1/7/17  To-do List                                                            

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  1. As we go into next week with the confirmation hearings, this document will be helpful to us all.  Cabinet Nominees, Which Senate Committees confirm & from What States https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nx970-5j0ls4aJbmiKqwN0E3OfcpAqhXgM3zyfBZ4TM/edit#gid=0

  1. In another push to save Planned Parenthood funding, the SuitUp Nation FB group (https://www.facebook.com/SuitUpNation)  has pulled together a call-to-action page:  http://suitupnation.org/call-to-action-planned-parenthood-to-spite-paul/

  1. Another warning posted:  For anyone attending any marches on January 21 (or any other time) be cautious about "journalists" approaching you for interviews. I just received this email from a friend:  Certain 'investigative journalists' (ala James O'Keefe and his group that filmed videos targeting ACORN and Planned Parenthood) are focusing on groups attending rallies and marches around the inauguration.  They are using a shell organization called "Breakthrough Development Group" to approach organizations and individuals for interviews, etc. Journalists should be able to produce press credentials. Ask them for it. Even if the credentials look legit, ask them for full disclosure of what they're covering.

  1. The Midnight Rules Act and the REINS Act (both discussed in the 12/31 Rogan’s list:  https://roganslist.blogspot.com/2016/12/123116-to-dolist-there-is-no-special.html )have both passed the House.  Please contact your senators and ask them not to support these bills.

  1. Here is yet another petition to keep Planned Parenthood:  https://secure.ppaction.org/site/SPageNavigator/pp_ppaf_IStandWithPP_0117_Pledge_c4.html?s_subsrc=4NALz1707S1N1V&sp_ref=257119586.10.177633.f.0.2&s_src=IStandWithPP_0117_Pledge_c4_fb

  1. News from Brent Turner, an attorney who is part of the 24th Assembly California Grassroots Democrats, who filed a writ with the Supreme Court to stay Presidential proceedings-- and IT WAS ACCEPTED-- Likely heading toward Supreme Ct- The writ was filed Jan 2 and can be seen herehttps://drive.google.com/…/0Bw5MsWfxMu5qbVRzTmdDM3VSdlk/view
    No matter what happens with this writ, we will be hearing more about this activist!

  1. Join Moms Clean Air Force (http://www.momscleanairforce.org/)  in telling our senators that Scott Pruitt is a dangerous EPA nominee:  https://actionsprout.io/A070BA/initial

  1. Please join MomsRising.org (https://www.momsrising.org/) in asking our senators to put a stop to a cabinet of bigotry:  http://action.momsrising.org/sign/put-stop-cabinet-of-bigotry

  1. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic Hill committee for the United States House of Representatives, wants you to sign on to denounce Paul Ryan’s attacks on Medicare:  http://action.dccc.org/page/s/medicare-121216-a

  1. Get your postcards ready!  Here’s another postcard avalanche!  This time we are bombarding Paul Ryan in response to his wanting to remove funding of Planned Parenthood.  The details are here:         https://www.facebook.com/events/1082049718572111/

  1. Let us not forget that Standing Rock is still an issue and our native brothers and sisters are still fighting the pipeline.  Sign here to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to put continued pressure on the Army Corps of Engineers which, one month after it was mandated they would, have neglected to log its intent to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement.  http://standwithstandingrock.net/armycorps/  To follow what happening, “like’ their FB page:  https://www.facebook.com/Standing-Rock-Sioux-Tribe-402298239798452/

  1. We all know that gerrymandering, gutting the Voting Rights Act, voter registrations problems, and other voter-suppression tactics have affected elections. Please sign the Progressive Turnout Project petition denouncing Republican voter suppression laws:   http://go.turnoutpac.org/page/s/voter-suppression

  1. On Friday, Sen. Rand Paul tweeted:  “I just spoke to @realDonaldTrump and he fully supports my plan to replace Obamacare the same day we repeal it. The time to act is now.” The American people cannot be left without health coverage.  Let’s use this as we contact our legislators:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. The Sierra Club is joining the People’s Climate Movement https://peoplesclimate.org/ this January 21-24 -- the first 100 hours of the Trump administration -- and beyond to stand up for our planet and communities.  Click here for more information and to RSVP:  https://sierraclub.tfaforms.net/126?data=8c5858afc26c5c93d79bcaf54b7a2416318c5cb5097b1fad8bc4ba50fb651beb2f4d51c05bc268c345b3b75ce5c3d186&id=70131000001DmGJAA0

  1. If you are looking for online organizing tools, this one comes highly recommended by some groups:  https://actionnetwork.org/

  1. Countable has been mentioned here before, but now that the new Congressional session is in full swing, install this app on your smartphone so you can stay up to date on bills going through Congress and how your members of congress are voting!  Learn about it here:  https://www.countable.us/

  1. The Office of Government Ethics is concerned about the upcoming week.  Never before has the Senate held confirmation hearings without the background checks and ethics clearances completed.  Time to let the Senate how we feel about this departure from standard protocol.  Here is some background:  http://www.npr.org/2017/01/07/508699137/ethics-office-warns-confirmations-for-trump-nominees-are-moving-too-fast  Contact your sentators:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. If you are on Twitter, this is a very interesting approach to take.  Try it!  http://www.recode.net/2017/1/5/14182882/donald-trump-twitter-president-facts-truth-journalism-resistance

  1. Here is a link to another spreadsheet you can use for the upcoming confirmation hearings:       https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SfoKh8Bjc05Bgat14nmrGH4xTzyLm0Bh1J-eRd8eOYU/edit#gid=0

  1. Dan Rather shared this investigative piece today from the publication American Interest. He was very impressed with the quality of James S. Henry’s journalism.  Here is the link to the article, “The Curious World of Donald Trump’s Private Russian Connections”  http://archive.is/JIZbY


  1. Hi Susan - I just read a post elsewhere the warning about the "Breakthrough Development Group" and I was trying to get more information about this. Do you know what the source for this information is? (in the spirit of fact-checking). Thanks.

  2. Elizabeth, again no source, but another warning: If you are planning any protests of the inauguration, please be aware that you may be a target of James O’Keefe operatives. If you have spoken to anyone from Breakthrough Development Group, this is an O’Keefe front. If you are working with Disrupt J20 specifically, you are being targeted by O’Keefe. He is apparently trying to get progressives to incite violence. There will be moles in your campaigns. PLEASE make sure to vet your volunteers."


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