
Today (Thursday) there are No War With Iran: Day of Action events
taking place around the country to protest Trump’s reckless actions
this past week and to call for peace. Let’s find and attend an event near us:


Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

TRUMP AND IRAN: Tuesday night was a difficult night in our nation’s history as Iran fired on our bases in Iraq as retaliation for our assassination of Qasem Soleimani. Although there are some efforts at de-escalation, it is unclear what will happen next:  https://apnews.com/d40501d9b0a712d02e2a6626f607ead2  and https://www.suitupmaine.org/no-iran-war/ Let’s contact our MoC to say that we should not be fomenting war with Iran and that Trump is deeply unfit to lead our nation. When we contact our Senators, let’s also remind them that we expect a fair impeachment trial in the Senate with witnesses. Let’s also contact friends and family in our own state and other states and ask them to do the same – providing the Capitol Switchboard phone number (1-202-224-3121) and suggesting some simple language to help move them into action.

CALL CONGRESS TO RESTRAIN TRUMP’S WARMONGERING:  Although it appears that war may be averted (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2020/01/08/us-officials-warned-missile-launch-iraq-bases-troops/2842200001/), by bringing us to the brink of war with Iran, Trump has shown us once again how reckless and dangerous his erratic foreign policy decisions can be. It is urgent that Congress does its Constitutional part to restrain him from plunging us into any future wars, and both houses now have a Joint Resolution to do so. We can call the House, (202) 224-3121, to ask our Rep to vote for Elissa Slotkin’s War Powers Resolution today, ending military hostilities with Iran in 30 days unless further Congressional action is taken. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/477320-democrats-ramp-up-calls-for-war-powers-vote-after-iran-strike  Then, we can call our Senators, also at (202) 224-3121, to vote yes on Tim Kaine’s resolution to stop Trump from acting unilaterally. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/476702-kaine-introduces-resolution-to-block-war-with-iran. With Republican leaders like Lindsay Graham, Mike Lee, and Mitch McConnell also calling for de-escalation of tensions, https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/477301-gop-senators-call-on-trump-to-deescalate-tensions-with-iran  and https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/insulting-demeaning-lawmakers-rip-trump-administration-after-iran-briefing-n1112596, this resolution should be a no-brainer. Let’s make sure that our MoCs know that we expect them to act quickly and responsibly.  We need to help to build a veto-proof majority by pressuring our MoCs now.  Trump seems to have side-stepped war this time, but that is no assurance our erratic and impulsive president will continue to do so.

IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS: “Some Senate Democrats are beginning to question the wisdom of the House continuing to withhold the articles of impeachment against President Trump from the Senate and delaying the trial in the upper chamber.”   https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-impeachment-trial-democratic-senators-break-with-pelosi-on-withholding-articles-of-impeachment/  Speaker Pelosi, however, does not want to forward the articles of impeachment to the Senate until she is certain there will be a fair trial.  Pelosi “continued to hammer McConnell for his earlier remarks that he would be in "total coordination" with the White House on strategy for the impeachment trial.” https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/477259-pelosi-refuses-to-back-down-on-impeachment-rules-fight  Let’s contact our senators to say that we, too, want a fair trial in which the jury does not collaborate with the defendant.  

“HOW TO” CALL OUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS:  If we want to call our MoCs about Iran, or any other issue, and are still a little hesitant and need a little help getting started, we can watch Jessica Craven of Chop Wood Carry Water demonstrate how to make these calls:   https://www.facebook.com/ChopCarry/videos/3213892418639138/  If we are not on Facebook, we can watch this YouTube video from International anti- poverty organization ONE, for a demonstration on calling our MoCs on any topic: https://youtu.be/07XycFuN2VY  If we’ve been reluctant to call, let’s watch these and try it out ourselves!

WOMENS’ RIGHTS AND THE ERA:  While the Dept. of Justice has ruled that the deadline for the ERA has expired ( https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/08/politics/equal-rights-amendment-justice-department-opinion/index.html) the text of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), first introduced in 1923, reads as follows: "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." One would think this unobjectionable, but, appallingly, not until Virginia's Democratic legislature votes, would the requisite 38 states have ratified its inclusion in the Constitution.  Most Americans think that this equality is already law.  The League of Women Voters asked for the removal of the deadline so that when the next state ratified, it would become law. https://www.lwv.org/lwvus-urges-house-and-senate-remove-ratifcation-deadline-equal-rights-amendment  Unfortunately, efforts from the right to block its passage continue. Let’s urge our MoCs to do whatever is in their power to ensure the rights of women, and let’s make it clear that to fail to support this effort is to forfeit the support of women voters.

