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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       The Senate voted 97-2 in a non-binding resolution to express support for NATO prior to Trump’s time at the summit:  Only Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee voted against it. The House voted unanimously to do the same:  Let’s let Trump know that we stand with out 97 Senators and all our Representatives and strongly oppose his trashing of multilateral alliances that has served this world so well:  The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20500 or on Twitter @realDonaldTrump

2.      “Some migrant parents who have been reunited with their young children say the children no longer recognize them, The New York Times reported Tuesday. The parents told the newspaper that after waiting months to see their children again, the kids cried and didn’t recognize them. He didn’t recognize me,” one parent, Mirce Alba Lopez, told the Times of her 3-year-old son. “My joy turned temporarily to sadness.” The parents also said the children believed that the other children they were detained with were their siblings.”   Congressman Michael Capuano (D-MA) has filed the “Reunite Separated Families Act of 2018,” , to, among other things, expedite family reunification, prevent the Trump regime from reinstating a family separation policy in the future, and hold the Trump regime accountable for the conditions under which children are being held. Let’s tell our reps to co-sponsor and support this bill and ask our Senators to file a similar bill.

3.      Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has taken an interesting angle on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court – that Kavanaugh’s positions could ultimately create a barrier to the Russia investigation: Let’s consider this line of reasoning when connecting with Republican MoC who may be more amenable to rule of law concerns than pro-choice ones.

4.      It's been less than three days and already the National Education Association, the National Immigration Law CenterNational Women's Law Center, Fight for the Future, Human Rights Campaign, and the Sierra Club have all come out against Brett Kavanaugh to fill the open SCOTUS seat.  These red flags from such diverse organizations should give us pause.   If we are looking for information about Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh’s positions, we can check out Demand Justice Initiative’s one-page document with citation links here:  Perhaps the most frightening parts are his views that The President should be able to control any investigation into his own criminal acts and cannot, while he is office, be held liable for them. Let’s call our Senators and tell them this nominee must NOT be confirmed!

5.      Trump isn't just stacking the Supreme Court with ultraconservatives. He's putting them all up and down the federal judiciary - for instance, nominating voter suppression champion Thomas Farr for a judgeship in North Carolina ( As we call our senators to tell them to oppose his Supreme Court nominee, let's also tell them we want to see them oppose Farr's confirmation.

6.      Representative Diane Black has introduced legislation (H.R. 6318) which would make it a felony to cross the border illegally, even for first-time offenders ( The bill would also redirect funds from sanctuary jurisdictions to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ( While we can all call our representatives and ask them to vehemently oppose this legislation, let's also keep our eyes on the Tennessee primary election, where Representative Black will be running for state Governor:,_2018

7.      The deadline for reuniting children under 5 with their families was Tuesday July 10th, but several children have yet to be reunited. In fact, the administration seems pretty blasé about the missed deadline and seems to be hoping that the controversial SCOTUS nomination of Brett Kavanaugh will take our minds off this issue. Let’s contact our MoCs and insist that our government devote all resources possible toward reuniting these families and suspend business as usual until every child has been placed with their family.

8.     House Speaker, Paul Ryan (R-WI), is defending Rep. Jim Jordan, who is facing allegations that he knew and did not report abuse of the Ohio State Wrestling team when he was a coach. Speaker Ryan claims that this is not a matter deserving an ethics investigation since the incident happened before Representative Jordan was elected to Congress. Let’s remind Speaker Ryan, Rep. Jordan’s other defenders, and our own MoCs, that the Senate conducted an ethics investigation of Al Franken about alleged incidents that happened before he was a senator and that the integrity of the House depends on making sure this incident is thoroughly investigated. We can remind them of the public’s concern with Joe Paterno’s role in the Penn State football scandal, and the complicity of Michigan State University in the recent scandal involving abuse of the U.S. Women’s Gymnastics Team.

9.      Earlier this week, Trump signed an executive order that gives the power for appointing administrative law judges to political appointees. This enables cabinet heads to stack the courts with people who are more likely to be biased in adjudicating challenges to regulation repeals. Let’s be mindful that this is another subtle step toward dangerous consolidation of executive power and look for opportunities to challenge this policy and ask our MoCs to enact legislation to counter this move.

10.  Former EPA administrator Scott Pruitt dealt a final blow to clean air initiatives before resigning, implementing a loophole that will allow the production of thousands of diesel freight trucks with high emissions. The decision effectively undoes an Obama administration move. Let's read about this at Fortune. The Center for Biological Diversity, Environmental Defense Fund and Sierra Club have sent a notice to acting Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler requesting the withdrawal or administrative stay of the agency’s decision to cease enforcing production caps on heavy-duty “glider” trucks. (Souce: Center for Biological Diversity). Let's join them by contacting the EPA and Andrew Wheeler.

11.   Millions more Americans have been exposed to toxic levels of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) than previously thought—and the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Defense have deliberately downplayed the threat. One PFAS chemical is 24 times more prevalent in public drinking water than the EPA has reported, endangering 110 million Americans. Meanwhile, the DOD underreported to Congress related environmental threats. Let’s tell our MoCs that we expect our government to protect us, not sicken us, and we want legislative action on this important environmental problem.

