
Contact Federal Government Officials

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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       Donald Trump clearly can't be counted on to stop Russia from interfering in our elections, making the DETER Act (S. 2313)  - which makes punishment for such actions automatic, taking it out of Trump's hands - all the more important (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-russia/senators-push-sanctions-to-send-putin-election-meddling-warning-idUSKBN1KC0QV). This should be common sense legislation, and a litmus test for anyone who believes the intelligence agencies and not Putin. Let's call our senators and asking what they are doing to force a vote on it.

2.      Even though the administration is threatening a government shutdown if Congress doesn’t provide funding for a border wall, http://time.com/5353100/trump-government-shut-down-border-wall/, the Government Accountability Office announced yesterday that the White House has not yet provided a full analysis of the costs and projected outcomes of the project.  http://thehill.com/latino/400564-gao-trump-admin-hasnt-conducted-full-analysis-of-border-wall-costs. Let’s make sure to tell our MoCs, that without a complete accounting of the full costs and benefits of the project, it would be fiscally irresponsible to move forward, no matter what the president is threatening. And we can make sure to add our opinion that a wall would waste our money and threaten our relationship with Mexico as cited here: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/mexico-president-trump-andres-manuel-lopez-obrador-general-election-us-border-a8427726.html.

3.      Last week, the administration announced that it planned to block California’s clean-car-emission standards and generally rollback the federal regulations on car emissions. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-23/trump-is-said-to-seek-repeal-of-california-s-smog-fighting-power. The administration claims that this will allow more money to be spent making cars safer and also lower consumer costs, but in reality, the number of premature deaths from pollution far outweighs any gains in car safety. https://www.vox.com/2018/4/2/17181476/epa-fuel-economy-standards-tesla. Let’s ask our MoCs to introduce legislation to keep car emissions standards at the current targets. 5calls.org has a script here.

4.      The National Archives is claiming that it will take until at least the end of October to supply all the documents that are being requested for review in the Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination. and even Judiciary Committee Chair, Chuck Grassley, (R-IA) is admitting that the confirmation process may need to be pushed back. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/national-archives-may-not-finish-reviewing-kavanaugh-documents-before-end-of-october/ Let’s make sure to weigh in on the importance of reviewing all documents with our own Senators, Senator Grassley (R-IA) as well as all the members of the Judiciary Committee.  We can reiterate the importance of learning everything we can about Kavanaugh’s positions on presidential immunity, and urge our Senators to do their job of taking the utmost possible care in checks and balances and assuring that our democracy isn’t eroded on the judicial level. We can also call the Judiciary Committee comment line: (202) 224-5225.

5.      As Trump’s Sunday tweet affirming attempted collusion with Russia sinks in, we can read Adam Davidson’s helpful primer about this in the New Yorker:   

6.      The lawsuits against Trump's attempt to manipulate the census with the citizenship question are moving forward - but we're running out of time to make our voices heard (https://www.npr.org/2018/07/26/629773825/multi-state-lawsuit-against-census-citizenship-question-to-move-ahead). The deadline to submit a public comment to the Department of Commerce against the citizenship question is TODAY. Let's not leave it up to the attorneys general. We can let the administration know we know what they're doing and we want it to stop here: http://cqrcengage.com/censuscounts2020/app/act-on-a-regulation?0&engagementId=487696.

7.      Jennifer Rubin, conservative columnist at The Washington Post wrote a scathing piece about Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ role in this administration:  
http://thehill.com/homenews/media/400480-conservative-columnist-sarah-sanders-should-be-shunned-after-white-house-job   Let’s let Ms. Huckabee Sanders know that her involvement in lying about the Russia scandal disqualifies her further service to our country and that it is time for her to go: https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/white-house or on Twitter @PressSec 

8.     Congressman Stephen Lynch (D-MA)gave an impassioned two-minute speech about the hypocrisy of the 100 hearings about Clinton’s email server vs. two re: Russian election interference:   https://twitter.com/politvidchannel/status/1025771019938627587   Let’s thank Rep. Lynch for speaking with passion and logic about this discrepancy: 

9.      From MI Resistance:  "Senate Republicans are withholding documents from 3 of the 5 years when Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s nominee for Supreme Court Justice, worked in the George W. Bush White House. When Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was first nominated to her seat, all of her documents from her time working under President Bill Clinton were published online. Those public records became a part of the debate over her eventual confirmation, just as the thousands of emails and documents attributed to Brett Kavanaugh should be. These documents can provide important insight into the thinking that was behind countless political and legal decisions including choosing other Supreme Court nominees." We can use this call script as we contact our senators: "Hello, my name is _____ and I’m a concerned voter. I am calling to voice my support for demanding all of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s emails and documents from his time with President Bush and the Starr Commission be released and made available online just as Judge Kagan’s were during her confirmation. If not, please do not confirm this judge."

10.  From this month's Calvin's List:  "Weakening regulations on fossil fuel drilling is a major aim of this administration, and HR6106, the Common Sense Permitting Act, is no exception.  It aims to ban environmental review of fossil fuel extraction sites and pipelines in a variety of situations.  This bill, the sister to HR6107 which we looked at last month, got out of committee just a week after it was introduced which means it is likely to get to a floor vote." Let's read about both bills at the NRDC, along with two other dangerous pieces of legislation, then contact our representatives to tell them we want them to prioritize the environment over the interests of oil and gas industries, and vote "no" on these bills.

