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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       The hearings for Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court were off to a wild and wooly start on Tuesday morning:  
https://www.apnews.com/23fb3e453a224b3fb0d6575ec926bced/Chaos-marks-start-of-Kavanaugh-confirmation-hearing  and will likely have continued to shift as we go to press.  Here are some expected issues: http://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/404592-5-topics-likely-to-come-up-as-kavanaugh-hearings-begin  What will not shift is that we need to be unrelenting with our Senators – this has been a rushed and disrespectful process for a nominee that the GOP does not want us to learn more about. Let’s continue to reach out to our Senators via phone, email, and Twitter and let’s personally invite ten friends to do the same – particularly those who do not live in deep blue states.

2.      Suit Up Maine (SUM), together with Maine Family Planning, Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project, National Resources Council of Maine, States United to Prevent Gun Violence, using background from several other Maine organizations has compiled a report on Brett Kavanaugh and presented it to both Maine Senators. It has detailed information on his stand on several major issues, SUM is sharing this report publicly as a resource for for people around the country who are arranging similar meetings with their own senators and staff. We can download this report as a PDF.  We can learn more about Kavanaugh, and find several key points to raise with our Senators in their  Call to Action

3.      Frustrated and angered by how Senate Republicans are running the hearings currently underway to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court? Looking for another way to speak out besides calling elected representatives? Why not call Kavanaugh himself? We can reach him at his district court office, and tell him he could stop the proceedings on his own, or else withdraw his candidacy: 202-216-7180. Remember, let's keep it firm and polite.

4.      Kathleen Kraninger, the nominee to head the Consumer Financial Protection Board was approved last week by the Senate Banking Committee in a 13-12 vote, that was strictly along party lines. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claims, “Either she wasn't involved in child separations or the failed Puerto Rico recovery, which means she doesn't have the management experience that she claims to have, or she was involved, which means the Senate would be voting to promote someone who was responsible for two of the worst humanitarian catastrophes in recent history.” https://www.npr.org/2018/08/23/641359610/senate-banking-committee-approves-cfpb-nominee-kathleen-kraninger. The vote will now move to the full Senate. Let’s ask our Senators to reject Kraninger’s confirmation.

5.      David Katz, gunman in the recent shooting in Jacksonville, was able to pass gun-buying checks despite clear evidence of having a mental disorder. https://apnews.com/a339766552364058b2954590c63c538d. This is one more reason why we need to keep pushing our federal and state legislators on enacting stricter gun control laws. Let’s contact them now.

6.      In his latest attack on the Justice Department, our so-called “law and order” president is once again exhibiting total disrespect for the law by complaining that two Republican Congressmen, Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter, should not have been indicted, simply because they are supporters of his agenda and would likely win re-election. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/9/4/17818212/trump-attacks-jeff-sessions-chris-collins-duncan-hunter. While some Republican Senators, like Ben Sasse (R-NE) are speaking out, once again, no one is actually doing anything to stop the president from trying to subvert the law for his own benefit. Let’s contact our Senators now and remind them that their job is to put actual checks and balances on the president, and this should start with not confirming a Supreme Court Justice who believes that presidents do not need to follow any laws they consider unconstitutional until they are told to do so by a court. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/judge-brett-kavanaugh-radically-expansive-view-power-presidency/story?id=56488216

7.      Some Americans of Mexican heritage delivered by midwives, especially those living in the Rio Grande Valley, are being denied passports because the State Department questions their state-issued birth certificates and is demanding obscure documentation, like records of the mother’s prenatal care or rent agreements from the 1960s and '70s: 
http://www.nbcnews.com/id/29126183/ns/us_news-life/t/midwife-births-raise-citizenship-issues/#.W46VJX4nb5Y   Like Trump’s other attacks on immigrant and Latinx people, we must object vehemently to this one: 202-647-6575 or Bureau of Public Affairs, US Department of State, 2201 C Street NW,  Room 2206, Washington DC 20520-2204.  Let’s let our MoCs know how we feel about this, too.

