Contact Federal Government Officials

1.     Last week a Coast Guard lieutenant, Christopher Paul Hasson, was arrested after planning extensive acts of domestic terrorism against media, Democratic politicians, and against the public at great scale:  Hasson is a white supremacist. Let’s let our MoCs know that Trump’s white supremacist views and anti-press sentiments are not harmless and add fuel to these fires.

2.    Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX-20) is expected to introduce a resolution today, with the support of over 100 democrats, opposing Trump's national emergency declaration:  If a veto-proof majority passes the resolution in both the House and Senate, the state of emergency will be terminated. While this is not very likely, it is still possible, and we can at the very least get our MoC on the record with a vote. Let's contact all three of our MoC and tell them that we want them to vote in favor of a resolution opposing Trump's national emergency.

3.    Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services, in response to a lawsuit brought about by the ACLU, claimed that it was too hard to reunite missing migrant children with their families, Meanwhile, investigations have uncovered several of these missing children at risk of being illegally adopted. Let’s contact our MoCs and the Department of Health and Human Services (1-202-205-5445;; Twitter: and demand that these children be united with their parents.

4.    “A wide-ranging disinformation campaign aimed at Democratic 2020 candidates is already underway on social media, with signs that foreign state actors are driving at least some of the activity.”  Given what we now know about foreign meddling in our past elections, let’s ask our MoCs what they are doing to protect us from this continuing attack on our democratic process.

5.     On Wednesday the New York Times reported that Trump asked Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker to reappoint prosecutor Geoffrey Berman, a Trump ally, who recused himself from the case involving Trump’s role in the allegedly illegal cash payments to porn star Stormy Daniels and playboy model Karen MacDougal, in order to buy their silence about their affairs with Trump. Let’s tell our MoCs that this is another one of many clearly cut cases of Trump obstruction of justice, and a reason for Congress do their Constitutional duty and begin impeachment proceedings.

6.     The report from special prosecutor Robert Mueller is expected to be delivered to the Department of Justice very soon, possibly as early as next week.  Attorney General William Barr has not committed to making the report public, or even available to members of Congress. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced legislation which would make require the report to go to Congress,, but Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, refused to hold a vote. Now, Democrats are planning to subpoena the report if it is not shared with Congress. Let’s tell our MoCs and the Department of Justice (202-353-1555; 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20530-0001; website form; Facebook; Twitter: @TheJustice Dept.)that we believe in transparency and democracy and we want the full report to be public, and let’s encourage our Democratic MoCs to pursue the subpoena if they can’t get the report any other way.

7.    While the government shutdown ended and most government workers have been paid, government contractors who continued work during that time still have not been paid.  Let’s learn more about this and what we can do:

8.     In remembrance of Japanese Americans who were held in U.S. internment camps during World War II, Senators Tammy Duckworth and Mazie Hirono, and Representative Mark Takano have reintroduced the Korematsu-Takai Civil Liberties Protection Act (S.505/H.R.1288), prohibiting the imprisonment of  American citizens based solely on race, religion, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability ( The bills were first introduced last year but stalled in committee. Recognizing the current administration's propensity towards bigotry, bills like this are essential in order to protect human rights. Let's contact our MoC in the House and Senate and ask them to support this legislation. 

9.    The Presidential Committee on Climate Security is supposed to hold its first meeting today, headed by William Happer, a retired Princeton physicist and vocal climate change denier who joined the National Security Council (NSC) as Trump’s adviser last September; it is not clear who else will be on this panel.  Happer became notorious when, in 2015, he claimed that “More CO2 will benefit the world. The only way to limit CO2 would be to stop using fossil fuels, which I think would be a profoundly immoral and irrational policy.” The object of this panel is to challenge the various climate studies and defense reports released recently by the UN and the US government, including those released under Trump;  these various reports are detailed in the NYT coverage:  The NSC document about this panel asserts, contrary to all evidence, that “these scientific and national security judgments have not undergone a rigorous independent and adversarial scientific peer review. . . .”:  No doubt, partly a retort to the increasing popularity of a Green New Deal, we must vehemently protest Happer’s appointment-- to the White House and to the NSC (202-456-1414 or Eisenhower Exec. Off. Bld., Washington DC 20504)—quickly, before this committee gains any Congressional foothold.

