
Contact Federal Government Officials

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.    In another blow to refugees seeking asylum, Attorney General Sessions yesterday reversed a decision by a Justice Department immigration appeals court, making neither domestic violence nor gang violence grounds for asylum in the US. Asserting that “the asylum statute does not provide redress for all misfortune,” Sessions challenged both the independence of the appeals court and what constitutes “membership in a particular social group” for an asylum-seeker.  This move will hurt many, especially women who are sometimes running for their lives.   
http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-sessions-asylum-20180611-story.html and https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/11/jeff-sessions-aslyum-standards-domestic-violence-614158  We need to tell Sessions what we think of his decision: DoJ, 950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20530 or 202-353-1555 and we need to ask our MoCs what they can do about it. 

2.   The Boston Globe is referring to family separation at the southern border as the “new Trail of Tears”:   
https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2018/06/09/borderseparations/Z95z4eFZjyfqCLG9pyHjAO/story.html  and the damage being done to these children is known: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/readersreact/la-ol-le-children-parents-border-separate-20180606-story.html  Let’s ask our senators if they have signed on to Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) legislation, a bill to limit the separation of families at or near ports of entry, (S. 3036).  Thus far, 31 Democratic Senators have signed onto this bill. If our Senators are among them, let’s thank them. If not, let’s remind both Republican and Democratic Senators that this is a moral issue and that separating families is in violation of international law, and ask them to sponsor and pass this legislation.

3.   After a disastrous weekend with our allies, Trump doubled down with his accusations about the European Union and Canada:  http://thehill.com/policy/international/391590-trump-doubles-down-on-eu-canada-criticism  We need moderate Republicans to help pull us back from the brink of total destruction of these relationships and from a trade-war. Let’s let Senators Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, and Bob Corker know that the time for tweeting their frustration has passed and that we need them to take action by voting with Democrats: 

4.   When Trump slapped a tariff on solar panels last year, it was an obvious sop to the oil & gas industry. Solar power was poised for a huge breakout at that point, and although the tariff's long-term effects have yet to be determined, one thing that's clear is that it has dramatically delayed that breakout, with $1.5 billion in projects being cancelled already in an industry that employs 3x more Americans than coal does. A good move for Trump and his cronies, perhaps, but a bad deal for us.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-trump-effect-solar-insight/billions-in-u-s-solar-projects-shelved-after-trump-panel-tariff-idUSKCN1J30CT  Let's tell our MoCs that we don't appreciate the president hobbling one of our strongest job creators, and that we expect them to legislate for trade rules that serve us, not oil & gas interests. 

5.   The Trump Administration is considering developing a “low-yield” nuclear warhead. Creating this capacity could trigger a new arms race, and by making the use of nuclear weapons more conceivable could raise the risk of a nuclear war. Even more alarmingly, the Trump Administration wants Energy Secretary Rick Perry to be able to decide whether or not to pursue this project, without congressional debate (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/06/a-decision-too-important-for-rick-perry/562280  Let’s let Congress know we want them involved, and we want them to say no. We can call our reps and tell them we want them to support Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) and oppose any effort to change current law, which requires the development of a low-yield nuclear weapon by specifically argued by Congress. Let’s also tell them we want them to back Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)’s efforts to defund this project through the appropriations process.

6.   The FDA has still not implemented its ban on electrical stimulation devices (ESDs), or Gradual Electronic Decelerators (GEDs), leaving the disabled children and adults at the Judge Rotenberg Center at risk of receiving harmful shocks.  https://bit.ly/2HBNQex). ADAPT protesters have been very active all year, showing up at FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb's office and condo, asking that he do the right thing, and enact the rule to ban shock devices, yet he has still not done so. Now, ADAPT is shifting focus to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar (https://bit.ly/2JAs4FL). The FDA has already gone through the process needed before a rule can be put into place, it just needs to take the final step of enacting it. Let's join ADAPT, and ask Secretary Azar to end the cruel use of shock devices: HHS, 200 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 20201 or 877-696-6775, or on Twitter @SecAzar. We can also check out the action items available at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network.