8.     Prisoners across the U.S. are continuing their strike until September 9th, calling for "humane living conditions, access to rehabilitation, sentencing reform, and the end of modern day slavery," (https://twitter.com/JailLawSpeak/status/988771668670799872). Among the ten demands is "The voting rights of all confined citizens serving prison sentences, pretrial detainees, and so-called “ex-felons” must be counted. Representation is demanded." If we want these voices to truly be heard and considered throughout policy, incarcerated people should maintain their right to vote, even while serving their sentence; a position which is supported by the ACLU: https://bit.ly/2w1hbbt Let's learn more about the Right 2 Vote campaignwhy it's so important to ensure the voting rights of those who are currently imprisoned, and then let's call our MoC and tell them that we want to see legislation introduced at the federal level to protect the voting rights of currently-incarcerated individuals. We can also find out where our state currently stands in the restoration of voting rights, then contact our state legislators and ask them to do the same.

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.       From one of our own:  Many of us may feel overworked, over scheduled, and under-slept, but have the desire to GOTV for the November midterms. We can join MoveOn’s texting team and transform the tiny bits of time in our week into progressive action in key jurisdictions across the country.  https://front.moveon.org/join-moveon-text-team/

2.      Here’s a way to use social media to support candidates we support. Let’s take a look: https://sterbalssundrystudies.miraheze.org/wiki/Helping_the_candidates_you_support_on_social_media

3.      From 2009 to 2016, Republicans had all the momentum in state-level elections, and they used those tremendous gains to stymie President Obama and the federal government generally. Now that the GOP has seized power at the federal level, though, we have a chance to flip that dynamic, to turn their president's unpopular malevolence and bumbling into big gains for Democrats in gubernatorial and state legislature races across the country. And we need to, in order to protect the people from what a right-wing White House, Congress, and Supreme Court could/would foist upon us (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-29/democrats-focus-on-governors-races-as-last-line-of-defense). So, let's support organizations like the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, and find a race or two to support directly as well (even if it isn't in your own state). https://democraticredistricting.com/2018-targets/

4.      Florida voters chose progressive Andrew Gillum for Governor in the primary last week. (Source: NPR) His victory is one of the most significant progressive victories of the 2018 primary season. We can work with FLIP FLORIDA, a closed Facebook group,  to help increase voter turnout in Broward County, a Florida county that was one of the keys to Gillum's primary win.  (Source: Tampa Bay Times.) We can email flpostcards@gmail.com to request Broward addresses in increments of 30, along with a script of what to write. This postcarding opportunity is open to those of us in all states. If we are Floridians, let's consider having a postcarding party. Let's help turn Florida blue! 

5.      Postcards For Virginia now has addresses for the special election in VA House of Delegates District 8. Democrat Carter Turner is running for this special election seat after the Republican incumbent resigned. If Turner wins, the Virginia House will be split evenly. We can read more about this race at The Roanoke Times. We can find out more and sign up to write postcards at Postcards For Virginia

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

September 6
Election date
September 11
New Hampshire
Election date
September 12
Rhode Island
Election date
September 13
New York
Election date (State primary)
State Primary
September 17
Early Voting begins
September 17
Early Voting begins
September 21
In person absentee voting begins
September 21
South Dakota
In person absentee voting begins
September 21
In person absentee voting begins
September 22
Early Voting begins

(source:  by date:  https://goo.gl/gjFv2u   by state:  https://goo.gl/7gTzvE)

Other Actions

1.       From one of our own:  #HandsOffSNAP We anticipate that Congress will move to reconciliation before the 30th. The Senate version is decent, the House version is terrible. There are 49 tweets on this sheet. Please share with groups, just do as many as you can. We also have plans for a #SNAPchallenge. Allotment is $1.40 per meal per person. What plates can be made for that low cost? I'll update when we get there but if anyone takes the challenge and snaps the pic please share for retweet.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kRxCadWi7g2k9A6gqpv0H1MVOgB0UE8jOW2vlcXYmMQ/edit?usp=drivesdk

2.      In 2016, NFL player Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem to protest police violence and racial injustice. While he remains blacklisted from the NFL, he has continued his advocacy work; in January of this year, he completed his Million Dollar Pledge, and in 2016 he founded the Know Your Rights youth camp. Now, Nike has extended its endorsement deal with Kaepernick, he will be featured in their ads commemorating the 30th anniversary of the "Just Do It" campaign, and they will produce new Kaepernick apparel (https://nyti.ms/2MLktdahttps://n.pr/2Cpy9FM). Let's thank Kaepernick for his integrity and advocacy: on Twitter: @Kaepernick7 or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaepernick7/ We can also help by contributing to the Know Your Rights Camp here.

