

Fax legislators for free:

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CONTINUED IMMIGRATION ATROCITIES:  As the awareness grows of the Trump administration-made humanitarian crisis, there are many ways we can help.  Many suggestions in previous editions of Rogan’s List are still appropriate to work on.

DETAINED MIGRANT CHILDREN ARE MISSING: Last Friday, the migrant children’s detention center in Homestead was completely shut down. However, no one has said where the children were taken. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article233488172.html. HHS is insisting that most of these children were (suddenly) reunited with their families but witnesses who have been monitoring the site are unconvinced. Many of the children who were at the Tornillo Center when that was shut down due to public pressure, were then moved to Homestead, and there are fears that the administration has tried to move them to facilities that are currently outside the public eye. As taxpayers, we must demand transparency, and as human beings, we must continue to insist that all of these children, who have done nothing wrong other than ask for asylum, be united with family members of sponsors until their cases are heard. Let’s call our MoCs right now and ask them to fully investigate what has happened to the 3,000 children who were in Homestead.  

EXPANDING JAIL TIME FOR MIGRANT CHILDREN: Now that the Homestead detention center is closed, workers https://miami.cbslocal.com/2019/08/01/worker-speaks-out-about-conditions-inside-homestead-facility-for-unaccompanied-minors/ and former residents https://miami.cbslocal.com/2019/07/31/sofias-story-inside-homestead-facility-unaccompanied-minors/are beginning to speak out. Meanwhile, Judiciary Chair Lindsay Graham, succeeded in a political maneuver to move the “Secure and Protect Act” out of the Judiciary Committee that would increase the amount of time children seeking asylum could be jailed. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/01/senate-democrats-lindsey-graham-1444383. Let’s tell Senator Graham (202-224-5972) that we object to his underhanded tactics and his willingness to jail children in these conditions. And let’s tell our MoCs to vote against S. 1494, if it reaches the floor.

IMMIGRATION: Our current Administration likes to play politics with immigration, and is currently considering showing a sliver of mercy towards Venezuelans in the U.S. (https://www.npr.org/2019/08/02/747734905/amid-border-crackdown-white-house-may-shield-venezuelans-from-deportation). The threat of deportation, though, comes from that same Administration and its cynical use of the immigration issue to pander to its base and distract us from its litany of political and moral failings. So, let's make sure our MoCs know that we aren't fooled, that we see their failure to hold the Administration accountable for its capricious cruelty, and that we will vote accordingly.

DONATE TO HELP FAMILIES AFFECTED BY LATEST MASS SHOOTINGS:  If we are looking for ways to help out and are able to donate, we can check out these groups: 1)  The El Paso Community Foundation (@ElPasoCF) accepts donations to help impacted families:payments.epcf.org/victims, and 2) The  Dayton Foundation’s Dayton Oregon District Tragedy Fund allows individuals to make charitable contributions to help the families directly affected by this terrible tragedy. The Foundation will waive the credit card processing fee so that 100 percent of the money will be used to assist others. https://www.daytonfoundation.org/080419pr.html

TELL SENATE TO PASS GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION: Massacre Mitch (aka Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continues to refuse to bring H.R. 8 or H.R. 1112 to the floor for a vote, despite the fact that over 90% of Americans approve of background checks. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/04/mass-shootings-what-congress-doing-gun-control/1916451001/.  These sensible gun control bills, already passed by the House in February, would close the gun show loophole and expand background check requirements.  Now that Trump has okayed strong background checks (https://www.npr.org/2019/08/05/748190808/trump-calls-for-strong-background-checks-following-el-paso-and-dayton-shootings , let’s tell Senator McConnell (202-224-2541) and our own Senators that we want to see these bills passed now, even if it means reconvening Congress during their recess.

CALL OUT NRA-SUPPORTED CONGRESSPEOPLE: After this weekend’s shootings, if our MoCs are insisting that guns in this country are not a problem, and that the rights of gun-owners are more important than public safety, let’s check this list to find out how much money they are receiving from the NRA. And let’s publicize this widely in our community.  

