

Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

CONTINUED IMMIGRATION ATROCITIES:  As the awareness grows of the Trump administration-made humanitarian crisis, there are many ways we can help.  Suggestions in previous editions of Rogan’s List are still appropriate to work on.

SUPPORT BILL PROVIDING BASIC NECESSITIES TO DETAINED MIGRANTS AND AUTHORIZING CONGRESSIONAL INSPECTIONS: Just before leaving for recess the House passed HR 3670, the Short Term Detention Standards Act  on a bipartisan voice vote. https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2019/07/house-passes-slotkin-bill-to-provide-basic-necessities-to-detained-migrants.html?. This bill mandates basic necessities for detained migrants and also prohibits facilities from refusing to allow Congressional inspections. Now the bill heads to “McConnell’s graveyard” in the Republican-led Senate. Let’s tell our Senators to put as much pressure as they can on Mitch McConnell to assure that this bipartisan bill comes up for a vote. 

HELP PROVIDE NEEDED ITEMS TO PEOPLE FLEEING VIOLENCE:  Basic Dignities believes no one should be forced to risk their lives out of desperation while trying to establish a life away from violence and fear, and as a humanitarian group wants to help provide people with the basic “dignities” they need to survive. After a successful project in Uganda, they are now partnering with Border Angels to provide items for their Caravan of Love, which delivers necessities to the Mexican side of the US/Mexico border. There are several ways for us to help out. When we click on this link, we can find ways to help Basic Dignities provide people fleeing danger with the items they need to survive. https://www.basicdignities.org/current-project

VOLUNTEER FOR NO MORE DEATHS COMMUNITY OUTREACH TEAM:  Recently No More Deaths volunteer Dr. Scott Warren was tried but not convicted for offering food, water, clean clothes and beds to two men from Central America and now, continuing their efforts to intimidate people from committing such compassionate acts, the government is going to retry him. Now No More Deaths, which maintains a year-round humanitarian presence in the deserts of southwestern Arizona, hiking the trails and leaving water, food, socks, blankets, and other supplies, needs volunteers to help Scott Warren win his retrial. A crucial part of defending Dr. Warren and No More Deaths against further attack are the organization’s outreach efforts. To that end, No More Deaths is hosting a short-term volunteer program in support of their legal defense campaign. From September to November 2019, volunteers from around the world are welcome for two weeks or longer to come support their community outreach efforts in southern Arizona. If we are ready to commit to 30-35 hours per week, door knocking, and doing research, shared housing, food and in-state transportation will be provided. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. We can find out more about volunteering for 2 weeks or more from September to November 2019 with No More Deaths legal defense campaign and then apply, if we like, here: 
http://forms.nomoredeaths.org/en/  We can  contact the campaign coordinator with questions. We can also find out about other No More Deaths volunteer opportunities here: http://forms.nomoredeaths.org/volunteer/

SUPPORT S.2135:  The House passed H.R. 3239, the Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act, on Wednesday. This legislation would help to ensure that children in U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) custody have timely access to appropriate medical screening and care as well as proper nutrition, hygiene and sanitation. Just prior to the bill's passage, a republican amendment was added that "commends the men and women of U.S. Border Patrol for carrying out their duty during this incredibly challenging humanitarian crisis in a professional manner." THE BILL PASSED ALONG PARTY LINES WITH ONLY ONE REPUBLICAN VOTING FOR IT. This suggests it may have difficulty passing the Senate.   Senators Tom Udall (D-N.M.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) have introduced companion legislation in the Senate (S. 2135).  WE MUST URGE OUR SENATORS TO SUPPORT THIS BILL! Make your Republican Senators understand that this bill is not meant to be a sweeping immigration reform bill but is meant to address an urgent humanitarian crisis in which children are sick, suffering, and dying. Urge your Democratic Senators to do all they can to lobby their Republican colleagues to support the bill. The lives of children depend on it.

SAY NO TO TRUMP'S JUDICIAL NOMINEES: "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday set up votes on lifetime appointments for 19 judicial nominees next week, setting up a busy pre-recess work session on a top GOP priority." 
https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/25/mcconnell-judges-senate-agenda-1435255 The courts are the last line of defense for our democracy, but the GOP has been working overtime to stack them with right-wing conservatives. Let's call our Senators today and tell them to vote NO on these nominees. It's important that they hear us.

DEMAND ELECTION SECURITY: Even after Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller testified that Russia has and will continue to interfere in our elections, a fact confirmed by the FBI, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell along with the rest of the Republican caucus continues to block bills that would assure that our voting systems are fair and trackable.  https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/454967-mcconnell-under-fire-for-burying-election-security-bills-in-legislative-graveyard. Let’s demand that our Senators pass legislation that assures that voting machines cannot be manipulated and that each vote can be tracked and make sure this is put in place before the 2020 election. 