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.       Robocalls in support of John Fitzgerald, a Holocaust-denier and Republican candidate for California’s 11th Congressional District, asserted that “Jews are taking over the world ‘and must be stopped.’” The state GOP purports to denounce Fitzgerald’s views but claims to be bound by its bylaws to endorse him. Let’s (1) tell the California GOP to change its bylaws,, and (2) work to re-elect Democrat Mark DeSaulnier in November:

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

July 12
New York <state level>
Filing Deadline
July 12
Voter Registration Deadline
July 13
Early Voting begins
July 15
Voter Registration Deadline
Primary (postmark)
July 17
Voter Registration Deadline
July 17
Election date
July 17
North Carolina (FED ONLY)
Election date
July 20
Filing Deadline
July 22
Voter Registration Deadline
July 23
Early voting ends
July 24
Voter Registration Deadline
July 24
Election date
July 28
Early Voting ends
July 30
Voter Registration Deadline
July 30
Voter Registration Deadline
July 30
Early Voting begins
State Senate Dist 8
July 30
Early Voting begins
July 31
Early Voting begins
(source:  by date: by state:

2.      FL:  Palm Beach County: ELECTION 2018 - BALLOT ISSUE:  Facing pushback from school board members and the teachers union, Palm Beach County Schools Superintendent Donald Fennoy has dropped his proposal to give charter schools a share of a $150 million-a-year property tax increase if voters approve it. The special tax, which property owners would pay in addition to regular school property taxes, has been in place for decades but has to be reapproved by voters this year. Let's read more at Palm Beach Post. If we are public school proponents, let's contact Superintendent Fennoy to let him know he has our support.

Other Actions

1.       “This woman’s act of protest as a middle schooler during the Vietnam War turned into a landmark court case for students’ rights.” -  Let’s share this with young people we know and help them start being part of the change now.

2.      If we are a teacher or librarian or a parent, or know of one, who wants to help children understand the refugee crisis, these books might help:  

3.      The EPA has submitted a proposed rule to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) which would replace the Obama-era Clean Power Plan ( Once the OMB completes its review of the rule, it will be made public for comment. Let's read more about what the proposed rule may include, then read about what the Clean Power Plan is, so we can be ready to comment as soon as the EPA makes their proposed rule available for public comment.

4.      Grannies Respond/Abuelas Responden is journeying across the country to a detention facility to demand an end to family detention and separation ( We can join in rallies along the way, or join the caravan itself: For those of us unable to join, we can still donate financial, legal, or logistical support to the cause here.

5.      For people wondering what they can do to help immigrants in detention, here's one option from the Southern Poverty Law Center that doesn't involve money, travel, being outdoors, or potentially being arrested or attacked by Neo Nazis: "We could use your help writing to [the Southeastern Immigrant Freedom Initiative’s] clients with words of encouragement and support. If you are game to write to a SIFI client in detention, please email Maggie at and let her know how many folks you would like to write to."  We can also check out this site and sign up to be a pen pal here:  If we are looking for ways to start, we can read this letter writing  advice from a similar project for Burmese political prisoners:

6.      In addition to companies that have been directly involved in enabling the administration’s family detainment and separation policy, like the GEO Group and Southwest Key, there are several other high profile companies that have contracts with ICE. These include Amazon, Ernst & Young, Microsoft, Canon, Motorola, and several universities. Let’s contact these companies and organizations and demand that they cancel these contracts now. We can tell them that if they continue to work with ICE, we will publicize their involvement and look for alternative providers to do business with.

7.      The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES), a Texas-based non-profit organization, has offered to pay $20 million in bail bonds to reunite around 2,500 separated migrant families. The bonds cost between $5,000 and $10,000, on average.  RAICES raised the funds via donations. Let's read more at Newsweek.  We can also read more and contribute to the cause if we are able at the RAICES website.

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       The Parkland/March for Our Lives students are still on tour” to get young people educated, registered, and motivated to vote.”  This week they are in TX, NM, CO, and UT.  Let’s meet up with them.  Here are their July dates and locations:

2.      Trump is continuing to fight to discredit the Mueller investigation - and it may be working ( In response, all across the country on July 18th allies will Confront Corruption and Demand Democracy with a candlelight vigil at sundown. These vigils are being spearheaded by the Trump Is Not Above the Law network of more than 375,000 people who are RSVPed to attend more than 900 events nationwide should Trump fire Mueller or Rosenstein, or pardon key members of his campaign or administration. We can learn more, find vigils near us or launch our own here.

3.      July 22 at 3pm EDT, Issue Voters of Northern Nevada will be presenting a webinar on “Voter Mobilization:  Strategies and Best Practices”.  Here is the event page: We can register here:

4.      The immigrant-led activist group Cosecha is calling for us to take the next step, with a national day of action to end cooperation with ICE on July 31st, demanding cities, counties, companies and all institutions stop working with them. Let's get involved. We can check out the #WeWillNotBeComplicit Action Guide at this link.


Find elected state officials:


1.       From "Is Illegal Immigration Linked to More or Less Crime?" Data from the libertarian Cato Institute shows that “The arrest rate for illegal immigrants was 40 percent below that of native-born Americans.” Let's be aware of the data to support our arguments.

2.      As we rightly leap to the defense of immigrant children separated from their families, let’s not forget that mass incarceration, excessive juvenile detention, and overuse of foster care routinely separate kids in the US from parents. According to Nicholas Kristof, “One black child in 10 spends time in foster care — and 61,000 foster kids have simply gone missing since 2000.” or

3.      Guest Blog: Action on plastics shouldn’t make life suck for disabled people -

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