

IMMIGRATION--CHILD DETENTION: Children are being held in concentration camp-type conditions in Homestead, FL.  https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/florida/fl-ne-homestead-protest-20190616-zjo675uqzfgpxhnrkfx2xky4re-story.html  Wecount.org is one of the key groups working to shut down the child detention center in Homestead, FL and help immigrants and low-income workers in the community. We can check out their work and donate here.

IMMIGRATION--CHILD DETENTION:  The situation for the children at Homestead is beyond safe or humane and is gaining public awareness. https://www.miamiherald.com/latest-news/article231628668.html  The Organizers working to shut down the child detention center in Homestead, FL have asked all the Democratic candidates for president to take a pledge to visit the center when they are in Miami for the debates next week. Let’s contact some of these candidates to ask if they have taken the pledge, and then contact them again after the debates to make sure they have followed through.

PUBLIC COMMENTS NEEDED:  Comments and actions week ending June 23, 2019 includes LCBTQ health, Redefining how the government measures things - poverty rates, pollution index. LGBTQ and Trans rights, RoundUp, HUD targeting undocumented residents, exposing miners to diesel exhaust, ACA, Election
integrity & voting systems.  Here’s the list we can use: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nEt8uO6afXRawuyPWvnkdw_VWMDPFerz/view

THE MUELLER REPORT: We know we should. Perhaps joining Politico's Mueller Report book club will make it seem less overwhelming! "We’ll introduce you to the report and each week suggest a set amount of reading. As we read the report together, PolitiFact journalists will offer analysis and take your questions. We’ll compile the most insightful reader conversations and post them to our website." 

GET OUT THE VOTE! Postcards to Voters volunteers write to Democratic voters year round to get out the vote for local and special elections. Right now we can help reach Florida Democrats in Broward County (Ft. Lauderdale area) to encourage them to sign up for Vote By Mail. Voters who vote by mail vote at a higher rate than other voters. Let's check out Postcards to Voters today and sign up. If we are already volunteers, let's request 5 addresses today.

KELLYANNE CONWAY MUST RESIGN: "Based on CREW complaints, the Office of Special Counsel has found that Kellyanne Conway’s repeated violations of the Hatch Act by using her official position for partisan purposes warrant her removal from federal service. OSC’s determination is unprecedented, but such egregious violations, and her expressed disdain for the law, make clear that her removal is necessary to preserve the rule of law." Let's sign CREW's petition to show we agree:   https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/kellyanne-conway-must-resign

IMMIGRATION – WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING:  While reading news about what is happening at the border and with our new influx of immigrants, reading first-hand accounts from those on the frontline give a needed perspective.  A member of Suit Up Maine’s admin team “is volunteering for two weeks in June at Annunciation House in El Paso, Texas, one of the organizations running respite shelters for people seeking entry and asylum at the southern border.” https://www.suitupmaine.org/annunciation-house-journal/  Let’s read about her experiences and consider a donation to Annunciation House or volunteer with them:  https://annunciationhouse.org/

IMMIGRATION – WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING:  In Homestead, FL, a group has been bearing witness to the existence of largest of the private federal prisons for migrant teens: Homestead.  The group has a Facebook page so we can keep up with them:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/339957239906299/  A group of  Massachusetts’ Jewish activists went to Homestead to be part of the Father’s Day protest and created this blog of their time there:  https://jewishactivistsforimmigrationjustice.blog/  Let’s read about their experiences and consider becoming a witness or donating to the cause:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/witness-tornillo-homestead

FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN OUR ELECTIONS:  Although he has backtracked, and the head of the Federal Election Commission felt the need to clarify the point (https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/13/fec-election-foreign-trump-1364598), Trump stated in an interview that he would want to hear info on an opponent from a foreign entity.  https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/transcript-abc-news-george-stephanopoulos-exclusive-interview-president/story?id=63749144   The willful ignorance that Trump consistently displays regarding our Constitution, our laws, and our protocol is a continued reminder that he is unfit for office.  Let’s tell our MoCs to keep moving on the investigations and possible impeachment and to speak the truth. 

