
Please note that the Rogan’s List email often comes through to subscribers with a message indicating that it is dangerous or not safe.  Please know that this is only because we do not have our own domain name.  All is good!  We are safe!  Also, if you seem not to get a mailing, check your spam folder.  We often end up there.


 CONTINUED IMMIGRATION ATROCITIES:  As the awareness grows of the self-made humanitarian crisis, there are many ways we can help.  Yesterday’s suggestions are still appropriate to work on:  http://roganslist.blogspot.com/2019/06/62519-nationalissues-deplorable.html  Here are more:

IMMIGRATION--CHILD SEPARATION/BORDER CRISIS: The Senate and the House have now each passed a bill for more funding to address the humanitarian crisis at the border https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48776045.  The House bill has much more restrictions on how the administration can use the money and contains clear standards for the care of children. Another key difference is that the House bill bans the HHS secretary from waiving requirements for facilities designated as emergency influx shelters, which has enabled the government to house children longer than the 20 days required in the Flores Settlement, and is one of the reasons that some of the children in Homestead, Florida have been detained for as much as 8 or 9 months. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/450215-house-passes-45b-border-funding-bill. Now the bills must be reconciled. Let’s tell our MoCs that we need strong language in the final bill that assures children cannot be detained any longer than the 20 days mandated by Flores, and that we do not want any unrestricted money going to ICE and DHS that is not specifically earmarked for humanitarian care.  We should also remind them that tent cities cost more than keeping children with their parents

IMMIGRANT CHILDREN – DONATING ITEMS:  Despite the horrifying circumstances of immigrant children held in Clint TX reported this week by the NY Times-- https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/21/us/migrant-children-border-soap.html --children are being returned to this border patrol facility:
https://www.texastribune.org/2019/06/25/immigrant-children-returned-clint-west-texas-facility/.  And despite the government’s claims about lack of resources, Border Patrol is rejecting private donations, claiming that “Without a change in law, DHS, CPB and Border Patrol cannot accept those private donations”: https://www.texastribune.org/2019/06/24/texas-border-facility-donations-turned-away/ Perhaps we should inundate our MoCs with soap, toothpaste, food, brushes and combs, toys; maybe someone will pay attention and create legislation that will improve conditions.  We can also donate to these organizations:  https://helpdetainedchildren.org/

IMMIGRATION--MONEY NEEDED FOR BAIL: Advocates say that one of the most effective ways of reuniting children and families is to pay their bail. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-is-what-it-costs-to-free-one-immigrant-from-detention-2018-06-20?  Let’s consider contributing to one of the bail funds listed at the end of this article.

VISIT CONGRESS MEMBERS TO DEMAND INTERNMENT CAMP HEARINGS:  After so many heart-wrenching reports of the appalling conditions in the interment, we must demand that Congress takes action. We can start by visiting our local Congress members to demand investigations, using this guide to help us out. When we click here, we will find a call to action, talking points, an instruction video and more to help us have a successful visit to get our Congress members to start Internment Camp Hearings:  https://bit.ly/2FxMtv3 

TWITTER STORM TO HELP KIDS IN INTERNMENT CAMPS:  The plight of children held in terrifying and squalid conditions, forcibly separated from their families is almost too much to bear, but we cannot look away. As we look instead for ways to help, we can click here to join Action Together Network’s Twitter Warriors’ “Help the Kids in Camps” Twitter storm this Sunday, June 30, at 8pm EST. The link gives us easy to send, prewritten tweets with 30 ways to help these suffering children that we can share with our families friends and social media followers:  http://bit.ly/2X6xWwq

WAYFAIR AND BOYCOTTS:   ”Under the hashtag #BoycottWayfair, customers and businesses took to Twitter to announce they were canceling orders from the online home goods retailer, returning purchases and boycotting the retailer until the company apologizes. One employee estimated that 500 workers walked out of the company’s Boston headquarters in protest at 1:30 p.m. ET Wednesday, holding signs that read “solidarity with migrant families” and “people not prisons.”  The company agreed to donate $100,000 to the Red Cross, but employees were quick to point out that the Red Cross does not work with immigrants and detention centers and that the money would be better donated to RAICES.  Let’s chose to spend our money elsewhere and let Wayfair know that they don’t have us as a customer any longer. Let’s also tell them that if they are serious, they will reconsider and make a donation to RAICES instead of Red Cross.  Contact their corporate office here:  617-532-6100 or 4 Copley Place, Floor 7, Boston, MA 02116 or @Wayfair

OTHER COMPANIES BENEFITTING FROM IMMIGRANT MISTREATMENT:  There are innumerable companies benefiting from detention and working with ICE.  Lists are currently be made to share so that we can target specific companies to appeal to their better nature to stop assisting or withdraw our dollars from them:  Here are two such lists we can start using:  https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1143653733437444096.html and https://grabyourwallet.org/Action%20Alert.html 

