
Contact Federal Government Officials

Find elected officials: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.    This week in Congress:  Ten bills and resolutions are on the House Majority Leader's Schedule for this week. We can look at this week's House committee schedule here.  Let's know what's coming.  The Senate begins their Monday session by resuming consideration of the nomination of Robert Earl Wier, of Kentucky, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky. (source: Senate Calendar).  (Note: Senate calendar shows one day, the next day, only.)

2.   “Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur who acts as a watchdog on extreme poverty around the world, has issued a withering critique of the state of America today. Trump is steering the country towards a “dramatic change of direction” that is rewarding the rich and punishing the poor by blocking access even to the most meager necessities.”  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jun/01/us-inequality-donald-trump-cruel-measures-un Let’s contact our MoCs and ask if this is really how they want our country to be, because we sure don’t.

3.   David Porter, Trump’s nominee for a lifetime position on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, is a right-wing activist and a leader in the anti-choice, anti-marriage equality, anti-environment, anti-gun sense movements in Pennsylvania (http://www.post-gazette.com/news/politics-nation/2018/04/10/David-Porter-Buchanan-Ingersoll-Rooney-Third-Circuit-Trump-nomination-Bob-Casey-Pat-Toomey/stories/201804100112). He has donated large amounts of money to right-wing causes and politicians, and now seems to be getting his reward. The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on Porter on Wednesday. Let’s contact our senators and let them know we want them to oppose his confirmation.
4.      Over the weekend, a twenty-page letter from Trump’s lawyers in January to Special Counsel Mueller was obtained by the New York Times. In it, Trump’s team argue vigorously that he cannot obstruct justice: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/390408-in-letter-to-mueller-trumps-lawyers-argued-he-could-not-obstruct   Though we may feel like broken records as our slow-motion constitutional crisis continues, let’s stay in touch with our MoC (especially the Republican ones) to let them know that the president is not above the law and that we need them to fulfill their oaths of office.

5.   Trump took on the Resistance in this weekly address: 
http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/390390-trump-slams-the-resistance-in-weekly-address   Let’s let him know that the Resistance is strong, persistent, and will continue as long as needed: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20500 

6.   Despite the U.S.'s trend towards environmentally-friendly renewable energy, and away from the increasingly outdated coal industry, Trump appears to be considering a policy which would require system operators to purchase electricity from a designated list of dying coal facilities (https://bloom.bg/2LPsdGN). While the administration has not made any official announcements yet, let's get ahead of this and tell U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry that we oppose this move and that the bailout would be an unnecessary, waste of resources. Email: The.Secretary@hq.doe.gov Phone: 202-586-5000 Fax: 202-586-4403 Mailing address: U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20585

7.   The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has consistently received a decrease in funding from the federal government, leading to staff cuts, insufficient customer service, and an inability to update its technology and online presence (https://wapo.st/2J4R8sp). Considering the huge overhaul to the tax code with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, we need to make sure that the IRS receives the funding it needs to be fully functional and able to help taxpayers successfully navigate their taxes. Let's call our MoC and tell them that we want the 2019 funding bill to have an increase in funding for the IRS.

8.   The White House and the EPA have been working to block a report from the Department of Health and Human Services that claims the current EPA threshold for “safe” levels of chemical toxicity is far too high. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/14/emails-white-house-interfered-with-science-study-536950.  Let’s tell the White House, the EPA, (pruitt.scott@EPA.gov; https://www.facebook.com/EPA/; Twitter: @EPA) the Department of Health and Human Services, (1-877-696-6775; https://www.facebook.com/HHS/; Twitter: @HHS.gov) and our MoCs, that the role of government is to protect the health of the people, not to protect polluters in order to avoid the public relations nightmare they are afraid of, and demand that this report be released immediately.

9.   The administration is working on a new energy plan that would require utilities to buy some of their power from inefficient, outdated and environmentally dangerous coal and nuclear power plants in order to keep these industries solvent. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-energy-plan-would-prop-failing-coal-nuclear-plants-n879406. This regulation would impede our rate of conversion to green energy and would also be more expensive for consumers. Let’s contact the White House, the Department of Energy 202-586-5000; The.Secretary@hq.doe.gov; https://www.facebook.com/energygov/; Twitter: @ENERGY), and our MoCs and let them know we oppose this plan.  

10.  Forcing school vouchers on the education landscape has long been on the conservative to-do list. Vouchers are a sneak attack on public education because they starve it of money and resources and feed private, parochial, and for-profit schools instead (http://edadvocacy.nea.org/vouchers). Right now, the fight against vouchers centers on a House bill (H.R. 4508, PROSPER Act) that would a conservative's dream for gutting the Higher Education Act. Let's tell Congress "No!" to this destruction of public education. Calls are always good, and here's a petition link from the National Education Association (note that you need to verify your place of residence in the US.)

