
Contact Federal Government Officials

Find senator’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/RLiotu

Find representative’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/5i7SXC

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       Despite the president specifically saying earlier this week that he might fire Robert Mueller, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is still insisting that there is no need for legislation to protect the special prosecutor. http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/382512-mcconnell-legislation-to-protect-mueller-not-needed. Since Senator McConnell will ultimately decide what can come to the Senate for a floor vote, we need to tell him that this legislation is needed to prevent a constitutional crisis, and it's necessary for his own party's integrity, as well as for the good of the country. We can contact Senator McConnell at  (202) 224-2541 or via this contact form if his voicemail is full.

2.      As Michael Pompeo begins his confirmation hearings for Secretary of State we need to raise our concerns with our Senators about Pompeo’s ties with extremist anti-Islamic groups. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/06/us/pompeo-bolton-muslims.html  Let’s make sure to remind our Senators that the Secretary of State is the country’s highest level diplomat and it would be immoral and dangerous for them to vote for someone who has already been on the record for his virulent expressions of prejudice. We can use this 5calls script.  

3.      On Wednesday, Republican strategist and political commentator Ana Navarro tweeted, " Paul Ryan has 8 months as Speaker. He’s finally free of political chains. Time to put country over Party. He should remove Nunes from Intel Committee, have a vote on Dream Act, move legislation to protect Mueller, and denounce Trump’s unpresidential actions & words at every turn." Let's all share this advice with Rep. Ryan and our own MoCs.

4.      The Department of State wants "to add several additional questions for immigrant visa applicants. One question lists multiple social media platforms and requires the applicant to provide any identifiers used by applicants for those platforms during the five years preceding the date of application." Why is this a bad thing? "The government doesn’t need to ask for people’s social media handles in order to vet them...It’s [really] about cracking down on free speech." https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/31/us-visa-social-media-tourism We can bet that people who were thinking about visiting the US are reconsidering; international tourism to the US is already in a "Trump slump." The good news is that this proposal is open for public comment. Let's make sure to submit our objections, here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/03/30/2018-06490/60-day-notice-of-proposed-information-collection-application-for-immigrant-visa-and-alien

5.      In the 19 years since the Columbine massacre, over 187,000 students have experienced a mass shooting on their campuses: (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/local/us-school-shootings-history/?utm_term=.75002edbd6f0). The 19th anniversary of that grim tragedy is coming up next week, so let's remind our MoCs that we are still waiting for commonsense gun control legislation at the federal level. There is also a petition available here:  https://actionnetwork.org/letters/gunreformnow

6.      It has been almost four years since the FDA held a hearing which led to the conclusion that electronic shock devices (ESDs) should be banned, and almost two years since the official ban proposal. However, the ban never went into effect, and the notoriously abusive Judge Rotenberg Center continues to use electronic shock devices (Gradual Electronic Decelerators, or GEDs) on students with disabilities: https://cbsn.ws/2GTjaBL (content warning: descriptions of torture and abuse). As part of Autism Acceptance month, and in recognition of the upcoming four-year anniversary since the FDA hearing, the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network is asking that we contact FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb today, April 13th, and again on April 24th, and tell him that we want him to immediately impose the ban on electronic shock devices. We can find more information, including a phone number, e-mail address, and call script here. Then, let's spread the word with our friends and family and ask that they help #StopTheShock.

7.      Many people like the notion of a balanced budget amendment, but most do not realize that in order to make this a reality that balance part of it will come mostly from cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, the environment, to name a few.  Corporate subsidies will not be touched, and neither will business tax loopholes, or military, to name a few.  The push for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, without adequate protection of our safety net programs, is irresponsible at best.  https://www.marketwatch.com/story/pelosi-says-balanced-budget-amendment-is-attack-on-social-safety-net-2018-04-11  Let's tell our legislators that we want guaranteed protections for those of us who need it.  

8.     The administration has nominated David S. Morales to fill a federal judge vacancy for the Southern District of Texas in Corpus Christi. In 2016 Morales' role in then-Attorney General Greg Abbott's Office gained attention when he decided not to pursue a $5.4 million lawsuit against Trump and Trump University without discussion with Abbott, now governor. Let's read more at USA Today.  Let's contact our own Senators now to let them know that oppose Morales for federal judge.

