
Contact Federal Government Officials

1.       THE MUELLER REPORT:  On Wednesday, The New York Times and the Washington Post both released stories indicating that lawyers involved in the Mueller investigation are concerned that Barr is down-playing the truth of the situation. This provides an opportunity to keep up our steady drumbeat about releasing the Mueller Report in full: 
https://thehill.com/homenews/house/437443-democrats-seize-on-mueller-barr-friction  While the House unanimously passed a resolution to have the full report released, the same resolution was stopped in the Senate yesterday. https://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/437414-paul-blocks-resolution-calling-for-release-of-mueller-report  This is all the more troubling since it was divulged that Mueller’s team provided their own summary of their report that was to be for public distribution.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/limited-information-barr-has-shared-about-russia-investigation-frustrated-some-on-muellers-team/2019/04/03/c98e8a02-567a-11e9-814f-e2f46684196e_story.html?utm_term=.51ec9830bca7  Let’s stay in touch with our MoC to say that we expect the whole report to be released immediately.

2.      GUN CONTROL/VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT: Yesterday, the House defied the NRA and passed a renewal of the Violence Against Women Act with the new red flag provisions that would prevent people with a history of domestic abuse from obtaining guns, closing up what is sometimes called the “boyfriend loophole”.  https://thehill.com/homenews/house/437348-house-votes-to-reauthorize-violence-against-women-act-close-the-boyfriend?userid=200565. Thirty-three Republicans broke party lines and voted for the bill. Now the bill heads to the Senate. Let’s make sure to tell our Senators that we expect them to support this bill with this common-sense provision that prioritizes the safety and security of women over the rights of gun owners.  

3.      DRUG PRICES: Hidden in Trump’s proposed changes to NAFTA is a provision that could vastly increase drug prices, making potentially lifesaving treatments out of reach for many of us. Drug companies would have 10 years protection from cheaper competition in a category of already extremely expensive drugs. Without that competition, drug prices could skyrocket, and people’s lives will be further at risk. https://www.mcclatchydc.com/latest-news/article228416529.html However, Trump can only change NAFTA if Congress lets him. We can contact our MoCs and tell them to oppose any concessions to big drug companies.  We can also sign Bold Progressive’s petition to Congressional Democrats here: http://act.boldprogressives.org/survey/petition-nafta-2

4.      INTERIOR SECRETARY NOMINEE--ETHICS ISSUES: David Bernhardt, Trump’s new pick for Secretary of the Interior has been voted on by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and is awaiting a confirmation vote by the Senate. However, there are reports that Bernhardt was a key voice in suppressing a scientific report on the effects of pesticides on endangered species. https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/437429-dems-call-for-probe-of-trump-nominees-role-in-pesticide-report. A number of Democratic Senators and two outside groups are now calling for the Interior Inspector General to conduct an investigation. Let’s tell our Senators to delay Bernhardt’s confirmation vote until this issue is resolved.

5.      DISABILITY RIGHTS: From ADAPT: This week, thanks to the hard work of advocates like you, Congress passed H.R 1839, the Medicaid Services Investment and Accountability Act of 2019. This bill extends the expired HCBS spousal impoverishment protections to Sept. 31, 2019 and provides an additional $20 million to the $120 million in the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program, for use by Sept. 31, 2019. Call your Members of Congress to thank them for passing H.R. 1839 and ask them to co-sponsor and support the EMPOWER Care Act (H.R. 1342/S. 548). 

6.      DOMESTIC TERRORISM: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has disbanded its domestic terrorism unit (https://bit.ly/2WK40qa). Meanwhile, the rate of right extremist attacks continues to rise both in the U.S. and abroad (https://nyti.ms/2WM6sfYhttps://bit.ly/2UgiXn5). Mary B. McCord and Jason M. Blazakis have written a piece on Lawfare Blog, detailing the importance of and process by which Congress could enact federal statute against domestic terrorism, making it a federal crime (https://bit.ly/2UpWnb3). Let's read through the article, then contact our MoC and urge them to work on this legislation ASAP.

7.      PUERTO RICO STATEHOOD: A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced a bill, HR1965, that would admit Puerto Rico into the union as the 51st state without a referendum on the island's territorial status. We can read more at CBSNewsLet's contact our representatives to let them know we support statehood for Puerto Rico and want them to cosponsor HR1965.

