
Contact Federal Government Officials

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       This week in Congress:  The House will be considering fifty-seven (57) bills and resolutions per the Senate Majority Leader's Weekly Schedule. Twenty (20) of the bills are scheduled for votes on Monday after 6:30pm. Let's review the schedule so we know what's coming. Let's not get distracted by tweets and outrageous incidents.  The Senate begins its Monday, July 23 session (Source: Senate Executive Calendar) by resuming consideration of the nomination of  Robert L. Wilkie, of North Carolina, to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs. We can read a transcript of an NPR interview about Wilkie. After that, the Senate will begin consideration of the fiscal 2019 appropriations package: Interior-Environment, Financial Services (HR 6147). The House passed this two-bill spending package last week. We can read more about HR6147 from the House Committee on Appropriations press release which includes links to the bill's text and amendments.

2.      It’s always been about Russia and more is coming out as time goes by.  Russia has and continues to influence our democratic process, our election systems, and our information sources.  https://www.npr.org/2018/04/25/586099619/the-russia-investigations-what-you-need-to-know-about-russian-active-measures  Sanctions are gaining bi-partisan support in the Senate:  https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/20/senate-russia-sanctions-bill-rubio-van-hollen-734904  Let’s tell our senators that we’d like them to support this as well as any other bills that keep our elections safe and that protect the DOJ investigation. 

3.      Last month, over concerns for national security, we saw a small win for bipartisanship when Congress voted to impose penalties against ZTE; a Chinese telecom company that had previously violated sanctions:  (https://cnnmon.ie/2Oaol4jhttps://nyti.ms/2myRLg3). Now, however, republican members of Congress have backtracked, and the National Defense Authorization Act will no longer include tough sanctions against ZTE (https://bloom.bg/2mzfhJO). Let's contact our MoC, particularly those of us with republican lawmakers, and let them know that Trump's self-imposed trade war with China is coming at the cost of administering real penalties on companies who have clearly violated U.S. sanctions.

4.      “The Trump administration is stepping up efforts to curb legal immigration, taking a series of actions in recent weeks that could lead to deportation for people already granted citizenship. Experts say that policy change, coupled with what came next, could vastly expand the number of individuals being referred for removal. The administrative changes highlight how Trump officials, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House adviser Stephen Miller, aren’t just seeking to curtail illegal immigration — they’re also taking steps against naturalized citizens in an effort to reduce the number of foreign-born residents in the U.S.”  http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/398116-trump-ramps-up-scrutiny-of-legal-immigrants.  Let’s pressure our MoCs to push back on these new Trump/Sessions/Miller policies. We have always been a melting pot, let’s keep it that way. 

5.      The Justice Department has settled with Defense Distributed, allowing the organization to continue distributing free blueprints for making 3D printed guns. Let's read more about the settlement, along with the process and limitations of the 3D printing process here. Then, let's read more about the broader issue of "ghost guns" and why Sen. Schumer (D-NY) is against them and will be filing legislation against them: https://wcbs880.radio.com/articles/sen-schumer-advocates-against-creation-untraceable-ghost-guns. Then let’s contact our federal and state level MoC to ask that they work together to address the issue of untraceable firearms.

6.      NBC news reported last week that FEMA has stalled on 79% of appeals for assistance from Puerto Rican residents needing to rebuild their homes that were damaged by last year’s hurricanes. https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/puerto-rico-crisis/fema-has-either-denied-or-not-approved-most-appeals-housing-n891716. Let’s contact FEMA ((202-646-2500; https://fema.ideascale.com/a/index; Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20472, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FEMA/; Twitter: @FEMA) and tell them we are expecting them to do better for the Puerto Rican citizens of our country. Let’s also make sure that our MoCs are aware of the problem.

7.      Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is threatening to push the vote on SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh until closer to the November elections, as punishment for Democrats asking for the release of documents from when Kavanaugh served in the Bush administration (https://bit.ly/2muFCJ9). Let's tell our MoC that McConnell's fear over full transparency should be an even greater motivator to demand to see Brett Kavanaugh's paper trail.