SUPPORT EQUITABLE BAILOUTS FOR FARMERS: Details on the Trump Administration’s plan to bail out farmers hurt by the trade war with China raise important questions. The Washington Post reports, that some of the money went to foreign-owned businesses and city residents who don’t work on farms. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/07/25/trump-administration-reveals-details-billion-farm-bailout-us-trade-war/?utm_term=.d9a32268b41e. The New Food Economy has conducted a study that shows that majority of payments went to upper-middle-class white farmers. https://newfoodeconomy.org/usda-trump-trade-war-bailout-white-farmers-race/. Let’s ask our MoCs to look into this diversion of funds and find out what they can do to assure that these payments go to the people who need them most.

SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP): The Trump administration has submitted a proposal to revise eligibility requirements for SNAP, and make it more difficult for working families to lift themselves out of poverty, and would especially impact seniors and disabled individuals (https://n.pr/2Z6wADG). It would also mean that 500,000 children would no longer be automatically eligible for free school meals: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/trump-plan-failed-note-it-could-jeopardize-free-school-lunches-n1035281   The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has written a comprehensive explainer, detailing the ways that the Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility (BBCE) currently works, as well as the ways in which it would change under the proposed rule. Let's read through the report here, then use that information to write a public comment on the proposed rule, which will be open for comment until September 23rd: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=FNS-2018-0037-0001

EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT: The ERA, an amendment to prohibit sex discrimination and first introduced in 1923, then passed by Congress in 1972, was never ratified by the states (https://bit.ly/2VAg0OT). The original language of the ERA established a deadline for ratification of June 30th, 1982, but only 35 of the required 38 states had ratified the amendment by that time. Within the past two years, two more states have passed the Equal Rights Amendment (https://n.pr/2J12ZaP). While we continue our efforts to get the ERA passed in at least one more state (https://bit.ly/313U5Ou), let's ask our MoC to support bipartisan resolutions to remove the ratification deadline (S.J.Res.6/H.J.Res.38).

MITCH MCCONNELL: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (or #MoscowMitch) is doubling down on his defense of why we do not need to protect our elections from foreign interference AND is comparing pressure on him to modern-day McCarthyism. Yes, really: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/455208-mcconnell-blasts-modern-day-mccarthyism-defends-blocking-election-bills  Let’s take a moment to let #MoscowMitch know that we expect him to stand up for our country or resign:https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/

POSTCARDING:  From one of our own – Here are this week’s issues/addresses write-ups for postcarding: 
 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mDyiNBV9rQVCQFUXyEcYdiT5OUHvMvueK4efTA7iSok/edit  Look them over and choose the ones that speak to you. Thank you for speaking out!

 DCCC BLACKLIST:  In the spring, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) announced that it would prohibit the organization from doing business with organizations, consultants, and vendors that support primary challengers to incumbent Democrats, as did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others.  Frozen out of the money the DCCC controls, many of these consultants have joined with the Justice Democrats to form a "Blacklist" of those willing to work with progressive challengers:  https://www.rollcall.com/news/campaign-consultants-frozen-out-of-dccc-money-create-the-blacklist and https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/blacklisted-political-consultants-profit-democrats-civil-war-n1026496  If we know anyone working in political consulting, advertising, communications, or research who might join in opposition to the DCCC blackballing of those who aid progressive primary challengers, let’s urge them to sign up:  https://dcccblacklist.com/

PUBLIC COMMENTS NEEDED: From one of our own: Comments and actions week ending August 4, 2019 includes Cuts to food stamps, Trump’s Asylum Ban, more Alaska, drinking water, Nuclear weapons, LCBTQ health, Redefining how the government measures things - poverty rates, pollution index. LGBTQ and Trans rights, RoundUp, Ozone, privacy, exposing miners to diesel exhaust, ACA:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I_NVD9Z1QI9Nt7Bin8Worz7Q2uTuT0Aj/view

CLIMATE RISK DISCLOSURE ACT:  The Climate Risk Disclosure Act (H.R. 3623) introduced by representatives Sean Casten (D-IL), Matt Cartwright (D-PA), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), will soon come up for a vote in the House. H.R. 3623 would require companies to identify the risks they face from climate change—and to explain how they plan to address them;  it would tighten requirements for fossil fuel companies to disclose how they detect, mitigate, and seek to reduce leakage of methane and emphasizes the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels to avoid the worst effects of climate change.  However unlikely to pass, it is essential that we press our MoCs to sponsor it—and, if they won’t, to let them know that we are watching as they refuse to deal, even in this limited way, with the worldwide emergency that is climate change.

TRUMP’S RACISM: In an apparent attempt to distract from the findings of the Mueller report and increasing news of his connections to Jeffrey Epstein, Trump has spent days quadrupling down on his racist attacks on the city of Baltimore and Rep. Elijah Cummings (and pulling many other objects into the orbit along the way):  https://apnews.com/4175ea0e61e746cd95d7c684cd6a59f7  Let’s let Trump know he needs to resign: https://www.whitehouse.gov and let our MoCs know that his racism disqualifies him from serving as POTUS.
IMPEACHMENT: There has been a steady rise in Democratic Congressional Representatives coming out in favor of an impeachment inquiry since last Wednesday’s Mueller hearing with a particular uptick on Sunday and Monday:  
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/full-list-house-members-who-favor-starting-trump-impeachment-inquiry-n1011981  If we have a Democratic MoC who has already come out in favor of impeachment (list in article is alphabetical) let’s please be sure to say thanks. If we have a Democratic MoC who has not yet come out in favor of impeachment, let’s keep the pressure up. We are nearing the halfway mark for Democratic MoC support.

