
Contact Federal Government Officials

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       The more conservative (Goodlatte) of the two immigration bills failed in the House yesterday.  The compromise bill (Ryan/Trump), being a compromise between the center and right factions of the GOP, has been delayed until today.  https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/21/house-gop-immigration-trump-661214 Let’s call our representatives and tell them to vote no on Ryan’s bill.  It is much too restrictive and punitive.

2.      In a very close vote, the House passed the redesigned Farm Bill yesterday.  It includes major changes to the SNAP (food stamps) program.  The Senate is working on a bi-partisan version, which does not include that change.  https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/21/house-passes-farm-bill-663124  Let’s tell our senators to continue to leave changes to SNAP out of their version so as to not put an even bigger burden on our most vulnerable. 

3.      Last night, the House just voted the budget bill out of committee that fast tracks ACA repeal and $2 trillion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. Every amendment offered by Democrats was rejected. http://thehill.com/policy/finance/393028-house-gop-2019-budget-calls-for-deep-medicare-medicaid-spending-cuts  The vote now goes to the floor.  Let’s call our representatives and tell them to vote no.  This will hurt so many Americans. 

4.      Although we can pause in relief that separation of families at the border will stop (for now), the news remains grim overall in terms of the 2300 children already separated and the plans going forward: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jun/20/trump-family-separation-policy-reuniting-ngo-burden  and  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jun/20/trumps-cruel-border-policies-created-needless-crisis-far-from-over   Let’s be unrelenting with our MoC that we are not buying the sleight of hand from this administration and that we expect both reunification and humane treatment for adults and children.

5.      While the Executive Order signed by the president may curtail future family separations, current families who are separated have not been grandfathered and there is still no clear plan to reunite them. HHS has simply stated that they are waiting for future guidance on the issue. https://www.vox.com/2018/6/20/17486446/family-separation-reunification-trump-executive-order-immigration. Let’s tell the White House and HHS (202-205-5445; https://www.facebook.com/HHS/; Twitter: @HHS.gov) that this is not good enough. These families need to be reunited now!

6.      While Trump has now ordered agencies to return separated children to their parents, the disheartening truth is that the Trump administration did not have protocols in place when it instituted its “zero tolerance” policy and children were removed from parents.  Consequently, there is, in most cases, no paper/digital data to use to comply with the order to return the children.  With years of experience, a clinical professor at the University of Texas School of Law Immigration Clinic explains:  http://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2018/06/21/family-separation-what-next-immigration-lawyer  We know this is not the fault of the agencies who did not get the needed information.  Let’s tell ICE and DHS that they need to work together to fix this.  ICE:  https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-immigration-and-customs-enforcement and DHS: https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-department-of-homeland-security  Let’s also ask Trump to get this done.

7.      Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is threatening to withhold his vote from Trump's circuit court nominees until he gets action from the White House to ease the trade war and relax travel restrictions to Cuba (https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/20/politics/flake-circuit-court-nominees/index.html). This is a perfect example of what every single Republican senator can do to check Trump. Let's contact them and tell them we want them to make similar threats on behalf of detained immigrant kids and Dreamers. And let's tell our Democratic senators that as long as they have Jeff Flake's vote in hand, we expect them to hold firm and stay unified in opposition to every single Republican judicial nominee. Let's keep these folks off the bench as long as we can.

8.    Year after year, the federal government reissues contracts to immigrant resettlement agencies that are plagued by confirmed histories of abuse and neglect of migrant children.   https://www.revealnews.org/article/migrant-children-sent-to-shelters-with-histories-of-abuse-allegations/ and  https://www.revealnews.org/blog/immigrant-children-forcibly-injected-with-drugs-lawsuit-claims/  Let’s tell our MoCs we want a congressional investigation and an end to funding for these agencies.

9.      US Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) responded to the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Ohio’s practice of removing infrequent voters from the voting rolls by introducing a bill: The Save Voters Act (yet unnumbered), which will prohibit states from removing people from voter rolls simply because they didn’t vote or didn’t respond to a state mailing. https://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2018/06/sen_sherrod_brown_drafts_bill.html Let’s tell senators to co-sponsor this bill, and let’s urge our representatives to introduce a parallel bill in the House.

