Contact Federal Government Officials

1.      CONGRESSIONAL ACTIVITY:  The House has a district work period and the Senate has a state work period this week.  Let’s try to connect with our MoCs while they are home.

2.     NEW ZEALAND: DENOUNCING HATE: As expected, Trump’s comments on the shooting in New Zealand, were vague. The word “Muslims” was not mentioned, and he immediately switched topics to the border wall, calling the immigrants entering the country an “invasion,” the same word that the shooter used in justifying his actions.  The executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR, Nihad Awad, is asking Trump to unequivocally denounce the shooting at the mosque in New Zealand as a hate crime and a white supremacist terrorist attack. "You need to assure all of us — Muslims, blacks, Jews, immigrants — that we are protected and you will not tolerate any physical violence against us because we are immigrants or we are minorities. You need to condemn this clearly today and you do not need to be vague. You have to be very clear on this." Let’s echo Awad’s call and tell Trump and our MoCs that it’s time to explicitly condemn white supremacist terrorism and tell Trump he needs to actively disabuse efforts that make him a poster child for fostering white supremacy.

3.     NATIONAL EMERGENCY VETO:  On Friday, amidst the news of the New Zealand shootings, Trump doubled down on his racist wall dreams and issued his first veto after both the House and the Senate voted to reject his national emergency declaration:  and  Now the House will take up the vote again to see if the veto can be overturned. If we have Democratic MoC or Republicans who helped reject the national emergency, let’s be in touch to say thanks and ask them to stay the course. If we have Republican MoC who did not help reject the national emergency, let’s let them know that Trump’s response to New Zealand makes the depth of his white nationalism clear and that they are standing on the wrong side of history if they stay with him on this.

4.    PUBLIC COMMENTS NEEDED:  From one of our own:  There was a lot of activity on the Federal Register and - but some of it hidden, like the nuclear transfer to Saudi Arabia and waivers around oil regulation. I'm beginning to think the best way to combat this is through legal action and elections. But ACA is back up - on selling insurance across state lines. Consumers Union says it's a ploy to harm consumers. Gray wolf to be delisted from endangered species. Links to comment where available and background information provided. WOTUS still may be the most important item on here as it redefines all the inland waters of the U.S. We can learn more here and find where to comment on these issues and more:   

5.     REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM/ASYLUM SEEKERS:  On Friday night, Rachel Maddow broke a story on her show about the spreadsheet that then director of Office of Refugee Resettlement, Scott Lloyd, used to track the pregnancies of migrant girls’ in order to be able to deny them abortion access:   They were able to track this, but not the whereabouts of all the separated children.  Lloyd is gone now but let’s let Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar know that it is deplorable that this took place under his leadership and that we expect his resignation:   

6.    GUN LAWS: “Fox & Friends Weekend" host Pete Hegseth on Sunday urged viewers to buy more AR-15s after Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke called for a ban on sales of the weapons.” 
7.  the New Zealand PM says ,“Our gun laws will change.”  We should be asking our MOCs to act like real leaders and ban any sale of military grade weapons to the public.  After one tragedy in NZ, the PM announced she would work on guns laws to secure the safety of her citizens. Here, FOX “NEWS” tells its viewers to go and buy some more guns. Let’s Tell FOX to stop promoting military Weapon gun sales.  Let’s tell our MOCs to be like NZ’s PM.  Contact:  FOX 1-888-369-4762, tweet at @foxnews,  email at

8.    NURSING HOME FINES:  Once again, bowing to the pressure of industry rather than the public good, the Trump administration has loosened it regulation on nursing homes by changing the fine structure so that it “reduces the impact of the penalty, critics say, giving nursing homes less incentive to fix faulty and dangerous practices before someone gets hurt.”  Let’s tell our MoCs that facilities that care for our elderly need well-enforced regulations to keep our loved ones safe.


1.      “So far in March, there are 22 elections scheduled. If one of these is your district, make sure you vote! For everyone else, please share this with your network to spread the word in order to increase awareness and turnout!” Let’s let  Political Charge tell us about them and then let’s help where we can:

Other Actions

1.      NEW ZEALAND MASSACRE:  People around the world are reaching out to support the communities of the two mosques that were the sites of the Friday massacre in Christchurch, New Zealand:  We can send notes of support and condolence to these mosques: Masjid Al Noor, 101 Deans Ave, Riccarton, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand; and Linwood Masjid, 223A Linwood Ave, Linwood, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand.  $1.15 in postage is needed from the United States to NZ for a one ounce or less letter/card.  We can also use this tool from Groundswell to send our condolences and pledge to fight white supremacy:

