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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       Whether we realize it or not, we all know someone who has been sexually assaulted.  Our culture does not make it easy to come forward as we see with Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has been facing death threats since going public. She has had to hire 24-hour security and also relocate from her home. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/407428-gofundme-campaign-raises-over-90k-to-cover-kavanaugh-accusers. Nonetheless, Ford has agreed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week if fair terms can be reached and her safety can be assured. Yes, sadly, if her safety can be assured: https://www. theguardian.com/us-news/2018/ sep/20/brett-kavanaugh- supreme-court-confirmation- battle-stalemate  We cannot trust the GOP Senators on the Judiciary Committee, some of which have already stated that they don’t believe her, to give her a fair hearing, not when it’s clear that they already have an agenda. “Eight Democratic Senators who previously served as prosecutors renewed calls for an FBI investigation of allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh committed assault in high school.”  https://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/407639-senate-democrats-increase-pressure-for-fbi-investigation-of-kavanaugh  The Senate Judiciary Committee CAN ask Trump to “instruct the FBI to become involved”:  https://www.npr.org/2018/09/20/649853869/fact-check-can-the-senate-enlist-the-fbi-to-reopen-a-kavanaugh-investigation  Let’s contact Sen. Grassley (R-IA),  the Chair of the Judiciary Committee (https://www.grassley.senate.gov/contact) and ask him to do this.  Then, let’s keep pressuring our Senators to do the right thing and allow for an independent and non-partisan investigation of the incident.  What would we want done had it been our daughter, sister, or mother? What’s the rush for a vote? 

2.      Dr. Christine Blasey Ford deserves to be heard, but more than that, she deserves a thorough investigation of her allegations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh. If she acquiesces to the Senate Judiciary Committee's demand for a hearing with just the accuser and the accused, the only possible result is a he said/she said stalemate, just like it was with Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/19/us/politics/kavanaugh-accusations-trump-blasey-ford.html). That is not a path to truth. If the FBI ends up punting responsibility, the duty to investigate falls to Attorney General of Maryland, where the alleged assault took place. Let's call AG Brian Frosh (http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/Pages/contactus.aspx) and ask him to step up for justice.

3.      This is one of those headlines that is hard to read: Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar is looking to divert money from programs dealing with AIDS, cancer research, and Head Start to help fund the administration’s human rights abuses at the border: https://www.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-immigrant-children-detention-hhs-cuts-funds-programs-like-cancer-research-230259583.html  When we are contacting our MoC about Kavanaugh, let’s mention how deplorable this is.

4.      Since facing backlash on its horrendous immigrant family separation policy, the administration is trying to get rid of the Flores Rule,  https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/405342-trump-administration-moves-to-end-limits-on-detaining-migrant, which currently requires that minors can not be imprisoned for more than twenty days, so that they can keep entire families in prison together until their hearing dates. Let’s make sure to submit a public comment on this regulation and also tell our MoCs we need legislation that will protect children from long-term incarceration. Children should not be held in jail.

5.      For two years, Americans have tried to absorb the details of the 2016 attack — hacked emails, social media fraud, suspected spies — and President Trump’s claims that it’s all a hoax.”  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/09/20/us/politics/russia-interference-election-trump-clinton.html  and  http://time.com/5401645/putins-oligarchs/  We know that it has always been about Russia, but we are learning that there seems to be an even more overwhelming assault on our country and purposeful division amongst us.  Let’s use this information and continue to question our MoCs about what they are doing to safeguard our elections and our democracy.

6.      Two weeks ago, the House passed the Community Safety and Security Act (H.R. 6691). This bill would drastically expand the definition of violent crimes, including attempts to flee law enforcement officers and "intending to overcome resistance." Congressman Beto O'Rourke describes the way in which the bill sped through the process, with no testimony, discussion, or committee consideration, as well as at was introduced merely seven days before it was passed. Let's read through Congressman O'Rourke's concerns, along with why he voted "no" on the bill here, and let's read through the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights coalition opposition to the bill:  https://civilrights.org/oppose-h-r-6691-the-community-safety-and-security-act/ Then, let's be sure to call our senators ASAP to ensure that they not only take the time to go through the legislative process, but that they also vote "no" on this dangerous bill.

