
Contact Federal Government Officials

Find senator’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/RLiotu

Find representative’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/5i7SXC

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       This week in Congress: Nine (9) bills will be up for consideration in the House. Let's review the Majority Leader's Schedule so we know what's coming.  The Senate plans to convene on Monday to resume consideration of the nomination of Claria Horn Boom, of Kentucky, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky. Unlike other nominees put forward by the Trump Administration, Horn Boom hasn’t written extensively on her judicial philosophy, participated in the conservative legal movement, or built a strong litigation record. We can read more about Boom at the Vetting Room.

2.      “Facing pressure from conservatives for their budget-busting moves, President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are considering forcing votes that would cut billions of dollars in spending from the bipartisan funding deal they just passed last month, according to sources familiar with the plan. “  https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/03/budget-omnibus-cuts-trump-kevin-mccarthy-498462  Let’s let our MoCs know that IF they agree to cuts that the ratio of military to humanitarian not be made worse. 

3.      The Department of Homeland Security is collecting data on hundreds of thousands of journalists and “media influencers,”  https://www.forbes.com/sites/michellefabio/2018/04/06/department-of-homeland-security-compiling-database-of-journalists-and-media-influencers/#79c5a2c26121
with a focus on each source’s “sentiment, influence, language and circulation.” While DHS is insisting it’s normal standard operating procedure to monitor how events concerning an agency are covered, the administration’s attacks on mainstream media have already resulted in the lowest global freedom of the press in 13 years, according to the watchdog organization, Freedom House. Let’s make sure to share this information widely and tell DHS 202-282-8495; and our MoCs that we reject any efforts that threaten our First Amendment rights for a free, independent and diverse press.

4.      The Agriculture Department is considering a policy change that would expose more and more people to the harsh three-month time limit on food stamp benefits.  (https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2018/02/22/feds-plan-could-add-food-stamp-work-requirement-in-most-counties/). This will help no one get out of poverty and will take food away from people who need assistance. Today is the FINAL DAY we can submit public comments objecting to this change here. We can find taking points from the Food Research and Action Center here.

5.      Since Congress, and Trump's cabinet refuse to hold him accountable, we need to check Trump's power wherever we can, and we have an opportunity coming up; Mike Pompeo will have his nomination hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this Thursday, April 12th (https://bit.ly/2GIxQrF). We do not need someone who is Islamophobic, and an advocate for torture, as our next Secretary of State (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38029336 https://nyti.ms/2HjflHi). Let's contact Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-TN) and tell him we want him to oppose Pompeo for Secretary of State Dirksen Senate Office Building
SD-425 Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-3344 Since it's likely that Pompeo will proceed out of committee, to the full Senate for a vote, let's also be sure to contact our senators and let them know that we do not want Pompeo for Secretary of State. We can use the information and scripts available at Indivisible.

6.      There is overwhelming evidence that neonicotinoid pesticides are harmful to bees, birds, and other pollinator species, and that they pose greater risks than benefits (https://www.bna.com/agrochemical-giants-downplay-n57982088363/ https://bit.ly/2IE7hjB). The EPA  has an open comment period until April 21st, on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides. Let's be sure to submit a comment and let them know that we want to see stricter guidelines for the use of these pesticides, not fewer: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0844-1260

7.      On March 5th, the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued new rules which make it more difficult for individuals who file complaints to have their cases taken up by the OCR, and also no longer allows appeals to be made when a case is dismissed (https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2018/04/02/new-ignore-disability-complaints/24924/ https://bit.ly/2H5SgtS). Now, hundreds of legitimate complaints are being dismissed, leaving a widespread lack of accountability for civil rights violations. Let's contact Department of Education Office for Civil Rights and let them know that we want them to rescind these guidelines: U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-1100 Phone: 800-421-3481 Email: OCR@ed.gov

8.     "Last week’s 2,232-page omnibus bill to fund the government was literally impossible to both fully read and comprehend in the limited time between release and vote." So Rep. Tom Garrett (R-VA5) has introduced a new bill: "The Review Every Act Diligently In Total (READ IT) Act [H.R. 801] aims to allow members to fully review all legislation before votes. It would institute a new rule in the official House rules, that anything receiving a vote must have been publicly available in electronic form for a number of minutes that’s double the number of pages." It was introduced on March 28 and currently sits in the House Rules Committee. Seems like a good, nonpartisan idea to us. Let's encourage our House Reps to cosponsor the bill. https://govtrackinsider.com/members-literally-dont-have-enough-time-to-read-some-bills-before-a-vote-is-held-e8691c86c91d

9.      Amy Siskind, who has been maintaining a weekly list of all that changes each week in the Trump administration, announced that all members of Congress will receive a copy of her new book, The List: A Week-by-Week Reckoning of Trump’s First Year, when they return from their home work sessions this week. One of Siskind’s Facebook readers suggested that we all call our congress people and tell them we know they have the book and we ask them to read it and act. Let’s do it!

10.  A recent Newsweek article revealed that 86% of the RNC catering expenses went to Trump properties. http://www.newsweek.com/trump-hotels-rnc-conflict-interest-855971. Let’s tell our MoCs that this conflict of interest should be investigated.