8.     Norm Eisen, of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), tweeted on Saturday, “Dear Congressmen Nunes, Jordan & Meadows: the Carter Page FISA materials show you lied about the validity of the warrant, the role of the Steele dossier, and the DOJ/FBI. That violated House (Ethics) Rule XXIII by failing to “reflect creditably on the House.” Guys,this ain’t over”  http://thehill.com/homenews/house/398224-schiff-surveillance-warrant-docs-show-that-nunes-memo-misrepresented-and  It’s time to ask the members of the House Intelligence Committee to officially get on the same page as the Senate Intelligence Committee.  GOP members:  https://intelligence.house.gov/about/hpsci-majority-members.htm and Democrat members:  https://intelligence.house.gov/about/hpsci-minority-members.htm  We have a country to save. 

9.      Unfortunately, after expressing his concerns about Trump and Putin, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, walked back his comments and said that he meant no disrespect to Trump:   https://www.cbsnews.com/news/intelligence-chief-dan-coats-says-he-meant-no-disrespect-to-trump/  Let’s remind Director Coats that respect must be earned and protocol exists for a reason:  https://www.dni.gov/index.php/more

10.  “The Trump administration has quietly taken steps that may inhibit independent oversight of its most high-risk nuclear facilities, including some buildings at Los Alamos National Laboratory, a Department of Energy document shows.”  https://www.propublica.org/article/nuclear-safety-board-information-access-trump-administration  Let’s remind our MoCs that oversight is not bad and that they should act to continue this.

11.   In the ongoing conflict between nationalism and democracy in Israel--Trump’s favorite ally and the #2 recipient of US "security" aid--nationalism seems to have won, with the passage last week of a “basic law” declaring Israel “the nation-state of the Jewish people” with a “unified” Jerusalem its capital and Hebrew its official language.  Opposed by centrists, leftists, and peace activists as well as by Arab legislators, US Reform rabbis, J Street, Adalah, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and more, this law instates not just racism but “elements of apartheid” into Israeli law: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/19/world/middleeast/israel-law-jews-arabic.html or https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/israel-passes-controversial-nation-state-bill-1.6291048  30 Members of Congress have now signed on to the first ever bill to defend Palestinian human rights, H.R. 4391. This bill has been in committee since November.  Let’s check to see if our representative is a co-sponsor:  https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/4391/cosponsors  If so, let’s give thanks, if not, let’s ask why.

12.  So far, 700 former or current Yale Law School students have signed an open letter opposing the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court: ttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScUrOBy5sPzw1VGusbYr2VqVqPiNmO5adNdo8mIcsryvgOfrw/viewform We would do well to consider their arguments and to use them in trying to persuade our senators to block this nomination.

13.  Every single Republican member of the House of Representatives voted against additional funding for election security.  https://www.apnews.com/6580a9fdf5364b46be462d73ed0c5422. Let’s ask our Republican MoCs what they are covering up and why they are refusing to protect Americans’ right to vote when more and more evidence is emerging that the Russians are still threatening our elections. Let’s also ask our Senators to make sure additional funding for election security is included in their budget.

14.  The recent arrest of alleged Russian spy, Marina Butina, and the revelation of plans to use the NRA to push for a more pro-Russian foreign policy should be deeply disturbing to all Americans--progressives and conservatives, alike. While some may point to this important New York Times article as speculation and over-reach into conspiracy theories, the fact that just days after Butina’s arrest, regulations were changed so that the NRA would no longer have to disclose names of donors to the IRS, should not be taken as mere coincidence. Let’s ask our Senators to support Ron Wyden (D.-OR) in calling for hearings to investigate the depth of NRA-Russia-Congressional connections.

15.  One week before a court-appointed deadline there are still thousands of children who have not yet been reunited with their families. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/20/ice-immigration-family-reunification-separated-children-court  Let’s make sure to let our MoCs, as well as DHS (202-282-8000; https://homelandsecurity.ideascale.com/; Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/homelandsecurity/; Twitter: @DHS.gov) and HHS (1-202-205-5445; https://www.facebook.com/HHS/; Twitter: @HHS.gov) know that we are expecting the U.S. to reunite every single family separated by the administrations’ cruel and inhumane policies that have sent children to detention centers hundreds of miles away from their parents.

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.       Here is an easy way that we can help increase voter turnout:  https://politicalcharge.org/2018/07/20/increasing-election-turnout-one-ridiculously-practical-strategy/  If we are working, let’s encourage our HR to consider this.  If we are not working, let’s share this idea with those who are or companies we know.

