
Contact Federal Government Officials

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1.       IMPEACHMENT: While the Mueller Report, even in its redacted version, has revealed areas where the president likely obstructed justice, Democrats are divided on whether to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump. https://www.npr.org/2019/04/23/716247955/more-democrats-call-for-impeachment-proceedings-against-president-trump Good arguments have been raised on both sides of the issue, with those in favor of impeachment arguing that the moral imperative and the need to save our democracy demands it, and those against impeachment worrying about how this will play out strategically for Democrats in the 2020 election, especially because it is likely that even if the House impeaches Trump he will be acquitted by the Republican Senate. Let’s change the messaging by telling our Democratic MoCs to continue to publically call out Republicans who are putting party over country and protecting a corrupt president, and let’s tell our Republican MoCs that it’s their ethical duty to stop enabling Trump and join with Democrats in preserving our democracy. For talking points, we can learn more about Trump’s impeachable offenses here.

2.       FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT: Congresswoman Maxine Waters has taken an aggressive oversight role as chair of the House Financial Services Committee, and her efforts have been a factor in the Wells Fargo CEO’s resignation and Bank of America’s decision to increase minimum wage to $20/hour by 2021. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/440185-maxine-waters-is-the-wall-street-sheriff-the-people-deserve Let’s thank Congresswoman Waters (202-225-2201) and ask our own Democratic MoCs to call on their Committee Chairs to replicate Congresswoman Waters’ efforts in engaging in strong oversight, which is especially needed to counteract the administration’s tendencies toward deregulation.
3.       OFFSHORE DRILLING:  Public comment deadline is midnight this Friday, April 25.   This proposed change concerns both coasts through revision to the Coastal Zone Management Act. Trump is quietly laying the groundwork to weaken a decades-old federal law that empowers California and other states to slow and even stop offshore development in federal waters. It is a move to support the fossil fuel industry at the expense of the environment.   https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/apr/18/offshore-drilling-trump-administration-safety-oil-spills   ID: NOAA-NOS-2018-0107-0001. Let’s read it and comment here:  https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NOAA-NOS-2018-0107-0001 .

4.       IMMIGRATION:  Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) recently visited the dangerously overcrowded “icebox” where border crossers stay until they are turned over to ICC and shared his findings: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/commentary/ct-perspec-immigration-ice-detention-centers-border-patrol-durbin-20190418-story.html  Let’s ask our MoCs what they are doing to address this particularly inhumane portion of the process. 

5.       UNITED NATIONS: Despite intensified white supremacist terrorism and hate speech in the US but perfectly in keeping with his continuing rejection of international cooperation, Trump has neither renewed nor replaced human rights lawyer Gay McDougall, our current member of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, leaving the US seat empty and, according to an unidentified State Department official, "[cementing] the narrative that the Americans just don’t care about these kinds of things anymore.": https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/438795-trump-blocked-renomination-of-obama-era-un-racism-official-wont-pick  Let’s make sure the White House knows this narrative is false and that we want representation on this committee.

6.       IMMIGRATION:  DETAINED CHILDREN:  “The Homestead shelter [in Florida] s the only for-profit child detention center in the country, as well as the largest in the nation. According to HHS, as of earlier this month, the average daily cost to care for one child at an influx facility like Homestead is approximately $775 per day. The average daily cost at a regular, non-temporary shelter, is about $256 per day, per child. . .As the only temporary emergency shelter in the country, the Homestead center is exempt from federal regulations limiting how long authorities can hold migrant children, which normally is 20 days.”  Yet, instead of being closed as protesters would like, the facility is adding children.  https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article229437719.html  Let’s tell our MoCs that no facility should be working outside the law and most certainly not making money off these unaccompanied children.  Then, let’s sign this asking the facility to be closed:  https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/sign-the-petition-close-the-homestead-child-detention-center 


1.    NEW POSTCARDING CAMPAIGN: Postcards To Voters Campaign 156: Melanie Hughes for Allen TX City Council. Let's help get out the Democratic vote for this Saturday, May 4 election by requesting 5 addresses today.

2.    ATTN: POSTCARDS TO VOTERS VOLUNTEERS:  If we currently request addresses via text we can help the organization save money by requesting addresses from "Facebook Abby" instead of via Text Abby. Each text costs money while the Facebook version uses Facebook Messenger at no cost to Postcards To Voters.  If we can, let's make the switch. We can get started with Facebook Abby here and even follow Facebook Abby on Facebook.   Let's request 5 addresses for the current campaign from Facebook Abby.