11.   Over the weekend, Republican South Carolina (5th district) Congressman Ralph Norman pulled out a loaded gun (no, not kidding) at a constituent meeting with many representatives from Moms Demand Action to make a hare-brained point about how guns don’t kill people, people kill people: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/06/ralph-norman-loaded-gun-507288  Let’s let Representative Norman know what we think of his methods: https://norman.house.gov/contact/ or on Twitter @RalphNorman  If we are not already connected with Moms Demand Action we can find more info here: 

12.  The ethics violations against EPA Chief, Scott Pruitt, continue to multiply. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/382086-with-questions-mounting-pruitt-fights-for-his-job. Many Democrats and a few Republicans, including White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, have been calling for his resignation. http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/381980-kelly-wants-trump-to-remove-pruitt-report. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) has been looking into some of the issues. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/382061-oversight-chairman-probes-pruitts-50-a-night-condo-deal?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=14668. We need to pressure Rep. Gowdy (202-225-6030) and the House Oversight Committee (202-225-5074) to intensify his investigation and call Pruitt in to testify. We should also pressure our MoCs to join the call for Pruitt’s resignation, using this 5calls script.

Election 2018 – General

1.       After the success of the Flip Alabama Facebook secret group that helped coordinate the win of Doug Jones in the special election there, in preparation for 2018 midterm elections Flip Nation is creating groups to help each state flip seats as well. Let’s help grow this national effort for a blue wave state by state. Join in here: Flip Nation Facebook group (closed group): http://Facebook.com/groups/flipnationusa and Twitter: @FlipNationUSA and Website: FlipNation.org and Instagram: @flipnationusa. Let’s get to work…together!

2.      On Saturday, Postcards to Voters launched Campaign 71 this time for Steve Stern for NY State Assembly (District 10) in an April 24 special election.  Addresses are going fast with previous campaigns 69 and 70 each completed in less than 24 hours.  Those of us who are current postcarders are energized after 4 out of 5 campaigns for which we wrote won in last Tuesday's elections, including Judge Rebecca Dallet for Wisconsin Supreme Court. (Source: Time) We are not tired of winning. Returning writers may text WIN to (484) ASK-ABBY which is (484) 275-2229. If we are new to this effective grassroots effort, we can email to register at: Join@TonyTheDemocrat.org

3.      Voto Latino http://votolatino.org/ promotes voter registration and turnout, civic engagement, leadership development, and issue advocacy in the Latino community. Let’s check out their website, especially their Election Center, http://votolatino.org/election-center/election-center/ , to see how we can help.

Election 2018 – By State

1.       ALL:  Young people all over the country are showing up for social justice and making their voices heard. Let's help them be ready to make it heard by casting their vote in November and beyond! In some states, teens can pre-register to vote as early as age 16. Early registration is essential to be sure things are in order for the upcoming elections. Let's contact our local high schools to ask if voter registration drives are being organized for (and perhaps by) students and how we can help. Rock the Vote has a voter registration toolkit that can be customized for your state.

2.      AZ: 8th Congressional District, Special Election April 24. Let’s be voters for Democrat Hiral Tipirneni for that Big Blue Wave. Info on early voting, election day voting, and polling place: http://hiralforcongress.com/howtovote/ Voter ID info: https://www.voteriders.org/ufaqs/arizona-voter-id-information/

3.      FL: State Senate District 31, Special Election April 10. Let’s be voters for Democrat Lori Berman for that Big Blue Wave. Voter resources here: http://loriberman.com/voter-resources/ Voter ID info: https://www.voteriders.org/ufaqs/florida-voter-id-information/

4.      IA: State Senate District 25, Special Election April 10. Let’s be voters for Democrat Tracy Freese https://www.tracyfreese.com/  for that Big Blue Wave. Voter ID info: https://www.voteriders.org/ufaqs/iowa-voter-id-information/

Other Actions

1.       Momentum is growing for a boycott of Sinclair Broadcasting in the wake of their coordinated echoing of Trump’s attacks on the media, with everyone from congressional candidates to celebrities pulling ads and canceling interviews (http://fortune.com/2018/04/06/amy-schumer-sinclair-boycott-interview/). The Stranger’s Katie Herzog has pulled together a list of advertisers on a Seattle Sinclair-owned station and is offering guidance on how we can do the same and effectively pressure them. We can check out what she has to say here: https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2018/04/04/26000755/a-sinclair-boycott-is-complicated-not-impossible

2.      Dreamers are still waiting for a solution to their Trump-imposed predicament.  While Congress is not acting to remedy the gap, a court cases are winding through the court process like this one:  https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Local-Immigration-Law-and-Dreamer-Suing-Trump-Over-DACA--479101073.html  Let’s join with United We Dream and find how we can help these young people:  https://unitedwedream.org/getinvolved/. We can also sign a petition from that group: https://action.unitedwedream.org/petitions/keep-the-deferred-action-for-childhood-arrivals-daca-program

3.      We all like to think we're good at seeing through fake news, but science tells us unequivocally that we (including me and you) are not. Let's keep this in mind while reading or listening, especially when we plan to say or write something about it! 