9.      Justice Department agents have raided the offices and residence of Trump's personal attorney, and the investigation has moved closer to Trump than ever before, and he grows ever more likely to try to fire Robert Mueller and/or Rod Rosenstein (https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/09/politics/donald-trump-fbi-michael-cohen/index.html). A few Republicans in Congress have promised to resist such a tyrannical abuse of power, but their paltry support isn't nearly enough to save our democracy. The best way to stop the firings is to prevent them from happening, and the only way to do that is for Congress to issue a clear prohibition to the president. Let's tell our MoCs that they must publicly announce  their commitment to (finally) hold Trump to account if he tries to interfere in the investigation. http://act.democracyforamerica.com/call/call-congress-russia/ 

10.  Wendy Vitter, one of Donald Trump’s judicial nominees, was already marked with a long record of opposing women’s rights to abortion and access to contraceptive care. Then at her Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, she was asked if Brown v. Board of Education was correctly decided – and refused to answer the question  (https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/12/politics/wendy-vitter-brown-v-board-of-education/index.html). A nominee with these views does not belong on the federal bench. Let’s join progressive groups nationwide in calling our senators and telling them Wendy Vitter is #UnfitToJudge.

11.   Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced that he will not seek re-election: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-congress-ryan/house-speaker-ryan-to-quit-shaking-republicans-as-elections-near-idUSKBN1HI1TEWe can show support for the Democrat running in Ryan’s district, Randy Bryce: https://www.randybryceforcongress.com

12.  The ACLU is suggesting that the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, while not perfect, would make a good model for comprehensive privacy legislation in the US. Let’s read the ACLU’s blog post, https://www.aclu.org/blog/privacy-technology/internet-privacy/landmark-european-law-could-change-facebook-and-improve, and let’s forward it to our MoCs with a message that we expect them to protect our privacy in this age of Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.

Election 2018 – General

1.       There’s another special election right around the corner, and this one is particularly pressing. Flippable pick Helen Tai is running for a seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives that’s up on May 15th, and she has a solid opportunity to pick up a long-GOP held district and send a message to state Republicans that their attacks on the judicial branch won’t be tolerated (http://www.theintell.com/news/20180115/solebury-supervisor-endorsed-for-178th-district-special-election). We can help her win by writing Postcards to Voters for her or making phone calls at this virtual phone bank link. (We can direct questions to volunteers@helentai.com)

2.      The ACLU has opened a 30-day window for people to nominate candidates in their upcoming local elections. Nominees will be evaluated by the ACLU for their commitment to important issues including civil rights, privacy rights, voting and immigrant rights. The ACLU will then endorse candidates who exemplify the best values of our country, but even more than that, it will also devote its formidable resources to help them get elected, while actively working to defeat those who oppose the advancement of civil liberties and justice. Nominate your local candidate, good or bad, here: https://peoplepower.org/nominate

Election 2018 – By State

Other Actions

1.       LINK CORRECTION: “A Republican group defended special counsel Robert Mueller against attacks by President Trump in an ad that aired Wednesday morning during “Fox & Friends” — a show that Trump is said to frequently watch.”  Here is the 30-second piece by Republicans for the Rule of Law:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0AUus59QhE  Let’s thank this group in comments on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/republicansfortheruleoflaw/ 

2.      From People for the American Way: In the wake of the recent killings of Stephon Clark in Sacramento and Shaheed Vasell in New York City the Black Caucus of the network of Young Elected Officials has released a public call for a national agenda to address police brutality. Some key ways we can help are by asking our state attorney general to issue clear conduct guidelines and make sure our local prosecutors appoint civil rights commissions to investigate police misconduct. We can also push nationally for systemic investigations against departments accused of patterns of racial violence and call for an end to “stop and frisk” police policies that have been used disproportionately against people of color. We can find out more here.

3.      “Social Fixer” is a safe extension to our browsers that help us manage our experience with Facebook. No, it won’t prevent Facebook from collecting our data. But it can, among other things, hide ads so we don’t have to see stuff that Facebook’s advertisers are aiming our way. Let’s learn more and consider downloading: http://socialfixer.com

4.      A teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who voluntarily carries a gun under the new state legislation left a loaded Glock 9mm in the bathroom of a Deerfield Beach Pier on Sunday. He went back for the gun, but a vagrant had already found the gun and fired it. The teacher was arrested for failing to safely store a firearm; the vagrant was arrested for shooting the gun. “On Tuesday, the Broward County Public School board official decided not to arm teachers following the $67 million state bill passed in February that would allow it.”  http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/382813-parkland-teacher-reportedly-left-a-loaded-gun-in-a-public  If you live in a state like Florida that allows teachers to carry guns, let your school boards know you don’t want your teachers armed.