EL PASO & DAYTON SHOOTINGS:  In response to the white and, apparently white-supremacist, gunman who killed or maimed nearly 50 people in El Paso with his semi-automatic rifle and the white gunman who killed 9 with his in Dayton in 30 seconds, Trump, whose own racism is well-documented, nonetheless said in his Monday speech that “In one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy”: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/05/el-paso-dayton-shootings-donald-trump-white-nationalism-sinister/1920345001/  Blaming mental illness and video games for the shootings—not guns or the nativism of his administration—Trump offered no specifics about policy or legislation he would pursue;  apparently he could not even remember where these shootings took place, offering his condolences to Toledo, not Dayton, at the end of his speech—oh well, it’s all Ohio.  We must insist that our MoCs get military-style weapons off the streets—and yes, it would be nice if they also condemned white supremacy.

IMPEACHMENT:  Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff took to Twitter on Monday to say that Trump’s words are “inciting horror”:  https://twitter.com/RepAdamSchiff/status/1158456901467815937  Let’s let Chairman Schiff know that it is past time for an impeachment inquiry: https://schiff.house.gov and we can also reach out to Chairman Jerry Nadler: https://nadler.house.gov and Speaker Pelosi: https://pelosi.house.gov

JOIN FORCES:  In response to the out-of-control gun violence in this country, if we have not already done so, we should join Everytown for Gun Safety (https://everytown.org/), Moms Demand Action (https://momsdemandaction.org/), Newton Action Alliance (https://www.newtownactionalliance.org/), Community Justice Action Fund (https://www.cjactionfund.org/), Sandy Hook Promise (https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/), and Giffords Courage to Fight Gun Violence (https://giffords.org/).  We can also sign this petition by Everytown for Gun Safety to the U.S. Senate demanding action now:  https://act.everytown.org/sign/smarter-gun-laws and this from Sandy Hook Promise to Congress:  https://action.sandyhookpromise.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=21213  

WHITE NATIONALISM:  “Extremist-related murders spiked 35 percent from 2017 to 2018, "making them responsible for more deaths than in any year since 1995," according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Last year, every one of those extremist-related murders was carried out by a right-wing extremist.”  https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-nationalism-fueled-violence-rise-fbi-slow-call-it-domestic-n1039206  It is becoming increasingly clear that there is a contingent of our white, male citizens are being radicalized under our noses.  Let’s ask our MoCs what they are doing about it and how can these instances be classified as domestic terrorism so that the appropriate resources will be available. 

MITCH McCONNELL’S OBSTRUCTION: In addition to his refusal to move key gun policy votes forward, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell remains in the driver’s seat of blocking votes on critical legislation re: election security:
https://www.apnews.com/693436f36ca04995bf66f07bd4d7b4e4   Let’s let #MoscowMitch know that we expect these votes to move forward or we expect him to resign now:   https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/  

REALITY WINNER:  She tried to warn us and now Mueller has confirmed it. Russia interfered with our election.  Instead of being treated as the whistleblower that she was tried as a criminal and is doing time in a very different facility than Michael Cohen.  It is time to free her:  https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/reality-winner-whistleblower-exposed-russian-election-hacking-20190730.html  Let’s write to her and show her some support:  Reality Winner, #22056-021, Carswell Federal Medical Center, PO Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127

POSTCARDING:  From one of our own – Here are this week’s issues/addresses write-ups for postcarding:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1owixzg9Spi4EekGCmPryU3BDz3q0rIC2R6NziyGJI-U/edit Look them over and choose the ones that speak to you. Thank you for speaking out!

BOOKS FOR KIDS ABOUT SHOOTINGS:  Talking to kids about shootings can be hard.  Here are some that might help:  https://booksforlittles.com/gun-violence/  Let’s use these titles and share this list with friends who may find it helpful.

MANAGING STRESS AFTER MASS SHOOTING: We may be struggling to understand how a shooting could occur and why such a terrible thing would happen. There may never be satisfactory answers to these questions.  Tips from the American  Psychological Association:  https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/mass-shooting

GERRYMANDERING: One of the most powerful methods of voter suppression in that it prevents our votes from counting. Someone has come up with a fun idea to raise awareness of this partisan practice. “Someone made a font out of gerrymandered districts.” It’s called Gerry, and we can download and share it with our elected officials and fellow constituents:

SELF-CARE: After days, weeks, and months of very hard times in this administration, we are coming through a particularly painful weekend. This has all turned the corner from being a marathon to being an ultra-marathon. Let’s check in with ourselves. Do we need a break? Do we need more support than we are getting? Do we need new self-care routines?


