
Contact Federal Government Officials

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  1. THE MUELLER REPORT: On Tuesday and Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr testified before Congress regarding the Mueller report. His performance was less than comforting in the “party over country” realm:  https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/438001-barr-says-mueller-report-will-be-released-within-a-week   The country deserves to see the full report: Let’s contact the Justice Department to let Attorney General Barr know that we expect the full Mueller Report to be released to Congress unredacted and without further delay. We can also remind him that he works for us, not Trump: https://www.justice.gov/contact-us   We can also watch this from Tom Steyer, of Need to Impeach, and follow his advice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntXTN1YloaU&feature=youtu.be
  1. STOP TRUMP’S OIL DRILLING PLAN: With problems such as red tide and toxic algae, the Florida is already at the breaking point. Now Politico reveals a confidential oil plan that even some prominent Republicans in our state oppose. We can read more about Trump’s once secret deal to further pollute our waters here, then call our representatives and demand they put a stop to it: https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/10/trump-florida-2020-oil-drilling-1264194
  1. IMMIGRATION: While many people were critical of DHS Director Kirstjen Neilsen’s policies, particularly her role in separating children from migrant families attempting to seek asylum at the border, her resignation should be a cause for concern, rather than celebration. Trump has stated that he wants to “go in an even tougher direction,” and was frustrated that she was not willing to break the law and deny entry to asylum seekers. https://www.axios.com/trump-nielsen-family-separations-asylum-seekers-border-42ee3ca1-7282-4633-9425-6403ce25b187.html. While Trump is now saying that he doesn’t intend to re-institute family separations https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/438050-trump-says-hes-not-planning-to-restart-family-separations-at-border, we need to tell be extremely mindful and assertive in defending the rights of asylum seekers to have a fair and humane due process. Let’s make sure our MoCs know that we do NOT want to see tougher immigration policies. Instead, we want to make sure all asylum seekers are treated humanely and in accordance with U.S. law, and that families are kept intact. Furthermore, we want to see all families that have been separated reunited as soon as possible.
  1. BLACK MATERNAL HEALTH: “Black women are four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women.” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/438004-dem-reps-form-black-maternal-health-caucus  In response, Representatives Lauren Underwood (D-IL) and Alma Adams (D-NC) have formed in Congress a Black Maternal Health Caucus. Let’s tell our MoCs to join the caucus.
  1. DISABILITY RIGHTS: In the push to move the Disability Integration Act (DIA) (H.R. 555) forward, ADAPT has been asking members of the Judiciary Committee and the Energy and Commerce Committee to cosponsor the bill. This support is crucial in making sure that the DIA gets the hearings it needs in order to be marked up and put on the House floor. Unfortunately, Energy and Commerce Chair Frank Pallone has been reluctant to support the bill. ADAPT is asking that we do two things: Let's call our member of the House and urge them to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act (HR.555). If they already cosponsor the bill, let's ask them to reach out to Rep. Pallone and urge him to keep his word and cosponsor the Disability Integration Act.Then let's call Rep. Pallone directly at (202) 225-4671 and tell him to cosponsor the Disability Integration Act.
  1. AIR POLLUTION:  The EPA proposes  that it is no longer “appropriate and necessary” to regulate hazardous air pollution from coal and oil-fired power plants because, they insist, the costs outweigh the benefits;  the rule the EPA hopes to put in place would dispense with reviews currently required by the Clean Air Act and the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS):  https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2018-12/documents/fact_sheet_mats_proposal_12_2018final.pdf  We have only until APRIL 17 to submit our comments and point out the devastating and irreversible effect on public health and the climate of rolling back the MATS standards: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0794 
  1. IMMIGRATION-ASYLUM SEEKERS: Right now asylum seekers must wait 180 days to apply to work in the states. Trump's Immigration Service wants to make it a year. They are also considering charging a $50 fee for asylum seekers. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/hamedaleaziz/uscis-asylum-work-permit-delay-trump None of this helps people fleeing for their lives and wanting to start better lives. Let's keep an eye out so we can make public comments and let's ask our MoCs what they are doing about this.
  1. THE MUSLIM BAN: The NO BAN (National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants) Act (S1123HR2214) was introduced on Wednesday. It would effectively repeal the Muslim ban as well as the president’s asylum ban and refugee bans as well as limiting a president’s authority to ban groups from entering the country based on religion, race, or ethnicity. Let's read more at Vogue and https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/438184-dems-introducing-bill-to-repeal-trump-muslim-ban. The bills currently have 90 co-sponsors and are endorsed my numerous civil rights and faith-based groups. Let’s read more about this bill from the ACLU and then ask our MoCs to co-sponsor the legislation.
  1. IMMIGRATION – CHILDREN: From one of our own: Support the ‘Families Not Facilities Act’ (HR. 2217 and S.388) . https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/nationworld/fl-ne-wasserman-schultz-trump-migrant-children-20190411-story.html Let’s make sure our members of Congress have signed on to this bill that would allow sponsors to come forward to get these kids out of detention without risking deportation because of their immigration status.
  1. ENVIRONMENT: In an administration that has the audacity to outlaw the mention of the words “climate change,” and with the EPA’s push to limit scientific research, we desperately need legislation that enables scientists to share their research with the public without political interference. Let’s ask our MoCs to support S.775/H.R. 1709, The Scientific Integrity Act and work to enable its passage as soon as possible. https://www.the-scientist.com/the-nutshell/house-democrats-introduce-scientific-integrity-act-31896. To do any less is an insult to the scientific process and a limitation on free speech. The future of the planet depends on policy that rests in science-based research, even if, in the words of Al Gore, the truth might be inconvenient. We can read more about this from the Union of Concerned Scientists.