4.      For those of us who are interested in starting our own postcarding events, here is an example from one of our own who does this monthly and is sharing:  Tomorrow my postcarding group meets, so I’ve finalized the full April postcarding list. I also have a smaller list that just covers material from the past week for those of you who stop by more often.  Here is the full List: 
My group is in Santa Cruz, CA. If you have different Congresspeople, you can look up addresses for all Senators here. You can look up addresses for all Representatives here.

5.      Down Home NC recently published a report, "NO ONE'S EVER ASKED ME BEFORE": Conversations with North Carolina's Rural Communities, that shares their “findings from nearly 1,500 front-porch conversations in Haywood and Alamance counties. They describe a rural working class that is multi-racial, surprisingly united, and ready to speak out.”  Let’s check out the report and see if anything like this is being done where we live:  http://downhomenc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/dhnc-2018-report-FINAL.pdf

6.      "We’re journalists at a Sinclair news station. We’re pissed." - https://www.vox.com/first-person/2018/4/5/17202336/sinclair-broadcasting-promo-deadspin  Let’s continue to support our local news team if their company is owned by Sinclair.  They are doing their best to guard real journalism.  Let’s do our best to provide them with stories of good, local activism.

7.      From Postcards for America:  From Gabby Gifford’s Group. If you're attending a #TownHallForOurLives (or any Town Hall, really...or if you are - say - writing Postcards) here's a spreadsheet which tells all Reps (in alphabetical order):  A) NRA Rating, B) Career Gun Lobby contributions, C) How they voted on Concealed Carry Reciprocity (HR38 which has already passed the House - see our PC2A, D) How they voted on Deregulating Silencers, Background Checks, Assault Weapons Ban & Extreme Risk Orders:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1caClpavd7wTuyDFtOxhT3skUPzpnadFUvwd1J_W2iv8/htmlview (tabs at the bottom for House, Senate, and background information)

8.     From Jen Hofmann’s Americans of Conscience Action Checklist: An easy thing we can do to take action against Sinclair is to buy a subscription to a reputable print media source for friends and family members. Print media is Sinclair’s biggest enemy.

9.      The deadline is nearing to apply for repayment as part of a Toyota settlement concerning discriminatory loan practices. “Toyota Motor Credit Corp [TOYOM.UL] has agreed to pay up to $21.9 million in restitution to thousands of African-American, Asian and Pacific Islander customers, for charging them higher interest rates on auto loans than white borrowers with comparable creditworthiness, the U.S. government said.”  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-consumers-autofinance-toyota/toyota-motor-credit-settles-with-u-s-over-racial-bias-in-auto-loans-idUSKCN0VB2EO  The application to seek payment is here:  https://www.tmccsettlement.com/Content/Documents/Eligibility%20Form.pdf

10.  PEN America is continuing its “Read the Resistance” program, an online book club that highlights written works of and about resistance, with its choice for April, The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin.  There will be a live webcast on April 17for a discussion about the book as part of the PEN World Voices Festival.  For more information, visit 

 Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       April 14:  March for Science in Washington, D.C. with satellite marches all over the country.  More information here:  https://www.marchforscience.com/  Link to Facebook event:  https://www.facebook.com/events/170042620278362/

2.      April 15:  “On the anniversary of the 2017 Tax March, people across the country will come together to demand an end to the TrumpTax, which will raise taxes for 92 million middle-class families, rip health care away from 13 million people, and threaten life-saving programs — all to give tax breaks to millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations”  Let’s find more info here and find a TrumpTax Tour event near us:  https://notonepenny.org/trump-tax-tour/

3.      April 20, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine massacre there are two gun reform actions happening. The first is National Student Walkout started by a student: http://nationalschoolwalkout.us/ here is where to check on the locations of events:http://act.indivisible.org/event/national-school-walkout/ The second is sponsored by Network for Public Education (NPE, the organization run by Diane Ravitch who SHOULD be our Sec. of Ed.) which is more of an all-school approach:
http://protectourschools.com/ Schools who take part in this can get free pizza:  
https://pizzasaves.org/  Let's find a way to share the information and be part of the day.



1.       A sobering read from former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright : “Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late? - Fascism poses a more serious threat now than
at any time since the end of World War II”  - https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/06/opinion/sunday/trump-fascism-madeleine-albright.html

2.      “How Trump could lose a trade war with China:  The president’s unpopularity domestically and internationally could make it harder to win concessions from China” - https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/04/trump-china-trade-war-tariffs-456053

3.      Experts in authoritarianism advise us to keep a list of things subtly changing around us, so we’ll remember.  Amy Siskind is keeping that list for us. Amy writes, "Trump is acting against the advice of his dwindling pool of senior staffers, and gyrating on issues like withdrawing troops from Syria and tariffs. "  Let's review Amy Siskind's list week 73

4.      As usual, our weekly dose of Small Victories:  https://mailchi.mp/peaceisloud/small-victories-let-love-prevail

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