

Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

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COVID-19 RELIEF PACKAGE: Members of Congress have begun discussing what will be in the next relief package, even as the White House rejects the idea of a fourth relief bill (https://cnb.cx/2yrinc9). Indivisible, the Sunrise Movement, Working Families Party, MoveOn, and others have created the People's Bailout which includes a set of specific policy requests, call scripts, and letter templates (https://peopleoverprofits.indivisible.org/). While this is a great start, it has left out the disability community, who were also neglected by Congress in the three previous relief billsLet's contact our MoC about the next relief bill using the People's Bailout hub to get started, then let's make sure to include the policy proposals recommended by The Arc in our calls and letters, and send out a tweet to our MoC.

TRAIN ONLINE TO BE A VOLUNTEER CERTIFIED NURSES AID TO HELP FIGHT COVID-19: As the fight against the Coronavirus escalates, Volunteer Certified Nurse Aides(CNA) can help take up the slack, allowing more RNs and MDs to focus on critical care. If we are interested in helping out, VolunteerSurge is ready to train and place 1,000 Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs). If we choose to sign up, we’ll get an online learning system with a Red Cross-licensed 40-hour CNA training program, and ADP's WorkMarket platform to match us with opportunities in communities all across the country. They will build a profile that includes our special skills and areas of interest, and pair us with a volunteer assignment that fits our needs. As the need for volunteers surges, we can scan postings in WorkMarket for assignments that touch our heart or inspire us. We can come together as a country, fight hard and save lives when we sign up to train as Volunteer CNAS here:  https://volunteersurge.com/ Thanks for answering the call!

CONTINUED UPREPAREDNESS: “. . .  after reports of the disease developing in China emerged at the end of December 2019, U.S. intelligence agencies repeatedly warned Trump in January and February in classified briefings what was coming; he continued to downplay it. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) asked the administration to declare a public health emergency in late January to free up money to fight the coronavirus. But as late as February 24, Trump tweeted: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”” https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/march-31-2020  Now that COVID-19 is fully blossoming in the US, we learn that while our healthcare workers are running low or even out of PPE (personal protection equipment) we have been sending such overseas.  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-democratic-national-convention-scheduled/  Other countries, in similar binds, have stopped exports of medical equipment and supplies.   Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) has asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to impose a temporary ban on all exports of critical medical supplies.  https://dougcollins.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/collins-urges-trump-administration-ban-exports-medical-supplies-needed   It is becoming clearer that there is no one overseeing the supplies/needs of this essential gear. https://www.barrons.com/articles/federalize-the-medical-supply-chain-before-its-too-late-51585665386 and https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/hhs-holding-up-delivery-of-2000-u-s-ventilators-pentagon-says and https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/31/pence-task-force-coronavirus-aid-157806  Let’s join in that ask of Sec. Pompeo (https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-department-of-state) Then, let’s tell Pence to get this supply change fixed so it can save lives:  Vice President: Mike Pence, Comments: 202-456-1111, Switch Board: 202-456-1414, TTY/TTD:  202-456-6213

ZOOM CYBERATTACKS: As more people are staying connected for work, education, and socialization through videoconferencing, there has also been an uptick in "Zoom bombing," or cyberattacks through Zoom. The attacks range from racist, to pornographic, to host doxxing, and have earned a warning from the FBI (https://abcn.ws/2wVeL1t). While there are some measures we can take to prevent this from happening in the first place, it is also important that Zoom take responsibility for its platform's vulnerabilities and the company's inadequate handling of these attacks. Let's read through the account of Dr. Dennis L. Johnson, Jr., who experienced one of these racist attacks, check out his proposed solutions, and sign his petition: https://bit.ly/2URL89r We can also contact Zoom headquarters directly: 55 Almaden Boulevard, 6th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113, Phone: 1-888-799-9666, E-mail: info@zoom.us, and Zoom CEO Eric S. Yuan @ericsyuan on Twitter. In the meantime, let's check to see what we can currently do to try to protect ourselves on Zoom: https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-prevent-zoom-bombing

REMOTE ORGANIZING: Swing Left has created a hub where we can find ideas and tools needed to beat Trump, turn the Senate blue, and flip state legislatures, all from home. We can write letters, call voters, attend trainings, host fundraisers, or join local virtual events. Let's check out Virtual Organizing and get to work: https://swingleft.org/p/virtual-organizing

PEOPLE WHO HAVE RECOVERED FROM COVID-19 NEDED TO DONATE PLASMA: Columbia is looking for volunteers who have recovered from COVID-19 to donate blood for treatment of others with this virus. To help out, we can send an inquiry through RecruitMe by clicking the "Do You Qualify" button: https://recruit.cumc.columbia.edu/clinical_trial/1929

SUPPLY/DEMAND OF PPE:   While our frontline healthcare workers struggle to save lives, without adequate protective equipment (PPE), they are not safe. In the absence of federal coordination there are organizations trying to fill the gaps. Protect A Nurse  aims to get PPE directly to them as quickly as possible, by connecting people and companies to help out healthcare workers that are putting themselves in harm's way to fight COVID-19.  When we click this link, we will find a US map. #GetUsPPE, Mask Match, and Find The Masks all help to coordinate, too. https://mailchi.mp/thedemlabs/findingppe  Let’s check these out and see how we can share these with people who can help or benefit.