10. Under the Trump regime a green card is no defense against deportation, so 750,793 people have applied for citizenship (as of last June); the rate at which these citizenship applications are being processed is the lowest in a decade. 
On top of the $725 immigrants must pay to apply for citizenship, the wait for naturalization is now twice what it was two years ago, ranging from ten months to 31 months in some places:   There is no increase in applications, according to the American Immigration Lawyers Association:; the lawyers claim that the Citizenship & Immigration Services has become “a third immigration enforcement component of DHS.”  One effect of these delays--one that has surely not escaped Trump--is that immigrants who are kept from becoming citizens cannot vote in 2020.  We should remind the USCIS—funded by application filing fees—that they are meant to serve immigrant applicants not Trump’s Homeland Security: USCIS 800-375-5283.

11.   House lawmakers introduced a bipartisan bill last week that would make court records free to the public. The reintroduced bill, HR1164, the Electronic Court Records Reform Act, would make federal court records – now 10 cents per page – free of charge online via the Public Access to Court Electronic Records system, known as PACER. We can read more at The Hill. Let's contact our representatives to let them know we support HR1164.

12.  “Months after the Trump administration announced an end to its widescale separation of migrant parents and children, the policy remains a heated issue in the courts and at the border as critics contend the government is still needlessly breaking up immigrant families. The Texas Civil Rights Project released a report Thursday that counts 272 separations at a single Texas courthouse since June, when President Donald Trump issued an executive order ending widespread separations amid public outrage. The bulk of those cases involve children who cross the U.S.-Mexico border with relatives other than their parents, such as grandparents, uncles and aunts, or adult siblings.”  Taking children away from any family members is disgusting and dangerous. The administration is still separating them using the fact that they arrive without a parent, even if they are with a legal guardian.  This needs to stop.  Let’s ask our MoCs to pressure the WH to stop this tactic.  


1.      Postcards to Voters needs our help! Enthusiasm for writing postcards is down since the Midterms and we are trying to reach every Wisconsin Democrat with Campaign 146: Judge Lisa Neubauer for WI State Supreme Court. The election is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2. Let's request 5 addresses today, let our friends and family know about this opportunity, and, if we were thinking about having a postcarding party or get-together, let's plan one to write for Judge Lisa. If we are new volunteers, we can start here.

2.     Congratulations! Dr. Ibraheem Samirah won his election for Virginia Delegate (D86) with nearly 60% of the vote on Tuesday. More at Loudoun Times-Mirror. Postcards To Voters' volunteers helped get out the vote for this special election with Campaign 144. Our thanks to everyone who wrote.

Other Actions

1.     Foreign actors like Russia and China used social media to dupe many of us in the 2016 election, and 2020 is looking like more of the same. As politically engaged citizens we need to choose our information carefully, since propaganda/misinformation on Twitter/Facebook/etc. spreads to other media outlets, and even reaches into our private conversations with family and friends.   When evaluating candidates, let's always check their stated platforms/positions at the source (usually their campaign websites) and their voting records:

2.     Many of us are probably familiar with, which focuses on "flipping—or shifting the balance in—chambers in states with a history of unfair elections and a demonstrated effect on national politics." But we may not have heard about their blog! This welcome addition to their repertoire informs us about what they're up to and explains various issues as they manifest on the state level. Check out for articles like "Who's schooling who? How lawmakers are shaping the state of education" or "Will your state see fair maps?"