3.       NC: SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTION FOR THE 3RD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT:  A special election has been called to fill this Congressional seat following the death of Rep. Walter Jones (R) in February. https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina%27s_3rd_Congressional_District_special_election,_2019  The primary is scheduled for April 30, 2019. Six Democrats are on the ballot: Richard Bew https://www.richardbew.com/ , Gregory Humphrey https://gregoryhumphrey2019.com/ , Isaiah Johnson https://www.ike2019.com/ , Dana Outlaw https://www.outlawforcongress.com/ , Ernest Reeves https://www.ernestreeves.com/ , and Allen Thomas https://www.allenthomascongress.com/ . If we are in the 3rd Congressional District (Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Tyrrell, Dare, Hyde, Beaufort, Pamlico, Carteret, Pitt, Craven, Onslow, Jones, Lenoir, and Greene), lets check out these candidates and make sure that we vote! Voter assistance here:   https://www.voteriders.org/ufaqs/north-carolina-voter-id-information/

4.       WI: SPECIAL ELECTION FOR WISCONSIN STATE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 64: A special election has been called to fill this state assembly seat that was vacated when Assemblyman Peter Barca (D) was appointed to the state Department of Revenue. The election is scheduled for  April 30, 2019. https://ballotpedia.org/Wisconsin_State_Assembly_District_64   Democrat Tip McGuire https://www.tip4wi.com/  is running against Republican Mark Stalker. If we are in the greater Kenosha-Somers-Mt. Pleasant-Elmwood Park-Racine area in the 64th District, let’s be sure to vote for Tip McGuire on April 30! Voter assistance here: https://www.voteriders.org/ufaqs/wisconsin-voter-id-information/

5.       TX: GENERAL ELECTIONS ACROSS THE STATE MAY 4, 2019: There are elections happening throughout the state on May 4.   https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar#Upcoming_election_dates  Let’s this sample ballot lookup tool to check to see if we have an election coming up in Texas: https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup , and let’s sign up to receive election reminders and other voter assistance here: https://turbovote.org/ . And let’s vote!

Other Actions

1.        INTROVERT ACTIVISTS:  A helpful Ted Talk for introverts, by an introvert. “How Can Introverts Be Activists Too?”  https://www.npr.org/2019/04/12/711196501/sarah-corbett-how-can-introverts-be-activists-too  Let’s watch and listen to this, then check out the speaker’s outlet, The Craftivist Collective:  https://craftivist-collective.com/

2.       VOTER ENGAGEMENT:  Vote Forward makes it easy for us to send letters to encourage voter registration and to remind voters to go to the polls. They have three campaigns going on right now—to register likely Democratic voters in GA, to get out the vote in a May 21, 2019, special election in PA’s 12th Congressional district, and to get out the vote in an April 30, 2019, special election in WI’s 64th State Assembly district. Let’s visit their website, https://votefwd.org/, sign up, and start sending letters. No time to send letters right now? Consider a donation. Every dollar allows Vote Forward to purchase about 55 addresses. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/voteforward 

3.       RESOURCE FOR EXPLORING THE MUELLER REPORT: The day after the report was released, folks at Axios took the entire document and coded it for over 400 distinct topics (everything from names to institutions to "Miss Universe Pageant," believe it or not). We can read the redacted report in its entirely AND quickly pull up searches for these topics in this great interactive resource, here: https://www.axios.com/explore-a-detailed-version-of-the-mueller-report-5f7cab5b-9c53-46bc-abaa-bd6b7b3e6d66.html

4.       TIMELINE OF 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTION INTERFERENCE EVENTS:  If we are trying to keep track of what happened when in Russian attempts to influence the 2016 elections, we can check out  PBS Newshour’s  Russia Timeline, described as, “ a tool aimed at understanding the growing number of dots and where they connect.” We can read  PBS Newshour’s  Russia Timeline explanation and guide here:  https://www.pbs.org/newshour/features/russia-timeline/  We can read the spreadsheet here:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1utamO_EzX9VMyTKqWGF4x2upqohYCRYIdzyrx6YEyyk

5.       VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT:  Even as the NRA is encouraging the Senate to oppose the 2019 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, passed by the House with a clause depriving convicted stalkers and those with restraining orders against them from buying guns: https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-congress-house-violence-against-women-act-20190404-story.html --the case of Nicole Addimando is finally receiving attention.  After a decade of physical and emotional abuse, Addimando killed her partner in 2017 in order to protect herself and her young children and was convicted of second-degree murder; her bail was set at $300,000 cash or $600,000 bond (not far from Harvey Weinstein's), and she was represented by a public defender so compromised that the judge ultimately removed him. To support the struggle to pay Addimando’s staggering legal fees: https://fundrazr.com/WeStandWithNikki  To learn more about the criminalization of survivors of domestic, sexual, and other forms of gender violence: https://survivedandpunished.org  To join the fight to end money bail, let’s check out https://chicagobond.org, https://brooklynbailfund.org, or https://massbailfund.org). And, finally, here’s law professor Leigh Goodmark’s  critique of the VAWA, which enables us to think about the real-life effects of the VAWA’s emphasis on criminalization: https://theconversation.com/the-violence-against-women-act-is-unlikely-to-reduce-intimate-partner-violence-heres-why-103734

6.       CAMPAIGN HELP:  We are always looking for ways to help the campaigns we are involved in do better at a good to low (or no!) cost.  Let’s check these out:  Mapping can help campaign and canvassing. Two free apps to look at:  https://thedemlabs.org/2019/03/19/two-free-mapping-apps-to-better-target-campaigns/and an app to coordinate canvassers not using the Voter File:  https://thedemlabs.org/2018/05/17/knock-knock-whos-there/

State Actions

1.       ALL:  STATE ELECTIONS 2020: The 2020 election is coming fast, and with so many important races at the state level, it can be hard to know how to best use our energy and money to get progressive legislators elected. One organization, Future Now, has both a record of success and the organizational capacity and vision to mount a coordinated, nationwide network of campaigns. Even better is Future Now's commitment to developing model legislation to help state legislators craft laws that fulfill substantive progressive goals aligned with the larger national agenda (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/04/future-now-democrats-2020-state-legislatures/587314/). Let's have a look at Future Now's pledge for would-be legislators (https://www.futurenow.org/pledge) and, if it embodies the kind of legislative approach we'd like to see, support it!

2.       KY: HUMAN TRAFFICKING: The 2019 Kentucky Derby is a little over a week away, and like the Super bowl, it is a prime opportunity for human traffickers to purchase or sell human beings for sex and/or labor. Attorney General Andy Beshear, state prosecutors, and victims advocates are asking that attendees keep an eye out for signs of human trafficking, and to speak up if we see something. Let's read through warning signs here, and call 877-KYSAFE1 if we see anything suspicious. Victims can also call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.

3.       ME: SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION—The Green New Deal for Maine would set state environmental goals and foster economic growth. And the Act to Eliminate Single-use Plastic Carry-out Bags would ban most single-use plastic bags in Maine retail stores.   https://www.suitupmaine.org/legislature-roundup/#LD1282 Let’s contact our state legislators and ask them to co-sponsor the Green New Deal for Maine, LD 1282, and a ban on single-use plastic bags, LD 1532. https://www.maine.gov/portal/government/edemocracy/voter_lookup.php Bonus points if we sign up with Suit Up Maine: https://www.suitupmaine.org/

4.       MI: EDUCATION STANDARDS: Last year, a draft for new social studies standards was released, which would have cut references to gay rights, climate change, Roe v. Wade, and downplayed the historic role of the NAACP, among other changes. After public outcry and numerous meetings with the public, the Michigan Department of Education has released a revised draft, though now it is receiving blowback from a conservative member of the Board of Education  (https://bit.ly/2IMowTr). Let's read through the proposed standards, then be sure to leave a comment about the new standards, and if possible, show up to one of the public meetings that will be held throughout the state:  https://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-28753_64839_65510-339831--,00.html

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       IMPEACHMENT TWITTERSTORM TODAY:  Trump wants nothing more than all talk of  impeachment to go away, but with the Mueller Report raising at least ten possible counts of Presidential obstruction of justice, he needs to held accountable. As Charles Blow says in this New York Times article, “An impeachment vote in the House has, to this point, been the strongest rebuke America is willing to give a president. I can think of no president who has earned this rebuke more than the current one.”    https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/21/opinion/impeach-donald-trump.html   To raise  awareness of this important issues, we can join Action Together Network and The Blue Wave Report’s  Impeachment Twitter storm, TODAY from 8-9pm EST. When we click this link, we will get access to prewritten tweets we can send out with just a few clicks:  https://www.facebook.com/events/406620280159949/


1.        We Seem to be Ignoring the Women Running for President -  https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/439045-we-seem-to-be-ignoring-the-women-running-for-president

2.       With a Green New Deal, Here’s What the World Could Look Like for the Next Generation - https://theintercept.com/2018/12/05/green-new-deal-proposal-impacts/

3.       There’s a Bigger Prize Than Impeachment: Keeping Trump in office will destroy the Republican Party - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/22/opinion/theres-a-bigger-prize-than-impeachment.html

4.       Native American activists: The fire at Notre Dame is devastating. So is the destruction of our sacred lands. -  https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/4/17/18412307/notre-dame-native-american-activists-sacred-lands


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