1/6/17  To-do List                                                            

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  1. The Democratic Party wants to know our ACA stories.  Share them here:  http://my.democrats.org/page/s/share-your-health-care-story

  1. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) is taking a survey about our concerns and priorities:  http://action.chrismurphy.com/page/s/2017-survey

  1. From MoveOn.org:  “We must continue to put pressure on Jason Chaffetz to investigate DJT's business conflicts of interest and entanglements. We still have no idea what is in Mr. Trump's tax returns and how they may affect the security and safety of the nation. And, while I don't expect Chaffetz to do anything about this, we need to make public his unwilliness, as  chairman of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, to  investigate. We cannot let up now.  Please sign and share the petition to investigate Trump's business conflicts and entanglements.”

  1. Jeff Sessions is too racist to be our Attorney General.  Tell the Senate to block his nomination:  http://act.freepress.net/sign/trump_sessions

  1. To keep up with what the House GOP is doing, sign up here:  http://gop.us11.list-manage2.com/subscribe?u=301a28247b80ab82279e92afb&id=7415715b09

  1. A group from Pantsuit Nation Washington Chapter has come up with this wonderful document we can all use to oppose Trump’s nominations.  It includes names, reasons, numbers, links, etc. This will sure come in handy!  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nx970-5j0ls4aJbmiKqwN0E3OfcpAqhXgM3zyfBZ4TM/edit#gid=0

  1. Not a single senator today joined any representative in objecting to the Electoral College vote.  It was said that Biden even shut down Democratic reps who wanted to object. Please, contact your senators and ask them why they did not.  There has to be a reason that we do not yet know.  Be kind, but let’s find out why.  When you get a response, please let others know.  Find your senators here:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. If your representative was one of those who objected to today’s vote, please make sure to thank them on behalf of all of us.  Find your representatives here:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. You may want to subscribe to the Washington Post Daily 202 to be kept up to date on issues:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/category/the-daily-202/?utm_term=.ce7d8a688087

  1. While Flint still does not have clean water, the State of Michigan is planning on selling 100 million gallons of water to Nestle for their bottled water for $200.  If you think this is wrong, sign here:  https://actions.sumofus.org/a/nestle-just-doubled-the-amount-of-groundwater-it-can-suck-up-just-120-miles-from-flint

  1. Federal funding for Planned Parenthood is at risk again. Despite the fact that no federal funding goes toward abortion services, and only to important reproductive and health care services for men, women, and families, Republicans in the House still plan to defund it.  Call Speaker Ryan's office at 608-752-4050 in support of Planned Parenthood. Save his office's number into your phone to use later, as well.   If VM is full, tweet him or contact him here: https://paulryan.house.gov/contact/  While you are at it, call your senators, too, regarding Tom Price's Health and Human Services appointment. Tom Price once said this: https://youtu.be/K_mu8CS0aWA

  1. If you are interested in getting tickets to President Obama’s farewell address in Chicago on January 10:  https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20170106/south-loop/obama-speech-tickets-mccormick-place-january-10-farewell-thank-you-speech

  1. Being shared in FB groups:   THIS FROM A COLLEAGUE WHO HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN PART OF A STING…….ALSO... PLEASE DO NOT FILL OUT ANY "SURVEY" YOU GET FROM "THE WOMEN'S MARCH" ABOUT YOUR WHEREABOUTS, WHO YOU ARE, WHAT METRO YOU ARE TAKING, ETC.  If you are planning any protests of the inauguration, please be aware that you may be a target of James O’Keefe operatives. If you have spoken to anyone from Breakthrough Development Group, this is an O’Keefe front. Here are some known aliases:  Allison Brandt, Angela Brandt, Allison Moss, Allison Maass, Alyssa Harris, Allison Holmes, Ashley Nichols, Charles Roth, Dan Sandini, Steve Packard, Christian Hartsock, Brittney Rivera, Bri Rivera, Bri Rivers, Mike Carlson, Victor Kesh, Thomas Gibson, Savannah Germain, Jess Koski, Laura Loomer, Jess Jones.  If you are working with Disrupt J20 specifically, you are being targeted by O’Keefe. He is apparently trying to get progressives to incite violence.  There will be moles in your campaigns. PLEASE make sure to vet your volunteers.  Please, no violence of any kind.

  1. The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare asks for our help in telling Paul Ryan to keep his hands off our Medicare:  https://secure.ncpssm.org/content/tell-speaker-ryan-hands-off-medicare-1bw1p?

  1. The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare supports the forthcoming bill, Social Security 2100, that will soon be re-introduced in the House by Rep. Larson.  This important bill sharply contrasts the devastating proposal by Rep. Sam Johnson (TX-03), which would drastically cut benefits, reduce the Social Security COLA and raise the retirement age to 69. The National Committee is urging lawmakers in the new Congress to support Rep. Larson's critical bill which would cut taxes for some beneficiaries, increase benefits and prevent Americans from retiring into poverty.  Let’s all keep an eye on these two bills.

  1. Report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence about the Russian hacking of the election, Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attributionhttps://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf  This is the unclassified version of what was shared with President Obama and Trump. 

  1. If you’d like to be part of flippable’s “#StopSessions” calling project, click here:  https://actionsprout.io/9D7A25/initial#StopSessions#FBSS1  For more information about flippable, whose goal is to flip seats in the House, Senate, and the President, click here:  https://www.flippable.org/


  1. Hello Rogan, Can you please add this to your events for this weekend. Its a Postcard avalanche called Paps for Paul. Here is a link to the event on facebook-https://www.facebook.com/events/1082049718572111/

  2. Of course! It will be on tonight's blog entry! Thanks!

  3. Hi. I do not know where to input my email. Please sign me up. chapinfam@cox.net thank you!

  4. Oh, now that I emailed you, I found the right place. Thank you!

  5. Trying to input my email, keep getting a box telling me to log in to a Google account (not even mine! my daughter's). Can you add me to your list? hersheyalcott@optonline.net. Thank you! Lisa Alcott

    1. Glad we could work out the problem and get you signed up, Lisa! Thanks!


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