8.     RULE CHANGE WILL PACK THE COURTS: President Donald Trump’s Senate GOP allies, frustrated by delays in confirming dozens of lower-profile nominees, rammed through a rules change Wednesday that cuts back debate on most of his picks. The rules change limits debate on most nominees to two hours instead of 30. Every Democrat opposed the maneuver, joined by two Republicans: Susan Collins of Maine and Mike Lee of Utah. Schumer said McConnell was Machiavellian, cynical and hypocritical, and used his speech to recount a series of GOP power plays. “This is a very sad day for the Senate. At a time when Leader McConnell brags about confirming more judges than anyone has done in a very long time, he feels the need to invoke the terribly destructive and disproportionate procedure of the ‘nuclear option’ in order to fast-track even more of President Trump’s ultra-conservative nominees to the federal bench,” Schumer said.  https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/senate-gop-to-change-debate-time-rules-on-trump-nominees.   Call your GOP senators, and tell them you don’t want the rule change and they have lost your vote.  

9.      IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENT: “On Friday, April 12, 2019, in Washington, DC, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will hold an in-person public comment session on the condition of immigration detention centers and status of treatment of immigrants, including children.”   We can find out more about this and how to sign up to speak here:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-comment-session-immigrant-detention-treatment-tickets-59108479052

10.  RESTORE NET NEUTRALITY: The Save the Internet Act could be headed to a full floor vote as early as next week. Cable and phone company lobbyist will be pressuring our Representatives hard to vote against it or neuter it with amendments allowing them to throttle traffic, censor content and impose unfair fees. To be effective, the bill must pass just as it is and our Congress members need to hear that from us. When we click this link, we can send a prewritten letter, which we can edit, then be connected to our Representative’s office and given a script to use if we want:  https://www.battleforthenet.com/


1.       APRIL ELECTIONS: “So far in April, there are 29 elections scheduled. If one of these is in your district, make sure you vote! For everyone else, please share this with your network to spread the word in order to increase awareness and turnout!”  Let’s check this out:  https://politicalcharge.org/2019/03/28/elections-in-april-2019/

2.      ELECTION RESULTS - POSTCARDS TO VOTERS CAMPAIGNS: a) Campaign 146: Lisa Neubauer for WI State Supreme Court. The conservative Republican challenger appears to have won; a recount is still possible. More at The Daily Cardinal. b) Campaign 148: Pam Iovino for PA State Senate. We flipped this seat! More at The Hill. c) Campaign 149: Sara Sadat for Lisle IL Trustee. We flipped this seat! More at Patch/LisleLet's continue to help Postcards To Voters get out the vote.

3.      NOTABLE ELECTION RESULTS: a) Chicago mayor: Lori Lightfoot, who identifies as a lesbian, will be Chicago’s first woman of color to serve as mayor making the Windy City the largest US city to pick an openly gay mayor. More at USAToday. b) Madison WI mayor: Satya Rhodes-Conway will be the city's first openly gay mayor, defeating "Mayor for Life" Paul Soglin by about 18,000 votes. More at Journal Sentinel. Let's continue to support progressive LGBTQ candidates.

4.      NEWEST POSTCARDING CAMPAIGN: Postcards To Voters' volunteers are reaching VIP Democratic voters in Lincoln NE with Campaign 151: James Bowers for Lincoln City Council. James would be Lincoln’s first openly LGBTQ City Council member. Let's help Democrats flip this seat blue by requesting 5 addresses for Lincoln NE voters today.

5.      POSTCARDS TO VOTERS: Campaign 150: Stephanie Cleveland and Mukesh Parna for Frisco Texas City Council is still open. Let's request 5 addresses today for this May 4 election.

Other Actions

1.       RELEASE THE REPORT PROTESTS:  If we attended one of the 100’s of nationwide #ReleaseTheReport protests on Thursday, let’s take a moment to thank the organizers of the one we attended.

2.      FLINT WATER CRISIS: Flint is still in the process of replacing the city's pipes, but there is progress being made (https://www.nrdc.org/media/2019/190212). On Thursday, April 11th, the ACLU of MichiganNRDCConcerned Pastors for Social Action, and Water You Fighting For? will be joining together to host a live discussion on Facebook. Let's plan on attending, and for those of us who would like to submit a question, we can leave a comment on the event page here, or send it via email to: flintpiperemoval@gmail.com  

3.      POSTCARD DESIGN CONTESTPostcards4VA works to flip Virginia blue by enabling folks in VA and all over the country to send handwritten get-out-the-vote postcards to VA voters. In the run-up to the 2019 statehouse elections, Postcards4VA is teaming up with the Virginia Women’s Summit for Political Engagement to run a postcard design contest. Winning designs will be available for purchase online, with proceeds supporting the effort to flip VA blue in 2019. Let’s learn more about the contest and submit our own original designs here: https://postcards4va.com/contest/

4.    CLIMATE CHANGE: Trump didn’t like their conclusions, so he disbanded the Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment in August 2017; now 12 committee members and some additional scientists have revived this committee as the Science for Climate Action Network, with funding from Columbia University and the American Meteorological Society.  Their new report warns that we are at risk from the impacts of a warming planet due to a muddled response to climate science, and they hope to create a “civil-society-based climate assessment consortium” to focus predominately on tackling the problems climate change poses for local stakeholders: 
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/04/climate-change-trump-advisory-group-report-warning-global-warming  Let’s spread the word and encourage our community leaders to use this new resource, especially in areas at risk from the natural disasters brought about by climate change.

