
Let’s attend one of the many vigils tomorrow, Friday, July 12th via Lights for Liberty in protest of the concentration camps. There are now over 550 protests in all 50 states and many other countries:  https://www.lightsforliberty.org/


Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

CONTINUED IMMIGRATION ATROCITIES:  As the awareness grows of the Trump administration-made humanitarian crisis, there are many ways we can help.  Past Rogan’s List suggestions are still appropriate to work on:  http://roganslist.blogspot.com/2019/06/62519-nationalissues-deplorable.html 
Here are more:

There have been some questions why Rogan’s List uses the term “concentration camp” rather than “detention camp”.  While we realize that the former is usually associated with Nazi Germany, we find that it fits the Merriam-Webster definition: "a place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard —used especially in reference to camps created by the Nazis in World War II for the internment and persecution of Jews and other prisoners".  We are in good company with the 400 experts who signed this letter: https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2019/07/01/an-open-letter-to-the-director-of-the-holocaust-memorial-museum/

SUPPORT ACTIVIST HUMANITARIAN AID TO MIGRANTS: Activists have reported being prohibited from passing out water to migrants waiting to be processed on a hot Florida day by the Miramar ICE facility in Miami. https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/video-activists-banned-from-giving-water-to-immigrants-at-miami-area-ice-facility-in-miramar. Let’s report this cruelty to our MoCs and also contact the ICE Community Relations officers in Miami  (Phone: (954) 236-4909 CommunityRelations.Miami@ice.dhs.gov and ask them to immediately change this policy. 

CALL FOR AN INVESTIGATION OF SEXUAL ASSAULT CHARGES AGAINST MIGRANT CHILDREN: The latest incident in a number of sexual assault allegations against migrants was reported in Arizona, allegedly in retaliation for protests.   https://thehill.com/latino/452345-migrant-children-report-sex-assault-retaliation-for-protests-at-border-facility. THIS HAS TO STOP! Let’s ask our MoCs to start an investigation immediately. Let’s also contact ICE Community Relations in Arizona (Phone: (602) 200-2215; CommunityRelations.Phoenix@ice.dhs.gov and demand that any member of their staff accused of sexual assault be immediately removed from their facilities. 

STOP LONG-TERM DETENTION CENTERS: While the government tries to use the term “emergency influx shelters” to justify holding children for more than 20 days, as mandated by the Flores Settlement, it is also signing leases to run some detention centers for 20 years https://fortune.com/2019/07/03/migrant-children-detention-centers/, setting steps in place for child concentration camps as a long-term “solution” to the immigrant issue. Let’s make sure our MoCs are aware of this and remind them of the long-term effects of trauma resulting in family separations. We should tell them we want to see children kept in homes, not in prisons.

IMMIGRATION—“NEVER AGAIN IS NOW” PROTESTS—Jewish activists and their allies are continuing to hold protests around the country, sounding the alarm and demanding an end to Trump’s inhumane concentration camps and cruel immigration policies, https://www.neveragainaction.com .  Let’s check this page and join a protest near us:  https://www.facebook.com/pg/NeverAgainAction/events/?ref=page_internal

MONETARY DONATIONS MADE EASY:  ActBlue Charities has set up a fund that splits donations among 14 different groups that are doing critical work at the border, including Kids In Need of Defense (KIND), Al Otro Lado, and RAICES. If all of us chip in a little bit, we can help those organizations keep supporting and advocating for kids and families. Let’s check it out here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kidsattheborder  (H/T)

ADDITIONAL ACTIONS:  As the horrifying news continues to pour in about the cruel treatment of immigrants in the Concentration Camps, we look for ways to help.  We can consult this detailed list of ways to help immigrants, then choose the actions that are right for us: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DPr93K73Y27_eV6oxauXrp7XVqetQOvzff0BRaWR07Y  Several of these actions can also be accessed at The Beacon where we can sign up to volunteer and donate with just a few clicks:  https://www.beacon.us/playlists/756

TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ECONOMY: When friends and relatives claim they are happy with the way Trump has handled the economy, let’s remind them of this analysis from Forbes Magazine, which shows that Trump has fallen way short of Obama’s record in creating jobs over the same time period. 