7.      The “tax reforms” of 2017 have added about $100 billion to the national debt and will add an estimated $1 trillion over the next ten years; Trump's “Tax Reform 2.0” aims to make the 2017 tax cuts for the wealthy permanent and will add a projected $657 billion to the deficit; the betting is that this new “reform” will not pass the Senate as is:   
https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2018/09/12/congress-pushes-forward-this-week-with-tax-reform-20/#5d1c2abb478e  Republicans see making the massive deficit even larger as the route to credibly cutting Social Security, Medicare. and Medicaid, claiming they must offset the debt they themselves created.  We need to make sure our Senators are vociferous in their opposition to Trump’s new tax scam as it moves out of committee.

8.     Fears that Carolina “hog lagoons” would overflow in the flooding following Hurricane Florence, causing long-term water pollution, have gained legitimacy as North Carolina admitted that 13 lagoons have already overtopped, with scores more at risk; in South Carolina, 200,000 tons of coal ash lie in the path of the deluged Waccamaw river, which is expected to reach a record flood stage this week:  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/19/hurricane-florence-carolinas-pollution-hog-lagoon-coal-ash  We might reasonably expect that a government entity called the Environmental Protection Agency would offer its expertise and assistance:  202-564-4700 or @EPAAWheeler or Mail Code 1101A, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460

 Election 2018 – General

1.       No matter where we live, we can help Georgia turn blue!   If we want to help by making texts or calls from home, go here: 

2.      The Movement for Black Lives' Electoral Justice Project (EJP) focuses on supporting Black-led grassroots organizations, as well as expanding and mobilizing the Black electorate: https://ejp.m4bl.org/ Now, the EJP is "offering mini-grants to local Black-led organizations leading transformative electoral organizing ahead of the midterm election." The application deadline is September 28th. Let's read more and if we qualify, apply here.

3.      With all eyes focused on flipping the US House and possibly the US Senate on Nov 6, let’s also remember the importance of electing progressive candidates to state legislatures. The states draw the congressional districts, so changing Congress begins with the states. And states controlled by Democrats are more likely to have better laws on the environment, health care, and gun control. Let’s visit www.flippable.org and see how we can support progressive Democrats running for state legislative seats.

4.      Text the vote—but only to friends! VoteWithMe is a free app that shows us who in our personal networks are infrequent voters so that we can call or text them and remind them to vote on Nov 6. We’ll will be reaching out to people we know, not to strangers, and we will be doing the outreach, not a bot. Let’s try it: https://votewithme.us/index.html

5.      Postcards To Voters takes us from "sea to shining sea" with two new midterm get-out-the-vote campaigns: 1) Campaign 109: Gil Cisneros for Congress in CA. The CA 39th Congressional District is one of the most competitive House races in the country. It includes parts of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties. 2) Campaign 110: Chad McEvoy for NY State Assembly.  The 101st district is perhaps the most gerrymandered district in New York state. It cuts through 7 counties and is 190-miles long! Let's write 5 cards today for one or both new campaigns. We can sign up as new volunteers here.

6.      Roll Call elections analyst Nathan L. Gonzales has 12 updates to his House ratings, all in favor of Democrats. We see the ratings changes and watch the video for more on Republicans' efforts to discredit Democrats in key races at Roll Call. If we are in any of these districts, let's find opportunities to help the Democratic candidates by volunteering or donating.