BANK OF AMERICA:  “A day after touring the Homestead detention center for unaccompanied immigrant teenagers, Bank of America decided it will pull out of the private prison and detention industry.“  https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article231993637.html  Let’s thank Bank of America Headquarters:  704-386-5681 or 100 N. Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28255

ORGANIZATIONS SPEAKING OUT:  Several organizations have spoken out against the conditions and inhumane treatment of immigrants at the border:  https://thehill.com/latino/450308-american-bar-association-condemns-conditions-at-migrant-child-detention-centers-as-a and https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/lwv-demands-immediate-action-resolve-inhumane-treatment-asylum-seekers and https://www.cbr.com/highlights-magazine-statement-trump-detention-centers/  Let’s contact organizations, groups, or businesses we respect and ask them to also make a statement against what is happening. 

VOTER REGISTRATION IDEAS:  A young woman added a voter registration able to her quinceaƱera recently. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/quincea-era-adds-voter-registration-her-celebration-boost-latino-voting-n1019236  Let’s try to find large group gatherings, summer festivals, back-to-school events, etc.,  and see about adding a voter registration table to help make it easy for people to register and, hopefully, vote! 

KAVANAUGH: During the 2018 election, current House Judiciary Chair, Jerrold Nadler, promised to investigate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for potential perjury.  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/05/us/politics/kavanaugh-house-investigation.html. In addition to the allegations of sexual misconduct raised by Christine Blasey Ford, people are also concerned that Kavanauh deliberately concealed some of his writings about Roe v. Wade during the time he worked for George Bush that would show clear bias and prevent him from adjudicating on that issue. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/brett-kavanaugh-perjury-investigation-probe-democrats-house-judiciary-committee-a8740831.html. However, since the Democrats took control of the House, the Judiciary Committee has not done anything to investigate Kavanaugh and with controversial reproductive rights laws now passed in many states, Roe v. Wade might be on the line. Let’s contact House Judiciary Chair, Jerrold Nadler, (202-225-5635) along with other members of the Judiciary Committee and ask them to investigate Kavanaugh for perjury and deliberate disclosure.

IRAN: Trump says he doesn’t need Congressional approval to strike Iran, setting a dangerous precedent. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/450117-trump-i-do-not-need-congressional-approval-to-strike-iran. On Friday, the Senate will be voting on an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would prevent the president from launching a military strike without Congressional approval, and rather than exercising their Constitutional responsibilities on what should be a no-brainer, most of the Republican Senators are already calling for their conference to defeat the amendment. https://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/450500-senate-to-vote-friday-on-trumps-iran-war-authority. Let’s remind our Republican Senators that it is Congress’s Constitutional job to declare war and instigate military action, and this grave responsibility should not be left to an impulsive, uninformed and self-serving president with little knowledge and understanding of the ramifications of his actions.  

MUELLER TESTIMONY:  Special Counsel Robert Mueller will be testifying on July 17th (if somehow not blocked by the Trump administration) after a joint subpoena from the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committiees: 
https://thehill.com/homenews/house/450358-mueller-to-testify-in-front-of-house-judiciary-intelligence-committees-next Let’s contact Chairmen Nadler and Schiff to ask them to structure the hearing to maximize hearing from Mueller and minimize the Republican propaganda (think Kavanaugh/Blasey-Ford hearing): https://intelligence.house.gov/  and.  https://judiciary.house.gov/

NYC GAY RIGHTS:  Marchers and watchers interested in participating in the 50th Stonewall anniversary on June 30 have a choice to make: https://www.6sqft.com/same-celebration-different-courses-the-routes-of-pride-marches-and-parades-in-nyc/  The Pride Parade features floats and contingents assembled by sponsor corporations famous for their financial greed and corruption: https://www.nycpride.org/sponsors/  The Queer Liberation March—beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Sheridan Square—will be a grassroots action to “address the many social and political battles that continue to be fought locally, nationally, and globally.”  Let’s chose!

CLIMATE DEBATE ACTION: This week, as we listen to the Democratic candidates debate, is the ideal time to press the DNC to host a debate specifically focused on the climate crisis; not only did the DNC reject holding such a debate when it was proposed by WA governor Jay Inslee, but he was told “that if we participated in anyone else's climate debate, we will not be invited to future debates":  
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inslee-says-dnc-rejected-his-call-for-climate-debate/  We can post on social media during or around this week’s debates, call the DNC (202-863-8000), or at the very least sign and help circulate the petition from the US Youth Climate Strike at:

CELEBRATE JULY 4: VoteVets.org, a progressive and politically engaged non-profit which boasts over 600,000 members, has teamed up with Rags of Honor, a company that makes T-shirts and helps/employs veterans (https://ragsofhonor.us). At the July 4th celebrations on the Mall in DC, they're planning to hand out -- for free -- shirts honoring John McCain; they're hoping to give them to members of Congress as well. "While VoteVets and John McCain never much saw eye-to-eye on policy, and probably still would not if he was around today, his family’s service to America spoke to that sense of realizing this nation is bigger than just one man. Honoring that kind legacy – especially of a political opponent’s – seemed fitting for July 4.” (No denying that it's a little jab at Trump, too.) If we can, let's buy a shirt, fund the effort, or volunteer to hand out the shirts on the dayhttps://www.fundtheshirt.com

