
Contact Federal Government Officials

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or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       As Dan Rather tweeted yesterday during the Trump/Putin press conference, “The President of the United States trusts the word of a former KGB agent over the consensus of the American intelligence community backed by a ton of facts. That is a shocking reality. Everyone who excuses Trump’s behavior must answer that now, and when history inevitably judges.”   https://twitter.com/DanRather/status/1018883595463622662  It is time for the GOP to choose between our country and Trump:   https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/07/moment-of-decision/565289/  We all need to contact all 51 GOP senators and all 236 GOP representatives to ask whether they stand for our democracy or for Trump/Putin.

2.      Prior to his “summit” with Russian President Putin, Trump attacked the United States via Twitter as being responsible for poor relations with Russia:  http://fortune.com/2018/07/16/trump-twitter-us-russia-relations-putin-meeting/  Trump has crossed a line in so clearly violating his oath. Time to ask him to step down:  The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20500 or on Twitter @realdonaldtrump or White House comment line 202-456-1111

3.      Yesterday the president claimed that the Russians didn’t meddle in our elections, simply because Russian leader Vladimir Putin denied it. He also blamed the U.S. government, rather than Russia’s past aggressive actions in the Crimea and Syria as the reason for rocky U.S./Russia relations. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/397124-trump-putin-begin-summit-amid-global-tensions. While it’s easy to see why he would want to divert attention from the illegitimacy of his election, putting forth the word of a foreign government over the work of federal intelligence agencies and the findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee, both of which have clearly proven that there was Russian hacking, amounts to treason.  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/15/opinion/trump-russia-investigation-putin.html We all need to tell all Dem MoCs now that the time has come to stop accepting the legitimacy of this administration and that they need to present a unified front in calling for their Republican colleagues to speak out publicly against these gross abuses of power and pass bipartisan legislation that will protect the Mueller investigation and assure that all who are guilty in the Russia investigation come to justice.

4.      “A former top aide to U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman on Monday told the U.S. envoy to "resign if you have any honor."  John Weaver, who was Huntsman's chief strategist during his 2012 bid for president, tweeted the message at his former boss on Monday following President Trump's joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.”  http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/397238-ex-top-aide-to-trumps-russia-ambassador-resign-if-you-have-any-honor Let’s join John Weaver and ask Huntsman to RESIGN, if he has any honor. @JonHuntsman  

5.      Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s recent indictments and evolving proof of Russian meddling in the election should be a strong reason to delay any Supreme Court appointment, especially someone who has gone on record to say that a president should be immune from investigation while in office.   https://www.npr.org/2018/07/10/627504728/brett-kavanaugh-supported-broad-leeway-for-presidents-under-investigation. It can be further argued that Russian hacking altered the results of the 2016 election, which makes the President’s power illegitimate and not reflective of the will of the people. For these reasons, we should urge our MoCs to delay the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh until the Mueller investigation has been resolved and the American people have had one more chance to weigh in with their 2018 vote.

6.      For some good news, FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, rejected the proposed merger of Sinclair and Tribune and is referring the matter for an administrative hearing, a long process that will usually kill a deal. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-16/fcc-rejects-sinclair-plan-for-tv-station-sales-in-tribune-deal-jjof6bcs. If the deal had gone through, Sinclair, an ultra-conservative media outlet that already has 38% of the market share has come under criticism for forcing its anchors on all its stations to to air a company-written “news segment” would have expanded to 72% of U.S. households. Let’s thank Chairman Pai and the FCC for recognizing that Sinclair’s plan would violate current law and encourage the FCC to adhere to their mandate of assuring equal media access. We can reach the FCC Comment Line at 202-418-1000, email Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov, or tweet @AjitPaiFCC. We should also let our MoCs know that we do not support this merger.

7.      Trump is pushing a "gag rule." This rule is designed to block people from getting accurate information about their health care and would prevent doctors from giving patients the vital reproductive health care they need. This would prevent patients from getting birth control and preventive care at Planned Parenthood health centers. At the same time, it would also allow doctors and nurses across the country to withhold information from their patients (http://www.newsweek.com/trump-abortion-gag-rule-ferocious-attack-womens-basic-rights-experts-warn-977416). Let's join Planned Parenthood and submit an official comment to the Department of Health and Human Services telling them we oppose this attempt to allow doctors to withhold information from their patients at this link.

8.     Yesterday, years of medical guidelines accumulated and curated by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, under DHHS were eliminated.  The National Guideline Clearinghouse and the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse, which received about 200,000 visits a month is no more.  https://www.thedailybeast.com/hhs-plans-to-delete-20-years-of-critical-medical-guidelines-next-week  Let’s ask our MoCs to make sure that this valuable resource can be funded again in next year’s budget. 

