

Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

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Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 

HEROES ACT: In May, the House passed The Heroes Act (H.R. 6800), which would provide relief and protections for U.S. residents in response to the pandemic (https://n.pr/303KKsD). Let's read through Indivisible's analysis of what the legislation does and does not include, then let's contact our senators and ask them to support The Heroes Act and make sure that it is passed. We can also flood Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's phone lines and tell him that we want this brought to the Senate floor immediately: Phone: (202) 224-2541

REVOKE LICENSES OF THE FOUR COPS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: It’s not enough that the four cops involved in the George Floyd incident have been fired. Let’s tell the Minnesota POST Board to revoke the licenses of Derek Chauvin, Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng, and Thomas Lane. We can call the POST Board office at 651-643-3060 and/or email the POST Board members: Kelly McCarthy, Chair kellymccarth@gmail.com; Jason Bennett jbennett@mankatomn.gov; Timothy Bildsoe tbildsoe@gmail.com;Clarence Castile ccastile651@gmail.com; Andrew Evans andrew.evans@state.mn.us; Mark Fahning mark.fahning@gmail.com; Dave Hutchinson david.hutchinson@hennepin.us; Joel Powell powell@mnstate.edu; Sara Rice Sara.rice@mltpd.com; Kevin Stenson kstenson@cityoflindstrom.us; Rebecca Swanson beckys@alextech.edu; David Titus dtitus@sppdfederation.com; Troy Wolbersen troyw@co.douglas.mn.usJim Yang chou.jim.yang@ci.stpaul.mn.us

SPEAK OUT FOR POLICE REFORM ON THE LOCAL AND NATIONAL LEVELS: In response to recent police murders of unarmed black people, Congress is finally being pressured to do something to reform police department, but what they will end up with remains to be seen, especially since many Republicans do not want to take it up. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/500809-calls-for-police-reform-sparks-divisions-in-congress. Let’s tell our MoCs that we expect them to act on measures that outlaw chokeholds, “prohibit police departments from using military-grade weapons, mandate that all law enforcers wear body cameras and ban private prisons and jails.” On the local level, let’s get involved in initiatives that cut funds to police departments and redirect them to community initiatives like affordable housing and increased funds for PPE and COVID-19 testing.

IN DEFENSE OF BLACK LIVES: This week, the Movement for Black Lives is hosting a week of action. Each day focuses on a different issue, with numerous ways that we can get involved at varying risk levels. Today, Thursday, "We Demand Community Control: The most impacted in our communities need to control the laws, institutions, and policies that are meant to serve us – from our schools to our local budgets, economies, and police department." Let's check out today's five actions, read through the provided materials, and work with others to carry out at least one. If we have missed previous days' actions, let's make sure to go back and act on each issue that is posted: https://m4bl.org/week-of-action/

FIGHT AGAINST THE MILITARIZATION OF OUR POLICE:  Donald Trump wants to put the military on our streets when we should be thinking about making state and local police less like military organizations. That starts with their equipment. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) is planning on introducing an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act to end the 1033 Program, which allows for the transfer of surplus U.S. military equipment to local police forces and has been a significant factor in the militarization of our police. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/01/us/politics/police-military-gear.html or https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/06/02/bills-would-ban-sale-military-weapons-police-bar-deployment-troops-protests.html  Let's contact our members of Congress and tell them we want them to support this effort.