ICE HAS PPE THAT HEALTHCARE NEEDS:  On the first day of California’s “shelter-in-place” lockdown, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) agents raided immigrant communities in Los Angeles. Different from other raids, they carried N95 medical masks to protect themselves from Covid-19. Also different from previous raids, the Ice agents broke state regulations that ordered everyone to stay home except to do “essential” activities necessary to survive (eg buying food or medicine).”  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/31/ice-raids-coronavirus-n95-masks Despite the US Surgeon General’s statement that N95 masks be reserved for frontline medical workers, ICE is using these and risking making the pandemic worse.  Let’s contact our MoCs and Trump saying that this is a misuse of life-saving equipment during a national emergency.

In yet another ruthless attempt to use the pandemic to justify the Right’s agenda, Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency has indefinitely ceased enforcement of key industrial air and water pollution rules: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/489943-critics-blast-epa-move-as-license-to-pollute-during-pandemic and https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/mar/31/trump-epa-obama-clean-car-rules-climate-change On Tuesday, this took the additional form of rolling back the vehicle emissions standards that are key to the US’s attempts, such as they are, to prevent climate change: https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-03-31/trump-rolls-back-fuel-economy-standards  We have all seen the maps showing the dramatic effects on pollution worldwide as a result of reductions in air and car travel during this pandemic; let’s insist that the EPA not destroy this progress toward a greener future:  (202) 564-4700 or Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460.

ABORTION BAN ALLOWED:  Naomi Klein has predicted that “in times of crisis seemingly impossible ideas become possible” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=16&v=niwNTI9Nqd8&feature=emb_logo The only question is WHOSE ideas.  The governors and attorneys general of Ohio, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Alabama have demanded the closure of their states' abortion clinics, calling abortions "non-essential" medical procedures, and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has now upheld Texas's abortion ban; since the 5th Circuit covers Louisiana and Mississippi as well, it is expected that their bans will be able to go into effect immediately as well: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/490415-appeals-court-allows-texas-to-implement-ban-on-abortion-during-pandemic These “temporary” bans are, pretty obviously, a calculated attempt to use the pandemic as an excuse to further the longstanding right-wing effort to ban abortion.  We should let the governors of Ohio, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Alabama know that we are not fooled by their rhetoric.

TRUMP WRESTS CONTROL OF RELIEF “OVERSIGHT”:  In a “signing statement” released Friday -  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-by-the-president-38/  - Trump made it clear that he intends to exert "presidential supervision" over the oversight committee responsible for doling out federal coronavirus relief money and over who is informed of the distribution of these funds; he also made it clear that he would reject a newly created inspector general questioning how Mnuchin chooses to dole out the bailout money:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/27/us/trump-signing-statement-coronavirus.html or https://thehill.com/policy/finance/490287-democrats-trump-set-to-battle-over-implementing-2t-relief-bill We must demand that our MoCs stop this latest executive power grab.

CORRECTION FROM POST ON 3/31: CALL TO RELEASE IMMIGRANT DETAINEES:  The New Sanctuary Coalition call script for people who aren’t faith leaders to ask jails to release detained immigrants can be found here. If we are faith leaders we can use this script instead. Detained immigrants have been released in Massachusetts and New Jersey, so we need to keep up the pressure. 

PROTEST ROLLBACK OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS: Just as dolphins are returning to previously polluted waters and the air in China is clearing, due to shutdowns caused by the pandemic, the administration announced a rollback of Obama era fuel efficiency regulations. https://apnews.com/98f311a6d4275334a9e4d3a804cd2e1a. This will ultimately cause more deaths from air pollution and exacerbate the climate crisis. President Obama stated in response to the announcement, We’ve seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic. We can’t afford any more consequences of climate denial.” Since the automakers themselves have lobbied for a middle ground between Trump’s new rule and Obama’s, let’s contact, Ford, GM, Chrysler, and other auto makers by phone, mail, or social media and ask them to put the health of the planet before profits and keep the standards as close as possible to the Obama-rule levels. Let’s also ask our MoCs if they can do anything about this.