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.    Tomorrow’s elections include four (4) campaigns for which Postcards to Voters volunteers sent cards to get out the vote. 1) Yolo County-Campaign 81: Dean Johansson for District Attorney. 2) Yolo County- Campaign 85: Jesse Salinas for County Clerk/Recorder/Assessor. 3) San Diego County- Campaign 86: Genevieve Jones-Wrightfor District Attorney. 4) Riverside County-Campaign 88: Penny Newman for Supervisor, District 2.  If we are Californians, let's go to the polls on Tuesday to vote in our local Primary and special elections. If we want to write cards for current open campaigns, we can sign up here

2.   Tuesday will be a big day for determining just how big the Blue Wave will be in November. As a result of California’s unusual top-two primary, where candidates from all parties run on the same ballot and only the top two vote getters go through to November, and a number of quality candidates, Democrats may be locked out of having a nominee for the general election in crucial swing districts (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/why-democrats-are-worried-about-tuesdays-california-primaries/). Code Blue is trying to help avoid this by ensuring high levels of Democratic turnout in the primary. We can help them by phonebanking from wherever we are. We can sign up here.

Election 2018 – By State

1.    Voting dates and deadlines this week:
June 05
Filing Deadline
June 05
Filing Deadline
June 05
Filing Deadline
June 5
Voter Registration Deadline
June 5
New Hampshire
Voter Registration Deadline
Change of party
June 5
Election date
Special-State assembly 39
June 5
Election date
Special-State Assembly 45
June 5
Election date
Special-State Senate 29 recall election
June 5
Election date
Special-State Senate 32
June 5
Election date
June 5
Election date
June 5
Election date
June 5
Election date
June 5
Election date
Special-State Senate District 17
June 5
Election date
June 5
New Jersey
Election date
June 5
New Mexico
Election date
June 5
South Dakota
Election date

2.   Eight states have primaries tomorrow.  Let’s Use this info to make our plan to vote & then share with friends in the state:

3.   CA:  Our primary is tomorrow, June 5, with a real danger for Democratic candidates.
Because only the top two vote getters, regardless of party, advance to the general election, there’s a chance that Democrats could get shut out in some districts. Therefore, we need to make sure we have as big an Election Day turnout as we can get! To make this happen, we can sign up with Swing Left to make phone calls to Democrats in key swing districts in our state. We will get information, sample scripts and support to be effective. If enough Democrats show up at the polls on Tuesday, we can start flipping the House blue, so let’s get busy!  https://bit.ly/2sCMRRU

Other Actions

1.    If we live in AZ, CA, DC, IL, MD, NY, TX, VA, we have opportunities to serve as volunteer child advocates to unaccompanied immigrant children who are subject to deportation proceedings through the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights. Let’s learn more here:  https://www.theyoungcenter.org/volunteer-at-the-young-center/

2.   MSNBC spent nearly 4 hours on Roseanne’s racist tweet and show cancellation, and just over 20 minutes covering the updated 4,600+ Hurricane Maria death toll in Puerto Rico (May 29, plus morning shows from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on May 30). CNN: 5 hours on Roseanne, 12 minutes on Puerto Rico. Fox News: 2 hours on Roseanne, 48 seconds on Puerto Rico. https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/puerto-rico-death-coverage.php  Let’s contact the following and tell them that this sort of “journalism” is unacceptable:  A)  Andrew Lack, Chairman, NBC News and MSNBC, NBC Universal, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112, 212-664-4444, contact.nbcnews@nbcuni.com, B) Meredith Artley, SVP & Editor in Chief, CNN Digital Worldwide, 190 Marietta St NW, Atlanta, GA 30303, 404-827-1500, https://www.cnn.com/feedback , @TeamCNN, and C) Jay Wallace, President, Fox News and Executive Editor, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10036, 212-310-3000, https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new , @foxnews

3.   Hold the Line, whose tag line is "where parenthood + social justice collide”, is a “quarterly, digital magazine for parents and educators who care about social justice.”  Let’s check it out here:  https://htlmagazine.com/

4.   With all the hoopla on upcoming elections, let’s not forget the importance of electing county prosecutors. These individuals have the power to assure that our prison and policing system operates in a fair and non-racist manner; they have authority over money bail and other practices that can enhance or limit mass incarceration. The Real Justice PAC is conducting a massive organizing effort to elect prosecutors who can fix our broken criminal justice system. We can contribute, volunteer, or find out more at https://realjusticepac.org/.