MS: PRIMARY ELECTIONS TODAY! —Tuesday, August 6, 2019, is Primary Election Day for Statewide, State District, Legislative, County, and County District Offices in Mississippi. Polls are open 7AM-7PM. http://www.sos.ms.gov/Elections-Voting/Documents/2019%20Website%20Calendar%20Final.pdf Let’s find our polling place here:  http://www.sos.ms.gov/pollingplace/pages/default.aspx, and let’s be sure to vote!

VA & EVERYWHERE: POSTCARD PALOOZA CHALLENGE—August 19th is the 99th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. For Women’s Equality Week of Action (August 19-26), Postcards4VA wants 99 postcard-writing parties organized for Virginia’s 2019 elections. Every seat in the VA legislature is up for reelection. If the legislature flips BLUE, it will end extreme, undemocratic Republican gerrymandering for a decade, bring great progressive changes to this influential state, and lay some important groundwork for 2020. To attend or organize a party, let’s join the Postcard Palooza Challenge: https://postcards4va.com/events/


MI: PROTEST PRIVATE PRISON/DETENTION CENTER: Geo Group has won a ten-year contract with the federal government to open a detention center in Baldwin, Michigan (https://bit.ly/2YnaCA9). In order to fight back against this, No Detention Centers in Michigan, a coalition of activists, will be holding a protest on Tuesday, August 13th against the Great Lakes Financial Group of Prudential, pressuring the company to divest from Geo Group. Let's check out the event and show up to demand that Prudential stop profiting off of immigrant detention and abuse:

ND: DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE: In order to increase oil output, Energy Transfer plans on adding pumping stations along the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Illinois. However, the company has requested that the plans move forward in North Dakota without holding a public hearing, claiming that the increased pressure from the pumping stations will not expand the project's footprint (https://bit.ly/2OIPBeK). The North Dakota Public Service Commission (PSC) will allow the public to make requests for a hearing until August 9th, at which point it will decide whether to grant the requests. A coalition of Lakota leaders will be asking for a hearing, due to environmental concerns (https://www.apnews.com/a81d982d00ad4901a968c6875780c14b). If we are residents of North Dakota, let's be sure to contact the Public Service Commission and tell them that we want to have a public hearing on the proposed expansion of the Dakota Access Pipeline: Mailing address: 600 E. Boulevard, Dept. 408 Bismarck, ND 58505-0480, Email: ndpsc@nd.gov


NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY:  The first National Network Assembly, made up of hundreds of local grassroots leaders and organizers from around the country is happening in Des Moines, IA, August 22 to 25.   https://mailchi.mp/thedemlabs/nationalnetworkassembly There will be workshops, sessions, and meetings in which participants will strategize, plan, and learn skills to take home to their groups.  The 2019 National Network Assembly will strengthen the connective tissue between grassroots groups by bridging multiple networks and organizations that represent over 1,000 leaders across all 50 states.  We can find more information, register to attend, and donate to the scholarship fund here: https://www.nationalnetworkassembly.org/ We can use this document to invite others to attend:   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKWdGLESqQYFVIa3JXQrtsXO9zrZv7ihCdGfnmSZ0-M/edit


Op-Ed: We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here’s what we’ve learned about the shooters - https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2019-08-04/el-paso-dayton-gilroy-mass-shooters-data

15 Mental Health Resources For When You Are Feeling Helpless -

#MOSCOWMITCH: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is refusing to vote on legislation passed by the Democrat-led House, including gun legislation. This has earned him the nickname Moscow Mitch, and now there’s even a song! Listen here and let’s get this trending!  - https://www.motherjones.com/media/2019/08/moscow-mitch-is-now-the-song-of-the-summer-thanks-to-ben-folds/

Because we need to see that there ARE victories:  https://mailchi.mp/peaceisloud/no-more-silence?e=86890239c4

We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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