7.   Fox News has just called out Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross for conflicts of interests on his investments. http://thehill.com/homenews/media/391646-fox-news-host-calls-out-wilbur-ross-over-conflicts-of-interest-on-investments. Ross is currently negotiating tariffs despite having continuing ties to steel and auto-parts companies, which means that he can influence policies that could directly benefit him economically. Let’s ask the Office of Government Ethics to investigate these claims: 202-482-9300; 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC, 2005; contactoge@oge.gov

8.   From one of our own:  To protect rights of #LGBTQ youth & deliver needed services, the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) asks if children left home because of “family conflict related to child's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression”—45’s HHS wants to take this Q away. .. At the time of drafting this thread, there are only 45 public comments filed. In a previous #60SecondCTA public comment thread I posted, together #TheResistance filed 554 comments. Let’s see if we can break that record to protect the rights of #LGBTQ foster children & parents…Follow this link: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=ACF-2018-0003 … Click “comment now” Tell 45's HHS how you feel about them taking away questions that protect the rights of #LGBTQ foster children & parents.  Comment deadline is June 16.

Election 2018 – General

An election guide from Postcards for America:  In this Google doc (updated regularly), each State shows ALL Democratic Candidates running for Congress, Governor, Lt Gov, Attorney General, Secretary of State (if applicable) with links to their websites and Twitter. Each has a link to a Twitter Thread, a Shareable Facebook Post and a Document. For most States, there are also Info & Links for Voter Registrations, Absentee Ballots, Early Voting & Voter ID, Age Requirements and being a Poll Worker.  Let’s check this out and use and share it:  

1.    In a 5-4 decision yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that a state—in this case, Ohio—may kick people off the voter rolls if they both skip a few elections and fail to respond to an address notification sent by state election officials. In his dissent, Justice Stephen Breyer noted that in 2012, Ohio sent out such notices to roughly 20 percent of the state’s registered voters, although only 4 percent of Americans move outside their county each year. Voting rights advocates say practices like this one will disproportionately disenfranchise minority and younger voters, who move more often and are less attentive to “snail mail”:  
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/11/ohio-voter-purge-supreme-court-ruling-636483  It is critical that we protect the vote; Reclaim the American Dream provides a place to begin—a list of national organizations that provide legal and other expertise as well as helping to organize campaigns state by state: 

2.   Young people—18-29-year-olds—have a notoriously low voter turnout rate, especially in mid-term elections. Cap, Gown, Vote! https://capgownvote.org/ has a toolkit to empower young people themselves to remedy that. Let’s check it out and spread the word.

3.   With the courts striking down their voter ID law as racially discriminatory, North Carolina Republicans are trying again – this time by adding an amendment to the state constitution requiring photo identification for voting in person. The amendment would need to be approved by 3/5 of each house of the state legislature, and then by the voters (https://www.wral.com/amendment-would-put-voter-id-in-nc-constitution/17611888/). We’re not going to allow this sort of blatant voter suppression to go unanswered. We can donate to the North Carolina Democratic Party and the North Carolina NAACP to support their efforts to fight back, and then Tweet at North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore (@NCHouseSpeaker) to let him know we’ve done so. We can join activists nationwide in calling for Apple and Amazon not to move their headquarters to North Carolina as long as this is on the table by signing here. And if we live in North Carolina, we can contact our state legislators and let them know we want them to stop this amendment before it goes any further.

4.   Election 2018. Seven (7) states have elections on Tuesday, June 12. Primaries will be held in MENVNDSC and VA.  In NJ, a municipal election is taking place in Newark. (note: State abbreviations linked to state-specific Ballotpedia pages.) In WI, special elections for state senate and assembly seats are happening. Postcards to Voters volunteers wrote get-out-the-vote cards for two WI candidates: 1) Campaign 89: Caleb Frostman for State Senate. 2) Campaign 90: Ann Groves Lloyd for State Assembly. Let's make a plan to vote if we are in any of these locations.