3.      Nike has taken a bold stand by hiring Colin Kaepernick for their “Just Do It” campaign. There has been strong support, but also, unsurprisingly, a serious backlash. With shares down 3.2 percent on Tuesday, people burning their sneakers and #Nike Boycott trending on Twitter, it is time to let Nike know how we feel. If we want to write a brief letter or postcard of support, we can send them to the following addresses. Mark Parker, Chairman, CEO, and President, Andy Campion, Executive VP and Chief Financial Officer, Michael Spillane, President of Categories and Product, Erik Sprunk, COO
Nike, Inc., One Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, OR 97005.  We can also call here:  Phone: 1-503-671-6453 (7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. PT, Monday - Friday (except holidays))

4.      Whistle-blower Reality Winner, who has been in jail since June 2017, entered a guilty plea this June and in August received her 63-month sentence, the longest punishment ever imposed for this kind of violation. However, she's still sitting in a Georgia county jail waiting to be transferred to a federal facility in Texas. We can send good wishes and words of support to: Reality Winner, PO Box 970, Lincolnton GA 30817. We can also sign this petition asking the president to pardon Reality or commute her sentence to time served. He might be receptive based on his comments calling the sentence "unfair". (Source: ABCNews.)
5.      Here’s a chance to a) educate ourselves and b) support some serious resistance work. The new documentary, Active Measures, connects all the dots on Putin’s interference in our politics and features a huge number of original interviews from some really prominent politicians and experts.  http://www.activemeasures.com/ The doc is showing in some theatres and streaming on multiple platforms, so is widely accessible. Since trolls have reportedly bombed ratings, let’s watch the documentary and then give it a great rating on imdb.com.

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       If we are concerned about the Kavanaugh nomination and are ready for a direct-action protest, we can sign up here to engage in a women-led, direct action in Washington DC starting September 4th, 2018 through the Senate Confirmation hearings for SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh. By agreeing to risk arrest, we are committing to engage in a nonviolent act of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is a key tactic used to draw attention to unjust laws, nonviolently resist, and make movements’ demands impossible to ignore. We can click here to learn more about civil disobedience and direct action: http://beautifultrouble.org/tactic/direct-action . Once we sign up, we’ll receive more details and follow up about travel support requests shortly. We can also check out this website: https://www.cancelkavanaugh.com/

2.      Beginning tonight, Wednesday, September 5, and on subsequently Wednesday in September, Organizing for Action (OFA) is hosting a Campaign Organizing Bootcamp to help volunteers become effective campaign workers.  We can RSVP here.

3.      On September 8, the Peoples Climate Movement will lead a national mobilization for climate, jobs, and justice. We can find a Rise for Climate event near us here, or we can sign up to organize our own.  (Note:    Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice action in New York City will be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 at 5:30 p.m. at Battery Park.)  

4.      National Drive Electric WeekSeptember 8-16, 2018, is a nationwide celebration to heighten awareness of today's widespread availability of plug-in vehicles and highlight the benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid-electric cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more. Each of the 296 events is led by local plug-in drivers and advocates. We can find events near us here. If we are not already driving or familiar with electric vehicles, let's attend an event to learn more about this clean option.

5.      She the People, www.shethepeople.org, a network to advance the political power of women of color for progressive goals, is kicking off a 3-year initiative with a summit on Thursday, September 20 in San Francisco. Registration is open to the public. Let’s go! https://www.shethepeople.org/#summit-section

6.      On September 22 there will be a protest at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago in Florida in commemoration of the first anniversary of Hurricane Maria:   

7.      The 2018 March for Black Women will occur in Washington, D.C. on September 29 and New York City on September 30, with sister marches all over the country.   Let’s fine more information here:  


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/


1.       Why We Need Civil Disobedience Now More Than Ever - https://www.brennancenter.org/blog/why-we-need-civil-disobedience-now-more-ever

3.      Juan Williams: Trump's 'majority' is fake - http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/404720-juan-williams-trumps-majority-is-fake

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