
Contact Federal Government Officials

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       The House is supposed to vote on the Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) compromise (meaning between more/less conservative GOP members) immigration bill tomorrow.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/06/26/house-vote-wednesday-compromise-immigration-bill/734022002/  Following the failure of the more conservative immigration bill last week, they are hoping this will pass.  However, once again, given the time they have had to pull together a bill, this one is lacking, no matter what they try to tell you.  Let’s take a look at what Indivisible has to say about it and follow their cues for our actions:  https://www.indivisible.org/resource/paul-ryans-anti-immigrant-anti-family-immigration-bills/  Let’s also tell our reps that we want a real compromise bill (i.e., bipartisan).

2.      Even though the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Trumps Muslim Ban, there are still ways for us to fight it. We can start by using Postcards for America’s action kit (https://docs.google.com/document/d/176hbkYXMgIKRBfQCgxUfQAwRHiKheAmvgRP7hD8sihw/mobilebasic) to demand our Congressional Representatives block funding to implement it, effectively preventing it from taking place. When we click on this link, we will find information about S. 1979 and H. R. 4271, contact info for key committee members, our own Members of Congress, and a sample letter to send.   

3.      Trump is trying to weaken labor protections, so we must fight twice as hard to make them stronger. Farm workers have long been left out of overtime protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Now, Democrats led by Kamala Harris and Raul Grijalva have introduced the Fairness for Farmworkers act to make sure they get the same treatment as all other workers (https://www.visaliatimesdelta.com/story/news/2018/06/25/senators-harris-feinstein-want-farm-workers-get-overtime-pay/731816002/). Let's join the United Farm Workers in telling our reps to support this bill. We can send them a message here.

4.      “A farm bill that opponents say would harm endangered species, land conservation efforts, small-scale farmers and food-stamp recipients passed the U.S. House of Representatives 213 to 211, with every House Democrat and 20 Republicans voting against it, The Center for Biological Diversity reported.”  https://www.ecowatch.com/farm-bill-passes-house-2580286425.html  Let’s make sure to tell our Senators to remove these requirements from their version of the Farm Bill, S 3042. 5calls.org has more information and a call script here.  While we are at it, let’s tell them that the pesticide industry should not be the real winners with this bill. 

5.      Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar says he is powerless to reunite the families who have already been separated unless the law preventing children from being in detention for more than 20 days is changed. http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/legal-challenges/394174-azar-hhs-cant-reunite-families-under-current-law. Let’s tell Secretary Azar (202-205-5445; https://www.facebook.com/HHS/; Twitter: @HHS.gov) that this cannot be an excuse for child abuse, and that parents with children claiming legal asylum deserve the right to due process without being incarcerated. We can remind him that most undocumented immigrants do show up for their court appointments and it is not worth the emotional trauma or the taxpayer dollars to incarcerate these families, together or separately, for the few that don’t.

6.      Last year, the US contributed $360 million to the work of UNRWA, the UN Relief & Works Agency; this year, Trump has reduced the US contribution to $60 million, seriously threatening food aid to an estimated 5.3 million people, some in Gaza and at least 400,000 in Syria, as well as education, medical care, and emergency assistance to Palestinian refugees.
https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/feb/21/trump-cuts-un-agency-for-palestinian-refugees-millions-in-jeopardy-generation-radicalised  We must insist to our MoCs and to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley—@nikkihaley or https://usun.state.gov/contact--that we want the richest nation on earth to share its wealth with those in need.    

7.      On June 19th, the Trump Administration announced that it would withdraw the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council.  A petition to Trump, which says: "We the People of the United States wish to remain a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council" is now circulating, and we can sign it here:  https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/we-do-not-quit-on-human

8.     Trump markets fear to his followers, then lets them think he alone can keep them safe in a paternalistic/authoritarian style.  However, in terms of his claims that immigration increases violent crime, studies show otherwise.   https://www.npr.org/2018/05/02/607652253/studies-say-illegal-immigration-does-not-increase-violent-crime Let’s use this information to speak with our MoCs about the real needs of immigration reform. 