PRESIDENTIAL COMMENT LINE: Volunteers of the current administration generally staff the comment line.  Callers are reporting that the people who answer the phones are saying that most of the calls are in support of Trump.  Let’s change that:  202-456-1111



DEMONSTRATE FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE THIS SATURDAY:  Every day, we learn more about the horrific conditions in the Detention Camps. One way to show strongly that we do NOT support this cruelty is to join a demonstration against it.  We can join Immigrant Justice Now and take to the streets again in cities everywhere on June 29.  We can find events here or how to host one as well: https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/march-for-immigrant-justice

CA:  NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY RECEPTION/FUNDRAISER:  The planners of this summer’s National Network Assembly will be hosting a reception on Saturday June 29 in San Francisco where we can learn more. Here’s the link to RSVP. Please feel free to share with others who want to make an impact.  And if you can’t make it but still want to help, please make a contribution here.

PROTEST ABUSIVE TREATMENT OF IMMIGRANTS IN DETENTION CAMPS:  As outrage builds over the cruel and inhumane conditions in the camps where many aspiring immigrants to this country are held, plans are being made for a nationwide protest on July 12. We can click this link to find out more about Protest Vigils at Detention Centers near us, or to start our own: https://www.lightsforliberty.org/  We can also click here to see Lights4Liberty’s Facebook page and find out more about their plans and events:  https://www.facebook.com/lights4liberty/

NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY:  The first National Network Assembly, made up of hundreds of local grassroots leaders organizers from around the country is happening in Des Moines, IA, August 22 to 25https://mailchi.mp/thedemlabs/nationalnetworkassembly There will be workshops, sessions, and meetings in which participants will strategize, plan, and learn skills to take home to their groups.  The 2019 National Network Assembly will strengthen the connective tissue between grassroots groups by bridging multiple networks and organizations that represent over 1,000 leaders across all 50 statesWe can find more information, register to attend, and donate to the scholarship fund here: https://www.nationalnetworkassembly.org/ We can use this document to invite others to attend:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKWdGLESqQYFVIa3JXQrtsXO9zrZv7ihCdGfnmSZ0-M/edit


“Against the backdrop of the ornate altar of New York City’s Riverside Church, a cast of Hollywood A-listers participated in a live reading of portions of the Mueller report Monday night called “The Investigation: A Search for Truth in Ten Acts.” The reading was streamed on the Law Works website.”   https://www.apnews.com/ccbda9a5150747869a048624689a36d3  In case we missed it, we can watch it here:  https://lawworksaction.org/

Children Were Dirty, They Were Scared, They Were Hungry: An Immigration Attorney Describes What She Witnessed at the Border - https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/06/child-detention-centers-immigration-attorney-interview/

Elizabeth Warren Channels the Real New Deal : Her plans to remake the U.S. economy are as sweeping as FDR’s - https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-06-24/elizabeth-warren-s-plans-for-u-s-economy-channel-fdr-s-new-deal


We can stay up-to-date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule



ASK CONGRESS TO FUND CARE FOR CHILDREN IN CAMPS, CREATE STANDARDS:  Congress is working on a supplemental appropriations bill, and so has the power to tell the Trump Administration how it’s money must be spent and how it cannot. We can demand that the Office of Refugee Resettlement be funded enough to care for refugee children and create standards of care for those in government custody that would prohibit Customs and Border Patrol from treating children with cruelty. 

DEMAND CONGRESS INVESTIGATE DENTENTION CAMP CONDITIONS:  It is time for Congress to act on the terrible conditions in the Detention Camps and to hold those responsible for them accountable.  A multi-state initiative is underway to demand that Congress conduct immediate hearings on recent deaths at the hands of ICE/CBP, and on human rights violations and humanitarian crises at the detention centers. Let’s participate in this initiative, using these resources: Call to Action, 

DONATE TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY LEGAL AID FOR CHILDREN IN CAMPS:  Holly Cooper, Co-director of the Immigration Law Clinic at UC Davis, is one of the few attorney with legally mandated access to some of the worst facilities where the children are being held. Her team is doing vital work, investigating, advocating and suing to help the children. Over the weekend has already been an outpouring of support for this work, and now we can add ours too. We can click here to donate to Together Rising’s  fight for the rights of children in Detention camps. https://togetherrising.org/how-you-can-help-end-child-detention-horrors-today/

