

Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

GUN REFORM:  Our nation has suffered another mass shooting – this time in Odessa and Midland, Texas. Another white man with an AR-15 has committed mass murder and the NRA maintains its death grip on the GOP: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/sep/01/odessa-texas-shooting-latest-news   Let’s contact our MoC to say that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s inaction is unacceptable.  He is sitting on bills that could save lives. We can also sign this petition to our Senators and McConnell demanding action on background checks and Red Flag Laws now:  https://act.everytown.org/sign/smarter-gun-laws/

DEMAND ACTION ON GUN VIOLENCE:  With 53 people massacred in August alone, we must channel our grief, shock and outrage to demand that something be done about gun violence in this country.  Texas alone, has been the site of two horrific mass shootings this month but the Texas Legislature, which recently passed laws loosening restrictions on guns, allowing them in churches and schools, will not reconvene until 2021, unless the Governor calls a special session. We can click here to sign a petition demanding that Texas Governor Greg Abbott call a special legislative session of gun safety:  https://www.change.org/p/demand-governor-abbott-call-a-special-session-on-gun-safety-in-texas 

BOY SCOUT PROGRAM GROOMING YOUTH TO BE BORDER PATROL AGENTS: Color of Change is calling for an end to a program run jointly by Customs and Border Patrol, and the Boy Scouts of America which recruits and trains youth in border law enforcement.  https://www.kut.org/post/border-patrol-youth-program-trains-children-young-14-become-agents. Let’s tell the Boy Scouts of America (972-580-2000, PO Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079, or on social media, especially if we have friends and family members who have been scouts, that they need to stop enabling and aiding an organization that separates families and imprisons people in inhumane conditions. We can also sign the color of change petition calling for an end to the program here.

BOYCOTT BUSINESSES SUPPORTING TRUMP: CEO Stephen Ross’s fundraiser for Trump last month caused a fair degree of backlash against Related Companies, which owns Equinox, Soul Cycle, Blink Fitness, and PURE Yoga. Yahoo Finance has compiled a list of 30 other businesses that support Trump. Let’s review this list, publicize it, and ask our friends and family to consider bringing their business elsewhere. We can remind them that this is no longer about mere differences of political opinion. The administration’s constant abuse of power represents a clear and present danger to our democracy.

STOP IMMIGRANT DNA TESTING While the administration claims there’s no money for toothbrushes and migrant prisons, they now want to start extensive DNA testing of undocumented immigrants.  https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/hamedaleaziz/customs-border-ice-rule-draft-dna-testing-undocumented-immig?. It is not clear what they will do with this data, and many senior law enforcement experts have already called this a waste of taxpayer money, while immigrant and civil rights advocates have called it a gross invasion of privacy. Let’s tell our MoCs that this is one more reason we need to defund ICE and put strict parameters on any Homeland Security funding. 

NATIVE AMERICAN RIGHTS:  The 1835 Treaty of New Echota resulted in the forced removal of the Cherokee Nation from its tribal land to territories in Oklahoma, an event known as the Trail of Tears. Nearly 4,000 died as a result of that forced march. As part of the 1835 treaty, the US government promised the Cherokee Nation that it could seat a delegate in the US House of Representatives. The Cherokee Nation has now announced its intention to appoint a delegate. 
https://www.npr.org/2019/09/01/756564712/cherokee-nation-takes-up-1835-promise-to-send-delegate-to-congress Let’s tell our Members of Congress that we expect them to work collaboratively with the Cherokee Nation to keep its promise.

STOP ROGUE POWER ABUSE BY ACTING IMMIGRATION DIRECTOR: Just when we thought that the administration’s immigrant policies couldn’t get any crueler and meaner, there have been a flurry of attacks on both undocumented and documented people, including ending deferrals for people who are here for medical reasons, denying prospective citizenship to green card holders if they’ve taken any public benefits, including veterans who have served our country, and denying automatic citizenship to children of military families who were born overseas.These policies were all spear-headed by Acting Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Ken Cuccinelli, who has not been confirmed by the Senate, and is, in fact, considered unconfirmable. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/459474-unconfirmed-by-senate-cuccinelli-sees-power-influence-grow-on. Trump has relied on appointing his own “Acting” administrators in other agencies, as well, more than any other past president, and continuing to allow Acting Directors so much leadership is just one more way that executive power is being consolidated and abused without Congressional Oversight. Let’s tell our MoCs to demand that Trump nominate a permanent director immediately and also ask them to enact legislation that limits how long someone can serve in an acting capacity.

HELP SAVE THE AMAZON: This opinion piece points out what a huge role US investment fund Blackstone plays in the destruction of the Amazon. Let's watch this video and then find out whether our university, charity, or pension fund is giving money to Blackstone -- it's usually public information. If we find they do, we can post it to Twitter, and tag journalist @ryangrim. Do these groups feel comfortable investing our money in the destruction of the Amazon? We sure don't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyR-l6aJTfc

IMMIGRATION—REUNITE SEPARATED FAMILY MEMBERS: Project Reunify, of the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, works to locate forcibly separated immigrant children and reunite them with their parents and relatives. They’re looking for licensed attorneys, social workers, mental health specialists, pediatricians, health care specialists, and interpreters to help conduct legal, medical, and mental health interviews to volunteer to help in their efforts. Let’s learn more, and if we’re qualified, let’s volunteer: https://www.reunify.org