SPEAK OUT AGAINST DEPORTING ASYLUM-SEEKERS TO GUATEMALA: Since November, the Trump administration arranged a cooperative agreement with Guatemala that allowed our country to deport some asylum seekers from other Central American countries there. This controversial program has just been expanded to include Mexican nationals. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/hamedaleaziz/trump-immigration-deporting-refugees-mexico-guatemala-border? Guatemala is just as dangerous as the countries these refugees are fleeing, and this is another violation of their due process rights to have their asylum cases be heard. The choice of where to seek asylum should be left to the individuals involved; this is not a role our country should be playing. Let’s speak out against his program to our MoCs and ask them to introduce legislation to stop this inhumane policy. 

PUERTO RICO NEEDS HELP – STILL AND AGAIN: “A 6.4 magnitude earthquake that killed one person in Puerto Rico on Tuesday is one of hundreds of tremors that have rattled the island for more than a week. And experts say the shaking is not over yet.” https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/08/us/puerto-rico-region-hundreds-of-earthquakes/index.html  Still reeling from 2017’s Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico has not gotten all the federal help it expected then and is now in need of more.  While Trump approved federal emergency funding yesterday, his “authorization also comes as the administration has been slow to release long-term Hurricane Maria reconstruction funds managed by other federal agencies, angering Puerto Ricans and congressional leaders who approved said funds.”  https://thehill.com/latino/477346-trump-approves-puerto-rico-emergency-declaration  Let’s make sure our MoCs know that we want our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico to be treated with dignity and assistance to help re-build their island.  We can also check here to see how we can help Puerto Ricans:  https://www.inquirer.com/news/puerto-rico-earthquake-how-to-help-donate-donations-20200107.html

DEMAND THAT KEY WITNESSES BLOCKED BY THE WHITE HOUSE TESTIFY IN A SENATE TRIAL: Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, claims that he has the votes to set the rules for an impeachment trial without witnesses, and it looks like Republican moderates Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) are among his support. https://www.npr.org/2020/01/07/794254074/mcconnell-will-move-ahead-with-impeachment-trial-rules-without-democrats-support. The claim is that these are the same protocols that were set in the Bill Clinton trial; however, the circumstances are extremely different in that key witnesses were blocked from testifying by the White House, and a key cornerstone of the Republicans’ argument is that there isn’t enough hard evidence. Let’s tell our Republican Senators that their party’s blatant coordination with the White House is a violation of their constitutional duty to examine all evidence related to the situation, and insist that people like John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney be subpoenaed to testify because witnesses are essential for a Fair Impeachment trial.  Let’s call our friends and host a letter writing/tweeting/calling party to our MoC’s and Mitch.

IMMIGRATION/FAMILY SEPARATION: PBS Frontline has released a new documentary, Targeting El Paso, which looks at family separation, child detention, and how Trump's immigration policies have played out at the Clint Board Patrol Station in El Paso, Texas. The documentary will include the firsthand account of Dariana, a nine-year-old girl who was separated from her father and detained in the border patrol facility. Let's be sure to take the time to watch the hour-long documentary: 

 To help identify fake photos and help stop disinformation, “the International Fact-Checking Network developed a step-by-step guide to teach citizens how to verify images, from asking simple and rhetorical questions to using reverse image search on cell phones.”  https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2020/how-to-use-your-phone-to-spot-fake-images-surrounding-the-u-s-iran-conflict/ Let’s check this out and  use it to help stop the spread of disinformation. 

CRAFTERS TO THE RESCUE!  “I’m sure you’ve heard of the wildfires in Australia and the devastation they are having on wildlife. It can feel very hard to help from this far away.
I know some of you knit and crochet based on the response I had to the CTA about plastic yarn (plarn) blankets. So I’ve got another for you!  The Animal Rescue Craft Guild (https://www.facebook.com/groups/arfsncrafts/) is asking crafty folks (knitters, sewers, crocheters and you generally crafty people) to create joey pouches, wraps, blankets, mittens and more. Please go to their facebook page and click on their large banner image (which says Click Here for FAQs Design Files and Drop Locations).  They have specific design patterns that their wildlife experts have chosen, so please use those.” 


2020 ELECTIONS: If we are looking for 2020 Election information or if we have some to share, we can check out Equal Vote Local’s BlueWave Database 2020. We can click here to find information about candidates, voting and more arranged by state. This editable document also allows us to add our groups and any candidates running for office:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ir8YGs1F0Lfayl6T7XR7tklnYrEk4VcEzTkPumLVWAI  

HELP GET OUR NEIGHBORS REGISTERED TO VOTE:  MoveOn wants to help us to help our neighbors who may not be voters to get registered.  They ask us to sign up here and they will “will match you with folks in your area who may not be registered to vote.”  https://act.moveon.org/survey/vpc_voter_reg_volunteer 

MAKE CALLS FROM HOME TO RECRUIT FLORIDA VOLUNTEERS & REGISTER VOTERS:  Florida will be a key state to win in this year’s elections, so how do we win there? By recruiting volunteers and registering more voters!  After years of razor thin losses in Florida, Democrats are now organizing to register 200,000 new voters for this crucial election year. We can help by  making calls from home from this virtual phone bank. We can click here to get started: https://www.openvpb.com/vpb_bycode/997053J-948613  We can read more about Democratic efforts to reach new voters here:


MI, OH: TRUMP RALLY PROTEST: From MI Resistance: "Everyone knows how important Michigan, Ohio & Wisconsin will be to getting rid of the orange menace. And he knows it too.  Just a few weeks ago, he held a rally in Battle Creek, MI. In partnership with the #OUTNOW movement and other groups, the resistance had a strong showing outside the arena. And now, this Thursday, January 9th, he'll be in Toledo, Ohio. Not too far away for many Michigan Resisters to show up and use our voices." For those of us who are able, let's take a road trip and stand up against Trump: Thursday, January 9th, meet at 4:00 PM in Promenade Park (corner of N. Summit & Madison in Toledo) to march to Huntington Center where Trump is speaking. Carpool from Detroit Area to Toledo: Leaving at 2:15 PM from the John D. Dingell Transit Center, 21201 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, MI. For more information about carpooling, e-mail detroit@refusefascism.org

MI: LGBTQ BALLOT PROPOSAL: A coalition of organizers are launching a petition drive to get a measure on the 2020 ballot to prohibit discrimination against LGBTQ individuals by including sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in the definition of "sex" under the Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act of 1976 (https://bit.ly/2Qy81O4). The petition language has been submitted to the Board of State Canvassers. Once it is approved, we will have until May 27, 2020 to gather at least 340,047 signatures. Let's read more from Fair and Equal Michigan, then sign up to stay up to date on the status of the proposal, so we can be ready to canvass as soon as the Board of State Canvassers approves the petition language: https://www.fairandequalmichigan.com/


NO WAR WITH IRAN DAY OF ACTION (TODAY):  MoveOn is organizing #NoWarWithIran protests tonight, January 9 at 5pm local time.  Find more information here as well as locations:  https://act.moveon.org/event/no-war-with-iran/ If we don’t see one close to us, we can host one by clicking here:  https://act.moveon.org/event/no-war-with-iran/create/

M4BL ELECTORAL STRATEGY CALL TONIGHTThe Movement for Black LivesElectoral Justice Project is hosting a call on Thursday, January 9th at 6pm EST to share the strategy to turn out Black voters and demand electoral justice in 2020. Let's register and join in the call. We can register here: https://bit.ly/2QAcUGE

JOIN TWITTERSTORM TONIGHT FOR A FAIR IMPEACHMENT TRIAL WITH WITNESSES:  When Impeachment moves to the Senate, we need to do everything we can to get a fair trial and not the rush to exoneration that McConnell has promised Trump. If all the Democrats and just four Republicans vote for it, the Senate can call witnesses such as Bolton, Pompey, Mulvaney, Giuliani and more to put clearer picture of what happened before the American people. We can help pressure key Senators to do the right thing and vote to hold a fair Impeachment trial in the Senate, when we join Action Together Network’s Twitterstorm today, January 9 from 8-9pm Eastern Time. We can find the event here:  https://facebook.com/events/s/fairtrial-impartialjustice-tw/475790759806385/?ti=icl  We can send out prewritten tweets from this sheet with just a few clicks. Adding a few of our own words and waiting a minute or two between tweets will help us from being shut out by Twitter’s new rules:  http://shorturl.at/mGHIT Let’s stand up for a fair impeachment trial today!

2020 Women’s March:  January 18, 2020 in Washington, D.C. and sister marches worldwide.  Click here for more information:  https://womensmarch.com/home2020 and here to find or host a sister march:  http://womensmarch.com/sister-march

LAUNCH PARTIES FOR THE GREEN NEW DEAL—The Sunrise Movement, a youth-led anti-climate change organization, https://www.sunrisemovement.org/ , is giving us a way to recruit millions of young people and their allies to gather momentum for the passage of the Green New Deal. Let’s consider organizing a 2020 launch party on January 29—we can sign up here:  https://actionnetwork.org/forms/our-plan-to-win-the-gnd-2020-launch-parties

CLIMATE CRISIS SUMMIT FOR HIGH SCHOOL AND MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS:  The Sunrise Movement is holding a youth summit, February 15-17, 2020, in Washington, D.C. Student activists from across the country will meet each other and learn important organizing skills like recruitment, communications strategy, action planning, fundraising, building partnerships, and more. Let’s encourage interested high school and middle school students to apply—deadline is January 16 at 11:59 p.m. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGlcpVyT_ch7Y6MPLdbuUCycrQfNSZdrvffGVmNP-pyGSnYA/viewform


Why The U.S. Embassy In Iraq Became A Target Of Anger Again:

Trump Ratings Remain Low Around Globe, While Views of U.S. Stay Mostly Favorable - https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/01/08/trump-ratings-remain-low-around-globe-while-views-of-u-s-stay-mostly-favorable/


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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