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DEFENSE OF CONCENTRATION CAMP CONDITIONS:  Perhaps by now we have seen the nauseating video of Department of Justice attorney Sarah Fabian attempting to defend the notion that soap, toothbrushes, and sleep are not critical components of “safe and sanitary conditions”:https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2019/jun/23/us-government-lawyer-detained-children-do-not-need-soap-blankets-video  Let’s take a moment to report her to the Inspector General at the DOJ for violation of civil rights: https://oig.justice.gov/hotline/contact-civil.htm

HELP PEOPLE RELEASED FROM DETENTION CAMPS: Once people are released from Detention Camps, their struggles are far from over. If we would like to assist local groups that provide support to people released from the Detention Camps, we can check out these local groups, and, if we are able to, donate to them: https://www.facebook.com/AnnunciationHouse/ and https://www.facebook.com/lasamericasIAC/ We can also follows this advice:  https://www.lawyersforgoodgovernment.org/blog/2019/6/21/what-can-you-do-to-help-immigrants-whose-rights-are-under-attack

HELP CHILDREN DETAINED IN CAMPS: If we are looking for more ways to help the children suffering in detention camps, we can check out this: https://www.mother.ly/news/how-to-help-immigrant-children-separated-from-parents and this list of organizations to support by volunteering or donating: https://helpdetainedchildren.org/

CONTRIBUTE TO BAIL FUNDS FOR IMMIGRANTS IN CAMPS: Posting bail is one way to help aspiring immigrant families get out of the camps. If we are able to contribute funds, we can check out this state-by-state list of agencies that will accept our donations
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10sV2Ij06ougixJHqG6hzY9kg-tCv7FSIg7pii1LZ3LE  We  can  also find and donate to a bail fund in our city through the National Bail Fund Network.

COMPLICITY—IMMIGRATION: “Bank of America is the only top six US bank that is currently lending to private prison companies and has not committed to ending its financial relationships with the industry.”; “Nearly 75% of immigrants detained are held in private prisons…” 
https://populardemocracy.org/blog/banks-still-financing-private-prisons Let’s tell Bank of America that its refusal to cut financial ties to the private prison industry makes it complicit in the suffering and deaths occurring in the Trump administration’s immigrant detention centers, and we demand that they join JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo in divesting from private prison companies. Contact: Brian Moynihan, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America Corporation, N. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28255.

IMMIGRATION RAIDS: The Trump administration has delayed its threatened immigration raids  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ice-raids-delayed-but-trump-today-threatens-deportations-unless-congress-revamps-asylum-2019-06-22/ Let’s remember that anyone, including US citizens, can be caught up in raids, and all of us, citizens or not, would do well to know our rights. In solidarity and in a show of prudence, let’s all carry a Know Your Rights card. Here are some that can be downloaded for free: https://www.ilrc.org/red-cards; or

IRAN: While it's rare to agree with Trump, let's thank him for restraining from a military response against Iran, 
https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2019/06/22/why-trump-didnt-bomb-iran-449575 and tell both him and our MoCs that we want to see negotiations and a path toward peace, not another war. 

SAUDI ARABIA ARMS SALES: A handful of Republican Senators joined Democrats in passing resolutions to block arm sales to Saudi Arabia.
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/senate-votes-to-block-arms-sales-to-saudi-arabia-despite-trump-veto-threat/. However, Trump has promised to veto the measure, and these resolutions did not pass by a veto proof majority. Let's remind our Republican MoCs who support Trump on this issue about Saudi Arabia's alleged role in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, which Secretary of State Michael Pompeo didn't seem to think worth mentioning in his recent meeting with the Saudi KingAnd let's also remind them about Saudi Arabia's role in creating a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, and ask them to change their vote on this issue so that Trump's expected veto can be overridden.

PUBLIC COMMENT NEEDED:  from one of our own:  Comments and actions week ending June 30, 2019 includes Nuclear weapons, LCBTQ health, Redefining how the government measures things - poverty rates, pollution index. LGBTQ and Trans rights, RoundUp, HUD targeting undocumented residents, exposing miners to diesel.  Let’s dig in and start commenting: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?tab=wm&ogbl#inbox/WhctKJVRNJMNwNbRlQMJGwmMtcvtNlQxWCxRLSVKsZDRfDWPLLXwHlPcrVlQSStwGGGNslG?projector=1

SEXUAL ASSAULT ALLEGATIONS AGAINST THE PRESIDENT:  There is yet another credible allegation of sexual assault against the President and it barely registers in the news:  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/06/24/e-jean-carroll-other-women-whove-accused-donald-trump-misconduct/1546481001/ Let’s contact our MoC and let them know that these allegations are sufficient information to proceed with impeachment hearings.