3.    Curtis Gatewood, president of the NAACP of Alamance County, NC, was arrested on Monday, February 18, 2019, at a meeting of the Alamance County Board of Commissioners, when he overran his allotted 3-minutes for public comments and refused to step down. His act of non-violent civil disobedience involved speaking out against the commissioner’s vote to allow local law enforcement to hold detainees for ICE. Let’s (1) protest his arrest by contacting the Alamance County Board of Commissioners, and (2) if we are able, donating to the NAACP,

4.    “It’s a situation being replicated across the US as cities struggle to adapt to a recent ban by China on the import of items intended for reuse. The loss of this overseas dumping ground means that plastics, paper and glass set aside for recycling by Americans is being stuffed into domestic landfills or is simply burned in vast volumes. This new reality risks an increase of plumes of toxic pollution that threaten the largely black and Latino communities who live near heavy industry and dumping sites in the US.  The huge 
Covanta incinerator just outside Philadelphia, located in Chester City, Pennsylvania, is sent about 200 tons of recycling material every day since China’s import ban came into practice last year, the company says.”   China has set new restrictions on what recyclable materials they will accept. We need to encourage our local, state and government representatives to find solutions to this problem. All of us need to reduce our personal use of plastics and packaging.  

5.    If we are a student filmmaker between the ages of 14-22, or know someone who is, we can check out this March for Our Lives – Long Island Video Public Service Announcement contest.  When we send in a 1-minute long PSA video to  we have a chance to win a $100 prize and get our video reposted on March for Our Lives National social media accounts. We can check out this tweet for more details:

6.    From one of our own:  A few weeks ago, I floated the idea of creating my own 2020 Democratic Nominee Power Rankings. There was some interest, so I did it.  Polling data is sparse right now. I'm currently using national and Iowa aggregates from Real Clear Politics. For right now I'll just update those numbers and add as new numbers are available out of NH, SC and eventually other states.  I'm only including candidates with at least an exploratory committee.  I'll update this weekly.

7.     #VOTEPROCHOICE is already hard at work researching and endorsing prochoice champion candidates at both the local and state legislative levels from Chicago to Mississippi to South Dakota and almost everywhere in between.  They are looking to identify pro-choice 2019 candidates in these states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.  If we know of any, let’s ask them to apply directly here -

State Actions

1.     CO: On Tuesday, the Colorado House of Representatives passed HB 1129, legislation to protect LGBTQ youth from the dangerous and discredited practice of so-called “conversion therapy.” Last Friday, the Colorado House passed HB 1039, legislation that would allow transgender Coloradans to update the gender marker on their birth certificate without restrictive and unnecessary surgical requirements. Let's read more about these bills at Both bills now head to the Colorado Senate for consideration. Let's contact our CO State Senators to encourage them to support these important human rights bills.

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.     Today, February 22, from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM (EST)  DemLabs is holding a Digital Storytelling workshop in Washington, D.C. Experts will review their storytelling projects and the apps used to create them.  The workshop is free, but space is limited. RSVP here.

2.    On February 26, from 5-7PM (PST) Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) is offering a webinar on “Understanding Antisemitism and its Intersections with White Supremacy & White Nationalism”. This webinar is aimed at strengthening our collective movements for liberation. Our goals are: 1) to enable people to recognize anti-Semitism 2) learn how antisemitism intersects with white supremacy and white nationalism 3) develop a shared commitment to ending anti-Semitism alongside all oppressions.  We can find more info here: and register here:

3.    If we are elected women or self-identifying women activists, we can check out the free Power Through Education webinar series, presented by Rep19 and Vote Run Lead. Organizers inform us that presenters will include, “our country’s top thought leaders, elected officials and political experts.” We can for as many webinars as you would like. but some webinars are limited exclusively to elected women. All webinars will be at noon EST / 9am PST, starting on March 6. Information will be sent out prior to the event. We can find out more and register here.

4.    On March 15 there will be Youth Climate Strikes all over the world.  Let’s keep an eye on this site for updates of where and when we can attend and help: 


1.     How to increase voter turnout in 15 minutes -

2.     Why Are People So Unwilling to Do What Is Proven Effective for Protecting Unborn Life? -

4.    Troops do not view immigration as a ‘national emergency.’ Not even close -

5.    North Carolina Is Getting A Do-Over Election -

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