KASHMIR:  The UK, Hong Kong, and Russia are not the only places seeking good governance.  Last month, “. . . Kashmir’s constitutionally enshrined autonomy was being unilaterally withdrawn, and the state was being downgraded and split into two “union territories”.”  Now in confusion and unrest, the Kashmir people are suffering.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/kashmir-crisis-latest-india-article-370-autonomy-torture-claims-planning-a9086611.html  Let’s check out Stand With Kashmir and see how we can help:  https://www.standwithkashmir.org/ We can also follow them on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/StandWithKashmir/

TRUMP’S UNFITNESS: Our president has not gotten steadier and more mentally fit as summer winds down. He has been celebrating Labor Day with a particularly inane, useless, and unseemly series of tweets as Hurricane Dorian bears down: Trump lashes out at the media, Democrats in Labor Day tweets   Let’s let Trump know that we await his resignation: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20050 or comment line 202-456-1111 (volunteer operators) or on Twitter @realdonaldtrump ; Let’s also let our MoC know that he needs to be impeached for numerous reasons.

OBSERVE THE CLIMATE STRIKE—PLANT 10 FREE TREES: As the Global Climate Strike approaches, https://globalclimatestrike.net/ , let’s remember that trees can offset carbon accumulation in the atmosphere. We can get 10 free trees for planting in our yards and neighborhoods when we join the National Arbor Foundation. Membership is only $10! Let’s join today: 

NEW GROUP: “DemCast is a growing team of grassroots activists, writers, artists & thinkers. We’re building this initiative so that anyone can find a way to meaningfully plug in.”  Let’s learn more about this new group and see how we can help:  https://demwritepress.com/demcast/

POSTCARDING:  From one of our own – Here are this week’s issues/addresses write-ups for postcarding:    https://docs.google.com/document/d/194lmcDtgw-AROYr-Tl74cxpz7CEmGORA_pgz5MNH_JI/edit Look them over and choose the ones that speak to you. 


NC: VOTE EARLY BEFORE DORIAN STRIKES:  With NC03 and NC09 elections under way, we are also preparing for Hurricane Dorian. To make sure that Dorian doesn’t prevent us from voting, we are encouraged to vote during early voting period, which ends this Friday. The 9th District election, redoing a narrow Republican victory in a traditionally Red district, is being closely watched as a referendum on Republican governance. Special elections traditionally have low turnouts, which could give the Republicans an advantage here, so a bigger turnout boosts Democrat Dan McCready’s chances.  We can read more about the NC03 Election here:

North Carolina is a week away from a historic Special Election, a chance to hand Trump a stinging defeat in a Red District he won by 11 points. This race is now a virtual tie with a strong chance for Democrat Dan McCready to pick up the seat he narrowly lost last time. Early voting is underway and, especially with the threat of Hurricane Dorian landing, the time to cast votes is NOW.  Regardless of where we live, we can help flip this district Blue when we click here to make calls for Dan McCready’s Special Election in North Carolina:  https://www.mobilize.us/grassrootsdemocratslahq/event/116969/?

ELECTION SECURITY: The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is charged with protecting our elections from fraud, corruption, and foreign interference. Now, with the all-important 2020 election ramping up, one of the FEC's Republican commissioners is resigning, which leaves the FEC without a quorum, and thus unable to fulfill its mission. https://publicintegrity.org/federal-politics/federal-election-commission-fec-to-effectively-shut-down and https://www.npr.org/2019/08/30/755523088/as-fec-nears-shutdown-priorities-such-as-stopping-election-interference-on-hold A replacement has been nominated, but the Senate has not started confirmation proceedings, so let's call our senators and demand immediate action on this nominee who, as a Trump nominee, will probably need extra vetting! 

VOLUNTEER FOR A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN: Only 12% of citizens help on political campaigns.  Let’s work on making that number higher this time around.  There are so many ways we can help.  Check some out here:  https://www.marieclaire.com/politics/a26013092/how-to-volunteer-2020/



GLOBAL CLIMATE STRIKE: “On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and world to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. Millions of us will take the streets to demand a right to a future, and we’re inviting you to #strikewithus
Find a strike near you to attend on September 20 on the map . . .  If you don’t see an event in your area, organize one! We’ll provide everything you need to get started in planning something in your community, so no experience is necessary.”  Let’s check out more here:  https://strikewithus.org/  (scroll down page to see map of locations)  If we are outside the U.S., let’s check out this site for opportunities:   https://globalclimatestrike.net/

WE THE PEOPLE MARCH:  Needless to say, a lot has transpired during the two weeks of Rogan’s List hiatus. Let’s be inspired by our siblings in the UK, Hong Kong, and Russia who have taken to the streets in support of democracy. The We The People March (organized by Amy Siskind of The List) is Saturday, September 21stin Washington DC. The March is looking for volunteers to house people coming from other states to DC, as well as leaders to put together marches in cities across the country. Check out the website to find local marches or buses headed to DC. If you can, make a donation to help the marchers:  https://wethepeoplemarch.org


Welcome to the US, Greta. With your help we can save the planet and ourselves - https://www.theguardian.com/global/commentisfree/2019/aug/29/us-greta-thunberg-climate

US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'Russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for Putin - https://www.businessinsider.com/spies-react-trump-g7-summit-russian-asset-2019-8


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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