REGISTER VOTERS BY MAIL: Vote Forward makes it easy for us to send letters to not-yet-registered prospective voters who are likely to vote for Democrats. Current letter-writing campaigns target AZ, CO, FL, GA, ME, MI, NC, OH, PA, TX, VA, and WI. Let’s help lay the groundwork for a Big Blue Wave in 2020! We can write letters on our own, or host a party and involve our friends and neighbors: https://votefwd.org/

RAVELRY REIGNS:  Ravelry, a knit and crochet online community with some 8 million members, has announced that it is “"banning support of Donald Trump and his administration" in any form, including "forum posts, projects, patterns, profiles" and anything else.”  https://www.npr.org/2019/06/24/735460674/ravelry-the-knitting-website-bans-trump-talk-and-patterns  Whether or not we are a member, let’s reach out to them and express our gratitude for their stance:  https://www.ravelry.com/contact


MOST ALL:  FIGHTING CHILD MIGRANT DETENTION, STATE-BY-STATE: The Trump administration's system of mass incarceration for migrant children is so vast that it is giving lucrative contracts to companies running detention centers (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/21/us/migrant-shelters-border-crossing.html). As repugnant as that fact is, it is also vulnerability in this cruel system, because privately owned facilities are subject to state laws concerning health and safety. Those of us living in states with detention centers
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_detention_sites_in_the_United_States), let’s follow Illinois’ example and ban private detention facilities (https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/449835-illinois-governor-signs-bill-banning-private-immigrant-detention-centers).  Let's contact our state reps and demand that they press the state health director or state surgeon general to shut down these unsanitary concentration camps as dangers to public health. 

CA:  NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY RECEPTION/FUNDRAISER:  The planners of this summer’s National Network Assembly will be hosting a reception on Saturday June 29th in San Francisco where we can learn more. Here’s the link to RSVP. Please feel free to share with others who want to make an impact.  And if you can’t make it but still want to help, please make a contribution here.


PROTEST ABUSIVE TREATMENT OF IMMIGRANTS IN DETENTION CAMPS:  As outrage builds over the cruel and inhumane conditions in the camps where many aspiring immigrants to this country are held, plans are being made for a nationwide protest on July 12We can click this link to find out more about Protest Vigils at Detention Centers near us, or to start our own: https://www.lightsforliberty.org/  We can also click here to see Lights4Liberty’s Facebook page and find out more about their plans and events:  https://www.facebook.com/lights4liberty/

MARCH FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE: It has been one year since we gathered for Families Belong Together rallies across the country. The horrors continue. Thousands more children were separated before zero tolerance was announced that were never reunited. Over 13,000 children remain in detention for months on end in for profit facilities with no child welfare oversight or access to legal aid. We welcome children and families escaping traumatic violence into this country by keeping them in caged in, overcrowded ice boxes for prolonged periods or sometimes exposed to the elements left to sleep on the dirt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pcc8ygK0z4&app=desktop This is NOT who we are. Join Immigrant Justice Now as we take to the streets again in cities everywhere June 29.  We can find events here or how to host one as well:  https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/march-for-immigrant-justice

NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY:  The first National Network Assembly, made up of hundreds of local grassroots leaders organizers from around the country is happening in Des Moines, IA, August 22 to 25.  https://mailchi.mp/thedemlabs/nationalnetworkassembly There will be workshops, sessions, and meetings in which participants will strategize, plan, and learn skills to take home to their groups.  The 2019 National Network Assembly will strengthen the connective tissue between grassroots groups by bridging multiple networks and organizations that represent over 1,000 leaders across all 50 states.  We can find more information, register to attend, and donate to the scholarship fund here: https://www.nationalnetworkassembly.org/ We can use this document to invite others to attend: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKWdGLESqQYFVIa3JXQrtsXO9zrZv7ihCdGfnmSZ0-M/edit


Read and Watch Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Rebuke of Mitch McConnell at the House Reparations Hearing - https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/06/watch-ta-nehisi-coatess-rebuke-mitch-mcconnell-house-reparations-hearing.html

“Mr. President, I want out of this abusive relationship” byDavid M. Reiss, M.D. and Seth Davin Norrholm, Ph.D.:  https://medium.com/@sethdavin/mr-president-i-want-out-of-this-abusive-relationship-8ecbeae8188f

Citizenship Question Lawsuit Plaintiffs Ask Supreme Court To Delay Ruling - https://www.npr.org/2019/06/12/732191078/citizenship-question-lawsuit-plaintiffs-ask-supreme-court-to-delay-ruling


We can stay up-to-date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule



DEMAND AN END TO CONCENTRATION CAMP PRACTICES IN THE US:  Now that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called attention to the shocking conditions in Concentration Camps on the Southwest Border, attempts are being made to deflect the argument from the appalling state of these detention centers to her use of the term “Concentration Camps.” https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/18/us/politics/ocasio-cortez-cheney-detention-centers.html   However, the term is disturbingly apt. "Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Aushwitz...We have what I would call a concentration camp system,” Andrea Pitzer, an expert in concentration camps says, “and the definition of that ...is mass detention of civilians without trial.” (quoted from Act 4 Progress).  Other scholars agree that the term is appropriate:  https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1141056585843838983.html  and https://www.newsweek.com/concentration-camps-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-trump-border-1444843  Let’s call our MoCs and demand an end to these inhumane practices.