POLICE VIOLENCE: Activists, educators, and policy experts DeRay Mckesson, Samuel Sinyangwe, and Brittany Packnett joined with researchers and protesters across the country to create Campaign Zero. The organization "integrates community demands and policy recommendations from research organizations and President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing," to end police violence and mass incarceration. They also take a comprehensive look at local, state, and federal policies addressing police violence to make recommendations on what actions we can take at each level. Let's read through this thread by data scientist and policy analyst Samuel Sinyangwe, then visit the Campaign Zero website to learn how we can build communities and reduce police violence: https://www.joincampaignzero.org/  

COVID-19 has taught us a grim lesson: we must be prepared to stop global pandemics before they start. After Trump has dismantled much of protective structures to do this, a bi-patisan Senate team is now working on ways to start over. US Sens. Ben Cardin (D-MD), Jim Risch (R-ID), and Chris Murphy (D-CT) last week introduced legislation designed to better detect and contain infectious disease outbreaks overseas before they become global pandemics. The Global Health Security and Diplomacy Act (GHSDA) (not yet numbered) requires the president to advance a comprehensive Global Health Security Strategy with clear goals, objectives, and lines of responsibility to better guide US investments in global health security. Further, it establishes a coordinator for global health security and diplomacy at the Department of State to manage program coordination. Also, it encourages the president to appoint a senior director for global health security to the National Security Council to coordinate the interagency process.  https://homelandprepnews.com/stories/49978-bipartisan-bill-would-help-better-detect-contain-overseas-pandemics/  We can read the bill here, then contact our Senators to co-sponsor and support it:

In these immeasurably difficult and stressful times, we know black women share an especially heavy burden, but their mental health is always at risk.    https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/mental-health-among-african-american-women  We can click here to for information about therapists, wellness groups, apps and Instagram accounts to provide support and healing:

ACCESSIBLE ACTIVISM: For those of us who are unable to attend protests due to accessibility, safety, or other concerns, disability advocates and Amnesty International have created resources we can use to effect change in other ways. Let's check out 26 Ways to Be in the Struggle Beyond the Streets and How to Be an Activist When You're Unable to Attend Protests, then let's get to work.

WATCH JUST MERCY:  The feature film Just Mercy based on the book by the director of the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), Bryan Stephenson, is a compelling true story of racial injustice. Given the current unrest, Warner Bros. is making this available for free on streaming platforms during the month of June.  https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-watch-just-mercy-free-streaming-rental  Let’s make sure to watch this and share this opportunity with our friends and family. 


2020 ELECTION CALENDAR: This resource is searchable by date and state -  https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/2020-state-primary-election-dates.aspx

REMINDER- CHECK VOTER REGISTRATION STATUS:   Let’s make sure to regularly check our voter registration status. States are purging voters routinely--we don't want to get caught off guard. Take 1 minute and check right now: I Will Vote  Then, let’s check how to vote by mail in our state. Many rules have changed due to the pandemic and we may be able to vote with a mailed ballot. We can find our state's latest voting rules here: How to Vote By Mail in Every State

NEXT TUESDAY, JUNE 9 ELECTIONNEVADA: Nevada is on pace for strong voter turnout in its 2020 presidential primary election, according to new figures released by the Nevada secretary of state’s office. We can read more at Las Vegas Review JournalIf we are Nevada voters, let's send in our ballots today for this all-mail primary if we have not already done so.

VOTE BY MAIL FLORIDAPostcards To Voters continue their work to reach every registered Democrat in Florida not yet sign up for vote by mail with Bay County. (area around Panama City on the Gulf side.) Let's assist this effort by requesting 5 addresses today.

FLIP A SENATE SEAT IN IOWA:  Theresa Greenfield will be the Democratic standard-bearer against Senator Joni Ernst in Iowa in November in a race that could be critical to who controls the Senate for the next two years. Polls have showed Greenfield and Ernst running neck-and-neck (https://www.kcci.com/article/ap-theresa-greenfield-wins-democratic-senate-primary/32749045https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/495937-poll-ernst-lead-evaporates-in-iowa-senate-race). Let's help her win by signing up to volunteer or donating to her campaign.

