

Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

IMPEACHMENT TRIAL: It is now Friday – the day when the Senate will decide whether to call witnesses in the impeachment trial. While this should not be a hard decision, it remains very unclear whether enough GOP Senators will find their way to doing the right thing:  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment/democrats-republicans-brace-for-high-stakes-tussle-over-witnesses-as-trump-trial-resumes-idUSKBN1ZT18E  Although the effort can feel very rock-up-a-hill, let’s continue with our calls/faxes/Resistbot messages, etc. to our Senators to say that we want witnesses at the trial and let’s also keep reaching out to friends in other states with their Senators’ phone numbers and a simple phrase to say when calling like “I am a constituent of the Senator’s and I am calling to demand that there be witnesses at the impeachment trial because the purpose of the trial is seeking the truth.”

USE TRANSLATION SKILLS TO AID IMMIGRANTS: If we are bilingual in English and Spanish and would like help immigrants at the border without having to leave home, Project Lifeline could use our help. Project Lifeline is looking for volunteers for a Remote Translation Pilot program by February 3. We can sign up here to learn more and join the Innovation LawLab family and assist the Defend Asylum program with time sensitive needed translations from Spanish to English:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekpf593xyqgl0Tzan8PiJIFeQmOtBdoPlUHb10Ocoeont7lA/viewform

RESTORE ASYLUM NOW:  From Immigrant Justice Now:  1) Call your member of Congress to co-sponsor the Asylum Seeker Protection Act HR. 2662 and share this graphic to get 3 friends to join you., 2) Ask presidential candidates to commit to ending the MPP program on day 1 of their administration and fix our broken asylum system, and 3) Physician and Lawyer sign on letter here: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/co-sponsor-the-asylum-seeker-protection-act-hr-2662



Iowa (statewide)
Primary election
February 3, 2020
New Hampshire (statewide)
Primary election
February 11, 2020
Wisconsin (statewide)
Primary election
February 18, 2020
Nevada (statewide)
Primary election
February 22, 2020
South Carolina (statewide)
Primary election
February 29, 2020

ELECTION RESULTS.  Two elections for which Postcards to Voters' (P2V) volunteers wrote took place on Tuesday. a) Campaign 187: Eliz Markowitz for TX state house.  Republican Gary Gates won this seat by 16 points. Markowitz will be on the ballot again in November. More at Texas Tribune. b) Campaign 188: Anna Eastman for TX state house (no post on P2V site). Eastman won this seat with 65% of the vote. Before participating in the next state legislative session in 2021, however, Eastman must win at least two more elections: the Democratic primary on March 3 and the Nov. 3 general election.  We can read more at The Leader.


CA: ASK GOVENOR NEWSOME TO NOMINATE AN ENVIRONMENTALIST TO AIR QUALITY BOARD: Southern California’s air quality is getting worse. With the worst ozone pollution in the country, and climate change making pollution more deadly, pollution related deaths have increased 10%in the last decade. We need to act now to clean up our air and save lives. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD), responsible for improving air quality in the greater Los Angeles area, now has an open Governing Board seat. Current board members come from aviation, mining, oil industry and other corporate-friendly backgrounds. Now we have a chance to make sure a person committed to improving the health of our communities joins them. We can sign this petition, and we can call Governor Newsom at (916) 445-2841 and ask him to nominate a public health advocate or environmental justice advocate, from the community not a corporation, to the AQMD Governing Board: https://www.change.org/p/gavin-newsom-appoint-a-climate-advocate-to-the-aqmd-board


ALL RISE: Lawyers Demand Impartial Justice: Lawyers for Good Government are asking lawyers and law students to show up in Washington D.C. today, January 31st to demand impartiality among the U.S. Senate. The event will start at the U.S. Capitol building, then participants will march to the U.S. Supreme Court. Let's check out the event details and sign up here: https://www.lawyersforgoodgovernment.org/allrise

LAUNCH PARTIES FOR THE GREEN NEW DEAL—The Sunrise Movement, a youth-led anti-climate change organization, https://www.sunrisemovement.org/ , is giving us a way to recruit millions of young people and their allies to gather momentum for the passage of the Green New Deal. Let’s consider organizing a 2020 launch party on January 29—we can sign up here:  https://actionnetwork.org/forms/our-plan-to-win-the-gnd-2020-launch-parties

NATIONAL PILGRIMAGE TO CLOSE THE CAMPS—Tsuru for Solidarity, a non-violent, direct action project of Japanese American social justice advocates, is leading the planning of a gathering of Japanese Americans from across the country in Washington, DC, June 5-7, 2020. The purpose of the gathering is to express solidarity with immigrant and refugee communities under attack in the US. Attendees will bring 125,000 paper cranes (tsuru) to represent the Japanese Americans who were imprisoned in concentration camps by the US government during World War II. We can support the pilgrimage by holding “Tsuru Fold-ins” to bring to D.C. or to mail them to Tsuru for Solidarity by May 1, 2020. To organize a fold-in, receive updates, register to attend and learn of other ways to participate, let’s visit: https://tsuruforsolidarity.org/2019/11/13/125000-paper-cranes-to-dc-in-june-2020-for-tsuru-for-solidaritys-national-pilgrimage-to-close-the-camps/


Trump Is Wrong Suggesting Social Security Cuts. It Needs Expanding -

Can You Survive The Pompeo Challenge? Name These Unmarked Countries - https://www.rferl.org/a/pompeo-npr-kelly-ukraine-map-quiz/30403854.html

We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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