IMPEACHMENT:  On June 17th new Congresswoman Katie Porter put out a clear and powerful video about why she is coming out in favor of impeachment and shared it with her purple district in California:
https://twitter.com/RepnKatiePorter/status/1140771105189191680 Because this evidence questions the president's fitness to lead, there is no more important issue facing our federal government now, yet only a few of our MoCs have publicly stated their positions on this most pressing matter.  If our Congressional reps have not yet done the same, let’s share this with them as an example of the type of leadership we are seeking from them.

BOOSTING VOTER TURNOUT: “Nonprofits helped boost voter turnout by 11 percentage points during the 2018 elections, according to a study of voting patterns in seven states by Nonprofit Vote, which works with other charities to encourage voter participation.” https://www.philanthropy.com/article/Nonprofits-Produce-Big-Gains/246445 If we’re involved with nonprofit organizations, let’s learn more at Nonprofit Vote’s website, https://www.nonprofitvote.org/ , and let’s see if our nonprofit can help.

SAUDI ARABIA:  Trump has a very questionable relationship with Saudi Arabia.  Despite evidence to the contrary, Saudi Arabia did not end up on a US compiled list of countries that use child soldiers.  If Saudi Arabia were on the list, the US would be forbidden to provide training and weapons unless the President issues a waiver.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-saudi-childsoldiers-exclusive/exclusive-overruling-his-experts-pompeo-keeps-saudis-off-us-child-soldiers-list-idUSKCN1TJ25H Given Saudi Arabia’s human rights abuses and it’s part in the murder of journalist Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/06/19/jamal-khashoggi-death-un-expert-calls-probe-saudi-prince/1497067001/ and Trump’s apparent cover up of  that death, as well as his shaky personal financial dealings with the country, not to mention the dubious sharing of sensitive nuclear information, we are now too mixed up with a deadly regime.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-nuclear-saudi/u-s-shared-nuclear-power-info-with-saudi-arabia-after-khashoggi-killed-idUSKCN1T52ER   Let’s contact our MoCs and tell them that this is not a relationship we should have.  Let’s ask what is being done to extricate us.

HARRIET TUBMAN ON THE 20-DOLLAR BILL:  We were all expecting to see the switch to Harriet Tubman on the 20-dollarl bill until we learned that Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said it would not be ready for another almost ten years and all mention of it was removed from the Treasury website.  Senate Minority Leader Schumer (D-NY) has asked for an investigation to this puzzling situation.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/06/19/schumer-investigate-harriet-tubman-20-bill-delay/1504713001/   Rep. Pressley (D-MA) said that "Secretary Mnuchin has allowed Trump's racism and misogyny to prevent him from carrying out the will of the people."  https://www.newsweek.com/racism-misogyny-rep-ayanna-pressley-blasts-steve-mnuchin-postponing-tubmans-placement-20-1444176  Even though Trump says he prefers that Andrew Jackson stay on the bill, Congress and the American people feel otherwise.  The Harriet Tubman Tribute Act (H.R. 1083 / S.872) has bipartisan support.  Let’s tell our MoCs that we want them to co-sponsor and support this bill and get Harriet Tubman on the 20-dollar bill in the time frame it was supposed to happen. 

IMMIGRATION, ICE/CPB ABUSES: There’s a concerted effort across the country to demand that Speaker Pelosi start Congressional hearings on Trump’s deportation machine. This effort includes delivering a letter (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TibDkDlyGMZdrJaQyyurq4yn5Sg_dryMX5xbto7KMf0/edit) to the highest ranking staffer at our local Democratic Congressional Office, and videoing the conversation with the staffer to post on social media. Talking points are here:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PPtzzojX7HFwPoHuouErx1tyNRrWMF5GT2uph1331eE/edit Let’s help this effort by taking the actions described above, or by contacting our Democratic representatives in the House and demanding Congressional hearings and oversight over ICE and CPB.


ALL:  ELECTIONS: Running an election is labor-intensive. We can expect massive turnout all over the country in 2020. Let’s help make our democracy work. Let’s contact our state’s Secretary of State’s office and ask how we can become poll-workers: http://www.e-secretaryofstate.com/

CA:  NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY RECEPTION/FUNDRAISER:  The planners of this summer’s National Network Assembly will be hosting a reception on Saturday June 29th in San Francisco where we can learn more. Here’s the link to RSVP. Please feel free to share with others who want to make an impact.  And if you can’t make it but still want to help, please make a contribution here.