9.      From Calvin's List, a bi-monthly action list containing the info we need to contact the people in charge on issues of climate, animal welfare, public land use, and more: On Wednesday, July 18, the House is scheduled to vote on the Defending Economic Livelihoods and Threatened    Animals (DELTA) Act, HR4819, which aims to help both the people and the endangered animals of the Okavango River Basin, including protection of an elephant migration route. Let's contact our House reps today and ask them to SUPPORT HR4819. A similar bill, S3196, was just introduced in the Senate; let's ask our senators to co-sponsor and promote S3196. We can subscribe to Calvin's List here.

10.  In many states in the U.S., the so-called "gay/trans panic defense" is a strategy used in courtrooms to justify assault, and murder, of gay and trans individuals (https://bit.ly/2LfUatV). While a few states have passed legislation to curtail the use of these defenses, there is no such law at the federal level. However, Representative Joe Kennedy and Senator Ed Markey have introduced the Gay and Trans Panic Defense Prohibition Act (H.R. 6358/S. 3188), which would prohibit using a victim's sexual orientation or gender identity as justification for an attack (https://bit.ly/2JtCcPJ). Let's contact our MoC and ask them to cosponsor and support this bill.

11.   As we have seen from the beginning, Trump is infatuated with authoritarian leaders:  Putin of Russia, Kim of North Korea, Duterte of the Philippines, Erdogan of Turkey, Xi of China.  “Most authoritarianism experts will tell you that warnings of the autocrat-in-waiting’s plans were out in the open, but people failed to take them seriously or believed the country’s institutions served as a bulwark or cast those posting warnings as hysterical.”  https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/06/20/donald-trump-authoritarian-leaders-north-korea-russia-turkey-column/712221002/   Perhaps Trump does not realize that those leaders came to power under ways that are very un-American.  Let’s keep posting warnings to our government leaders and fellow citizens. 

12.  “In a shocking policy change, the Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) recently dealt a significant blow to legal services for survivors of human trafficking . . . Specifically, the agency’s belated announcements for $77 million of fiscal 2018 human trafficking funding included language for the first time ever prohibiting the use of grants to help survivors clear their criminal records that resulted from their victimization.”  http://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/392584-funding-restrictions-for-human-trafficking-grants-can-prevent  We need to tell our MoCs that this funding needs to be restored so that these victims can get their records expunged for criminal activities while under coercion.  Without doing so, they are unable to find jobs and housing and a way to a better life.

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.       We’re going to have to think outside the box to win back some seats in usually Republican areas, and we have a chance to try something new in the Alabama Third Congressional District. There Democrats have nominated Mallory Hagan, a small business owner and former Miss America, to take on conservative Congressman Mike Rogers (https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/former-miss-america-fat-shamed-pageant-scandal-wins-democratic-primary-103018050.html ). It’s going to be a tough race, and she could use our help. We can sign up to make phone calls for her from anywhere here.

2.      “Poll workers ensure the conduct of fair and accurate elections. They set up and prepare the polling location, greet voters, verify registrants, and issue ballots. Poll workers demonstrate how voting equipment works and explain voting procedures. At the end of the day, they close the precinct and prepare materials for delivery to the elections office.”  (https://www.nonprofitvote.org/documents/2010/09/become-a-poll-worker-en.pdf)  States each have their own requirements, but let’s check here and see if this something we can do: https://www.eac.gov/voters/become-a-poll-worker/

3.      Half of the California LGBT Caucus took money from ICE prison contractors. Some have already made off-setting contributions to immigrants' rights' organizations. Let's read more at IntoMore. Let's hold our allies, all of them, to a higher standard, and let them know we expect them to reject prison contractor donations in the future.

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

July 17
Voter Registration Deadline
July 17
Election date
July 17
North Carolina (FED ONLY)
Election date
July 20
Filing Deadline
July 22
Voter Registration Deadline
July 23
Early voting ends
July 24
Voter Registration Deadline
July 24
Election date
July 28
Early Voting ends
July 30
Voter Registration Deadline
July 30
Voter Registration Deadline
July 30
Early Voting begins
State Senate Dist 8
July 30
Early Voting begins
July 31
Early Voting begins
(source:  by date:  https://goo.gl/gjFv2u by state:  https://goo.gl/7gTzvE)

Other Actions

1.       Correction:  This weekend marked five years since the Black Lives Matter movement began, following the acquittal of George Zimmerman who shot and killed Trayvon Martin. Let's read more , from one of the founders, about what Black Lives Matter has accomplished, then commit to working to end systemic racism and police violence. We can begin by reading this post at the ACLU, then calling our MoCs and asking them to cosponsor and support the House's End Racial Profiling Act and Senate's End Racial and Religious Profiling Act (H.R. 1498/S. 411).