2.      “Nine states with a history of racial discrimination are more aggressively removing registered voters from their rolls than other states, according to a report released Friday.”  https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/voter-roll-purges-surged-after-changes-voting-rights-act-new-n893056  No matter where we live, let’s double-check our own voter registration and help our friends and family do the same. 

3.      Postcards To Voters has launched Campaign 96: Vote-by-Mail enrollment in Florida. Studies have shown that registering someone to vote-by-mail increases the likelihood that they will vote. We are going to promote Vote By Mail enrollment in some targeted County Commission Districts in Florida that have imminent contested elections between Democrats and Republicans. Each address assigned to us will be for Democrats who are not already registered to vote by mail. If we are verified volunteers already, we can request addresses here. or via our usual preferred method. If we're new to this effort to get-out-the-vote, we can sign up to volunteer here.  

4.      On  Postcards To Voters volunteers quickly gobbled-up all of the address for Campaign 95: Lora Nastase for Sahuarita AZ Town Council. Leader Tony McMullen (aka "Tony the Democrat") loaded what he expected to be enough addresses for a day and a half. The addresses did not last the day! Thanks to all the enthusiastic volunteers. Let's join the fun if we haven't already. We can sign up to volunteer here.  

5.      “The Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program was supposed to help states scrub ineligible voters, but many states have for years found the program’s data to be inaccurate and burdensome to verify. Rather than immediately canceling the free program, these states continued to send sensitive voter information – in one case, for nearly a full decade – through a system with serious cybersecurity vulnerabilities.” https://www.revealnews.org/blog/crosscheck-is-ineffective-and-insecure-but-states-arent-withdrawing/   Let’s follow this advice from Postcards for America:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1x7zH8YYnjsFs4DAh3ERMT9h4sgQ2JRh7

6.      Julian Castro, the former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and former Mayor of San Antonio, TX, recently tweeted, “Don’t waste a minute of your time being daunted that [Trump] has a base of diehard supporters. So did Richard Nixon just before he resigned and Roy Moore just before he lost. Instead, work hard to reach, register and mobilize the majority of Americans who want change now.”  
https://twitter.com/JulianCastro/status/1020756618655551488 Let’s take his advice and do one or more of the following:  A) Get our own voting house in order and sign up for election reminders: www.vote.org, B) Change Congress by changing statehouses—donate to the Flippable Fund: https://flippable.org/act-now/, C) Empower minority voters in Southern and Midwestern states and encourage minority youth activists by donating to Woke Vote, https://wokevote.us/home/, D) Sign up to support Democratic candidates:  https://www.democrats.org/, and E) Help disenfranchised people get voter IDs by supporting Spread the Vote: https://www.spreadthevote.org/

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

July 23
Early voting ends
July 24
Voter Registration Deadline
July 24
Election date
July 28
Early Voting ends
July 30
Voter Registration Deadline
July 30
Voter Registration Deadline
July 30
Early Voting begins
State Senate Dist 8
July 30
Early Voting begins
July 31
Early Voting begins
(source:  by date:  https://goo.gl/gjFv2u by state:  https://goo.gl/7gTzvE)

Other Actions

1.       A new wave of simple, easy protests is taking over the country. ““My husband and I were vacationing in Barcelona, and people there were just saying they couldn’t believe people in the United States weren’t out in the streets marching every day, and so on the plane ride back I just made the decision: I feel so empowered by the marches and these other events when I go to them, but they’re once a month or once every two months. I needed to do something every day.””  When he got home to Minnesota, Bryce Tache began what is now called #StandOnEveryCorner.  http://www.southwestjournal.com/voices/my-minneapolis/2018/07/honk-if-you-stand-with-standoneverycorner/  Let’s read about this and start our own #StandOnEveryCorner wherever we live and post pictures on social media along with the hashtag. 

2.      In their efforts to create informed, educated citizens, some states have invested in teacher training and increased curriculum standards for civics at the elementary through high school levels. Among the most common proposals have been more attention to media literacy and closer study of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and state founding documents.”  https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/07/21/624267576/what-your-state-is-doing-to-beef-up-civics-education  Let’s use this interactive link to see what our state requires, then contact our local and state educational agencies and encourage them to make civics education stronger.