PROTEST ABUSIVE TREATMENT OF IMMIGRANTS IN DETENTION CAMPS:  As outrage builds over the cruel and inhumane conditions in the camps where many aspiring immigrants to this country are held, plans are being made for a nationwide protest on July 12We can click this link to find out more about Protest Vigils at Detention Centers near us, or to start our own: https://www.lightsforliberty.org/  We can also click here to see Lights4Liberty’s Facebook page and find out more about their plans and events:  https://www.facebook.com/lights4liberty/
MARCH FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE: It has been one year since we gathered for Families Belong Together rallies across the country. The horrors continue. Thousands more children were separated before zero tolerance was announced that were never reunited. Over 13,000 children remain in detention for months on end in for profit facilities with no child welfare oversight or access to legal aid. We welcome children and families escaping traumatic violence into this country by keeping them in caged in, overcrowded ice boxes for prolonged periods or sometimes exposed to the elements left to sleep on the dirt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pcc8ygK0z4&app=desktop This is NOT who we are. Join Immigrant Justice Now as we take to the streets again in cities everywhere June 29.  We can find events here or how to host one as well:  https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/march-for-immigrant-justice

NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY:  The first National Network Assembly, made up of hundreds of local grassroots leaders organizers from around the country is happening in Des Moines, IA, August 22 to 25.  There will be workshops, sessions, and meetings in which participants will strategize, plan, and learn skills to take home to their groups.  The 2019 National Network Assembly will strengthen the connective tissue between grassroots groups by bridging multiple networks and organizations that represent over 1,000 leaders across all 50 states.  We can find more information, register to attend, and donate to the scholarship fund here: https://www.nationalnetworkassembly.org/ We can use this document to invite others to attend: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKWdGLESqQYFVIa3JXQrtsXO9zrZv7ihCdGfnmSZ0-M/edit


Finally, Presidential Candidates Are Talking About Poverty - https://www.thenation.com/article/poor-peoples-campaign-poverty-forum-democratic-candidates/

What I Saw at the Dilley, Texas, Immigrant Detention Center - https://www.thenation.com/article/dilley-texas-immigration-detention/


We can stay up-to-date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule



IMMIGRATION--CHILD DETENTION: Children are being held in concentration camp-type conditions in Homestead, FL.  https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/florida/fl-ne-homestead-protest-20190616-zjo675uqzfgpxhnrkfx2xky4re-story.html  Wecount.org is one of the key groups working to shut down the child detention center in Homestead, FL and help immigrants and low-income workers in the community. We can check out their work and donate here.

IMMIGRATION--CHILD DETENTION:  The situation for the children at Homestead is beyond safe or humane and is gaining public awareness. https://www.miamiherald.com/latest-news/article231628668.html  The Organizers working to shut down the child detention center in Homestead, FL have asked all the Democratic candidates for president to take a pledge to visit the center when they are in Miami for the debates next week. Let’s contact some of these candidates to ask if they have taken the pledge, and then contact them again after the debates to make sure they have followed through.

PUBLIC COMMENTS NEEDED:  Comments and actions week ending June 23, 2019 includes LCBTQ health, Redefining how the government measures things - poverty rates, pollution index. LGBTQ and Trans rights, RoundUp, HUD targeting undocumented residents, exposing miners to diesel exhaust, ACA, Election
integrity & voting systems.  Here’s the list we can use: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nEt8uO6afXRawuyPWvnkdw_VWMDPFerz/view

THE MUELLER REPORT: We know we should. Perhaps joining Politico's Mueller Report book club will make it seem less overwhelming! "We’ll introduce you to the report and each week suggest a set amount of reading. As we read the report together, PolitiFact journalists will offer analysis and take your questions. We’ll compile the most insightful reader conversations and post them to our website." 

GET OUT THE VOTE! Postcards to Voters volunteers write to Democratic voters year round to get out the vote for local and special elections. Right now we can help reach Florida Democrats in Broward County (Ft. Lauderdale area) to encourage them to sign up for Vote By Mail. Voters who vote by mail vote at a higher rate than other voters. Let's check out Postcards to Voters today and sign up. If we are already volunteers, let's request 5 addresses today.

KELLYANNE CONWAY MUST RESIGN: "Based on CREW complaints, the Office of Special Counsel has found that Kellyanne Conway’s repeated violations of the Hatch Act by using her official position for partisan purposes warrant her removal from federal service. OSC’s determination is unprecedented, but such egregious violations, and her expressed disdain for the law, make clear that her removal is necessary to preserve the rule of law." Let's sign CREW's petition to show we agree:   https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/kellyanne-conway-must-resign

IMMIGRATION – WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING:  While reading news about what is happening at the border and with our new influx of immigrants, reading first-hand accounts from those on the frontline give a needed perspective.  A member of Suit Up Maine’s admin team “is volunteering for two weeks in June at Annunciation House in El Paso, Texas, one of the organizations running respite shelters for people seeking entry and asylum at the southern border.” https://www.suitupmaine.org/annunciation-house-journal/  Let’s read about her experiences and consider a donation to Annunciation House or volunteer with them:  https://annunciationhouse.org/

IMMIGRATION – WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING:  In Homestead, FL, a group has been bearing witness to the existence of largest of the private federal prisons for migrant teens: Homestead.  The group has a Facebook page so we can keep up with them:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/339957239906299/  A group of  Massachusetts’ Jewish activists went to Homestead to be part of the Father’s Day protest and created this blog of their time there:  https://jewishactivistsforimmigrationjustice.blog/  Let’s read about their experiences and consider becoming a witness or donating to the cause:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/witness-tornillo-homestead

FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN OUR ELECTIONS:  Although he has backtracked, and the head of the Federal Election Commission felt the need to clarify the point (https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/13/fec-election-foreign-trump-1364598), Trump stated in an interview that he would want to hear info on an opponent from a foreign entity.  https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/transcript-abc-news-george-stephanopoulos-exclusive-interview-president/story?id=63749144   The willful ignorance that Trump consistently displays regarding our Constitution, our laws, and our protocol is a continued reminder that he is unfit for office.  Let’s tell our MoCs to keep moving on the investigations and possible impeachment and to speak the truth. 

LET’S CELEBRATE THE HUCKABEE-SANDERS RESIGNATION: by supporting democracy-enhancing journalism! Let’s subscribe or donate (if we’re able), and let’s follow and share their work on social media. Some suggestions: 1) Our local newspapers (know what’s going on in our communities AND help these incubators of emerging journalists), 2) Our regional newspapers-of-record, 3) The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/, 4) The Washington Post 

HELP POTENTIAL IMMIGRANTS UNDERSTAND THEIR RIGHTS:  Al Otro Aldo’s Border Rights Project in Tijuana is in desperate need of immigration lawyers and translators to help with upcoming workshops. If we are immigration attorneys with asylum + removal defense experience or French, Haitian Creole + Russian speakers who can help out with the  Know Your Rights workshops in Tijuana this June or July, we can click here to find out more and then sign up if we decide to help out: https://airtable.com/shrfjopGqQWHj402G

STRATEGIES TO WIN THE WAR OF IDEAS:  With the rise of Fox News, Republicans have long had a chillingly effective way to indoctrinate voters, while Democrats have had little or no strategies to combat this.  What if we had, or started to systematically build support for Democratic Values, using a long term Persuasion Machine? When we read this article on how Democrats can build a long term Persuasion Machine, we’ll find lots  of specific tactics and readily available tools , check some of them out and then share this information with our friends: 

CRAFTIVIST OPPORTUNITY:  The Tiny Pricks Project began as a one-off artwork, with Weymar hastily stitching “I am a very stable genius,” on an old piece of embroidery made by her grandmother, after Trump issued the bizarre declaration in January 2018. She then decided it would be a worthwhile exercise to continue documenting the president’s more outlandish statements on antique textiles.”  https://news.artnet.com/exhibitions/tiny-pricks-project-lingua-franca-1572865  Let’s learn more and see how we can use our needlework talents:  http://tinypricksproject.com/

CA:  NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY RECEPTION/FUNDRAISER:  The planners of this summer’s National Network Assembly will be hosting a reception on Saturday June 29th in San Francisco where we can learn more. Here’s the link to RSVP. Please feel free to share with others who want to make an impact.  And if you can’t make it but still want to help, please make a contribution here.


MARCH FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE: It has been one year since we gathered for Families Belong Together rallies across the country. The horrors continue. Thousands more children were separated before zero tolerance was announced that were never reunited. Over 13,000 children remain in detention for months on end in for profit facilities with no child welfare oversight or access to legal aid. We welcome children and families escaping traumatic violence into this country by keeping them in caged in, overcrowded ice boxes for prolonged periods or sometimes exposed to the elements left to sleep on the dirt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pcc8ygK0z4&app=desktop This is NOT who we are. Join Immigrant Justice Now as we take to the streets again in cities everywhere June 29.  We can find events here or how to host one as well:  https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/march-for-immigrant-justice

NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY:  The first National Network Assembly, made up of hundreds of local grassroots leaders organizers from around the country is happening in Des Moines, IA, August 22 to 25.  There will be workshops, sessions, and meetings in which participants will strategize, plan, and learn skills to take home to their groups.  The 2019 National Network Assembly will strengthen the connective tissue between grassroots groups by bridging multiple networks and organizations that represent over 1,000 leaders across all 50 states.  We can find more information, register to attend, and donate to the scholarship fund here: https://www.nationalnetworkassembly.org/ We can use this document to invite others to attend: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKWdGLESqQYFVIa3JXQrtsXO9zrZv7ihCdGfnmSZ0-M/edit

POSTCARDING ISSUES:  For a ready-made list of issues for our postcarding groups, we can take a look at this and consider using it: https://www.whatifknits.com/

 TO READ    

Yesterday, Rev. William Barber’s Poor People’s Campaign held a Presidential Forum on poverty with all 2020 presidential candidates who responded to the invitation.  Several Democratic candidates were in attendance and answered questions.  Since poverty was not mentioned in any of the debates during the last presidential campaign season, this is essential to hear and keep centered this time around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQAOIZiK0Vg

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming - https://grist.org/series/skeptics/


We can stay up-to-date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule