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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       “Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee left Tuesday's hearing on the Trump administration's family separation policy and efforts to reunify children with their parents at the border with more questions than firm answers from top immigration officials across the federal government.”   https://www.cbsnews.com/news/senate-panel-holds-hearing-on-ice-family-separation-at-border-live-stream/  Let’s tell all our MoCs that we want them to stay on top of this and see it through as well as to enact proper legislation so this cannot happen again. 

2.      In response to a lawsuit raised by the attorneys general in eight states, a federal judge has temporarily blocked the release of blueprints to print 3D guns. https://apnews.com/0c55d778df35412dbac0be6444917bc7/Judge-blocks-release-of-blueprints-for-3D-printed-guns. And even the president tweeted that making 3D guns doesn’t seem to make much sense.  http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/399633-trump-public-access-to-3d-printed-guns-doesnt-seem-to-make-much-sense. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) tried to pass a bill by unanimous consent that would outlaw 3D guns, but this was blocked by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT). http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/399759-gop-senator-blocks-bill-that-would-ban-release-of-3d-gun-blueprints. Let’s call our MoCs and the White House now and insist that they act quickly to make sure that these untraceable weapons do not fall into the wrong hands. The safety of all of us is at stake!

3.      Trump is threatening, again, to shut down the government over funding for a border wall http://thehill.com/homenews/house/399607-trump-sides-with-conservatives-on-shutdown-messaging. Last time this happened, Democrats were willing to concede so long as they could get protections for Dreamers, but Trump was not willing to make that deal https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/20/government-shutdown-dreamers-immigration-democrats-trump. Since that time, Trump and his administration have taken cruel stances on immigration in the U.S.; babies are having to attend their own deportation trials and children are still separated from their families. Let's assure our MoCs that we will support their refusal to provide unnecessary funding towards a border wall, and remind them that if the government shuts down, it will be on Trump.

4.      On Monday, a federal judge ordered the removal of migrant children from a detention facility found to give these children psychotropic drugs without their parents’ consent in order to control their behavior. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/judge-orders-most-migrant-children-removed-texas-facility-uses-psychotropic-n895966. Let’s speak to our MoCs now about this very disturbing issue and ask that they demand a full investigation into psychotropic drug use at other detention facilities. We can also make the plea that these children be released into the care of families and relatives, rather than being detained in institutions. Let’s also contact the Department of Justice (202-353-1555; 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20530-0001; website form; Facebook; Twitter: @TheJustice Dept.) and the Department of Homeland Security (202-282-8000; DHSSecretary@hq.dhs.gov, website form;  Facebook; Twitter: @DHS.gov) and demand that they stop this practice immediately.

5.      If we want to raise awareness on the missed family reunification deadline, Immigration Hub informs us that we can share this powerful new Families Belong Together video featuring Mark Ruffalo and Common.  After we watch it, we can share it with our networks with the link to ReunifyFamilies.org. We can also find suggested social media posts and additional context here: We can also raise these talking points with our MoCs from this powerful letter signed by many immigrant advocacy organizations.

6.      If the Senate confirms Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, it would be a terrible blow to reproductive rights, health care, and efforts to get big money out of politics. Democrats are currently pushing for documents on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, in order to ascertain the full range of his positions. Republicans are pushing back, claiming that documents he created while serving as staff secretary under Bush are irrelevant. http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/399705-senate-dems-request-all-of-kavanaughs-white-house-documents. Let’s tell our Republican Senators that we are watching and that we expect them to do the ethical thing and make sure all of Kavanaugh’s writings are released. We can remind them that full transparency is imperative for a position as important as Supreme Court Justice, and they should participate in a full and careful process, rather than rushing through a confirmation. Let’s also check out Indivisible’s two-step plan for keeping Kavanaugh off the high court

7.      The Endangered Species Act has provided needed protections to wildlife in danger for well over 40 years, preventing the extinction of 99% of listed species. The Trump administration is proposing dismantling the law by gutting regulatory protections for threatened wildlife and drastically reducing the role of science from future decision making (https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/25/politics/endangered-species-act-animals-saved-from-extinction-trnd/index.html). The Department of Interior is now accepting public comments on this proposal. Let’s join the World Wildlife Fund in making our objections known at this link.

8.     As the Republicans are basing their midterm election hopes on the supposed success of the tax cut bill, it is important to make sure people know that the majority of these cuts were used for stock buybacks instead of raising worker wages. http://thehill.com/policy/finance/399683-companies-could-have-paid-workers-thousands-more-if-they-diverted-spending-on. Meanwhile, the administration is proposing a new $100 billion tax cut geared solely for the rich, as it would allow inflation to be taken into account when assessing capital gains. https://www.vox.com/2018/7/31/17634194/trump-tax-cut-wealthy-capital-gains. And, they are trying to do this through a regulation, rather than through Congress. Let’s tell Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin (202-622-2000; 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ustreasury/; Twitter: @stevenmnuchin1) that we want to see policies that benefit the 99%, not the 1%, and let’s make sure to spread this information widely on social media so that people know about this latest attempt by the administration to bypass Congress and give more wealth to the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.       The Movement Voter Project connects donors with highly effective, overlooked grassroots activist groups to ensure a Blue Wave Victory in 2018.  Their Wave 2018 fund is curated to make it super easy for people to give to the groups doing work in the most strategic districts this year. We can check them out using this link, then, if we want to help, we can use their digital toolkit to spread the word about MVP on Twitter or copy and paste to share on Facebook with our friends. Let’s give more people the opportunity to build this wave! 

