Contact Federal Government Officials

1.       THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS: The House will consider eight (8) bills and 2 resolutions this week starting Monday. On Tuesday, the House will take up resolution HRes271: Condemning the Trump Administration’s Legal Campaign to Take Away Americans’ Health Care. Let's review the week's House agenda at The Weekly Leader. On Monday, the Senate will resume consideration of the bill HR268,Supplemental Appropriations Act, which has already passed the House. We can check out the Senate Floor Schedule daily so we know what our Senators will be voting on.

2.      MUELLER REPORT: Now that Trump loyalist, AG William Barr has taken it upon himself to condense a 300-page report into 4 pages and make a determination in 2 days about whether or not Trump obstructed justice when Mueller couldn’t after a 2-year investigation, Republicans are seizing the moment and calling for the resignation of House Intelligence Committee Chair, Adam Schiff. Let’s thank Rep. Schiff for continuing to speak truth to power in this fiery no-nonsense response, and tell him that we want him to continue pushing for the full unredacted copy of the Mueller report and investigating the many questions that remain unanswered.

3.      PACKING THE COURTS: The GOP is intent on getting as many conservative judges into lifetime appointments as possible. The Senate is going to hold a floor vote this week on S. Res. 50, a resolution that "is going to change Senate rules to cut debate time for district court nominees from 30 to 2 hours. Trump's going to get his judicial nominees through even faster." (This move is also referred to as "the nuclear option.") Let's call our Senators today to vote NO on this resolution. @Celeste_Pewter offers a ready-made script here:

4.    MUELLER REPORT:  The Trump Administration is banking on us losing focus by the time the Mueller Report is actually released. Fortunately, Rep. Jerry Nadler is keeping the pressure on Attorney General William Barr to release it by this Tuesday, April 2:  Let’s continue to contact our MoC to say that the report belongs to us and that we expect to see it without delay and let’s contact The Justice Department to let Attorney General Barr know that we find his delay tactics unacceptable:

5.      CMS ADMINISTRATOR’S MISUSE OF TAX DOLLARS:  The Administrator of CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), Seema Verma, has diverted millions in tax dollars to GOP consultants to help amplify her efforts and improve her profile:  Let’s let Verma know that there is no amount of polishing that will make her priorities shine and that we do not approve of our tax dollars being used for this purpose: On Twitter @seemaCMS or by mail to Administrator Verma, CMS, 7500 Security Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21244

6.      IMMIGRATION: Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan are traipsing around Congress telling lies about refugees seeking US asylum at the Mexico border. The ACLU has the facts: the majority of apprehensions at the border now involve vulnerable families turning themselves in to border patrol agents; the Trump administration’s unlawful policy of forcing these families to remain in dangerous circumstances in Mexico is causing them to cross the border between ports of entry; and contrary to the Trump administration’s inflated claims, the number of people crossing the border outside ports of entry is “nowhere near a historic high.” Let’s tell our MoCs: (1) no more funds for the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, and (2) we want a new CBP that, as the ACLU puts it, “prioritizes due process, human rights, and migrant welfare, including access to asylum.”

7.     PAYCHECK FAIRNESS ACT:  “On the eve of Equal Pay Day, celebrated this year on April 2, House Democrats passed a new law intended to help close the wage gap between men and women.”  Let’s tell our senators that it is time for this bill to pass and that we want them to support its passing. 

8.     GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION: “David Hogg, an activist who survived the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, requested on Friday that a photo of his death be publicized if he is ever a victim of gun violence. “In the event that I die from gun violence, please publicize the photo of my death,” the sticker reads. The sticker is part of a gun violence prevention project called #MyLastShot, which calls for the sticker to be added to a personal item like a driver’s license or cell phone. The initiative is led by current students at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., the site of a deadly school shooting in 1999.”  This is such a sad comment on our society and our neglect in providing a safe place for our children to attend school.  Let’s send this article to our MOCs and ask them why our children have to do this. Ask for sensible gun laws now. 

9.    CENTRAL AMERICAN IMMIGRATION POLICY:  On Saturday, Trump announced that he was cutting $700 million in US aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, defunding development and humanitarian assistance as well as joint law enforcement efforts; the State Department said it would “engage Congress in the process”--generous of it given that Congress will have to approve the end of this funding. Likewise, Trump has threatened to close all or part of the US-Mexico border this week, although this would disrupt not only tourism and everyday life but would jeopardize $612 billion in US-Mexico trade and potentially lead to factory closures on both sides of the border—especially in the automobile and medical sectors:  and   We must make sure our MoCs understand that ending aid will only aggravate the violence, corruption, and economic inequities that spur migration, none of which will be ended by closing the border.

10.  PUBLIC COMMENT NEEDED:  Comments and actions week ending April 7, 2019 includes exposing miners to diesel exhaust, college free speech and definition of college credit hour, Nuclear power, ACA, Election integrity, Coal-fired plants, WOTUS, Energy efficiency standards, Volcker Rule, CFPB payday loans.  We can find the list and how to comment here:   Also, public comments needed on the Assault on Waters of the United States:

11.  EDUCATION BUDGET:  Now that Trump has ‘saved’ the Special Olympics it is important to realize that there are other less-than savory parts of the proposed education budget.  “As part of the president’s 2020 budget proposal, the White House highlighted $700 million in programming to address school safety, spread across the Education, Justice, and Health and Human Services departments. While such funds would offer school communities a range of security and mental health grants to choose from, the package would also eliminate the $1.2 billion Student Support and Academic Enrichment grant, as well as $1.2 billion in funding for afterschool programming.”  These programs are essential to our students.  Let’s make sure our MoCs hear from us about these proposed cuts. 