5.      Now that the FCC has ended Net Neutrality, huge internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon will soon be able to throttle or block what we can see online and create "internet slow lanes" for everyone who won't pay extra. We must fight back, and we can on several fronts, including through our cities. Demand Progress tells us that Mayors Bill de Blasio of New York, Ted Wheeler of Portland, and Steve Adler of Austin have created the Cities Open Internet Pledge and called on other mayors to step up and join. More than 75 mayors signed on in under a month, including big cities like San Francisco, Baltimore, and San Antonio and small ones like North Ridgeville, Ohio and Great Falls, Montana. They are close to their goal of over 100 mayors signing on, and with our help, can reach it soon.  We can click on Demand Progress’ link here to see if our mayor has signed on, ask them to do so if they haven’t yet or thank them if they have.  Click here to email your mayor and ask them to sign on to the Cities Open Internet Pledge – or you can thank them if they've already joined!

6.      A new study finds that knowledge of the Holocaust is significantly lacking in the US:
http://www.claimscon.org/study Knowledge of civil rights history suffers similarly. https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2018/04/03/mlks-legacy-in-the-classroom-truncated-and.html Let’s read Facing History, https://www.facinghistory.org/, and suggest to the teachers and administrators in our public schools that they consider using their resources.

7.      A report has been issued in Missouri (panel of 5 Republicans and 2 Democrats) that finds the allegations against Governor Eric Greitens of forced sex credible: 

8.     The NFL Players Association Player Camp, a nationwide program which supports free summer youth camps, is teaming up with Spread the Vote this summer to register voters and get them voter IDs. Let’s learn more and see how to help: 

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       Tax March: This tax-day weekend, one year after marches were held across the country demanding that the president release his tax returns (which we still have not seen) hundreds of events have been scheduled across the country demanding that Republicans repeal the giveaway tax law and fund human needs. We can find out more at http://taxmarch.org and find an event near us here.

2.      “U.S. progressive groups are gearing up for nationwide protests if President Donald Trump fires the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, or replaces the Justice Department official overseeing the probe.”  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-protests/nationwide-protests-planned-if-trump-fires-mueller-or-rosenstein-idUSKBN1HI2G3  Here’s where we can sign up to join in should that happen:  https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/search/


1.       ID: Lambda Legal scored an important victory last month when a federal court ruled that Idaho was constitutionally required to provide accurate birth certificates to transgender people that reflect their gender identity. Let's read more at Lambda Legal.  Let's continue to support and keep an eye on transgender rights' issues.

2.      MI:  Enbridge's Line 5 pipeline, which runs through the Great Lakes, has long been a concern. From the lack of protective coating to a history of Line 5 oil spills, and now with dents discovered in the pipeline, it is well past time to decommission Line 5 https://detne.ws/2qqzXFq Rather than waiting for even more damage to be done, grassroots environmental group Oil & Water Don't Mix is hosting Line 5 retirement parties throughout the state to commemorate the pipeline's 65th anniversary, and increase the public pressure on our government officials. Let's check to see where the nearest party is, then join our fellow Michiganders in putting an end to this threat to our Great Lakes https://bit.ly/2JEqIdB

3.      OK: The Oklahoma legislature continues to push for Anti-LGBTQ child welfare bill SB1140.  The OK House Judiciary Committee voted to advance SB 1140 with an amendment to the full House of Representatives for consideration--one step closer to the governor's desk and becoming law. “SB 1140, if passed, would allow state-licensed child-placing agencies to disregard the best interest of children and turn away qualified Oklahomans seeking to care for a child in need,” said Cathryn Oakley, Human Rights Campaign's (HRC's) State Legislative Director and Senior Counsel. Let's read more at HRC. Let's contact our state house representatives to let them know we oppose this discriminatory bill.

4.      TX:  One part of Texas statute Section 45.103 of the Texas Family Code prohibits a person with a felony conviction from changing their name (and gender marker) for for two years after the completion of all terms of their sentence. Project 103 is an advocacy group that is working to show that Section 45.103 of the Texas Family Code is unconstitutional and to Expand access to affirming name and gender corrections in Texas. We can read more at In Justice Today. The statute is being challenged in court. Let's consider supporting trans pride:  Project 103.


1.       "L.A. County wants to help build guest houses in backyards — for homeless people."  Let's read about this creative potential solution to some homelessness. Could it work in our own communities?

2.      We’ve seen the damage that Bannon and Cambridge Analytics did to the 2016 election by targeting specific fake news to Facebook readers. It’s becoming increasingly clear that, in Information War, “weapons” are social media posts, memes and content designed to program just such political reactions.  Now, in this section of Joohn Choe’s “The Information War Handbook” we can find out exactly how the process works and what it achieves:  https://medium.com/@joohnchoe/the-resistance-information-warfare-handbook-part-v-3f1f3b4a51b8

3.      “We Cannot Stand By While the National Park Service Attacks Climate Science-  https://www.npca.org/articles/1805-we-cannot-stand-by-while-the-national-park-service-attacks-climate-science

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