3.      Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell abruptly withdrew Ryan Bounds, one of Trump's appellate court nominees, when it became apparent he did not have enough support to pass. Let's read more at CBSNews.  At Rogan's List we've included actions in the past letting our senators know that we are opposed to Bounds. Here's the Leadership Conference's letter of opposition to Bounds if we want to remember why. Let's take a moment to celebrate this small "win."

4.      Throughout May and June two of the nation’s leading newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post, quoted Republicans at more than twice the rate of Democrats in their political news coverage. In an analysis of the papers’ news and political coverage during May and June, Media Matters found that the Times quoted 1,466 Republicans and 611 Democrats, a ratio of approximately 2.4 Republicans for every Democrat. The Post quoted 1,403 Republicans and 615 Democrats, for a ratio of approximately 2.3 Republicans for every Democrat.  https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2018/07/20/ny-times-wash-post-quote-more-twice-many-republicans-democrats-political-coverage/220738. We need to call in a complaint or write to the editors of these papers and ask why the GOP gets more press than the Dems. Contacts:  A) NYT: customer service 800-698-4637. Or write and submit a letter to the editor. https://help.nytimes.com/hc/en-us/articles/115014925288-How-to-submit-a-letter-to-the-editor, and B) Washington Post: Letter to editors Inbox@readexpress.com or ask the Post’s ombudsman why the Dems are being ignored. Call 202-334-7582 or e-mail her at ombudsman@washpost.com.

5.      If we or our postcard group is looking for a good source of writing prompts, let’s check out the latest from What If Knits:  http://www.whatifknits.com/

6.      ACA funding for navigators and assisters just got cut even more than last year. https://www.kff.org/health-reform/issue-brief/data-note-further-reductions-in-navigator-funding-for-federal-marketplace-states/  But ACA Signups* has stepped up to fill the void.  Here’s how we can help: they now have a super easy way to help spread the word about ACA Open Enrollment this fall! We can click on the FB link below to go to a public, shareable post where we can join their email list then share their post to encourage others to do the same!  *The ACA Signup Project is a nonpartisan group of volunteers promoting outreach and assistance for the upcoming Open Enrollment Period for the Affordable Care Act. Working together with Indivisible and other stakeholders, they work heroically to fill even a small part of the void left in light of the current Administration's decision to shorten the enrollment window and reduce (and in many instances, terminate) advertising campaigns and enrollment support efforts.   Let’s learn more here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/2468746626684978/permalink/2468766243349683/

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       “As the Trump Administration drags its heels on reuniting thousands of separated children with their parents, it's time we once again take action and demand a solution to this crisis and dignity for all immigrants. On July 28, we're stepping up to say Families Belong Together: We Demand Justice!”  Let’s find an event to attend or create our own:  https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/families-belong-together-we-demand-justice 

2.      The immigrant-led activist group Cosecha is calling for us to take the next step, with a national day of action to end cooperation with ICE on July 31st, demanding cities, counties, companies and all institutions stop working with them. Let's get involved. We can learn more here: http://www.lahuelga.com/abolishice#copy-of-call-to-action and we can check out the #WeWillNotBeComplicit Action Guide at this link.


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/

1.       MA: Let’s tell Governor Charlie Baker to sign the Automatic Voter Registration bill into law and make Massachusetts the 14th state to pass this pro-voter, pro-democracy policy:  https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-governor-baker-to-sign-avr-into-law


1.      Experts in authoritarianism advise us to keep a list of things subtly changing around us, so we’ll remember.  Amy Siskind is keeping that list for us. Amy writes, "Trump stood on stage in Helsinki, after a two-hour, private meeting with Putin, and sided with our former foreign adversary over the U.S. intelligence community. The free-world looked on in horror, and there was bipartisan outrage back at home even concern raised that Trump may be compromised and yet, as the week came to a close, Trump suffered no real consequences. ” Let’s review Amy Siskind's list week 88.

2.     How Political Advertisers Target You” - http://projects.propublica.org/facebook-ads/

3.      As usual, our bi-weekly dose of Small Victories:  https://mailchi.mp/peaceisloud/small-victories-that-feeling-of-powerlessness?e=86890239c4

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