SECRETARY OF LABOR ALEXANDER ACOSTA:  Amazingly, as of press time, Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta has still not resigned:
https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/452299-acosta-on-shaky-ground-as-gop-support-wavers In fact, he is defending his actions:  https://www.politico.com/video/2019/07/10/acosta-wont-resign-defends-epstein-plea-deal-he-wouldve-avoided-prison-altogether-068467  Let’s continue to call for Acosta’s resignation:  https://www.dol.gov/general/contact (Secretary of Labor information is further down on the page of this contact link)

GETTING MITCH MCCONNELL OUT OF THE SENATE:  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has a challenger for the 2020 Senate race, Amy McGrath. And she raised $2.5 million the first day of her candidacy:

IMPEACHMENT:  Former Obama administration leader Cass Sunstein has written a powerful op-ed for the Washington Post titled “Impeachment Isn’t Optional”: 
https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/07/10/impeachment-isnt-optional-if-facts-point-that-direction-congress-must-act/?utm_term=.42cc0b0795cb Let’s share this with our MoC when imploring them to pursue impeachment if they haven’t come out in favor of it already.

DITCH MITCH, ELECT AMY MCGRATH—Two Birds, One Stone: Democrat Andy Beshear is running for governor of Kentucky in 2019, and it’s believed that he has a 50-50 chance of winning in this deeply Red state. As our friends at Political Charge say, “Everything we can do to get voters in Kentucky excited about Beshear and working to register and turn out Democratic voters in 2019 is essentially laying a foundation that Amy McGrath can build on in 2020.” https://politicalcharge.org/2019/07/10/5-ways-to-help-amy-mcgrath-beat-mitch-mcconnell/ Let’s support Beshear by volunteering and donating what we can:  https://andybeshear.com/

WOMEN’S SOCCER PAY EQUALITY:  After the thrilling win by the U.S. women in the soccer World Cup, the question of pay equity is receiving even more support.  The background of the pay difference is complicated, but real.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/soccer/2019/07/10/breaking-down-pay-gap-between-uswnt-and-usmnt-players/1671361001/ and https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/07/08/are-us-womens-soccer-players-really-earning-less-than-men/?noredirect&utm_term=.ff2fcc44c7e8  Let’s join in this petition to United States Soccer Federation, FIFA in support of equal pay for these athletes:  https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/the-us-womens-soccer


2019 STATE LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS—In 2019, there are state legislative elections in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey (State House only), and Virginia. To date, 91 state races don’t have a Democratic candidate. Let’s look at this list to see if a Democrat is running in our district, (https://ballotpedia.org/State_legislative_elections_without_a_Democratic_or_Republican_candidate,_2019  scroll down to “Races without Democratic candidates), and if not, let’s talk to our community leaders about making a possible run—or even run ourselves! Here’s basic information about running for state legislature: http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/how-to-become-a-candidate-for-state-legislator635423970.aspx


MOST:  POLLUTION STANDARDS:  As of Tuesday, 24 governors, including three Republicans, have joined environmentalists, automakers, and others by pledging to oppose Trump’s dangerous plan to weaken pollution standards for cars nationwide; their statement points out that that vehicles are “the largest source of carbon pollution in the United States”: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2019-07-09/24-governors-pledge-to-fight-president-donald-trump-on-rollback-of-clean-car-rules  Let’s get ALL our governors to sign this pledge.

The Climate Mayors Electric Vehicle Purchasing Collaborative is a project of Climate Mayors, a coalition of mayors committed to taking action on climate change http://climatemayors.org/ . The Collaborative exists to allow municipalities to “leverage their collective buying power and accelerate the conversion of public fleets to EVs [electric vehicles]” and “competitively bid EVs and charging infrastructure.” Let’s share the link to the Collaborative https://driveevfleets.org/ with our city, county, and town government leaders https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials and tell them that we want them to take action on climate change by transitioning their public fleet to electric vehicles.

CA:  CHARTER SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY:  Call to removed bad amendments, move AB 1505 and 1507  forward in the State Senate! The charter school association is trying to gut AB 1505, our local control and charter accountability bill. The amendments would leave in place the charter appeal process to the state and county, and would greatly limit local school board’s ability to deny a charter school application. We can read more about the Governor’s involvement here:    https://edsource.org/2019/governors-team-jumps-into-fray-over-contested-charter-school-bill/615053?   We use this script to call  Governor Newsome  at (916) 445-2841 and tell him that we expect a strong ungutted bill to make it to his desk to sign:  Script: Assembly Bill 1505 should not have amendments allowing state/county appeals. We need local control and more charter school accountability to end corruption and siphoning. Give local school districts that power. Do not allow amendments to weaken the version of the April 24, 2019 version of the bill the Assembly already passed. Revert to strong charter accountability AB 1505 language that meets or exceeds that April 24, 2019 version.”