11.   Yesterday was the 53rd anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. Over the years, Congress has voted to impinge on many of the facets of the original bill.  http://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/400230-a-new-congress-could-restore-the-promise-of-the-voting-rights-act  Let’s tell Congress that we want to celebrate this important anniversary by having it fully restored.

12.  ICE seems to be making a point of going after DACA recipients who speak out against them. “On Friday morning, August 3, "Mapache", an 18-year-old from San Antonio was picked up from the Occupy ICE San Antonio Texas vigil...His DACA renewal was pending. He is now locked up with a hearing date in October.” Mapache is a client of RAICES. Let’s help them by signing this petition, sponsored by RAICES and Cosecha, addressed to Secretary Nielsen of Homeland Security:  https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/freemapache?source=twitter&. Let’s donate to RAICES, too, if we can: https://www.raicestexas.org/donate/.

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.       We can help get out the Democratic vote for the Virginia Midterm Elections on Nov. 6.  Postcards For Virginia volunteers have already participated in 28 races and mailed over 137,000 postcards.  We won't be mailing our postcards until October so we have plenty of time to write them and/or have postcard parties. Let's check out Postcards For Virginia. Let's make sure our friends and family from Virginia are aware of this activism opportunity.  We can participate from any state. 

2.      Indivisible is running a national virtual phonebank to contact key voters in Arizona, Mississippi, Nevada, Tennessee, and Texas to talk about the Supreme Court seat and help flip these crucial Senate seats in November. Sign up right now for one of the upcoming shifts, and they’ll send us everything you need to start making our calls!  First time calling? We can sign up for a training webinar on Tuesday, August 7 and they’ll review best practices for our calls and how to use the call platform, Hubdialer.  Click here:  https://www.indivisible.org/save-scotus/

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

August 7
Election date
August 7
Election date
August 7
Election date
August 7
Election date
Special-12th congressional district
August 7
Election date
August 9
Voter Registration Deadline
August 9
Early Voting ends
August 10
In person absentee voting ends
August 10
Voter Registration Deadline
August 11
Voter Registration Deadline
August 11
Election date
August 12
Rhode Island
Voter Registration Deadline
August 13
Voter Registration Deadline
August 13
Early Voting ends
State Senate Dist 8
August 13
Early Voting ends
August 13
Early Voting ends
August 14
Voter Registration Deadline
August 14
Voter Registration Deadline
August 14
Election date
August 14
Election date
August 14
Election date
August 14
Election date
August 14
Election date
State Senate Dist 8
August 15
Voter Registration Deadline
August 17
New York (state)
Voter Registration Deadline
August 18
Early Voting Begins
(source:  by date:  https://goo.gl/gjFv2u   by state:  https://goo.gl/7gTzvE)

2.      Today is Primary Day in: 

3.      Other Upcoming Primaries:

4.      FL - 13 amendments to the Florida Constitution are on the ballot for the Midterm Elections on Nov. 6.  The League of Women Voters has summarized each amendment and weighed in with their own opinion here.  We can also read about these amendments at Ballotpedia.  Let's be informed voters this November.

Other Actions

1.       Teaching Readers in Post-Truth America by Dr. Ellen Carillo is meant for post-secondary instructors, but judging by this short interview, many of us may find this forthcoming book a useful read. She argues that students should learn “a repertoire of critical reading strategies” to prepare them for “citizenship in a divisive climate.” That goes for the rest of us as well, doesn’t it? Read here for a bit more info: https://style.mla.org/digital-literacy/

2.      From Together We Will Contra Costa:  Please support Valley Forward's efforts to flip key congressional districts by helping to grow their team of canvassers - many of whom are DREAMers - all while building the capacity of young leaders in the community!  Purchase a 'We Rise, We Vote' t-shirt here, http://radicistudios.com/store/.  These shirts are designed and donated by local artist Jen Bloomer of Radici Studios and the proceeds from the sale of these beautiful, high-quality organic shirts go to hiring of Valley Forward canvassers in key Central Valley swing districts. Hurry - this fundraiser ends August 31st!

3.      “Immigration and Customs Enforcement is currently seeking new contracts for 3,000 new bed spaces in immigration detention within 180 miles of Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis and Salt Lake City. And just in June, ICE asked for information from companies that could potentially accommodate 15,000 new family immigration lockups.”  These facilities may appear economically beneficial to many towns.  https://www.npr.org/2018/08/03/634047796/as-private-ice-lockups-grow-towns-could-see-economic-boon While these facilities may improve the economy of our town, they do not improve the nature of our country.  Let’s be on the lookout for these and oppose their proliferation. 

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       On August 8 at 8pm EDT, Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ) is hosting a webinar on "The Alt-Right and Immigration".  We can register here.

2.      Evidence is piling up that Brett Kavanaugh cannot be trusted to protect the right to choose or check executive power (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/29/us/brett-kavanaugh-signing-statements.html). So activists across the country are coming together for a 50-state day of action against his nomination on August 26th. Let’s find an event near us or start our own here.

3.      Experts say we are already starting to see the impacts of climate change playing out in real time with extreme weather patterns:  (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jul/27/extreme-global-weather-climate-change-michael-mann). We cannot wait for action. On September 8th, people all over the world are coming together in a coordinated call for local action for the climate, jobs and justice. We can find a Rise for Climate event near us here, or we can sign up to organize our own.


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/


1.       How to Spend Your Privilege:  https://www.thecut.com/2018/08/nia-wilson-spend-your-privilege.html 

2.      How Trump Radicalized ICE - https://www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/565772/

3.      How to Listen When You Disagree:  https://urbanconfessional.org/blog/howtodisagree

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