

Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

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Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

DEMAND THAT FORMER NATIONAL SECURITY OFFICER JOHN BOLTON TESTIFY AT THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL: Advance release of a book penned by former national security officer John Bolton reveals that Trump deliberately held up aid to the Ukraine until the government committed to investigating the Bidens and that Trump’s lawyer Rudy Guiliani was pursuing a shadow Ukraine policy, possibly to benefit other clients. Bolton’s account makes clear that (1) Trump in fact withheld financial assistance to pressure Ukraine to investigate political rivals, and (2) Secretary of State Pompeo, Attorney General William Barr, and White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney were all aware that Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was meddling in and undermining official US policy toward Ukraine
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/26/us/politics/trump-bolton-book-ukraine.html  Meanwhile, reports from CBS news claim that Republican Senators have received strict warnings not to vote against Trump, “or your head will be held on a pike.” https://www.cbsnews.com/video/republican-senators-recieve-stark-warning-about-voting-against-trump/. Let’s tell our Republican Senators that we are aware of their attempts to cover up the evidence and demand that they do their Constitutional duty and call for witnesses, starting with John Bolton. Let’s tell our Senators, both Democratic and Republican, that these new revelations from John Bolton add to the already clear need for the Senate to subpoena witnesses and evidence to ensure a fair and thorough impeachment trial.

IMPEACHMENT: From MI Resistance: "On January 29th, the U.S. Senate will vote to determine whether witnesses and documents will be allowed in the removal trial of Trump. You may not think your call, your voice, matters. But it does. Senators gauge call volume." Let's take the #100SenatorChallenge and urge every single senator to allow new witnesses and documents during the Senate impeachment trial. We can find contact information for each senator at ContactingCongress (change "Both Chambers" in the drop down menu to "Senate.")

IMPEACHMENT TWITTER OPPORTUNITY:  Here are direct quotes from GOP members on impeachment that are ready to be retweeted:  https://twitter.com/postcards4USA/status/1221513824177741826  Let’s re-tweet!  Make sure to tag appropriate senators.  (h/t Postcards for America)

HEALTHCARE/ABORTION ACCESS: Access to safe, legal abortion is becoming more restricted, and our current political climate provides cause for concern; over 200 members of Congress filed an amicus brief in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade, and our Supreme Court has become significantly more conservative with the addition of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh (https://time.com/5769243/roe-v-wade-annniversary-abortion/). On March 4th, the Supreme Court will hear June Medical Services v. Gee, a case that may further restrict healthcare. Let's join UltraViolet and the Center for Reproductive Rights as they discuss the June case and how it could impact our access to comprehensive healthcare. We can register for their January 30th webinar here.

DEMAND THAT SECRETARY OF EDUCATION BETSY DEVOS APOLOGIZE FOR COMPARING ABORTION TO SLAVERY: At a recent event in Washington DC, Betsy DeVos compared a woman’s choice whether or not to bear a child as analogous to a state’s choice to allow slavery. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/23/devos-compares-abortion-rights-debate-to-slavery-102895. Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) has taken the lead in challenging Secretary DeVos and calling her out for this insult to the generations of African Americans whose ancestors were slaves.  https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/479692-pressley-slams-devos-over-abortion-slavery-comparison-would. Let’s thank Representative Pressley and also contact Secretary DeVos (1-800-872-5327; 202-401-3000; 400 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, D.C. 20202; betsy.devos@ed.gov) and demand that she apologize for this insulting false analogy. 

SPEAK OUT AGAINST ICE LOWERING STANDARDS FOR DETENTION FACILITIES: Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has just lowered its already low standards for detention facilities, https://www.ice.gov/detention-standards/2019, raising extreme concern from the ACLU. https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/the-trump-administration-weakens-standards-for-ice-detention-facilities/. Under the new standards, health assessments of detainees and outdoor areas for recration are no longer required, and there are more allowable reasons to place detainees in solitary confinement. In addition, the standards make it harder for detainees to obtain legal assistance. Let’s read the ACLU’s summary of the many other problems with the new standards, and then let’s contact our MoCs and reiterate the importance of tighter legislative control and oversight on an agency that has gone rogue. 