EQUIFAX DATA BREACH SETTLEMENT:  Now that Equifax has determined how they are handing the settlement, they are informing people how to proceed.  https://time.com/5634465/equifax-125-data-breach-how-to/  Let’s use the tool in the article to see if we qualify, then follow through if we do. 


2019 VIRGINIA CHALLENGE:  On November 5, 2019, Virginia voters will decide whether Republicans or Democrats will control their state legislature. Right now, Republicans control the House of Delegates, 51-49, and the State Senate 21-19. Every seat is up for election. Because VA’s governor is a Democrat, if the legislature flips Blue, Democrats will be 100% in charge of drawing VA’s Congressional districts and end extreme Republican gerrymandering for a decade. Plus, all efforts to flip the VA legislature Blue this year will give a boost to Democrats going into the all-important 2020 election season. Let’s get all hands on deck for the 2019 Virginia Challenge. We can help in one or more ways: 1) Donate to Flippable.org, 
https://flippable.org/, 2) Donate to, and volunteer with, Sister District Project, https://sisterdistrict.com/candidates/, 3) Register Virginia voters by mail, https://votefwd.org/, 4) Write get-out-the-vote postcards with Postcards for Virginia, https://postcards4va.com/, and 5) If we’re in Virginia, volunteer with the Democratic Party of Virginia,

MISSISSIPPI PROCHOICE INFORMATION:  Mississippi remains one of the country's most dangerous states for women, LGBTQ+ folx and communities of color. With their Mississippi Primary elections just a week away, your assistance in sharing our Prochoice Voter Guide is essential to this fight.  The #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide empowers voters to elect prochoice champions all the way down the ballot:   https://www.voteprochoice.us/voter-guide  The #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide also features endorsements from our incredible prochoice progressive partners, including The LGBTQ Victory Fund, The Collective PAC, & Run for Something. Please help get the #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide into the hands of prochoice voters in Mississippi. Here is a comprehensive voter guide toolkit


MOST: LET UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS GET DRIVERS’ LICENSES. New York recently became the thirteenth state to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers’ licenses.  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/17/nyregion/undocumented-immigrants-drivers-licenses-ny.html. Other states that currently allow this are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Vermont, Washington, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. If we live in a different state, let’s contact our state legislators and ask them to support this initiative. Allowing undocumented immigrants to legally drive will keep the roads safer for everyone and prevent hard-working residents from being pulled over and being charged with a crime simply for driving to work.   

ALL:  COMBATING FAKE NEWS THROUGH EDUCATION.  “Studies show a positive relationship between the level of education and resilience to fake news, the OSI report said, with more knowledge and better critical-thinking skills guarding against fabricated information. Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands are among countries that teach digital literacy and critical thinking about misinformation to school children.” https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/05/how-finland-is-fighting-fake-news-in-the-classroom/.    If our local schools are not addressing this issue, demand that it be part of the curriculum beginning in middle school and continuing through High School. Our youth must be better informed voters.  
This Saturday, August 3rd, a coalition of activist groups, including Mi Familia Vota, Swing Left, NOW, and Field Team 6 have teamed up to present a day of inspiration, training, and action at the Caesar Chavez Center in Riverside.  We can attend a supercharged rally and get hands-on how-tos in crucial skills that will help flip seats nationwide this year and build the 2020 blue wave (canvassing, phone & text banking, voter registration...). We can meet and sign up with local flipping-focused orgs, then stay after the training and raffle drawing for a light dinner with a screening of the amazing "Knock Down the House" (around 4:30)--free with our registration!  Sign up and more details are here:


NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY:  The first National Network Assembly, made up of hundreds of local grassroots leaders and organizers from around the country is happening in Des Moines, IA, August 22 to 25.   https://mailchi.mp/thedemlabs/nationalnetworkassembly There will be workshops, sessions, and meetings in which participants will strategize, plan, and learn skills to take home to their groups.  The 2019 National Network Assembly will strengthen the connective tissue between grassroots groups by bridging multiple networks and organizations that represent over 1,000 leaders across all 50 states.  We can find more information, register to attend, and donate to the scholarship fund here: https://www.nationalnetworkassembly.org/ We can use this document to invite others to attend:   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKWdGLESqQYFVIa3JXQrtsXO9zrZv7ihCdGfnmSZ0-M/edit


Better to Have a Few Rats Than to Be One, Baltimore Sun’s Response to Trump’s racist tweet against Congressman Elijah Cummings - https://www.baltimoresun.com/opinion/editorial/bs-ed-0728-trump-baltimore-20190727-k6ac4yvnpvcczlaexdfglifada-story.html

Indigenous People Demand an End to Detention on Stolen Lands -

This brief article is literally and figuratively a breath of fresh air -


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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