TWEET an email response to our attention (@slpng_giants) if you receive one (minus your contact information please)." The first institution that Sleeping Giants focused on was Michigan State University http://bit.ly/2y6yhTn We can read more about the action items and find contact numbers here: http://bit.ly/2yGb5j2 We can also read about the ties between Robert Mercer, Renaissance Technologies, and Breitbart: http://bit.ly/2yyNVKz

3.      Another win for Postcards to Voters!  The postcarding team contributed to yet another successful campaign.  On Tuesday, Casey Conley won his special election in New Hampshire. It was an overwhelming victory, too.  We still have time to write 5 postcards to voters before the Nov. 7 elections. Email: JOIN@TonyTheDemocrat.org to join the team and get VIP voter addresses. 

4.      In an effort to aggregate #resistance resources, the coordinators of #ActLocal2017 building a “directory of resources for helping local leaders build their capacity…. Please submit national and/or local trainings and tools that are available to them, online or in person. If you have customized expertise (e.g. media, legal) to offer, indicate that too. Pls fill out one form per training or resource. Email nina@actiongroups.net for help. Here’s the form:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Opupp-jNoIxOmKsjykGK9lbMmgVI6yU-IX_Eu9DvJic/edit

5.      World Wildlife Fund (WWF) connects educators and parents with the materials they need to help kids explore and understand the natural world around them with a new educational resource, Wild Classroom. Now available for free download, Wild Classroom is a growing library of species-focused toolkits that can be used to enhance children’s learning inside or outside of a traditional learning environment. Aligned to US national education standards, the toolkits will include a teacher’s resource guide, fact sheet, and learning activities for science, writing, social studies, art, and physical education that can be easily integrated into an educator’s daily lesson plan. Each will interweave engaging species-specific content with other relevant conservation issues, like habitat loss, poaching and illegal wildlife trade, climate change, and more.  Let’s make sure our teacher friends know about this resource.

6.      “Voter Pact is a text bot that helps friends promise each other they’ll vote. Studies show that we are more likely to vote if we promise a friend that we’ll do it.”  Let’s check it out and see if we can use it to help get out the vote:  https://www.voterpact.org/

7.      Leaders of indigenous communities from Latin America are headed to the United Nations Climate Change Conference that will be taking place in Bonn, Germany in a few days. “Last year was the deadliest ever for environment and land activists, according to the NGO Global Witness. With 158 already killed this year, the death toll in 2017 is on track to be even higher.” The activists are asking “for more help from the international community in pushing for justice when activists are murdered and for better awareness among consumers about the consequences of eating meat, soy or chocolate raised or grown on former indigenous land.”
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/oct/25/protecting-forest-dwellers-goes-hand-in-hand-with-protecting-forests-whitehall-told and http://unfccc.int/meetings/bonn_nov_2017/meeting/10084/php/view/dailyprogramme.php  Let’s take the initiative to 1) reduce our use of paper and opt for recycled products, 2) seek out beef, chocolate and soy that’s been sourced with both climate and social justice in mind (see https://wfto.com/fair-trade/10-principles-fair-trade) and 3) support the work of groups (like http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/forests/amazon-rainforest/) that are striving to support climate justice together with social justice.

8.      If we, or someone we know is a filmmaker, fledgling or otherwise, we have an opportunity to help win the Virginia elections.  MoveOn.org has a “innovative new video program. Your video message can have a huge impact on this election. Here are some tips for making your video and then instruction on how to submit your video:  https://act.moveon.org/survey/submit-your-video-virginia-election


1.      Sen. Chris Murphy has just introduced the Background Check Expansion Act:  https://ctmirror.org/2017/10/25/murphy-introduces-background-check-gun-bill-in-long-haul-strategy/ Let’s sign on as citizen co-signers to show that we support this kind of legislation:   http://action.chrismurphy.com/page/s/background-check-expansion-act

2.      The opioid crisis is real, but it needs more than Trump calling it a national emergency called.  “But without significant new funds for a long-term, comprehensive strategy for both prevention and treatment, a national emergency alone is not likely to be successful.”  Let’s sign this petition for a real solution to this problem:  https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/tell-donald-trump-to-4

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.      Common Cause is hosting a webinar this evening on securing and protecting our vote.  More info and how to RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TM9xCkiiwt6l4HYzNq7S42BLxhtlIIhO0ygsLIkMNB4/edit 

2.      In a sudden and brutal crackdown on LBGT Egyptians, 65 people were detained around the country in three weeks, 20 were sentenced to prison terms up to to six years, most of the rest are awaiting trial. Activists all over the world are jointing to demand their release and to support the rights of all LGBT Egyptians. http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-egypt-gay-crackdown-20171019-story.html   We can sign this petition: https://go.allout.org/en/a/egypt-lgbt-hunt/  We can also add our voices by being part of this Tweetstorm today 6-7pm EST.  Here are the details:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gUYMdlAsK7d-LYSVamjACJKf0EqZw12efGy5Kj4q06Y/mobilebasic


1.      “'Jane Doe' Immigrant Has Abortion In Texas, After Battle With Trump Administration” - http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/25/560013894/jane-doe-has-abortion-in-texas-after-battle-with-trump-administration

2.      At npr.org, let's read about a recent report that shows that pollution kills more people than AIDS, TB and malaria combined. "Pollution in rapidly developing countries is just getting worse and worse and worse. And it isn't getting the attention it deserves. It needed to be rigorously studied," says Dr. Philip Landrigan, pediatrician and professor of environmental medicine and global health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai." Let's remember this data as we move forward with our environmental activism.

3.      “Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr, a new civil rights leader takes center stage”  -  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/25/william-barber-martin-luther-king-jr-civil-rights-leader We can read a bit more and listen to him here with Trevor Noah:   http://www.newsobserver.com/entertainment/tv/warm-tv-blog/article154562839.html                                     and we can follow him here: https://www.facebook.com/RevDrBarber/  

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