POMPEO LIES ABOUT NPR INTERVIEW: “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says an NPR host lied in setting up an interview with him on Friday, but email records support the journalist’s account of how the contentious exchange came to be. The emails, obtained by The Washington Post, indicate that Pompeo’s staff was aware that NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly would ask Pompeo about several topics in the interview and raised no objections, contrary to Pompeo’s characterization.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/emails-support-npr-host-after-pompeo-calls-her-a-liar-in-setting-up-contentious-interview/2020/01/26/d793cf0e-4071-11ea-b503-2b077c436617_story.html and https://www.forbes.com/sites/stephaniesarkis/2020/01/25/kelly-and-pompeo-how-a-journalist-masterfully-combated-gaslighting/#1fa36ae78ba4 and https://www.npr.org/2020/01/25/799562818/after-contentious-interview-pompeo-publicly-accuses-npr-journalist-of-lying-to-h  Let’s show our support for NPR.  We can make a comment here: https://help.npr.org/contact/s/contact?request=Comment-on-something-I-read or tweet Kelly a note of support for truth in journalism to @NPRKelly.  Let’s also send a donation to our favorite NPR station in POMPEO’s name.

WE CARE ABOUT UKRAINE: “Ukraine’s new ambassador to Washington says the United States does indeed care about his country, despite reports that the U.S. secretary of state says otherwise.” https://www.defenseone.com/politics/2020/01/heres-what-ukraines-new-ambassador-asking-us/162684/  Sec. of State Pompeo told Mary Louise Kelly on NPR that Americans don’t care about Ukraine.  Let’s let his office know that we DO care about Ukraine:  https://register.state.gov/contactus/ContactUsForm

IMMIGRATION:  If we wondered how the Border Patrol hopes to overcome its bad press and its difficulty in hiring—and wondered how our tax money is being spent—we might want to know about the Border Patrol Explorers, a program for 14-to-20-year-olds, jointly run by the Boy Scouts and the Border Patrol; its ostensible aim is to teach survival skills and first aid, and to participate in training exercises in which they “play” either Border Patrol agents or the immigrants they target:  https://www.kveo.com/news/local-news/border-patrol-graduates-26-explorers/  Likewise, we might want to know that our government contributes spends millions in support of a partnership between a sports league and the Border Patrol: 
https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/2020/01/21/immigration-sports-league-has-unique-partnership-border-patrol/2798296001/  We should tell our MoCs, the Border Patrol ((877) 227-5511) and the Boy Scouts (972-580-2000) that training more men with guns to chase those they dislike does not have our support—and should not receive our money.

FIGHT ANTISEMITISM AT THE WHITE HOUSE: TruNews has called Trump’s impeachment a “Jew coup.” Rick Wiles, the pastor who runs TruNews, has accused Jews of wanting to kill millions of Christians, of being deceivers and liars, and of unscrupulously pursuing a political agenda. Yet the White House has extended press credentials to this antisemitic media outlet. https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/trump-white-house-reportedly-again-credentials-website-that-called-impeachment-a-jew-coup Let’s tell our Members of Congress to publicly call on the White House to revoke TruNews’s credentials, and let’s tell the White House the same.

NOMINATE ADAM SCHIFF FOR A PROFILE IN COURAGE AWARD: Last week, Congressman Adam Schiff stood up to our nation, explaining, defending and exemplifying moral courage. While he does represent a liberal district, he has withstood many virulent attacks for doing his duty as an Impeachment Manager so clearly, so effectively and so well. Over the weekend Trump hurled another incendiary tweet, claiming Schiff has not yet “paid the price” for impeachment. This bullying has to stop. Let’s stand up for Adam Schiff and nominate him for a Profiles in Courage Award. We can click this link to nominate him: https://www.jfklibrary.org/events-and-awards/profile-in-courage-award/submit-a-nomination 

CALL FOR SUPPORT FOR SOCIAL SECURITY 2100 ACT:  “President Donald Trump’s Social Security plan is in question after tweeting he is going to save the benefits program Thursday, only a day after letting slip that overhauling the program, along with Medicare, are on his administration’s docket for the future.” https://moneyandmarkets.com/trumps-social-security-plan/  Instead, we can urge our MoCs to support The Social Security Act 2100 (S.269/H.R. 860).  The legislation would provide an increase of about 2% of the average benefit to all beneficiaries; would improve the annual cost of living adjustment to better reflect the costs incurred by older Americans; would protect low income workers by setting a new minimum benefit at 25% above the poverty line; would cut taxes for beneficiaries by raising the threshold for non-Social Security income before benefits are taxed; and would ensure that any increase in benefits from the bill don’t result in a reduction in SSI, Medicaid or CHIP benefits.  The measure would gradually phase in an increase in the contribution rate to keep the system solvent (for the average worker, this would mean paying an additional 50 cents per week every year, but would result in higher payroll taxes on higher levels of income, from the current $132,900 max up to a new $400,000); and establish a single Social Security Trust Fund.  Let’s urge our MoCs to support these bills to make life easier for our seniors and make the program more sustainable.