10.  A new EU law gives Internet users much stronger control over their personal information has taken effect and could extend much of that additional protection to Americans as well. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) restricts what personal information may be gathered by online services, and how they must obtain users' consent for doing so. The law also imposes strong penalties on violators, and international companies like Facebook will have some incentive to extend protections to all their users rather than create different services/products for different countries. http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/how-the-gdpr-rules-will-impact-data-protection/  We can only be sure of reaping these benefits if we pressure Congress to enact laws that complement the GDPR, so let's make our support for this clear to our MoCs. Tell them we want the same privacy protections online that Europeans now enjoy. 

11.   “White House senior adviser Stephen Miller has long been one of the driving forces behind President Donald Trump's harshest immigration policies, including the administration's "zero tolerance" policy that separates immigrant children from their families at the US-Mexico border. But the 32-year-old immigration hardliner's own family were asylum-seekers. Miller's great grandparents found refuge in the US after escaping anti-Jewish persecution in Antopol, Belarus in 1903, according to Vanity Fair. The Glossers settled in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and opened a tailoring business that grew into a department store and large chain, Glosser Bros., that made Miller's family a fortune.”  http://www.businessinsider.com/stephen-miller-immigration-hardliner-is-the-descendent-of-refugees-2018-6  Let’s remind Stephen Miller his family was granted asylum and what was fair for his family is fair for all asylum seekers. Tweet him here @StephenMillerAL or contact him at the WH.  

12.  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt spent nearly $3,000 on "tactical pants" and "tactical polos," according to new disclosures cited Wednesday by The Intercept. Records obtained by the outlet through the Freedom of Information Act show that Pruitt spent $2,749.62 on the clothing items as part of his security expenditures.  The disclosures showed that Pruitt spent a $288,610 on various security items, bringing the total amount of public money Pruitt has spent on security items to $4.6 million. The amount marks a $1.1 million increase from the administrator's security costs from last month, according to the outlet.  The director of the EPA's Office of Criminal Enforcement, Forensics, and Training, Henry Barnet, told The Hill that the purchases were routine for the department's security personnel.  http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/393373-new-disclosures-show-pruitt-spent-nearly-3k-on-tactical-pants-and?rnd=1529536842 Here is Pruitt stealing more from us.  Let’s call our reps and insist on his dismissal.  

13.  The Trump administration is scouring military bases in Texas and Arkansas to find places to dump minor children—either those who arrived unaccompanied or the 2300+ now deemed “unaccompanied,” having been separated from their families;  the use of such facilities is hardly unprecedented—Obama used military bases for this purpose in 2014—but it involves yet another agency, the Defense Department as well as ICE, HHS, and ORR, in the nightmarish bureaucratic morass of family reunification:  
http://time.com/5317236/family-separation-policy-military-bases/  Let’s suggest that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis object to putting the DOD in the middle of the havoc of Trump's "zero tolerance" policy: 703-571-3343 or 1000 Defense Pentagon, Washington DC 20301-1000

14.  Utah Gov. Gary Herbert has told the White House that he opposes the nomination of Utahn Ron Mortensen to oversee a State Department program for refugees. Mortensen has ties to an association dubbed a hate group and he is known for anti-illegal immigration rhetoric. Let's read more at the Salt Lake Tribune. We can also read a statement of opposition crafted by the Anti-Defamation League. Let's not allow this nomination to get lost behind all the other immigration news and issues. Let's contact our Senators today to let them know we oppose anti-immigrant nominee Ron Mortenson for State Department. Let's tell them to listen to Gov. Herbert.

15.  Texas sheriff's deputy Jose Nunez is being held on a charge of "super aggravated sexual assault" of a 4-year-old girl after authorities say her mother, an undocumented immigrant, was being blackmailed to stay silent about the abuse or face deportation. Let's read more at NBCNews. In our current environment, we predict this type of abuse to increase. Let's use this information in our arguments against the administration's policies.

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

Election 2018 – By State

1.       Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

June 23
Early Voting ends
June 25
South Carolina
In person absentee voting ends
June 26
Voter Registration Deadline
June 26
Election date
June 26
Election date
June 26
New York
Election date (Federal primary)
Federal primary
June 26
Election date
June 26
Election date
June 26
South Carolina
Election date
June 26
South Dakota
Election date
June 27
Rhode Island
Filing Deadline
June 29
Early voting begins
June 30
Early voting begins
June 30
In person absentee voting begins

Other Actions

1.       We all know people who are pretty fond of GOP myths about what is happening with Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy.  This piece provides concise replies to nine of the favorite myths:  https://www.michellemartinauthor.com/my-blog/9-myths-about-trumps-zero-tolerance-policy  Let’s use these to help others understand.