5.      DISCRIMINATION ALERT: Two black teenagers say they were recently rejected from jobs at Six Flags Over Texas because of their hairstyles. Let's read more at Dallas News. It's time to put a stop to this type of racial profiling. Let's contact Six Flags to demand that they change their policies regarding these hairstyles.

6.      SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS PATAGONIA:  The policy for the coveted Patagonia vest for corporate clients is being changed.  The company “will focus on selling to do-gooder B Corporations, i.e., companies with a charity element or that have committed to supporting causes like “community” or “the environment.” All those evil hedge funds and “Uber-for-X” tech startups can go pound sand.”  https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katienotopoulos/patagonia-power-vest-policy-change  Let’s thank Patagonia for the example they are providing:  https://www.patagonia.com/customer-service.html

State Actions

1.      STATES: MOST (SCHOOL LUNCH NUTRITION STANDARDS ROLLBACK: Six states (NY, MN, CA, NM, IL, VT) and The District of Columbia are suiting the Trump administration for rolling back the nutritional standards in school lunch programs championed by former First Lady, Michelle Obama.  https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/states-sue-trump-admin-rollbacks-school-lunch-standards/story?id=62138425. The Plaintiffs are arguing that the rollback endangers the health of children and that the new standards do not conform to “ the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, and scientific research regarding children’s nutrition.” Let’s ask our Attorney General to join this lawsuit. Providing healthy food to children at school should not be a partisan issue.

2.      MI: WOMEN'S RIGHTS: From Mothering Justice: "Every year Mothering Justice heads to the capital to increase the visibility of mothers' of color. Let's let legislators know that we show up, we vote, and we matter. Ride to Lansing with us, MARCH at the capital, and talk to your legislators." This year's event will be on Thursday, May 2nd from 10:00am-1:00pm. Let's sign up to participate in the Lansing Mamas' March, and stand up for mothers across Michigan:   https://www.facebook.com/events/435881763825667/

3.      MO:  CONCEAL CARRY:Late in the evening of April 2, without telling the public or their constituents, the Missouri House approved their Guns Anywhere Guns Everywhere plan by passing HB 575.  The Missouri House just passed a bill that allows someone to carry a concealed and loaded gun ... to a Kindergarten classroom.”  Let’s sign this petition from It Starts Today Missouri to speak against this:  https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/tell-the-missouri-legislature-we-oppose-guns-everywhere

4.      NC: IMMIGRATION/ICE: The state House has passed HB 370, a "show me your papers" bill which would require sheriffs to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and determine if anyone charged with a crime is a legal resident of the U.S. (https://bit.ly/2WOim97). If legal status could not be determined, or if the person is found to be undocumented, ICE would be contacted and that person may be detained. North Carolina's Sheriffs' Association and the ACLU of North Carolina have both come out against the bill. Let's contact Governor Roy Cooper to tell him that this bill must not pass; if the Senate passes HB 370, we want him to veto it: https://governor.nc.gov/contact/contact-governor-cooper

5.      VA—WOMEN’S SUMMIT FOR POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT: The progressive community-building group Network NoVA is holding a summit for women June 28, 29 & 30, 2019 at Hilton McLean, Tysons Corner, VA. Let’s go and learn how we can flip VA blue, together. Register here: https://networknova.org/

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       WORKPLACE HARASSMENT: This Thursday, April 6th, UltraViolet will be hosting a webinar training, focusing on a new workplace anti-harassment bill that is being introduced in Congress. The webinar will discuss the bill, and how we can help pressure our MoC to support it. Let's sign up here, or if we can't make it, we can have the recording sent to us.

2.      CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM: As Mother’s Day approaches, marking the first Black Mama’s Bail Out day, we can join the weekly Wednesday webinars offered by the National Bail Out Collective and learn more about planning a successful bail out action this year: 


1.       The Part About MLK White People Don’t Like to Talk About - https://www.yesmagazine.org/peace-justice/the-part-about-mlk-white-people-don2019t-like-to-talk-about-20190121

2.      Julián Castro crafts plan to grant citizenship path to millions of unauthorized immigrants - https://www.dallasnews.com/news/elections-2020/2019/04/02/julin-castro-unveils-plan-decriminalize-illegal-immigration-grant-citizenship-path-millions

3.      George Mason Students Demand School Rescind Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Teaching Invitation - https://www.newsweek.com/george-mason-students-demand-school-rescind-supreme-court-justice-brett-1385025

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