NY:  FRACKED GAS IN NEW YORK:  National Grid wants us to do its lobbying for them; they have emailed their customers soliciting a public comment before the July 13th deadline in favor of the fracked gas Williams pipeline that would travel under NY Harbor and has been rejected by both New York and NJ governments:  
https://readsludge.com/2019/07/09/national-grid-presses-customers-to-help-it-lobby-for-a-new-fracked-gas-pipeline/  Let’s make sure we submit our objections to this pipeline by Saturday;  here’s a tool:  https://actionnetwork.org/letters/decpsc-double-comment-renewables-not-pipelines  And let’s tell National Grid what we think of their attempt to outsource their lobbying: 1-718-643-4050

CONCENTRATION CAMPS:  We know the news coming out of the concentration camps is only going to get more grim as the days go on:
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/02/migrant-detention-center-overcrowding-report-inspector-general   Let’s attend one of the many vigils on July 12thvia Lights for Liberty. There are now over 440 protests in all 50 states and many other countries:  https://www.lightsforliberty.org/

IMMIGRATION—“NEVER AGAIN IS NOW” PROTESTS—Jewish activists and their allies are continuing to hold protests around the country, sounding the alarm and demanding an end to Trump’s inhumane concentration camps and cruel immigration policies, https://www.neveragainaction.com .  Let’s check this page and join a protest near us:  https://www.facebook.com/pg/NeverAgainAction/events/?ref=page_internal

ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY WORKSHOP FOR ELECTED WOMEN & WOMEN ACTIVISTS:  If we are an elected woman politician or a women social media activist, we can check out this online seminar from social media experts Cheryl Contee and Rachel Campbell of Do Big Things. In this online seminar, June 16 at 1pm EST, we can learn about cutting edge social media strategy and tactics, including content best practices, the algorithms and mechanics of social media, how to leverage influencers, and fundraising on social media. They will have Q&A, so we can ask the experts about our own situations. We can also learn more about the workshop presenters and their organization here www.dobigthings.today. We can sign up here:  https://voterunlead.org/event/rep19-voterunlead-present-power-through-education-summer-webinar-series-social-media-for-electeds-with-cheryl-contee/

SIGN UP FOR CANDIDATE TRAINING:  Emily’s List is offering a  Candidate training on Saturday, July 27 in Philadelphia from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. We can find out more about the event, Run to Win 101, a free half-day training for pro-choice Democratic women thinking about running for elected office and sign up, if we choose to, here:  https://secure.emilyslist.org/page/s/20190713_email_RunToWinPhiladelphia

NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY:  The first National Network Assembly, made up of hundreds of local grassroots leaders organizers from around the country is happening in Des Moines, IA, August 22 to 25.   https://mailchi.mp/thedemlabs/nationalnetworkassembly There will be workshops, sessions, and meetings in which participants will strategize, plan, and learn skills to take home to their groups.  The 2019 National Network Assembly will strengthen the connective tissue between grassroots groups by bridging multiple networks and organizations that represent over 1,000 leaders across all 50 states.  We can find more information, register to attend, and donate to the scholarship fund here: https://www.nationalnetworkassembly.org/ We can use this document to invite others to attend:   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKWdGLESqQYFVIa3JXQrtsXO9zrZv7ihCdGfnmSZ0-M/edit


To Beat the Gerrymander, Think Outside the Lines - https://newrepublic.com/article/154424/beat-gerrymander-think-outside-lines?

Josh Ritter has composed a beautiful and heartbreaking song about how we should all stand up for immigrants and refugees. Let's listen to his song All Some Kind of Dream:

Conspiracy theory about slain DNC staffer was planted by Russian intelligence, report finds - https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/conspiracy-theory-about-slain-dnc-staffer-was-planted-russian-intelligence-n1027826

Stop Calling Epstein’s Victims Young Women. They’re Children - https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/jeffrey-epstein-child-sex-trafficking/


We can stay up-to-date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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