  1. ELECTION SECURITY: A joint bulletin  issued last month by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI revealed “Russian government cyber actors probably conducted research and reconnaissance against all US states’ election networks leading up to the 2016 Presidential elections." https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/04/dhs-fbi-say-election-systems-in-50-states-were-targeted-in-2016/ Let's ask our MoCs, federal and state, what they are doing about this.
  1. APRIL ELECTIONS: “So far in April, there are 29 elections scheduled. If one of these is in your district, make sure you vote! For everyone else, please share this with your network to spread the word in order to increase awareness and turnout!”  Let’s check this out: https://politicalcharge.org/2019/03/28/elections-in-april-2019/
  1. NEW POSTCARDING CAMPAIGNS: Postcards To Voters continues to launch campaigns for local elections. a) Campaign 153: Rhonda Hart for School Board (Dickinson TX); b) Campaign 154: Garrett McDaniel for SC State House.  Let's help Democrats win these elections by requesting 5 addresses today.
Other Actions
  1. DRUG PRICING:  Republicans on the House Oversight Committee sent letters to a dozen CEOs of major drug companies warning that information they provide to the committee could be leaked to the public by Democratic chair Elijah Cummings in an effort to tank their stock prices.”   https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/paulmcleod/republicans-warn-drug-companies-oversight-investigation  From one of our own: Let's contact these companies and remind them of their duty to be good corporate citizens and their role in helping people be healthier: https://www.drugs.com/pharmaceutical-companies.html
  1. HELP TURN VOTES BLUE:In 2018, taking back the House was the one big way we put a check on Trump and the GOP. And over the next two years, there’ll be lots of key ways to further curb their destructive agenda and restore our democracy: flipping the Senate, defending the House, winning the state-level races needed to ensure fair maps in the 2021 redistricting—and, of course, taking back the Presidency.” Let's check out what SwingLeft is doing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFkAQSLsPM4&feature=youtu.be and how we can get involved: https://swingleft.org/
  1. EPA NATIONAL ALERT: From the Alt National Park Service: The EPA’s Office of Inspector General (IG), the top watchdog overseeing the EPA, issued a rare "management alert" Monday warning that the agency’s public data on toxic substance releases are not accurate. The emergency letter, publication 19-N-0115, from the EPA’s acting IG to the head of the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention warned that certain information the EPA released publicly about its toxic chemical releases did not match internal EPA data. Let's stay aware that the EPA could continue to release inaccurate data.
  1. SUPPORT RESPONSIBLE INTERNATIONAL RECYCLING: While recycling is a worthy practice, far too many countries are dumping their waste on developing countries, shifting first world ecological problems to nations less able to resist the onslaught of plastic pollution. Now Norway has proposed a simple change, requiring that informed consent must be sought before any such recycling occurs, that can help developing countries keep their shores clean too. We can learn more here, then sign this petition to governments around the world to vote for this game-changing proposal to update international law, and to minimize marine pollution and international dumping of plastic waste:
State Actions
  1. MI: IMMIGRATION: A pair of bills (HB 4083/HB 4090) have been introduced in the House, which would pressure law enforcement to cooperate with immigration officials and prohibit "sanctuary" or "welcoming" city policies (https://bit.ly/2UvU3zRhttps://bit.ly/2Is3JV6). The legislation has been passed out of the Committee on Military, Veterans and Homeland Security, and will now head to the Ways and Means Committee. Let's check to see if our representative serves on the Committee, and if they do, give them a call to let them know that we want them to oppose this legislation.
  1. NY: PIPELINE: Williams Transco has proposed a 23 mile pipeline that would go through New York Harbor: https://www.thenation.com/article/latest-pipeline-battle-ramping-new-york/  Trump claims that "New York is hurting the country because they're not allowing us to get the pipelines through" and has just signed two executive orders to limit states’ powers to stop oil and gas pipelines.  It is critical that Gov. Andrew Cuomo take immediate action to block the Williams pipeline and ban all new fossil fuel projects.  Let’s tell him so--(518) 474-8390—and, if possible, attend the demonstration, sponsored by 350.org among others, on Thursday, April 18, at New York City Hall Park
  1. TX: PROPOSED LAW CRIMINALIZES ABORTION:  “A Republican state lawmaker in Texas has reintroduced a bill that would criminalize abortion without exception, making it possible for women to be convicted of homicide and sentenced to death for having the procedure. All while allowing the men involved in the pregnancy to go free. Texas state Rep. Tony Tinderholt (R) was placed under state protection in 2017 when he first introduced the bill because of the death threats he received, The Washington Post reported Wednesday. He has previously said that his proposal would completely remove access to abortions and “force” women to be “more personally responsible” with sex. The Post called Tinderholt’s bill a clear violation of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. 
    https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/438207-gop-texas-lawmaker-reintroduces-bill-that-would-allow-death-penalty-for   Texas residents please call your representatives and ask them not to allow this bill to be placed for vote. Ask them not to waste their time on a law that criminalizes women and courts will dismiss.
Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

  1. Dying of whiteness with Jonathan Metzl: podcast & transcript:  Chris Hayes speaks with psychiatrist and sociologist Jonathan Metzl about how policies rooted in whiteness are shortening the lives of white Americans  - https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/dying-whiteness-jonathan-metzl-podcast-transcript-ncna987671
  1. 10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Month -
  1. Ilhan Omar Fires Back at Critics – 'We are not there to be quiet...we are there to...make good trouble' - https://www.newsweek.com/ilhan-omar-nancy-pelosi-stephen-colbert-freshman-class-1392912

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