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.       In case the effect of Mitch McConnell (R-KY) blocking Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination was not crystal clear, it came home fully to roost yesterday with the Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote upholding the Muslim Ban: 
http://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/394143-supreme-court-upholds-trump-travel-ban  Flipping the Senate in November to Democratic majority is more important than ever. This will be accomplished through flipping red seats to blue and holding vulnerable blue seats. Let’s give in whatever ways that we can (time, money, etc.):  Flip red to blue: A) Arizona: https://kyrstensinema.com, B) Nevada: https://www.rosenfornevada.com, C) Tennessee: https://www.bredesen.com, D) Texas: https://betofortexas.com and Hold blue in vulnerable states:  A) Florida: https://nelsonforsenate.com, B) Indiana: https://joeforindiana.com, C) Missouri: https://clairemccaskill.com, D) Ohio: https://www.sherrodbrown.com, E) North Dakota:  https://heidifornorthdakota.com, E) West Virginia: 
https://joemanchinwv.com  We need to help these, and other Dem candidates however and wherever we can.

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

June 27
Rhode Island
Filing Deadline
June 29
Early voting begins
June 30
Early voting begins
June 30
In person absentee voting begins
July 2
Early voting begins
July 2
Voter Registration Deadline
July 3
Voter Registration Deadline
July 6
In person absentee voting begins
(source:  by date:  https://goo.gl/gjFv2u by state:  https://goo.gl/7gTzvE)

Other Actions

1.       The Supreme Court ruled yesterday in favor of Trump's travel ban and pro-lifers trying to mislead women into not taking advantage of their reproductive rights (https://www.cnbc.com/video/2018/06/26/supreme-court-back-trump-travel-ban.html). This was made possible by the Republican theft of the Supreme Court vacancy during the Obama administration, and it's time we fight back. Activists have launched Demand Justice to ensure the left fights as hard on the courts as the right. Let's sign up for their alerts here.  We can also use this “Digital Action Toolkit-SCOTUS Ruling” from NoMuslimBanEver for additional ideas:   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zfq0SYNDVQGfQClMctGFt9Rqkdr2214sewk-C7C-pBg/edit

2.      We all know good people who will not comply with unjust work orders.  Attorney Jason Rittereiser, candidate for Congress (WA-08) has announced that his law firm, HKM Employment Attorneys (@HKMLaw ) is launching a nationwide pro-bono legal effort to provide legal counsel to immigration officers who refuse to enforce the Trump Administration's horrific #FamilySeparation policy.  If we know an immigration officer who needs this help, let’s share this:  https://hkm.com/federal-employees/  Let’s also thank the firm for their good deed:  https://hkm.com

3.      Since at least 1960, when an anti-segregation sit-in protest began at the Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, corporations have been forced to take sides in political fights (https://theconversation.com/corporate-ceos-political-voice-growing-louder-as-they-criticize-trump-policies-like-separating-migrant-children-98684). Now more than ever, businesses are making their positions on social issues part of their identities, so let's keep a critical eye on the companies we frequent or consider frequenting. Here's a well-maintained rating system to get started (https://2ndvote.com/company-scores/). Note that this is a conservative-slanted system, so be sure to interpret the scores in a manner appropriate to one's own political leanings! Let's vote with our dollars, and let our corporate neighbors know what we think of their political activities.

4.      Postcarding activism took hold after the 2016 election.  Sometimes we wonder if those little cards really do anything.  Time to stop wondering.  They work!  https://bluevirginia.us/2018/06/the-mighty-pen-prevails-in-the-digital-age-handwritten-voter-contact-is-a-powerful-secret-weapon Let’s keep sending postcards!  We can check in with Postcards to Voters and Postcards for America for even more opportunities. 

5.      Just in case things are not strange enough, late last week Senator Joe Manchin gave Senator Claire McCaskill the Heimlich maneuver:  

6.      In addition to upholding Trump’s travel ban on Tuesday, the Supreme Court blocked a California state law requiring “crisis pregnancy centers” to “post notices that free or low-cost abortion, contraception and prenatal care are available to low-income women through public programs, and to provide the phone number for more information,” ruling that the law violated the Christian-based centers’ right to free speech. The California Legislature had found that 200 centers in the state used “intentionally deceptive advertising and counseling practices that often confuse, misinform, and even intimidate women from making fully-informed, time-sensitive decisions about critical health care.”  https://upload.democraticunderground.com/10142094813  We must join Planned Parenthood and others in fighting this on-going war on women’s rights.  To find Planned Parenthood events nation-wide, see https://plannedparenthoodevents.ngpvanhost.com

7.      From Chop Wood/Carry Water:  “…please, take a minute and check out this amazing newsletter, Migratory Notes. It's written by two immigration experts and has heretofore been used mostly by journalists. They're trying to spread the word about their work as they're following and reporting on everything really closely and have been since right after the election. An EXCELLENT resource. Be sure to click on the subscribe button if you want to get their newsletter.”

