
Contact Federal Government Officials

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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       From Suit Up Maine:  As we continue to make our case to @SenatorCollins, we Mainers ask a favor of our fellow patriot activists in other states who are working hard with us to #StopKavanaugh.  Please keep calling the senators in your states. But leave Collins' phone lines open for Mainers. She has pointed to out-of-state calls and TV ad purchases as evidence that it's not her constituents doing the calling. We know better. We need to remove all doubt.  For more info on this, let’s check here:   https://twitter.com/SuitUpMaine/status/1038615558504243201?s=19

2.      Telling us erroneously that the Maria hurricane relief effort in Puerto Rico last year was an "incredible unsung success", Trump has people worried what the response will be for Florence this week.  https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-puerto-rico-hurricane-response-unsung-success-deaths-maria-2018-9  Let’s make sure to stay on top of this issue and make sure that Florence is not a repeat of Maria.

3.      “The Trump administration, taking its third major step this year to roll back federal efforts to fight climate change, is preparing to make it significantly easier for energy companies to release methane into the atmosphere. Methane, which is among the most powerful greenhouse gases, routinely leaks from oil and gas wells, and energy companies have long said that the rules requiring them to test for emissions were costly and burdensome. If implemented, the proposal would recoup nearly all the costs to the oil and gas industry that would have been imposed by the Obama-era regulation. The E.P.A. estimated that rule would have cost companies about $530 million by 2025. The E.P.A. estimates that the proposed changes would save the oil and gas industry $484 million by the same year.” https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/10/climate/methane-emissions-epa.html  and http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/405971-trump-set-to-weaken-methane-rules-report  Let’s tell our Reps and our governors to put pressure on the EPA and oil companies to do their part for clean air and a clean planet.  

4.      While Obama tried to curtail it after civilians were killed, the Trump administration is now expanding the CIA’s covert drone program in Africa, with additional aircraft, a new runway and other “improvements” in its base in Niger: https://www.wpr.org/u-s-expands-c-i-covert-drone-program-africa or https://wwwnytimes.com/2018/09/09/world/africa/cia-drones-africa-military.html “One American official said the drones had not yet been used in lethal missions, but would almost certainly be in the near future,” probably in Libya.  Let’s tell the White House and the CIA that we do not want their secret war-making:  (703) 482-0623 or Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20505

5.      We hoped getting rid of Scott Pruitt would help, but in the course of two weeks, the Trump administration has taken a crucial step toward de-emphasizing the benefits to human life and health of environmental regulation in their calculus when the EPA announced that it would “rethink” limiting mercury emissions by coal-burning power plants--https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/07/climate/epa-mercury-life-cost-benefit.html--and, shortly thereafter, said they were going to weaken the regulation on methane emissions--http://theweek.com/speedreads/795212/epa-reportedly-close-weakening-rules-emissions-methane or https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/10/climate/methane-emissions-epa.html  Environmental Integrity lists EPA regulatory rollbacks--http://www.environmentalintegrity.org/trump-watch-epa/regulatory-rollbacks/--and Harvard has a tracker so we can keep up on their status--http://environment.law.harvard.edu/policy-initiative/regulatory-rollback-tracker/   As this degradation of our environment continues, let’s make sure the EPA knows we’re watching: Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler, 202-564-4700 or @EPAWheeler or EPA,  Mail Code 1101A, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460. 

6.      If we are looking for where to make public comments to the national government on various issues, here is a list of items that are new and closing this week:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/19x84KPIawD_4BTfrzYfBN5GGyVHECji6/view

7.      In the 1600 Daily that was emailed from the White House on Monday, it was stated, “Make no mistake: This is an economic turnaround”.   We are not sure what turnaround the White House is referring to, but this is not the first time they have erroneously used that phrase:  https://apnews.com/a7e135215ebc4993a99a85f7eb6963f3 and things are not as good as the Trump administration wants us to believe:  https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/ap-fact-check-are-trump-policies-boosting-economy  and we will be hitting the one trillion dollar deficit by the end of this year instead of 2020: https://www.axios.com/deficit-grows-222-billion-tax-laws-debt-us-trump-de9f61f5-5d8e-437b-ad36-bd7640349059.html  Let’s share these resources with the White House for a reality check and tell them we know what is really happening.

8.     The Farm Bill is still in conference combining the House and Senate versions.  The Senate version does not include additional work requirements for SNAP (food stamp) recipients, as there is already a sufficient work requirement and adding more could be harmful.  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/09/the-farm-bills-threat-to-food-security/569464/ Let’s check out Hands Off SNAP to see how we can encourage key players to make sure not to include more work requirements.

 Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also   & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NCYjsm3xKb79z19Gx7PWt5Zs9lkLiTqglHBHYs9mlX8/edit

1.       Nick Knudson of DemWrite Press  is “going to write an analysis about Republicans refusing to debate their Democratic challengers. It appears we have a epidemic.” Nick is asking that if we are a Democratic candidate or constituent in a district where the Republican is refusing or ignoring requests to debate, we can let Nick know by emailing him at contributors.dwp@gmail.com or reply to his Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/DemWrite/status/1038973663083524096  

2.      Postcards To Voters' volunteers will be watching primary election returns on Thursday, Sept, 13 for eight (8) races for NY state senate. These districts are currently held by Democratic incumbents who vote with the Republicans in Albany, blocking needed reforms. We wrote in support of these true blue Democrats:  1) Alessandra Biaggi 2) Julie Goldberg  3) Zellnor Myrie 4) Rachel May 5) Blake Morris 6) John Liu 7) Jessica Ramos 8) Jasmine Robinson. If we are New Yorkers, let's vote in tomorrow's primary. It's all up to us now.

3.      From one of our own:  Are you or do you know a college student who needs help in navigating voting from college? The following link gives them (and you) all the operative dates and how to go about doing it.  EVERY-SINGLE-VOTE-WILL-COUNT.  Please vote and help someone else by sharing this information with them!  Link:  http://campusvoteproject.org/studentguides/

4.      “Out and out fraud” by VA Republicans-- https://www.richmond.com/news/virginia/government-politics/richmond-judge-finds-out-and-out-fraud-rules-independent-shaun/article_59706d14-f2da-5270-847b-a3faa64950d0.html ;  a new Sheriff Arpaio in Virginia--https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/crime_and_justice/report-agreement-with-ice-to-house-federal-detainees-brings-a/article_3e6a73d5-5b2f-5025-b02a-65f89c2ae8aa.html ; false accusations of anti-Semitism by Democrats against Democrats-- https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/NY-Democratic-Party-Sends-11th-Hour-Mailer-Calling-Cynthia-Nixon-Weak-on-Jewish-Issues-Anti-Semite-492809821.html  Keeping track of the 2018 primaries and elections is a full-time job, but if we are to win, we must pay close attention to the political shenanigans in our own districts and states.

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

September 12
Rhode Island
Election date
September 13
New York
Election date (State primary)
State Primary
September 17
Early Voting begins
September 17
Early Voting begins
September 21
In person absentee voting begins
September 21
South Dakota
In person absentee voting begins
September 21
In person absentee voting begins
September 22
Early Voting begins
    (source:  by date:  https://goo.gl/gjFv2u   by state:  https://goo.gl/7gTzvE)

Other Actions

1.       We send best wishes for safety and security to all our Resistance friends in the path of Hurricane Florence:  https://apnews.com/b80e3de011484b32bb47f04ebcb12a5a/Florence-could-hit-with-punch-not-seen-in-more-than-60-years   The rest of us will write extra postcards and make extra calls while you get to safety.

2.      There is not a shortage of reasons Brett Kavanaugh is an unsuitable nominee for the Supreme Court, and this list has already provided numerous sources to explain this. Now, for those of us who want to take the next step, Indivisible is asking for volunteers to reach out to voters, to ask them to tell their senators to vote "KavaNOPE!" Indivisible will be providing training for this effort, and using a phonebank system that uses your computer and automates the connection process, making the whole affair much easier. https://www.indivisible.org/phonebank/

3.      “An unusual fundraising technique tying the release of campaign funds to how Maine Sen. Susan Collins votes on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh reached a milestone on Tuesday, going over $1 million.”  https://www.pressherald.com/2018/09/11/fundraising-campaign-tied-to-how-collins-votes-on-kavanaugh-surpasses-1-million/  We can learn more and join in this crowdfunding effort here:  https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/387413/either-sen-collins-votes-no-on-kavanaugh-or-we-fund-her-future-opponent  

4.      The Women's March on Washington - Disability Caucus is putting out a call for disabled women to join together in Washington D.C. on Monday, September 17th, to protest the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh has a long history of ruling against disability rights, and we will be showing up in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience to demonstrate how crucial it is for senators to vote "no." For those of us who are able to make it to D.C. on the 17th, let's sign up to participate and note our travel needs here.

5.      From one of our own:  Today I learned [Nike’s] customer service representatives have been fielding a whole boatload of hate. Today I called to thank Nike for airing what I think may be the most impressive piece of corporate video 1 (800) 806-6453 ext. zero.  I spoke with a lovely young woman who was so appreciative of my call. "It has been tough," she said, "really tough." While I know people have had issues with Nike's outsourced manufacturing. I think when someone/a company does well they deserve recognition. AND the employees who are catching the flak, I think they really deserve appreciation.

