

Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

IMPEACHMENT/NOVEMBER RECESS: From November 2nd thru the 11th, the House will be on recess, with many representatives back in their home districts. Just like we did during their October recess, let's make sure to make impeachment a focal point during townhalls and in-person meet ups with our representatives. We can find a townhall or event near us here, or if there isn't one yet, we can register one here. Whether we are able to attend an event in-person or not, let's also be sure to call our reps and ask them one question: Do you think it's OK to ask a foreign power to interfere in our elections? Then, let's take note of their response and share it on social media. We can find more information and toolkits at https://www.impeachnow.org/

FEDERAL JUDICIARY NOMINATION: Just a reminder that a confirmation vote is still pending for Steven Menashi, the Trump aide with a long history of racism and xenophobia, who is now poised to assume a lifetime appointment the U.S. Court of Appeals. His confirmation hearing was a sham, marred by Menashi's refusal to answer legitimate questions about his record and work for the White House, which frustrated both Democrats and Republicans.  https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/11/steven-menashi-trump-judicial-nominee-1489457 and https://educationvotes.nea.org/2019/09/20/devos-ally-would-be-a-disaster-as-appellate-judge/ and https://www.naacp.org/latest/naacp-calls-withdrawal-steven-menashi-nomination/  We can't allow a bigoted ultraconservative extremist to skew our judiciary further Right, so let's tell our Senators to vote a loud "No"! 

IMPEACHMENT VOTE RALLIES: “The night before the House of Representatives takes a historic vote to impeach Trump, we'll head to every congressional office and public square to declare that Nobody Is Above the Law as representatives finalize their positions and senators look on.”  The coalition behind this effort is impressive.  Let’s click here to learn about events, how we can create one, materials to use, and more:  https://www.impeach.org/event/impeach-and-remove-attend/

PRESSURE REPUBLICAN SENATORS ON IMPEACHMENT TRIAL:  The Senate will be making its own rules for Trump’s impeachment trial, and it is crucial that the process be open and transparent and allow for the consideration of all of the evidence.  https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/467024-mcconnell-to-republicans-defend-trump-on-process  Let’s (1) call on both our Senators to publicly support a fair and open impeachment trial, and (2) connect sympathetic voters in key states to their Senators so that they can ask the same—use this tool from Indivisible: https://act.indivisible.org/signup/impeachment-senate-calls/

ADVOCATE FOR AN UNACCOMPANIED IMMIGRANT CHILD FACING DEPORTATION:  The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, a human rights organization, seeks volunteers to become Child Advocates in Chicago, Houston, San Antonio, Harlingen, Phoenix, Los Angeles, New York, or Washington, D.C.   Let’s read the job description and requirements and consider filling out a volunteer application: https://www.theyoungcenter.org/volunteer-at-the-young-center

GOP BREAKS RULES AND STORMS TESTIMONY ROOM: “Dozens of House Republicans, including Reps. Steve Scalise—the House minority whip—and Matt Gaetz, dramatically barged into a secure room where the deposition of a Defense Department official was being held as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Only lawmakers from the House Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs Committee, the panels conducting the inquiry, were allowed in the room where the testimony of Laura Cooper, the deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, was taking place.  Some of the Republicans allegedly brought electronic devices into the room to take photos and recordings, a move that breaches the classified room's ban on electronic devices.” It is a violation that can result in job loss and jail time. 
https://www.newsweek.com/gop-lawmaker-who-stormed-closed-door-impeachment-deposition-criticized-sharing-audio-recording-1467375  If we have a GOP Congressperson, let’s get in touch to say that this behavior is unacceptable on every level and we are disgusted at their utter disregard of the facts of the matter. And let’s make sure they know that we will remember their behavior in November 2020. 

FAKE “NEWS” SITES:  Let's heed this warning from Harvard's Nieman Lab. Time to get more savvy about where we are getting our new. Look-alikes with misinformation do not help any of us.  https://www.niemanlab.org/2019/10/watch-your-url-local-news-outlets-have-to-ward-off-more-politically-funded-local-competitors-ahead-of-2020/

GOP TN SENATOR BLOCKS ELECTION SECURITY BILLS: Senate Republicans blocked three election security bills on Wednesday, marking the second time in as many days they've stymied legislation. Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) asked for unanimous consent to pass three election-related bills. But they were blocked by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who noted that the unsuccessful attempt was the latest by Democrats to pass election security bills in the Senate ahead of 2020. “You know, it’s not a good sign if you’re doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result," Blackburn said.
https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/467130-senate-gop-blocks-three-election-security-bills-for-second-day  If this is our senator, ask her why she will let Russians influence our elections and tell her It’s not a good sign to expect they will do anything differently.  If she is not our senator, we can still Tweet her and ask the same question.  Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) · Twitter  Then, we can ask our GOP reps how they voted and when we can expect better, more protective legislation from them. 