8.     Dan Rather continues to be the conscience of the media and the country.  https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160564295625716&id=24085780715  Let’s follow him on Facebook and thank him.  Let’s also ask our favorite new sources to start using Rather’s sensibilities when reporting the news.

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       Mass civil disobedience action against the family detention policy at the border on Thursday, June 28, in Washington, D.C., sponsored by Women’s March and partners. More info here:   https://www.endfamilyseparation.us/

2.      On Thursday, June 28, families, advocates, and allies will hold a rally beginning at 11am in the park across the street from the Brownsville Federal Court, where immigrants are being prosecuted en masse for crossing the border into the United States.  More information here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1834781589914906/ and here:   https://www.aclutx.org/en/events/families-belong-together-rally-border

3.      “On June 29, lawyer moms around the country are organizing to gather at our senators’ offices and deliver an open letter stating our opposition to the current federal policy of separating migrant children from their parents.  Each of us would do anything to keep our children safe. Each of us swore an oath to defend the Constitution. We will not let this unconscionable practice stand on our watch. Join us. Let's make some noise.”  More info here at Lawyer Moms of America: https://www.facebook.com/events/1308273125973346/

4.      On June 30, thousands across the nation are organizing with the theme “Families Belong Together” to demand Trump:  A) Immediately reverse the “zero-tolerance” policy which created this crisis, B) Reunite migrant children with their families.  Currently, there is no plan to reunite thousands of kids with their parents.  End the indefinite detention of children & families, C) We will not tolerate trading children in cages for indefinite family camps, and D) Donald J. Trump and members of his administration will be held accountable for this horror. Let’s find an event to attend or create our own here: https://act.moveon.org/event/families-belong-together/search/ If we want to catch a bus to the DC event, we can find info here:  http://rallybus.net/families-belong-together-dc/


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/

1.       CA:  If we are teachers with retirement savings managed by CALSTRS, we might want to know that they now have about $13M invested in Core Civic and The Geo Group, for-profit prison companies making money off of immigrant misery at the border. We can tell CALSTRS to divest when we sign this petition created by Mariam Martin and Together We Will San Jose. Then we can use social media to inform our fellow educators about this.  Let’s make our voices heard!  (link: https://goo.gl/forms/T9fwPoaNSKU1h2K23) goo.gl/forms/T9f

2.      MA: The ICE office in Massachusetts has abandoned their policy of prioritizing criminals for arrest and deportation, and are now poised to arrest anyone, including residents showing up for routine appointments. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mass-ice-agents-to-reinstate-in-office-arrests/ar-AAz4frj  Let’s remind ICE’s Community Relations Officer (781 359-7511; CommunityRelations.Boston@ice.dhs.gov) that we do not want to see law-abiding, hard-working people separated from their families. Let’s also insist that Governor Baker (617-725-4005; https://www.mass.gov/feedback) and our state legislators support the MA Safe Communities Act in order to help protect our undocumented residents from arrest and deportation.

3.      MI:  A citizen-organized effort, Voters Not Politicians,  got an anti-gerrymandering proposal on the November ballot.  https://wdet.org/posts/2018/06/25/86927-who-should-draw-michigans-political-maps-voters-may-decide-photos-map/ Now, the group needs canvassers to knock on doors telling voters about the proposal.  Let’s see how we can help.


1.       “I’ve Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong “ - https://www.propublica.org/article/ms-13-immigration-facts-what-trump-administration-gets-wrong

2.      “No, Donald Trump’s separation of immigrant families was not Barack Obama’s policy” - http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2018/jun/19/matt-schlapp/no-donald-trumps-separation-immigrant-families-was/

3.      “Majority of undocumented immigrants show up for court, data shows” - http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2018/jun/26/wolf-blitzer/majority-undocumented-immigrants-show-court-data-s/

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