SPEAK OUT AGAINST SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR INMATES AS A SOLUTION FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING: Instead of releasing non-violent offenders to lessen the potential of COVID-19 transmission, as many cities and states are doing, the federal government is putting inmates in solitary confinement for two weeks. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/490537-federal-inmates-to-be-confined-to-cells-for-two-weeks-amid. This is unnecessarily cruel and amounts to torture. Let’s complain to our MoCs and to the Department of Justice  (202-353-1555; 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20530-0001; website form; Facebook; Twitter: @TheJustice Dept.

DONATE FOR FOOD RELIEF FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR LIVELIHOODS DUE TO COVID: The World Central Kitchen, in conjunction with Chefs for America, is on the frontlines in providing emergency. food relief for people who have lost their jobs during the COVID crisis. WCK has also been a key player in providing meals for refugees at the border. We can donate to them here

COVID-19: EMPOWER MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Generation Citizen educates young people by engaging them in real, hands-on civic advocacy. While many of our students are out of school, Generation Citizen has programs to help them advocate for the public good in the face of this pandemic. Let’s learn more here:  https://mailchi.mp/generationcitizen.org/covid19 and here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKiqL1KWtOCuUsUIxGG1uZ0qiSc817B5IvElFM6D8bbUSl5Q/viewform 


WISCONSIN:  “Wisconsin has ordered residents to stay at home, shuttered non-essential businesses, and banned "all public and private gatherings of any number of people" — but is still planning to proceed with an election Tuesday [April 7] amid the coronavirus crisis.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/wisconsin-facing-heavy-criticism-plans-tuesday-primary-despite-coronavirus-n1173361  Today is the last day to request an absentee ballot:  https://myvote.wi.gov/en-US/VoteAbsentee Tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in person to vote next week.  Let’s make sure our votes count in next week’s 2020 Spring Election and Presidential Preference Vote


ALL:  HELP FILL MEDICAL STAFFING GAP BY SEND GOVERNOR CONTACT INFO TO CNA TRAINING GROUP:  VolunteerSurge is ready to recruit, train AND deploy 1,000,000 Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) to take up the slack in the days to come, allowing more RNs and MDs to focus on critical care.  They offer an online learning system with a Red Cross-licensed CNA training program, ADP's WorkMarket platform to match volunteers with opportunities, and other highly visible platforms to help the Health Care Provider entities manage this army of volunteers.  In order to start, 50 governors need to sign waivers letting nursing homes use fully online training and waiving the state exam, which isn't even being offered during COVID 19. Also at least some classroom training is required in each state, which doesn't work during the COVID 19 emergency. Because nursing homes must have new employees quarantine for 14 days before serving, regulatory barriers to on-line training need to go RIGHT NOW or they will run out of staff and we could have a public health disaster. If we have any connections to Governors' offices we can contact Jonathan Dariyanani at jonathan@cognotion.com 

CA: #ACTION - PRIVATE AND COSMETIC SURGERY CENTERS NEEDED TO LOAN VENTILATORS OR DONATE PPE: In California we have rapidly become inundated with sick patients and the need for ventilators and PPE is rapidly increasing. If we own or work in a private or cosmetic surgery center, or can forward this to someone who does, we can help out by loaning ventilators or donating PPE. We can fill out this USC led survey and the data will be used to collaborate with local health services and hospitals to provide additional resources if needed when possible: https://redcap.med.usc.edu/surveys/index.php?s=NJT7XRK7RX These extra ventilators will save lives !

NY: PROPOSED BUDGET:  Granted that New York, like every other state, has seen its revenues shrink dramatically as a consequence of the current pandemic, the budget Gov. Cuomo is proposing to pass on APRIL 1st is unconscionable, cutting hospital, education, and Medicaid funding and offering no moratorium on sky-high NYC rents; some have called it “obscene”:  https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/ny-looking-at-hospital-budget-cuts-even-as-coronavirus-crisis-deepens/2347157/  or  https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/albany/2020/03/30/new-york-state-budget-9-issues-watch-for-april-1-deadline-looms/2937824001/ All New Yorkers should immediately make their views known: Cuomo 518-474-8390 AND/OR Senate President Andrea Stewart-Cousins 518 455-2585 (fax 518-426-6811) AND/OR Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie 518-455-3791 (fax 518-455-5459).


WISCONSIN TEXT BANKING:  Join Supermajority in texting women voters the information we need to flex our political power at the polls. This is a fun way to make an impact from the comfort of your own home while in community with women from across the country! Sign up today for our Wisconsin Text Banks on Monday, 4/6! Let’s check out and learn how we can help:  https://www.mobilize.us/supermajority/event/264674/


Party leaders agree with Joe Biden – the Democratic National Convention cannot proceed as originally planned - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-democratic-national-convention-scheduled/


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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