LET’S CELEBRATE THE HUCKABEE-SANDERS RESIGNATION: by supporting democracy-enhancing journalism! Let’s subscribe or donate (if we’re able), and let’s follow and share their work on social media. Some suggestions: 1) Our local newspapers (know what’s going on in our communities AND help these incubators of emerging journalists), 2) Our regional newspapers-of-record, 3) The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/, 4) The Washington Post 

HELP POTENTIAL IMMIGRANTS UNDERSTAND THEIR RIGHTS:  Al Otro Aldo’s Border Rights Project in Tijuana is in desperate need of immigration lawyers and translators to help with upcoming workshops. If we are immigration attorneys with asylum + removal defense experience or French, Haitian Creole + Russian speakers who can help out with the  Know Your Rights workshops in Tijuana this June or July, we can click here to find out more and then sign up if we decide to help out: https://airtable.com/shrfjopGqQWHj402G

STRATEGIES TO WIN THE WAR OF IDEAS:  With the rise of Fox News, Republicans have long had a chillingly effective way to indoctrinate voters, while Democrats have had little or no strategies to combat this.  What if we had, or started to systematically build support for Democratic Values, using a long term Persuasion Machine? When we read this article on how Democrats can build a long term Persuasion Machine, we’ll find lots  of specific tactics and readily available tools , check some of them out and then share this information with our friends: 

CRAFTIVIST OPPORTUNITY:  The Tiny Pricks Project began as a one-off artwork, with Weymar hastily stitching “I am a very stable genius,” on an old piece of embroidery made by her grandmother, after Trump issued the bizarre declaration in January 2018. She then decided it would be a worthwhile exercise to continue documenting the president’s more outlandish statements on antique textiles.”  https://news.artnet.com/exhibitions/tiny-pricks-project-lingua-franca-1572865  Let’s learn more and see how we can use our needlework talents:  http://tinypricksproject.com/

CA:  NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY RECEPTION/FUNDRAISER:  The planners of this summer’s National Network Assembly will be hosting a reception on Saturday June 29th in San Francisco where we can learn more. Here’s the link to RSVP. Please feel free to share with others who want to make an impact.  And if you can’t make it but still want to help, please make a contribution here.


MARCH FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE: It has been one year since we gathered for Families Belong Together rallies across the country. The horrors continue. Thousands more children were separated before zero tolerance was announced that were never reunited. Over 13,000 children remain in detention for months on end in for profit facilities with no child welfare oversight or access to legal aid. We welcome children and families escaping traumatic violence into this country by keeping them in caged in, overcrowded ice boxes for prolonged periods or sometimes exposed to the elements left to sleep on the dirt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pcc8ygK0z4&app=desktop This is NOT who we are. Join Immigrant Justice Now as we take to the streets again in cities everywhere June 29.  We can find events here or how to host one as well:  https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/march-for-immigrant-justice

NATIONAL NETWORK ASSEMBLY:  The first National Network Assembly, made up of hundreds of local grassroots leaders organizers from around the country is happening in Des Moines, IA, August 22 to 25.  There will be workshops, sessions, and meetings in which participants will strategize, plan, and learn skills to take home to their groups.  The 2019 National Network Assembly will strengthen the connective tissue between grassroots groups by bridging multiple networks and organizations that represent over 1,000 leaders across all 50 states.  We can find more information, register to attend, and donate to the scholarship fund here: https://www.nationalnetworkassembly.org/ We can use this document to invite others to attend: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oKWdGLESqQYFVIa3JXQrtsXO9zrZv7ihCdGfnmSZ0-M/edit

POSTCARDING ISSUES:  For a ready-made list of issues for our postcarding groups, we can take a look at this and consider using it: https://www.whatifknits.com/

 TO READ    

Yesterday, Rev. William Barber’s Poor People’s Campaign held a Presidential Forum on poverty with all 2020 presidential candidates who responded to the invitation.  Several Democratic candidates were in attendance and answered questions.  Since poverty was not mentioned in any of the debates during the last presidential campaign season, this is essential to hear and keep centered this time around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQAOIZiK0Vg

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming - https://grist.org/series/skeptics/


We can stay up-to-date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule

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