12.  IMMIGRANT JUSTICE:  We have probably all seen by now the horrifying conditions in which asylum-seeking families are being held under a bridge in El Paso-- ; undoubtedly, Customs and Border Patrol is overwhelmed, though some say the current number of migrants does not approach that of the early 2000s, but rather than allocating more resources for humanitarian aid or for adjudicating asylum claims more quickly, Trump and friends are focused exclusively on deterring migrants:  Let’s join in with Immigrant Justice Now and ask, “where is the humanity?”  Let’s tell our MoCs and Kirstjen Nielsen (202-282-8495 or Secretary of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20128) we don’t want concentration camps on our southern border, we want to “strive to be a nation of compassion and humanity and a country that welcomes and values immigrants.”  Let’s also sign Sen. Jeff Merkley’s (D-OR) petition asking Congress to close Trump’s child prison camps:

13. PUERTO RICO STATEHOOD: “A bipartisan group of representatives joined with Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló (D) Thursday to present a bill that would admit the territory as a state within 90 days of passage.”  Let’s tell our representatives, especially if we have any on the House Natural Resources Committee ( to support this bill and allow these U.S. citizens to have full rights and responsibilities. 

14.FCC CENSORING TEXTS:  Last December, the Federal Communications Commission, in an attempt to address text spamming, voted “to clarify that wireless carriers have the authority to block unwanted or spam text messages, but Democrats warned the decision would allow carriers to block or censor texts that customers send.”  and We need to be the ones to determine what texts we want to receive.  Let’s click and read there to find out what we can do to register our comment prior to the deadline tomorrow, April 2:


1.       APRIL ELECTIONS: “So far in April, there are 29 elections scheduled. If one of these is in your district, make sure you vote! For everyone else, please share this with your network to spread the word in order to increase awareness and turnout!”  Let’s check this out:

Other Actions

1.       REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS/TITLE X: The Trump administration announced that it would award a $1.7 million family planning grant to a chain of faith-based anti-abortion organizations, many of which don’t even provide contraceptives, while at the same time cutting funds to Planned Parenthood. Unless the new Title X rules are blocked in court, federal funds will no longer be available to pay for contraceptive drugs and devices. This has dissuaded many health organizations who are committed to offering women a full range of reproductive options to apply for these funds. Planned Parenthood has a list of actions we can take in response to this crisis here.

2.     VOTING/PRIMARY CHALLENGES: The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has issued a new guideline calling for boycotts of consulting organizations that provide assistance to anyone challenging sitting Democrats in a primary. Had this rule been implemented before the 2018 elections, we likely would not have superstars like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley in Congress. Let’s contact the DCCC (202-863-1500) or via this form and tell them that we believe the Democratic party should stand for open access to anyone wishing to run for office. Let’s also ask our Democratic MoCs to put pressure on DCCC Chair Cheri Bustos to change this policy.  Then, let’s consider donating directly to candidates we want to support rather than through the DCCC.

3.      AMY SISKIND'S WEEKLY LIST: Experts in authoritarianism advise us to keep a list of things subtly changing around us, so we’ll remember.  Amy Siskind is keeping that list for us.  Amy writes, “This week was dominated by news of the Mueller report, which was delivered to Attorney General William Barr last Friday, but has yet to be given to Congress or the American people." Let's review Week 124.

4.      POSTCARDING ISSUES:  Looking for a convenient list of postcarding issues to use with our postcarding group?  Let’s check this out:

State Actions

1.       MA: CONVERSION THERAPY BAN: The Massachusetts House and Senate have now both passed a bill banning conversion therapy on issues of sexuality or gender identity for minors. Republican Governor Charlie Baker says that he is inclined to support it, but he may be facing pressure from conservative constituents who oppose the bill. Let’s call Governor Baker (617) 725-4005 to let him know that we support a ban on this abusive practice and expect him to sign the legislation.

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW PROTESTS ON APRIL 4:  We are on stand-by around the country for protests (organized through at 5pm on Thursday, April 4th. The finalization of these protests will be determined on Wednesday and will depend on how Attorney General William Barr responds to Rep. Jerry Nadler’s April 2nddeadline of releasing the Mueller report. Let’s sign-up here for an event near us so we can receive updates about how things will proceed:

2.      FREE ONLINE REDISTRICTING TRAINING:  This Thursday night, April 4, All on The Line  begins a free three-part Spring Training series called "Decoding the Process." Each Thursday night at 8pm EST, we'll get a crash course on redistricting until we’re empowered to make change happen in our communities. We can find out more and sign up for the three free Thursday night training sessions here:

3.     CAMPAIGN ORGANIZING TRAINING:  A pilot project between the Midwest Academy and DemLabs uses a new approach using the academy's 'Strategy Chart'. This core element of the Academy's training that teaches organizers to plan their campaigns strategically. The online training was designed with existing content and is delivered through Prezi's free online platform. It allows students to proceed at their own pace and jump to any part of the training.   We can take the online course here:  


1.       Autopsy For 7-Year-Old Migrant Who Died In U.S. Custody Shows She Died Of Sepsis -

4.      QAnon conspiracy theorists turned out in force at Trump's Michigan rally as he hailed victory over 'deep state' -

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