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:  by date:  https://goo.gl/gjFv2u   by state:  https://goo.gl/7gTzvE

2.      An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:   

3.      FL: A report produced by Daniel Smith, chairman of the political science department at the University of Florida, found that about 1 percent of all Florida mail ballots cast are rejected and not counted. Smith said that rate is about 10 times higher than for voters voting in person either early or on election day. The main reasons why mail ballots are rejected are that a voter didn’t sign the ballot envelope or that the voter’s signature on the envelope did not match the voter’s signature on file with the county elections office. Let's read more at Miami Herald.  We still want to encourage people to vote by mail, especially those who would not vote otherwise, and we need to be aware of these potential issues.

Other Actions

1.       Who in our lives is especially likely to be affected by the tenor of the current national conversation about women’s worth and appropriate responses to sexual violence? Let’s be sure to reach out to offer support and solidarity.

2.      Although now closed, a GoFundMe campaign raised over $200,000 to cover security expenses for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.  The fundraising campaign was started by Heidi Feldman, who identifies herself as a law professor at Georgetown University. “Due to death threats, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford (who uses “Dr. Blasey” professionally) and her family have had to leave their residence and arrange for private security,” Feldman writes. “Let’s create a fund to cover her security expenses, to do just a bit to make it easier for women in her position to come forward despite great risks.”  https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/407428-gofundme-campaign-raises-over-90k-to-cover-kavanaugh-accusers.   Since we can no longer contribute to the fund, let’s send her bright colorful postcards (that do not require opening and are clearly not hate mail) to her with words of gratitude for her courage: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Palo Alto University,1791 Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto, CA, 94304

3.      MuckRock is asking for help categorizing the Kavanaugh docs released so far - as you read you can also note category, tags, etc. "Help us read through a growing cache of public documents regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s time in the White House and during Ken Starr’s special counsel, all released as part of ongoing Senate confirmation hearings".  Help here:  https://www.muckrock.com/assignment/help-read-the-brett-kavanaugh-confirmation-hearing-files-83/form/

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       Sunday evening, September 23, from 8-9pm ET, we can take part in a #StopKavanaugh Twitter Storm.  Details and tweetsheet here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/2219849124916482

2.      The Women’s March is planning protests on September 20 and September 24 in Washington DC to declare public support for Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, and call awareness to the numerous reasons Kavanaugh would be an abhorrent choice for women’s rights. We can find out more at www.cancelkavanaugh.com and also donate to the effort if we can’t personally attend.  

3.      From Saturday, September 22 to Saturday, September 29When We All Vote will celebrate a week of action. Communities across the country will host voter registration events throughout the week in cities big and small with the help of volunteers like us. On September 23, Michelle Obama will be hosting the Las Vegas event and on September 28, she will host the Miami event. We can sign up to volunteer or RSVP for one of the events at When We All Vote. Let's look for an event near us. 

4.      On September 22 there will be a protest at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago in Florida in commemoration of the first anniversary of Hurricane Maria:   http://thehill.com/latino/401578-trumps-mar-a-lago-to-be-greeted-with-massive-protest-on-hurricane-maria-anniversary    Let’s put this on our calendars if we will be nearby.

5.      The 2018 March for Black Women will occur in Washington, D.C. on September 29 and New York City on September 30, with sister marches all over the country.   Let’s fine more information here:   https://www.blackwomensblueprint.org/march-for-black-women  and here: https://www.facebook.com/events/187741818714062/  Let’s learn how to start a sister march/townhall here:  https://www.blackwomensblueprint.org/town-halls-sister-marches


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/


1.       Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, and the Romanticizing of Teenage Indiscretion - https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/09/mark-judge-brett-kavanaugh-writing/570631/

2.      Supreme Court Ruling Means Thousands Of Deportation Cases May Be Tossed Out - https://www.npr.org/2018/09/17/648832694/supreme-court-ruling-means-thousands-of-deportation-cases-may-be-tossed-out

3.      Conservative Group Behind Kavanaugh Confirmation Has Spent Years Reshaping State and Federal Benches -  http://www.brennancenter.org/blog/conservative-group-behind-kavanaugh-confirmation-has-spent-years-reshaping-state-and-federal

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