Election 2018 – By State

1.    Upcoming voting dates and deadlines:

June 12
Filing Deadline
June 12
North Dakota
Voter Registration Deadline
Same Day registration
June 12
In person absentee voting ends
June 12
Early Voting begins
June 12
Election date
June 12
Election date
June 12
North Dakota
Election date
June 12
South Carolina
Election date
June 12
Election date
June 12
Election date
Special-State Assembly District 42
June 12
Election date
Special-State Senate District 1
June 14
Early Voting Begins
June 15
New Hampshire
Filing Deadline

2.   Five states have primaries today.  If we live in any of these states, let’s make sure to VOTE and encourage others to as well: 

3.   CT:  Introducing FLIP CONNECTICUT, a Facebook group dedicated to winning elections! It's part of a 50-state project that came out of the success of FLIP ALABAMA in helping to get Doug Jones elected by squeezing every possible vote out of the state. We can join here, get some new ideas and meet new folks. Together we can turn our beautiful state the Bluest it’s ever been, so let’s start getting our country back, state by state! We can check the group out, then, if we like it, join here:

4.   HI:  Introducing FLIP HAWAII, a Facebook group dedicated to winning elections! It's part of a 50-state project that came out of the success of FLIP ALABAMA in helping to get Doug Jones elected by squeezing every possible vote out of the state. We can join here, get some new ideas and meet new folks. Together we can turn our beautiful state the Bluest it’s ever been, so let’s start getting our country back, state by state! We can check the group out, then, if we like it, join here:

5.   MN:  Introducing FLIP Minnesota, a Facebook group dedicated to winning elections! It's part of a 50-state project that came out of the success of FLIP ALABAMA in helping to get Doug Jones elected by squeezing every possible vote out of the state. We can join here, get some new ideas and meet new folks. Together we can turn our beautiful state the Bluest it’s ever been, so let’s start getting our country back, state by state! We can check the group out, then, if we like it, join here: 

6.   VT:  Introducing FLIP VERMONT, a Facebook group dedicated to winning elections! It's part of a 50-state project that came out of the success of FLIP ALABAMA in helping to get Doug Jones elected by squeezing every possible vote out of the state. We can join here, get some new ideas and meet new folks. Together we can turn our beautiful state Blue, so let’s start getting our country back, state by state! We can check the group out, then, if we like it, join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FlipVermont/

Other Actions
1.    Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) visited detainees from the border in her home state.  “Thank you to the Washington Post for covering this story. I promised the women I would tell their stories so everyone in America knows what is being done by the Trump Administration in our names. I ask our news media to PLEASE cover this. We need you to lift up these voices."   https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/06/10/mothers-could-not-stop-crying-officials-blast-trump-policy-after-visiting-detained-immigrants/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d175986b7be4  Let's contact our favorite media outlets to see how they are covering this tragedy that is playing out across our country.

2.   When Trump attempted to quash ACA enrollments, ACA Signups stepped into the breach, and the results were staggering. With half the enrollment period and no budget. 2017 enrollments ended up at 95% of 2016!  This year, they are taking the first steps to making the 2019 ACA Signup Project even more effective than last year by creating a large list of folks who are willing to share state-specific graphics, PDF's and articles on a weekly basis.  The "15 Minutes for the Affordable Care Act" is aiming for 10,000 participants by September 30th! Want to help? We can sign up here.  https://emailoctopus.com/lists/ed1e1f13-6c1e-11e8-a3c9-06b79b628af2/forms/subscribe  Let's do this!