2.      From of our own:  RAICES (Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services)  needs volunteer translators "who speak Meso-American indigenous languages (e.g. zapotec, nahua, ma'am, quich'e, maya, mixe, mixteco-- not Spanish)."  Do you know anybody? They don't need to be in Texas, or even in the US. They can translate remotely. For more info or to help, email: volunteer@raicestexas.org 

3.      "Mandated Reporters," (those of us who work in medical, educational, therapeutic, and/or coaching relationships with kids) are required to call when we believe there has been evidence of child abuse or maltreatment. Traumatizing kids by removing them from their families will have different potential risks at different ages, but we know there are lifelong sequelae which may cause profound problems. As long as these facilities are still in operation, we need to call attention to the damage they are doing to children. To make such a report for either the Tent City in Tornillo Texas or Brownsville (also in Texas,) we can call the state's Health and Human Services 800-252-5400.

4.      Parents, some with children, occupying ICE offices around the country calling for the swift reunification of children with their families and an immediate end to Trump’s heartless “zero tolerance” policy.  https://www.facebook.com/actdottv/videos/826250027565565/ and https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/portland-ice-protesters-call-for-nationwide-occupations/283-565742358  Let’s find our closest ICE office and join in:  https://www.ice.gov/contact/field-offices

5.      “MyHeritage, the leading international family history and DNA company, announced today that, following the recent separation of children from parents in immigrant families in the United States, the company is expanding its pro bono initiative, DNA Quest — which helps reunite adoptees with their biological families through DNA testing — to help those parents who were detained at the border reunite with their children.”  https://www.thedailytimes.com/business/myheritage-offers-free-dna-tests-to-help-reunite-separated-migrant/article_254027d3-14be-55be-8080-5b57b674e8ac.html  Let’s thank them:  https://www.myheritage.com/contact-myheritage  or 3 Ariel Sharon Street, 4th Floor, Or Yehuda, 60250  Israel

6.      The NRA tried to hide its “past grades” on politicians apparently because they thought “our enemies were using that.”
7.       https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/06/20/a-leading-gun-control-group-just-released-nine-years-of-nra-grades-for-politicians/?utm_term=.a4b1f91846ae Everytown for Gun Safety compiled a database, and now we can see those grades stretching back to 2009. https://everytown.org/nra-grades-archive/ (WaPo made it searchable—see the article) Let’s make sure to use this list and spread the word about it.

8.     Corey Lewandowski doubled down on Wednesday about his heartless comment on Tuesday night’s news regarding a 10 year old child with Down Syndrome separated from her parents: https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/19/politics/corey-lewandowski-undocumented-immigrant-womp-womp/index.html   Let’s take a moment to let Director Mark Gearan of the Harvard Institute of Politics know that having Lewandowski as a fellow there is a stain on Harvard: The Institute of Politics, Harvard University, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138or harvardiop@gmail.com  or on Twitter @HarvardIOP and @MarkDGearan 

9.      “Religious leaders and former judges filed a complaint on Wednesday asking the Washington D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to revoke the Trump International Hotel’s liquor license because of President Trump’s character. The complaint argues that a D.C. liquor license can be suspended or revoked if the “true and actual owner" of an establishment is not a person of "good character." Donald Trump, the true and actual owner of the Trump International Hotel, is not a person of good character. The Trump International Hotel nonetheless currently holds a Class C/H license issued by the Board,” the complaint reads. The group lists lies the president has told, sexual assault accusations against Trump and alleged racist acts. They also call out Trump for his “failure to abide by the law and to repudiate associations with known criminals.”
10.  http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/393282-complaint-asks-dc-to-revoke-trump-hotels-liquor-license-on-grounds-of  Let’s tell the Control Board that we want them to take this seriously:  2000 14th Street, NW, S400, Washington, DC 20009,  Phone: (202) 442-4423, Fax: (202) 442-9563, TTY: (746) 777-7776, Alternate Number: Complaint Hotline: (202) 329-6347 (7pm - 3am)

11.   Microsoft's Azure Government cloud computing arm is working in partnership with ICE, despite the objections of Microsoft employees. Microsoft has refused to clarify the exact nature of the "partnership" (https://gizmodo.com/microsoft-employees-up-in-arms-over-cloud-contract-with-1826927803). Regardless, it's time for us to start making working with ICE toxic. Let's call their public relations lines and let them know we think they should draw a moral line. We can reach their national government policy P.R. team at 202-460-1178, their main public relations line at 425-638-7777, and P.R. official Ryan Conner at 202-530-4590.