STOP MANDATED DNA COLLECTION FROM MIGRANTS: Currently, officials only collect DNA from migrants who are being prosecuted for criminal offenses, but a new rule will enable the administration to collect DNA from nearly any asylum seeker who is detained when crossing through official entry points.  https://thehill.com/latino/466685-fbi-moving-to-collect-dna-from-asylum-seekers-detained-migrants-report. The argument is that this will help in fighting crime, but the reality is that the crime rate for both legal and undocumented immigrants is much lower than it is for U.S. Citizens. Let’s make sure to submit a comment on the federal register and also ask our MoCs to do something about this flagrant invasion of privacy and violation of human rights. 

STOP THE “REMAIN IN MEXICO (MPP) PROGRAM”: There are currently over 50,000 refugees waiting in Mexico for their claims to be processed. The Facebook page, Witness Tornillo, Target: MPP (Migrant Protection Protocol) has begun to document the numerous ways that the process is stacked against asylum seekers. Court dates are randomly assigned and often changed with minimal attempt to communicate to these refugees when they are due for court appearances. Conditions on the border towns are dangerous and unsanitary, and people are consistently experiencing shortages of food and water. Now Mexico is attempting to move people away from the border, making it harder for U.S. witnesses and volunteers to help with shelter and court appointment. https://www.krgv.com/videos/new-site-to-offer-matamoros-migrants-temporary-shelter/.  While overcrowding is a serious issue, the real issue here is the U.S.’s treatment of asylum seekers who should have the right to have their cases heard in a timely and fair manner. Let’s make sure to join the Facebook page for updates on MPP and also speak with our MoCs about ending the Remain in Mexico policy.

LINDSEY GRAHAM LYNCHING COMMENT:  After Trump compared the Impeachment Inquiry to a lynching, Senator Lindsey Graham doubled-down on his support of Trump making this comment:  https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/466878-graham-backs-trump-this-is-a-lynching-in-every-sense  Let’s contact the South Carolina Bar Association to say that Senator Graham’s behavior is not in keeping with the expectations they hold for their members: https://www.scbar.org/about-us/contact-us/  Let’s also let Senator Graham know that we find his behavior deplorable:  https://www.lgraham.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/office-locations

RESEARCH SHOWS LARGE CAPACITY MAGAZINE BANS WORK: The American Journal of Public Health has just published a new study on whether large-capacity magazine bans are effective in reducing high-fatality mass shootings. The key finding is that LCM bans appear to save lives. We can read more about the study’s key findings here:  https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1186347142388109312.html?refreshed=yes
We can also read the abstract and the entire article here:  https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2019.305311  Let’s call our reps to cosponsor and support H.R. 1296 to Ban Assault Weapons.  If we like, we can also use this link from the Brady Center to send a letter to key Representatives:  https://secure.everyaction.com/RNt90ROWKU6HmZK0nJ8OaA2?

PROTEST RI AG’S REFUSAL TO CHARGE VIOLENT DETENTION OFFICERS:  Last August, peaceful protesters at the Wyatt detention facility in Central Falls, RI, were attacked when a facility captain, Thomas Woodworth, deliberately drove his truck into the line of protesters, and correctional officers followed up by pepper-spraying the protesters. RI Attorney General Peter Neronha convened a grand jury to look into the matter and announced this week that no charges would be filed.  https://www.wpri.com/target-12/protest-group-no-charges-over-pickup-truck-incident-at-wyatt/ Let’s contact RI AG Neronha and tell him that this decision violates the rights of Americans to peacefully protest, will embolden the impunity of ICE and its law enforcement arms, and is unacceptable.  http://www.riag.ri.gov/home/ContactUs.php


UPCOMING 2019 ELECTIONS:  In order to keep track of upcoming elections, we can use this from Ballotpedia:  https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar

#VOTEPROCHOICE’S 2019 VOTER GUIDE NOW AVAILABLE:  On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, there will be 49,000 races on the ballot in 34 states. It’s time to mobilize!  #VOTEPROCHOICE is proud to release our 10th online voter guide in 4 years. We’ve distributed over 30 million voter guides entirely devoted to making sure progressive, prochoice voters vote all the way down the ballot in every single election. This is, again, the most comprehensive, easy-to-use, progressive online voter guide available and we want to get it into the hands 110 million voters from Maine to California. The 2019 Voter Guide includes:  1) Every election happening on November 5, 2019 (rolled out in phases based on early voting dates), 2) Endorsements from 65+ state, local and national progressive endorsing organizations, 3) Proven “Make a Plan To Vote” technology designed by Ballot Ready, 4) Anti-choice organizational endorsements as a contrast, and 5) Available in English and Spanish.  Let’s check out this voter guide (https://www.voteprochoice.us/voter-guide) and use their digital share kit, too: https://www.voteprochoice.us/partner-toolkit/

KENTUCKY: GOVERNOR ELECTION GUIDE. Election Day (Nov. 5) is quickly approaching, with a showdown between Republican incumbent Matt Bevin and Democratic Attorney General Andy Beshear. We can see where both candidates, and Libertarian nominee John Hicks, stand on key issues in Kentucky at Courier-JournalIf we are Kentucky voters, let's review the gubernatorial candidates' positions.

LET'S GET OUT THE VOTE IN KENTUCKY! Postcards To Voters volunteers wrote to 13,962 Kentucky voters last weekend! Let's try to make this coming weekend even more productive with Campaign 171: Kentucky Democratic SlateLet's request 5 addresses today for this important campaign.

Postcards for America reminds us that many North Carolina colleges have not yet had their student IDs approved as photo IDs needed to vote. The deadline for private colleges is THIS SATURDAY, OCT 26.  We can check here to see if our schools has not yet applied: democracync.org/wp-content/upl  And if they have not, demand our school administrators submit this form bit.ly/32C9Ugf so students can use their student ID to vote.  We can find out more about this at Postcards for America’s Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/postcards4USA/posts/2487259778054886ht
IN Virginia, a crucial seat was decided (and lost) by a coin toss! ONE vote would have saved the day. Every vote counts! Let’s make sure ours does!

LGBTQ & VOTER REGISTRATION—Around 21% of eligible LGBTQ adults are not registered to vote, compared with 17% of non-LGBTQ adults. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/1-in-5-lgbtq-adults-isnt-registered-to-vote-despite-high-2020-stakes-2019-10-11  Voting is an important way to protect LGBTQ rights. Let’s share this information, along with this link to register to vote:  https://turbovote.org/

HELP SPREAD THE VOTE: "At Spread The Vote, we work every day to ensure that people have what they need to vote. 77% of the people we work with have never voted before and 100% of our clients cannot vote without us." One of the things this worthy org does is help people get an ID so they can vote. Let's donate or volunteer if we can: https://www.spreadthevote.org/donate

2020 SENATE RACE: LOOKING AHEAD. 33 Senate seats will be on the ballot next November. We can review the information at Ballotpedia for information on our own states' races.


MOST:  FACEBOOK ANTITRUST ISSUES: A total of forty-seven Attorneys General have launched an investigation against Facebook regarding Antitrust issues (as led by New York AG Letitia James) in a week when Facebook dominates the headlines for democracy-endangering reasons:  https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/22/47-attorneys-general-are-investigating-facebook-for-antitrust-violations.html  There’s a list of involved states and territories at the end of the article. Let’s be in touch with our own Attorney General if they signed-on to say thank you:  https://www.usa.gov/state-attorney-general

MA: DISABILITY RIGHTS: In October of 2018, the FDA announced in its Unified Agenda that it would be implementing a final ban on electrical stimulation devices (ESDs) in the upcoming year. It has been almost a year since the announcement, and the ban has still not been issued. Meanwhile, disabled individuals at the Judge Rotenberg Center continue to be tortured by these shock devices. Because of the lack of movement at the federal and state levels, Boston resident Daniel Farnkoff is working to get a proposal on the Massachusetts ballot in November 2020; he will need to get approximately 80,000 signatures in order to get the question on the ballot (https://bit.ly/2lvZL4m). The November 2019 deadline is approaching, and we need help collecting those signatures! We can find information on how to collect signatures, what is required by law, and which talking points to use here, then let's sign up to collect signatures.



Trump impeachment: Five takeways from 'explosive' testimony (of Acting US Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor) - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50146358

Sacramento cannabis industry drawn into scandal: What we know about its links to Russia - https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article236340178.html


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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