6.      Those of us who haven't yet discovered "resistance genealogist" Jennifer Mendelsohn are in for a treat. Mendelsohn, who is also a professional writer and journalist, likes to hold racist immigration critics accountable for their hypocrisy. Check out her exposés on the ancestors of Trump, Stephen Miller, and Toni Lahren (to name a few), who have all complained about so-called "chain migration" (which is better called “family reunification”). She's got receipts, and it's satisfying to watch. We can follow her on Facebook and Twitter, as well as sign up for her newsletter, here: http://resistancegenealogy.com 

7.      Bob Woodward, the investigative reporter who along with Carl Bernstein, broke the Watergate story scandal, is a well-respected journalist having won nearly every major award in the field, including two Pulitzers.  He has now written a non-fiction book about the Trump White House: http://time.com/5389397/bob-woodward-fear-book  Let’s buy a copy of Fear from our local bookseller and see what we can learn and use in our activism.

8.     From one of our own:   The students of March For Our Lives are calling on mayors to support a national, bipartisan youth voter registration initiative in high schools and college campuses leading up to September 25, National Voter Registration Day. Mayors will pledge to make registration forms readily available to all eligible students, maintain goals for registration, participate in get out the vote campaigns, collaborate with other mayors, and empower their communities to have their youth voices be heard during elections. Link here:   https://marchforourlives.com/mayors-for-our-lives

9.      Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms signed an executive order last week calling for all remaining U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainees to be transferred out of the city jail as soon as possible and declaring that Atlanta will no longer hold anyone for the federal agency. More at WSBTV.com. If we are residents of a large city, let's ask our own mayors to take similar actions. We can send "thank you" and notes of support to Mayor Bottoms at Mayor's Office, Atlanta City Hall Annex, 55 Trinity Avenue SW, Atlanta, GA  30303.

10.  ESRI StoryMaps is a great app to share your message. This DemLabs StoryMap on the need to vote to reduce mass shootings features Lin-Manuel Miranda and Michelle Obama:  https://arcg.is/1qfnWO

11.   Once again, Trump is asking our opinions on the mainstream media:  

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       She the People, a network to advance the political power of women of color for progressive goals, is kicking off a 3-year initiative with a summit on Thursday, September 20 in San Francisco. Registration is open to the public. Let’s go!  https://www.shethepeople.org/#summit-section

2.      From Saturday, September 22 to Saturday, September 29When We All Vote will celebrate a week of action. Communities across the country will host voter registration events throughout the week in cities big and small with the help of volunteers like us. On September 23, Michelle Obama will be hosting the Las Vegas event and on September 28, she will host the Miami event. We can sign up to volunteer or RSVP for one of the events at When We All Vote. Let's look for an event near us. 

3.      On September 22 there will be a protest at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago in Florida in commemoration of the first anniversary of Hurricane Maria:   http://thehill.com/latino/401578-trumps-mar-a-lago-to-be-greeted-with-massive-protest-on-hurricane-maria-anniversary    Let’s put this on our calendars if we will be nearby.

4.      The 2018 March for Black Women will occur in Washington, D.C. on September 29 and New York City on September 30, with sister marches all over the country.   Let’s fine more information here:   https://www.blackwomensblueprint.org/march-for-black-women  and here: https://www.facebook.com/events/187741818714062/  Let’s learn how to start a sister march/townhall here:  https://www.blackwomensblueprint.org/town-halls-sister-marches


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/

1.       ALL:  The ACLU has released the Smart Justice 50-State Blueprint, which takes a look at how each state contributes to mass incarceration, so that we can address this issue in a nuanced way, rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach. The Blueprint breaks down state policies, and offers proposed reforms to help reduce the number of incarcerated people. Let's check out our own state's Blueprint, then contact our state legislators and tell them how we'd like to see them enact prison reform and change policy. 

2.      ALL:  From Small Deeds Done:   Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats recently warned that, just like the lead-up to 9/11 “the warning lights are blinking red again,” as our digital infrastructure is “literally under attack.”. . . check out what grade your state gets on election security here.  The Center for American Progress assessed all states based on their voting machines, audit procedures and security and – spoiler alert – not one state gets an A.  Based on what you learn, call your Secretary of State’s office.  “Hi.  I’m really concerned about the threat Russia poses to the integrity of our elections.  What is our state doing to ensure every vote counts and the results are verifiable and resistant to tampering by actors seeking to undermine our democracy?”


1.       I thought democracy in Chile was safe. Now I see America falling into the same trap - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/11/us-chile-coup-democracy

2.      When it comes to conditions inside prisons, should prisoners have a voice? That's one of the questions raised by a three-week strike by inmates in more than a dozen states -  https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2018/0910/Amid-debate-on-prison-reform-rising-voices-from-the-inside

3.      Trump's Economic Scorecard: Higher Inflation, Flat Wages And A Ballooning Federal Deficit  - https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2018/08/11/trumps-economic-scorecard-higher-inflation-flat-wages-and-a-ballooning-federal-deficit/#185874ac22fa
4.      Dear Anonymous Trump Official, There Is No Redemption in Your Cowardly Op-Ed - https://theintercept.com/2018/09/06/dear-anonymous-trump-official-there-is-no-redemption-in-your-cowardly-op-ed/

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