12.  From Postcards from Kate:  The Facebook fundraiser "Reunite an immigrant parent with their child" was started by Charlotte and Dave Wilner after they saw a photo of a crying 2-year-old Honduran girl looking up at an immigration officer that made them think of their own 2-year-old daughter. The money will go to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES). They hoped to raise $1,500 but have now raised over $15 million. Read more here.  Let's send them a postcard of thanks via RAICES:  Charlotte and Dave Wilner
c/o RAICES, 4200 South Freeway, Suite 702, Fort Worth, TX 76115

13.  From Postcards for America:  As many of us know, the children who were taken from their parents at the border have been spread all over the United States. Since the Federal Government has no plan, the only way that they get reunified with their parents is if local grassroots step up to help. (So said Rachel Maddow last night, too.) Some of the parents have, of course, been deported already, making this task extra difficult. To get this project started,
Postcards for America is compiling a list of all the facilities where these children are housed, and we can help them do it. We can start by looking locally, in our cities and states for information about any of these Child Detention facilities. Then, when we find the names, address and contact details, we can send them in, so a Master List can be compiled. If we find other people doing the same project, we can send their names and contact information in too.
We can email the Name, Address, Contact Info of each facility we find here:  postcardsforAmerica@outlook.com  Let’s find these children and help to #KeepFamiliesTogether

14.  Momentum is building in the war against single-use plastics! This month, a slew of major companies—including SeaWorld parksAmerican Express, cruise company Royal CaribbeanIKEAA&W Canada and Burger King UK—have pledged to eliminate items such as plastic drinking straws, stirrers, lids and bags in efforts to protect our oceans and their inhabitants. Let's read more at Ecowatch.  We can thank the companies above (company names are linked to contact information). Let's also contact A&W US and Burger King US to encourage them to join the movement along with their international counterparts. 

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       “On Saturday, June 23 the #PoorPeoplesCampaign will be headed to the US Capitol for a mass rally in Washington, D.C. as part of our Global Day of Solidarity, rounding out the #40DaysofAction and launching our next period of movement building for the long haul. The rally will begin at 10am.  Join us as we show our elected leaders we will no longer allow attention violence to keep poor and disenfranchised people down! Learn more here:   http://bit.ly/MassRallyDC”   

2.      Mass civil disobedience action against the family detention policy at the border on Thursday, June 28, in Washington, D.C., sponsored by Women’s March and partners. More info here:   https://www.endfamilyseparation.us/

3.      On Thursday, June 28, families, advocates, and allies will hold a rally beginning at 11am in the park across the street from the Brownsville Federal Court, where immigrants are being prosecuted en masse for crossing the border into the United States.  More information here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1834781589914906/ and here:   https://www.aclutx.org/en/events/families-belong-together-rally-border

4.      “On June 29, lawyer moms around the country are organizing to gather at our senators’ offices and deliver an open letter stating our opposition to the current federal policy of separating migrant children from their parents.  Each of us would do anything to keep our children safe. Each of us swore an oath to defend the Constitution. We will not let this unconscionable practice stand on our watch. Join us. Let's make some noise.”  More info here at Lawyer Moms of America: https://www.facebook.com/events/1308273125973346/

5.      On June 30, thousands across the nation are organizing with the theme “Families Belong Together -- And Free “to demand Trump:  A) Immediately reverse the “zero-tolerance” policy which created this crisis, B) Reunite migrant children with their families.  Currently, there is no plan to reunite thousands of kids with their parents.  End the indefinite detention of children & families, C) We will not tolerate trading children in cages for indefinite family camps, and D) Donald J. Trump and members of his administration will be held accountable for this horror. Let’s find an event to attend or create our own here: https://act.moveon.org/event/families-belong-together/search/


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/

1.       ALL:  The Network for Public Education and the Schott Foundation released  Grading the States: A Report Card on Our Nation's Commitment to Public Schools, the first in-depth nonpartisan report card to measure each state’s commitment to democratically governed public schools. It also includes state by state measurement of whether each state’s charter schools and voucher-funded private schools protect student civil rights and guard taxpayers from fraud and the misuse of public funds.  Let’s use this information as we seek to improve our state’s public-school system.