USE THIS TWEETSHEET TO RAISE AWARENESS OF JUNE ELECTIONS ON TWITTER: With all that’s going on, it can be easy to forget upcoming important elections in June, but for real, lasting change, we must Vote! Electing the right people is how we can get this troubled nation back on track. If we are on Twitter, we can tweet out these prewritten tweets from the Bluewave Report with important dates and election information to get out the vote this month:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aeC8ac9_sfDyyM28-KYj-aoV3pmyncYIA_q7hqJ10fQ/edit


ALL:  POLICE USE OF FORCE: Across the United States, there are wide variations in police departments' use of force policies. These policies determine what actions are permissible or prohibited, including chokeholds, shooting at moving vehicles, issuing warnings, utilizing de-escalation strategies, and others. Campaign Zero's Use of Force Project used data available from The Guardian's The Counted database and found that police departments with more restrictive policies had fewer killings, and police were less likely to be assaulted. The Use of Force Project has used available research and data from departments throughout the U.S. to create a model use of force policy with the goal of reducing police violence in communities. Let's read through the model policy, then contact our mayors and other local elected officials and ask them to make our communities safer by implementing it.

ALL: “REIMAGINING POLICING” TOWN HALL IDEA:  “Former President Barack Obama spoke in a virtual town hall event with young people to discuss policing and the civil unrest that has followed the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. . . He urged “every mayor in the country to review your use of force policies” with their communities and “commit to report on planned reforms” before prioritizing their implementation.”   https://www.boston25news.com/news/trending/former-president-barack-obama-address-nation-wednesday/EQSMVEI76BEJZLOJL6JY6WQ2QI/  One of the ideas presented was the #8Can’tWait that cities can implement immediately with police forces. Let’s contact our own mayors and ask that they follow the guidelines outlined in the town hall.


VOLUNTEER TO ADOPT A BATTLEGROUND STATE FOR 2020 VICTORY: The election may hinge on six key states and a Vote Save America has just launched a strategy to win them.  The Adopt a State Program is brand-new remote mobilization program that will help us directly support the work of organizers and candidates in these six key battleground states that will be most important to winning a progressive majority on Election Day—no matter where we live. After months working with the most effective state parties, political strategists, and progressive organizations on the ground in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to find out where we can help the most, they will only send us actions that will make a real impact. We’ll get first rate training to become part of the best group of digital organizers out there. This custom live training series will include four sessions on Thursday evenings in June, curated to help make us the most effective organizers we can be. When we sign up, we’ll learn the messaging that works best, and the remote and in-person opportunities that will help us make the biggest possible impact on the outcome of its races:  https://votesaveamerica.com/subscribe/

GET TRAINED TO VOLUNTEER VIRTUALLY FOR BIDEN: The upcoming 2020 Presidential Election will be crucial in deciding the fate of our country and our democracy. After 2016, we know we cannot be complacent, but must do everything possible to defeat Trump and get our country back on track. One way to start is to help Joe Biden's campaign which is looking for volunteers right now. We can click here to join an Action Center trainings (which will be offered 75 times between May 27 and November 1) and learn how to use our online organizing hub to volunteer virtually for Joe:  https://www.mobilize.us/joebiden/event/149561

MASS POOR PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY & MORAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON: “The Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington is going digital! On June 20th, we will hold the largest digital and social media gathering of poor and low-wealth people, moral and religious leaders, advocates, and people of conscience in this nation’s history. A global pandemic is exposing even more the already existing crisis of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy and militarism, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. On June 20, the 140 million poor and low-wealth people across this nation will be heard!”  We can sign up here:  https://actionnetwork.org/forms/rsvp-for-june-20-2020-mass-poor-peoples-assembly-moral-march-on-washington


This is a working document for scaffolding anti-racism resources. The goal is to facilitate growth for white folks to become allies, and eventually accomplices for anti-racist work. These resources have been ordered in an attempt to make them more accessible. We will continue to add resources. - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PrAq4iBNb4nVIcTsLcNlW8zjaQXBLkWayL8EaPlh0bc/preview

Peaceful protesters get lost in action-packed coverage - https://apnews.com/b9351945f4f5f2afe35a6ff973940aaf


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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