3.   “Melody Herzfeld, a drama teacher who hunkered with her students in a classroom at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February as a gunman massacred 17 people in its hallways, accepted the excellence in theater education prize at the Tony Awards on Sunday evening.”  Some of her drama students surprised here at the ceremony with their rendition of “Seasons of Love”.  https://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/theater/dance/2018/06/11/parkland-teacher-honored-tonys-and-students-surprise-her-with-performance/MJ41EjtdEe3u20yTsoNo2J/story.html  Let’s congratulate her on her award and thank her for her dedication to her students:  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, 5901 Pine Island Rd, Parkland, FL 33076

4.   Be Smart For Kids is a campaign from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America  and Everytown for Gun Safety, which focuses on how we can reduce suicides and unintentional shootings through responsible gun storage and by communicating openly with our children. Let's read about the five steps we can take to Be Smart, check out the resources available, and find ways to get involved here. Then, let's be sure to contact our MoC at the state and federal level and ask them to introduce legislation to address children's access to firearms.

5.   On May 8th, the Brookings Institution officially launched a new initiative on the Future of the Middle Class. The goal of the initiative is to improve the quality of life of America’s middle class and to increase the number of people rising to join its ranks. Let's bookmark the Future of the Middle Class as a information resource and read this article "Seven reasons to worry about the American middle class."

6.   Awareness of single-use plastic, especially plastic straws, is increasing nationwide.  We can read more in this NPR article.  Can't live without straws? Let's check out this USAToday article about eco-friendly alternatives. Let's continue to increase our awareness of single-use plastics and to encourage the restaurants we frequent to ask before giving out straws.

7.   From Postcards for America:  Here's an article on one of the reasons why I keep the Postcards of Support to medical personnel and victims current. It can make a huge difference to many individuals.  https://www.propublica.org/article/pulse-shooting-first-responders-ptsd-diagnosis  Here’s the list:   https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zOvQQAth1DpRanI7mKMELRsg0Q145pLjYBjqkY82D0g

8.  “Trump, Giuliani, Hannity, and Fox News are pushing the lie that the Mueller probe is a witchhunt that has come up with nothing. Recent polling indicates that 59% of our fellow Americans are not aware that indictments, criminal charges and guilty pleas are the concrete results of the probe by Robert Mueller.”  The Equal Justice Society has created a video, featuring Sam Waterson, to help explain:  https://equaljusticesociety.org/2018/06/11/most-americans-do-not-know-about-the-successes-of-mueller-probe-please-forward-this-video/ Let’s share this video.

9.   Calling all data geeks! Open Secrets, the Center for Responsive Politics, is looking for researchers to comb through data and discover money-in-politics anomalies—like “lawmakers receiving more than 50 percent of their itemized contributions from out of state” or “PACs giving at least $7,500 to a candidate’s Leadership PAC but nothing to the candidate’s committee.” Let’s check this out and see how we can help: https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2018/06/rewards-4-money-politics-anomaly-discoveries/

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.    Given the Supreme Court’s draconian ruling on purging voter rolls this week, we must redouble all efforts to protect the rights of voters and Organizing For America is ready to go, presenting a Voting Rights Webinar TODAY, Tuesday, June 12 at 7pm CT/8pm ET. This informative conversation with the Brennan Center for Justice will discuss some of the barriers to voting in communities across the country, how we can work to overcome them, and why it’s important that we are all involved in protecting our democracy in2018. We can register here. https://bit.ly/2sXxkvU

2.   On Thursday, June 14, thousands of people across the US will join marches, rallies, and vigils to protest the administration’s cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers and their children.  Let’s find an event near us:  http://map.familiesbelong.org/search.php


Find elected state officials: https://openstates.org/


1.    “Unconscious Reactions Separate Liberals and Conservatives” - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/calling-truce-political-wars/

2.   Inside Obama’s secret meetings with 2020 contenders” - https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/11/obama-2020-elections-sanders-warren-635165

3.   What Grief Looks Like: Documenting The Mementos Left After School Shootings” - https://www.npr.org/sections/pictureshow/2018/06/05/616816652/what-grief-looks-like-documenting-the-mementos-left-after-school-shootings

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