5.   Now hiring! The Trace, an independent, nonprofit news organization dedicated to reporting on guns and gun violence in America, has a opening for a deputy editor: https://www.thetrace.org/2018/05/trace-hiring-deputy-editor/. Let’s share with our networks.

6.      In our continuing effort to be safe online, let’s read “Hands off my data! 15 default privacy settings you should change right now” and make necessary changes in our settings:   https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/06/01/hands-off-my-data-15-default-privacy-settings-you-should-change-right-now/?utm_term=.486d419a97f6

7.   “After finding holes in national gun statistics in the wake of Sandy Hook, Mark Bryant, who has been shooting guns since he was five, decided to keep track himself. Since 2014, he’s recorded more than 100,000 incidents.”  The database, called Gun Violence Archive, “form the foundation of research that influences policy decisions and, eventually, Bryant hopes, can change the public perception of guns.”  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/apr/23/kentucky-gun-owner-gun-violence-archive-mark-bryant  Let’s get familiar with this tool and use the data in our contacts with our MoCs and others. 

8.   If your postcarding group is looking for some curated actions, check out this offering from WhatIfKnits:  http://www.whatifknits.com/2018/06/more-issues-and-addresses-june-3/

9.   Looking for postcards to use for your resistance work?  Check out this “Where To Get Postcards to Send to Congress and Corporations”: https://tinyurl.com/PostcardsToCongressAndCorp It has links for various political postcard vendors, downloadable postcards, blank postcard and stamp and marker supplies.

10. CNN has a new tool to help us track the Russia Investigation. Using it, we can find out more about the investigations, including Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s, Senate and House Intelligence Committees and the Senate Judiciary. We can also see what charges have been brought and who the people involved are. We can check it out here, and then share this tool with our friends and family on social media.  https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/politics/russia-investigations/#/

11. “Young people are turning their backs on Facebook, according to a new report.  Two million people under the age of 25 will stop using the social network this year, research firm eMarketer predicted. Around 43 per cent of social media users will use Snapchat this year, which eMarketer said is more than twice its penetration rate from three years ago.”  https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/facebook-quit-young-people-social-media-snapchat-instagram-emarketer-a8206486.html  If you’re on Snapchat please send messages to remind younger voters to VOTE in their state primaries. If you haven’t tried it yet here is a primer on it for beginners:  https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-use-snapchat-beginners-guide/

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.    Given updated information, the March for Stolen Children rallies on June 14 have been rebranded Families Belong Together.  We can find more information and sign up here:  https://familiesbelong.org/

2.   Hold the Line is having its annual “When We Gather” retreat on June 23-4 at the Akasha Retreat in Virginia.  “Restorative work is imperative for social justice advocates. We plan and organize and forget that to reach our goals we have to keep ourselves uplifted. Caring for yourself is the first step and our innovative retreat model pairs meditation, yoga, and energy sessions with intense work of exploring social justice.”  We can find more information here:    https://htlmagazine.com/retreat/ and registration materials here:  https://htlmagazine.com/summer-retreat-faq/wwg-1-registration/


1.    Most:  Cities see fewer gun homicides in states with “permit-to-purchase licensing laws,” according to a new study from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, https://www.jhsph.edu/news/news-releases/2018/handgun-purchaser-licensing-laws-linked-to-fewer-firearm-homicides-in-large-urban-areas.html. Let’s see if our state has gun licensing laws, http://lawcenter.giffords.org/gun-laws/state-law/50-state-summaries/licensing-state-by-state/ , and if it doesn’t, let’s tell our state legislators that we want them enacted. https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/

2.   MI:  The Board of State Canvassers keeps delaying the certification of the citizen-driven anti-gerrymandering ballot initiative which obtained more than the necessary number of valid signatures.  http://michiganradio.org/post/redistricting-drive-asks-judge-order-state-board-do-its-job  Let’s contact Governor Snyder and tell him to tell the Board of Canvassers to do their job:  phone: (517) 335-7858 or comment on his Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/GovernorRickSnyder/ or Tweet him  @onetoughnerd or email governorsoffice@michigan.gov


1.    Experts in authoritarianism advise us to keep a list of things subtly changing around us, so we’ll remember.  Amy Siskind is keeping that list for us. Amy writes, "Against the advice of former senior officials, Trump pulled the US out of the Iran nuclear deal, further isolating America on the world stage."  Let's review Amy Siskind's list week 81.

2.   A chilling account of “The Housewives of White Supremacy” - https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/01/opinion/sunday/tradwives-women-alt-right.html

3.   As usual, our weekly dose of Small Victories:  https://mailchi.mp/peaceisloud/small-victories-good-trouble-and-love?e=86890239c4

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