2.      MUSLIM ASSISTANCE:  If we are looking for ways to support our Muslim sisters and brothers in the aftermath of the Christchurch Massacre, there are several ways we can help. A) we can read this Facebook post by writer Iskra Khan who covers sensitive ways to respond and be a supportive ally:   B)  If we are able to donate, we can contribute here, where the fundraisers promise that, “All funds raised are going to be distributed to the families by NZIIC - New Zealand Islamic Information Centre. All proceeds will help with the immediate, short-term needs of the grieving families. No amount of money will bring back their loved ones, but we do hope to lessen their burden in some way.” Donate here:!/, C) Lifehacker also has more places for us to contribute: D) meaningful way is through the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh:

3.      AID FOR NEBRASKA FLOOD SURVIVORS: If we are looking for ways to help survivors of the Nebraska floods, we can check out this article which has several options for people in and out of the state.  If we are affected by the flood or know people who might be, we can also visit this site which has some good local resources, including animal aid, sandbagging, lodging and dealing with the aftermath, including a link to a recovery toolkit from the University of Nebraska.

4.      POSTCARDING ISSUES:  From one of our own – here is a good source of issues and suggestions for postcarding this week:  Gather some friends and start writing!

5.     CLIMATE CHANGE:   Ever wonder what achieving the goals of a Green New Deal would look like where you live? Well, researchers at Stanford University have done the data gathering and analysis and packaged the results into an easy-to-use online map that shows us what going 100% renewable by 2050 means for our town, city, state, and country. Let's use the appropriate details from each level of this map when pushing energy policy with our elected officials at each level of government:  

6.      CAMPAIGN TOOLS: “Businesses spend billions on software innovation and many offer free versions of their apps to attract new customers. These freemium apps have limited features to encourage customers to upgrade, but are usually adequate for many campaigns.  Candidates save money and can speak with more voters with the time they save from fundraising.”  Let’s check out this from Democracy Labs and see how it might help the campaigns in which we work:

7.      CRAFTIVIST HELP NEEDED:  From one of our own:  Heads up, Knitters & Crocheters:  This week, International Rescue Committee (IRC), one of our refugee resettlement partners, reached out to us. We were honored to send 545 blanket/note packages to 12 IRC locations this winter. Now, IRC Phoenix has asked us for a slightly different kind of help: they want 1,000 blankets of welcome to give as soon as possible to incoming recently-released asylum seekers.  We can find more here:

8.     VOTING: “When We All Vote—a new national, nonpartisan not-for-profit—brings together citizens, institutions, and organizations to spark a conversation about our rights and responsibilities in shaping our democracy. Namely, the responsibility of registering and voting.” Let’s check this out and see how we can get involved:

State Actions

1.      STATES: MOST: VOTING RIGHTS: GOP leaders in many states or introducing legislation to make it more difficult to get state-level voter-sponsored initiatives on the ballot. The Ballot Initiative Strategy Center is tracking these efforts, along with citizen-sponsored initiatives on a state by state basis. Let’s find out what is happening in our state and make sure our state legislators know that we reject any attempts to curb true democracy, which begins with voters, not legislators.

2.      MO: GUN VIOLENCE: You can’t make this stuff up. “A bill introduced to the Missouri House of Representatives would require every resident between 18 and 34 years old to own at least one AR-15.” If we are in MO, let’s tell our state reps to oppose House Bill 1108, And while we’re at it, if we are in MO State District 150, let’s find a worthy Democrat to run against Rep Andrew McDaniel, the bill’s proponent.

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       ONLINE HATE & EXTREMISM: Many of us are at a loss as to how to keep the internet free and open while also combatting the hate that grows there. It’s a big conversation. Here’s a small place to start: Farah Pandith is a foreign policy strategist and former diplomat who has served both Bush administrations as well as the Obama administration. Her new book is How We Win: How Cutting-Edge Entrepreneurs, Political Visionaries, Enlightened Business Leaders, and Social Media Mavens Can Defeat the Extremist Threat
( She is being interviewed on March 25 at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. Let’s mark our calendars and plan to (virtually) attend or watch the recording: 


1.       South Bend, Indiana Mayor and Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg wrote a moving letter to the Muslim community in his city: 

2.      You Were Called Out or Called In—Now What? -

3.      Look at the photos and videos of thousands of youth demanding climate change action NOW -

4.      A running list of how President Trump is changing environmental policy:  The Trump administration has promised vast changes to U.S. science and environmental policy—and we’re tracking them here as they happen -

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