2.      Let’s follow the NRA money—and learn exactly who not to vote for in the midterms—by using the NRA Campaign Spending Tracker, a cool new tool from The Trace.

3.      For better or worse, the way Congressional districts are drawn can determine who wins elections, which communities are represented, and what laws are passed. Explore how your own district has changed (sometimes dramatically) over time." Let's look up our own district and others on this eye-opening interactive map graphic produced by the ACLU.

4.      "The Last Weekend" is a campaign to get out the vote, organized by Swing Left and cosponsored by many others. How does it work? "Study after study shows that the most effective way to get people to vote is by having conversations with them in the four days before Election Day (Saturday, November 3rd–Tuesday, November 6th).Each of us has the power to make a big difference in a key race by talking to voters. Don't just vote this year—volunteer!" If we sign up here, they'll let us know how we can help not only on that weekend but in the weeks coming up to it. https://thelastweekend.org/sl

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

August 1
Early Voting begins
August 2
Voter Registration Deadline
August 2
Election date
August 6
Voter Registration Deadline
Primary (postmark)
August 6
Early Voting Begins
August 6
Early Voting ends
August 6
In person absentee voting ends
Special-12th congressional district
August 7
Election date
August 7
Election date
August 7
Election date
August 7
Election date
Special-12th congressional district
August 7
Election date
August 9
Voter Registration Deadline
August 9
Early Voting ends
August 10
In person absentee voting ends
August 10
Voter Registration Deadline
August 11
Voter Registration Deadline
August 11
Election date
August 12
Rhode Island
Voter Registration Deadline
August 13
Voter Registration Deadline
August 13
Early Voting ends
State Senate Dist 8
August 13
Early Voting ends
August 13
Early Voting ends
August 14
Voter Registration Deadline
August 14
Voter Registration Deadline
August 14
Election date
August 14
Election date
August 14
Election date
August 14
Election date
August 14
Election date
State Senate Dist 8
August 15
Voter Registration Deadline
August 17
New York (state)
Voter Registration Deadline
August 18
Early Voting Begins
(source:  by date:  https://goo.gl/gjFv2u   by state:  https://goo.gl/7gTzvE)

Other Actions

1.       The lawsuits against Trump's attempt to manipulate the census with the citizenship question are moving forward - but we're running out of time to make our voices heard (https://www.npr.org/2018/07/26/629773825/multi-state-lawsuit-against-census-citizenship-question-to-move-ahead). The deadline to submit a public comment to the Department of Commerce against the citizenship question is August 7th. Let's not leave it up to the attorneys general. We can let the administration know we know what they're doing and we want it to stop here: http://cqrcengage.com/censuscounts2020/app/act-on-a-regulation?0&engagementId=487696.

2.      On Monday, Jesse Watters of Fox News stated that the president wants the “best and the brightest” immigrants, instead of “some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe.” http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/399623-fox-news- host-trump-wants-the-best-immigrants-not-some-guys  Let’s tell Mr. Watters (Twitter: @JesseBWatters)  and Fox News (Twitter: @FoxNews;  1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036) that we are highly offended by this racist remark.

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       The Grannies Respond/Abuelas Responden caravan left NYC on July 31, heading to McAllen, TX to protest the crisis at the border.  Caravans are starting up all over the country to join in and meet up on Aug 6 in McAllen.  We can find a caravan near us or create one ourselves for our area:  https://www.granniesrespond.org/ridewithus  If we can’t go, let’s follow their progress here:  https://www.facebook.com/granniesrespond/

2.      On August 4, March for Our Lives, Road To Change, and National Organization for Change are marching on the NRA.  The main march will be in Fairfax, VA at NRA headquarters.  We can find more information here:  https://www.marchonnra.org/ and we can find an even here:  https://www.marchonnra.org/findmymarch  If none are near us, we can register an event here:  https://www.marchonnra.org/regevent


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/


1.       With all going on, it's easy to feel lost and hopeless. Sometimes it's hard to see the point of all the arguing, the marching, the phone calls, the struggle. But we must not give up, because the big picture is indeed enormous. Ezra Klein’s article, White Threat in a Browning America: How Demographic Change is Fracturing Our Politics outlines the role race has played in shaping the political spectrum and can shed light in helping us move forward. - https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/7/30/17505406/trump-obama-race-politics-immigration

2.      How to Win Elections in a System Not Set Up For Us: "The Collective PAC's Black Campaign School is backed by—and a challenge to—the Democratic establishment. It’s trying to increase representation in a country where 90 percent of all elected officials are white." https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/07/black-candidates-dnc-dccc/566297/

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