2.      ALL:  We know that the GOP is very concerned about voter fraud and spends much time trying to make sure it doesn’t happen.  Despite their concerns, it is not a significant issue.  https://politicalcharge.org/2018/06/21/voter-fraud-the-gops-favorite-myth/  Let’s make sure our state does not fall into the trap of having to create laws/policies to address a non-issue and make it harder for folks to vote. 

3.      MOST:  STATES-MOST: A group of bipartisan governors from CO, OH, AK, PA, NV, MT, MD, WA, and NC has written to the administration asking them to reverse their decision on a court filing to overturn Obamacare’s pre-existing provisions. http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/392850-bipartisan-governors-denounce-trump-move-on-pre-existing-conditions. Let’s ask our governor to sign on to this appeal. We can get contact information here.

4.      IN:  Introducing FLIP INDIANA, a Facebook group dedicated to winning elections! It's part of a 50-state project that came out of the success of FLIP ALABAMA in helping to get Doug Jones elected by squeezing every possible vote out of the state. We can join here, get some new ideas and meet new folks. Together we can turn our beautiful state Blue, so let’s start getting our country back, state by state! We can check the group out, then, if we like it, join here:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/FlipIndiana/

5.      MA: It took a lot of calls and a lot of public outcry before Governor Charlie Baker reversed his decision and decided not to send the National Guard to the border. https://www.masslive.com/politics/index.ssf/2018/06/gov_charlie_baker_cancels_plan.html. Now, he needs to be reminded that the president’s Executive Order does nothing to reunite families already separated and sets steps in motion for children be detained in jail indefinitely. These issues are deal-breakers for the residents of Massachusetts and we want him to hold firm in his decision not to let our National Guard participate in any border operations. We can contact Governor Baker at 617-725-4005

6.      NY:  Introducing FLIP NEW YORK, a Facebook group dedicated to winning elections! It's part of a 50-state project that came out of the success of FLIP ALABAMA in helping to get Doug Jones elected by squeezing every possible vote out of the state. We can join here, get some new ideas and meet new folks. Together we can turn our beautiful state the Bluest it’s ever been, so let’s start getting our country back, state by state! We can check the group out, then, if we like it, join here:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/FlipNewYork/

7.      NC:  Introducing FLIP NORTH CAROLINA, a Facebook group dedicated to winning elections! It's part of a 50-state project that came out of the success of FLIP ALABAMA in helping to get Doug Jones elected by squeezing every possible vote out of the state. We can join here, get some new ideas and meet new folks. Together we can turn our beautiful state Blue, so let’s start getting our country back, state by state! We can check the group out, then, if we like it, join here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FlipNorthCarolina/

8.     RI:  Introducing FLIP RHODE ISLAND, a Facebook group dedicated to winning elections! It's part of a 50-state project that came out of the success of FLIP ALABAMA in helping to get Doug Jones elected by squeezing every possible vote out of the state. We can join here, get some new ideas and meet new folks. Together we can turn our beautiful state the Bluest it’s ever been, so let’s start getting our country back, state by state! We can check the group out, then, if we like it, join here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FlipRhodeIsland/


1.      The Story Behind TIME's Trump 'Welcome to America' Cover” - http://time.com/5317522/donald-trump-border-cover

2.      Confused about what the Executive Order Trump signed today means? Does it help or hurt? This is a must-read thread and explainer of the EO by Anil Kalhan, "an Associate Professor of Law at the Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law and chair of the New York City Bar Association’s International Human Rights Committee." He is a specialist on immigration law, and the bottom line of his excellently sourced thread is: "DO NOT CONGRATULATE" Trump for anything.  https://twitter.com/kalhan/status/1009584753937350657

3.      Stephen Colbert: “Trump's Executive Order To Undo An Executive Failure” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeZl_b1SDfo

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