2.      From Act 100:  Day 8: A week after the deadline to reunify children under five with their families over half are still without their parents. Today's action focuses on ways you can help locally. Find the nearest organization working with immigrant families and volunteer or donate what you can. #Act100 #FamiliesBelongTogether  (Source:  the same folks that initiated the massive FB fundraiser for RAICES - https://www.facebook.com/donate/490507544717085/518595598574946/  Here’s the list:   https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQampyQdiYaE9J26uyEzXstLFeKR5b1A6YXr6B6Zi2m0EzonRdHMR7CVtGkM45iHiZPBgyJ6qrHRRG5/pub

3.      Following a Massachusetts court decision which allows the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) to continue using electric shock devices on disabled children and adults” (https://bit.ly/2KnNOcA), ADAPT, a disability rights organization, is calling on the governor of Massachusetts to appeal the court ruling before the 30-day window is up on July 19th (http://adapt.org/press-release-request-governor-baker-to-appeal-bristol-county-decision-to-allow-use-of-ged-at-jrc/). Let's help amplify this call to end abuse by contacting Governor Baker and telling him that we want an appeal to be filed ASAP. We can cite the UN Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture, which found "that the rights of students at the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center have been violated under the United Nations Convention against Torture." We can also point out that this is a concern for residents both within and outside of Massachusetts, since the JRC has patients that come from other states. Address: Office of the Governor Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St., Office of the Governor, Room 280, Boston, MA 02133 Phone: (617) 725-4005 Twitter: @MassGovernor

4.      Immigrant Families Together is a network of Americans committed to rapid response unification of families separated by the 'zero tolerance' policy.  We have mobilized to help parents currently detained…”  Let’s check out their website and then see how we can help one mom at a time:  https://immigrantfamiliestogether.com/moms-you-can-help

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       Please join in a RUSSIA IS NOT OUR FRIEND Tweet Storm this evening, July 17, at 8pm. Here is the link to the tweet sheet you can tweet from:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17p-WfWx0roEUn7L-Tlw87e1LRAVs0BSlUYkrgHJc2Sg/edit#gid=0 .  We are the New Union Army only our weapons are the Vote, Peaceful Protests, #GOTV activities and yes, TWITTER.

2.      Twitter Airlift helps people in Blue Districts donate to strategically vetted, proven successful grassroots groups in 22 congressional districts. These groups have mobilized students, people of color and other voters that are often overlooked. There is no overhead, so 100% of the money raised goes to these groups. They have raised $100,000 so far, and we can help them get the word out by joining Action Together Network’s twitterstorm today, Tuesday, July 17, from 1pm to 2pm Eastern Time. When we click on this link, we will find prewritten tweets to send out with just a few clicks.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KzZ78WwsVbgiGBxc1IX1mEWJlv4heHi39dJyUuHljRY/htmlview   We can also find out more about this project, donate if we want to, and share this information with our friends when we click this link. https://airlift.fund/

3.      Trump is continuing to fight to discredit the Mueller investigation - and it may be working (http://time.com/5304206/donald-trump-discredit-mueller-investigation/). In response, all across the country on July 18th allies will Confront Corruption and Demand Democracy with a candlelight vigil at sundown. These vigils are being spearheaded by the Trump Is Not Above the Law network of more than 375,000 people who are RSVPed to attend more than 900 events nationwide should Trump fire Mueller or Rosenstein, or pardon key members of his campaign or administration. We can learn more, find vigils near us or launch our own here.

4.      July 21, the youth of America are converging on Washington, D.C. for this year’s Youth Climate March.  We can find more information, including sister marches, here:  http://thisiszerohour.org/the-march/

5.      July 22 at 3pm EDT, Issue Voters of Northern Nevada will be presenting a webinar on “Voter Mobilization:  Strategies and Best Practices”.  Here is the event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/191292124873267/ We can register here:  https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vEbS2tQKQKyrs-yoroJ2qA

6.      The immigrant-led activist group Cosecha is calling for us to take the next step, with a national day of action to end cooperation with ICE on July 31st, demanding cities, counties, companies and all institutions stop working with them. Let's get involved. We can check out the #WeWillNotBeComplicit Action Guide at this link.


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/

1.       NY:  Public Accountability Initiative (PAI) researchers have documented extensive financial ties from Governor Andrew Cuomo's donors and members of his inner circle to ICE and Customs and Border Protection. Cuomo has not joined other NY Democrats in calling for the abolition of ICE and it appears to be because his donors don’t want him to. Let's read more at The Intercept. If we are New York voters, let's contact Gov. Cuomo and Cuomo's campaign (address and phone at bottom of website page) to let him know that we want ICE to be abolished and we want him on-board with that.

2.      WV: Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is inviting constituents to send him comments on US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. If we’re in WV, let’s do so:  http://wvmetronews.com/2018/07/16/manchin-invites-constituents-to-send-comments-on-kavanaugh/


1.       Fascism doesn’t arise suddenly in an existing democracy.  Irish Times writer Fintan O'Toole discusses the test marketing for fascism going on in our country today in his article "Trial runs for fascism are in full flow."  Let's be aware of the ways we are being manipulated.

2.      “Are you unintentionally helping Trump?” - https://politicalcharge.org/2018/07/16/are-you-unintentionally-helping-trump/

3.      Putin kindly offers to help investigate Russian meddling in the US election” - https://www.vox.com/2018/7/16/17576788/putin-trump-meeting-election-idea-hacking

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