PUSH FOR MEDIA COVERAGE OF ALL THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL:  “Mitch McConnell and Senate Rules Committee Chair Roy Blunt have instituted unprecedented press restrictions in order to prevent the public from having full access to Trump's Senate impeachment trial -- including limits on what the public can see and on reporters' ability to talk to Senators.”  “No matter what happens during the trial, the American people deserve every opportunity to witness it firsthand. We have a right to participate in the impeachment process -- and make informed decisions for ourselves.”  Let’s make our demands known to both McConnell and the major TV news networks:  https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/remove-press-restrictions-for-president-trump-s-impeachment-trial and https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/televise-trumps-impeachment-trial

THIS WEEK’S READY-TO-GO POSTCARDING PLANNER:  From one of our own:  Here’s the list:   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dasX9TC7o8OA8ACLG99c6eRJm1Oy6TKcEFesnNHwWmE/edit



Iowa (statewide)
Primary election
February 3, 2020
New Hampshire (statewide)
Primary election
February 11, 2020
Wisconsin (statewide)
Primary election
February 18, 2020
Nevada (statewide)
Primary election
February 22, 2020
South Carolina (statewide)
Primary election
February 29, 2020

VOTER REGISTRATION:  All the information we need about deadlines for voter registration in all fifty states and links to further information for each state is available here: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-register-to-vote-when-to-register-deadlines Let’s use this information to encourage our neighbors to register and VOTE.

GET OUT THE VOTE. Here are the most recent Postcards To Voters' (P2V) campaigns: a) Campaign 191: Bill Redwine for KY state house; b) Campaign 192: Ellen Beraud for San Luis Obispo (CA) County Supervisor. (Her name is pronounced "bay-ROW'); c) Florida Vote By Mail - Lee County. This Ft. Myers area campaign is P2V's latest effort to reach all Florida registered Democrats who are not yet signed up to vote by mail.  Let's request 5 addresses today for one of P2V's active campaigns.  Per Tony the Democrat, P2V now has over 70,000 registered volunteers! One postcard at a time, we are reaching critical voters.


IA:  IOWA CAUCUS - FEB.3. Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses on Feb. 3 will set the tone for the rest of the Democratic presidential primary. We can read about how they work and why we still do them at Politico. If we are Iowa registered Democrats, let's check out the information provided by the Iowa Democratic Party to find our own caucus and satellite caucus locations. We can also request an accommodation on this site. Let's share this information with our Democratic friends and family in Iowa. 

NH PRIMARY - FEB. 11. New Hampshire first instituted a presidential primary for the 1916 election. We can read more about the history at InDepthNH.org. If we are NH Democrats, let's check out the information provided by the NH Secretary of State regarding voting in primaries. We can look up our polling places here. Let's share this information with our Democratic friends and family in New Hampshire.

TX:  From  #VOTEPROCHOICE : Are you or do you know an org in TX that endorses candidates? VOTEPROCHOICE is looking to partner with organizations and feature their endorsements in our TX Primary Voter Guide (available in English + Spanish). Please reach out to julielyn@voteprochoice.us


SWARM THE CAPITOL: Day of Action: On January 29, swarm the U.S. Capitol to voice your outrage about the GOP cover-up and demand Trump’s conviction and removal from office. More information here:  https://www.remove45.org/post/trump-is-guilty-day-of-action Sign up here:  https://act.indivisible.org/event/attend-impeachment-august/150781 Facebook event page here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/208927723607956/  Find an event near us:  https://www.impeach.org/event/senate-impeach-events/search/

ALL RISE: Lawyers Demand Impartial Justice: Lawyers for Good Government are asking lawyers and law students to show up in Washington D.C. on January 31st to demand impartiality among the U.S. Senate. The event will start at the U.S. Capitol building, then participants will march to the U.S. Supreme Court. Let's check out the event details and sign up here: https://www.lawyersforgoodgovernment.org/allrise

LAUNCH PARTIES FOR THE GREEN NEW DEAL—The Sunrise Movement, a youth-led anti-climate change organization, https://www.sunrisemovement.org/ , is giving us a way to recruit millions of young people and their allies to gather momentum for the passage of the Green New Deal. Let’s consider organizing a 2020 launch party on January 29—we can sign up here:  https://actionnetwork.org/forms/our-plan-to-win-the-gnd-2020-launch-parties


We Are Republicans and We Want Trump Defeated - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/17/opinion/lincoln-project.html

Senate should remove Trump, majority of independent voters say in Fox News poll - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/01/26/trump-impeachment-fox-news-poll/4581020002/


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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