
Contact Federal Government Officials

Find senator’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/RLiotu

Find representative’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/5i7SXC

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       Congress is looking to pass the omnibus spending bill this week http://bit.ly/2FLNySj While we need to make sure that our MoC do allow for the many problematic riders which have been proposed (http://bit.ly/2DoXXNB), there is also a concern about the $21.5 billion in funding for a border wall, along with 500 more Border Agents, and 1,000 more ICE agents https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yHE2OwGVapQLFQyyQzAG0DTa_MomP_uH_cx3oN944l0/edit We can use the call scripts available at Indivisible to as we call our MoC and tell them that we do not want to see any appropriations going towards an increase in BP/ICE personnel, and that we want to see a clean Dream act in the 2018 spending bill http://bit.ly/2DBlCdK We can also call out MoC using the click-to-tweets here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k-XXz_upOlmq0cUgFyBd-ULUXDzS6mUUm1nhKwjKTtE/edit

2.      Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff has called on all his colleagues to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller before we are in a constitutional crisis: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/congress-speak-support-russia-probe-dont-wait-crisis/story?id=53824337 Let’s share this exhortation with our own MoC and then let’s say the same to Senate Majority Leader McConnell and  Speaker Ryan:

3.      In response to the latest round of the President’s disturbing tweets this weekend and the call from his lawyer to end the Mueller investigation, a number of Republicans have gone on record to claim that they want the Mueller investigation protected, too. https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/18/politics/congress-robert-mueller-donald-trump-cnntv/index.html. Let’s reach out to them, as well as our own MoCs, and tell them to pass the Special Counsel Independence Protection Act (S. 1735/H.R. 3654) and The Special Counsel Integrity Act (S. 1741/H.R. 3771) NOW! There is no reason to wait for, or risk, a constitutional crisis.

4.      Disparate voices are converging to urge passage of S.J Res. 54, which a letter from 37 experts, former officials and advocates says “defends the constitutional linchpin of Congress’s sole authority to declare war and promises to help end what aid groups consider the worst humanitarian crisis in the world”: 

5.      Today marks six months since Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico. Our fellow citizens still need our help – parts of the island *still* do not have power (https://www.voanews.com/a/new-blackout-puerto-rico-amid-funding-worries/4277247.html). But Washington has moved on. Congress has not moved forward the Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Equitable Rebuild Act (H.R. 4782) to ensure these folks get the assistance they need, and the Treasury Department cut disaster relief loans to Puerto Rico by more than half. Let’s contact our MoCs and tell them to prioritize this legislation, and second Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello’s call for Congress to loosen restrictions on Puerto Rico’s ability to obtain relief funds.

6.      In the wake of Secretary of State Tillerson’s firing, we are sending Ivanka Trump to do our diplomatic bidding in South Korea: http://www.newsweek.com/ivanka-trump-tillerson-south-korea-849409 Let’s take a moment to ask Ms. Trump to please step away from something she is wholly unqualified to do (never mind her business conflicts of interest).  

7.      We all heard of the case recently where an asylum-seeker from the Democratic Republic of Congo was separated from her young daughter for four months. This cruel incident, the ACLU points out, is not an isolated case, but rather a ruthless and effective tactic “to warn immigrants not to come here, or else they might lose their children.” Let’s not let the Trump administration get away with this. “We have the power change this cruel policy - if enough of us raise our voices. Sign this petition to tell Homeland Security to end the vicious and inhumane practice of separating children from their families.” Sign here:  https://action.aclu.org/petition/separating-families

8.     The deadline for writing the omnibus budget spending bill is this Friday, March 23, and debate is still swirling around several “poison pills” that could be included. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/378862-congress-races-to-finish-12-trillion-funding-bill  Most disturbing is the GOP insistence to invoke Hyde Amendment rules for any funds allocated to stabilizing Obamacare, which would mean restricting any insurance company that covers abortions from federal funds, even if these funds weren’t directly used for abortions. The GOP also wants to include a “conscience protection clause,” which would protect health care workers who have religious objections to abortion. Funds for the border wall are also still “in play,” and the Democrats have abandoned their push for a DACA fix as part of the legislation. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/378862-congress-races-to-finish-12-trillion-funding-bill  Let’s make sure our voices are heard in pushing for what’s important to us as this legislation becomes finalized.

9.      The Saudi Prince begins a U.S. visit today and the administration is pushing back against bipartisan S.J. Res. 54, which would stop U.S. aid to the Saudis for their war in Yemen, labeled by the UN as one of the worst recent humanitarian crises. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/18/us/politics/trump-saudi-yemen.html  Let’s make sure our MoCs know that we support SJ Res 54, and that we do not want the U.S. to be giving Saudi Arabia a “blank check” for further atrocities. A vote on the resolution is expected this week.

10.  Trump wants a enormous expansion of offshore oil and gas drilling (http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/01/trump-proposes-vast-expansion-offshore-drilling)  and he wants Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to relax the safety regulations governing this drilling.  But in surprise crane inspections last week, Interior Department records released to the NY Times show that the rate of lift-related offshore accidents last year increased by more than 4%, reaching the second-highest annual level in the past decade. In February, Zinke issued a stop-work order for a National Academy of Sciences study looking at ways to reduce offshore accidents: https://www.facebook.com/nytimes/posts/10151521322229999  We should tell Zinke what we think of both proposals before he issues new rules, and urge him to let the NAS scientists do their work: 1849 C St, NW, DC 20240 or 202-208-3100.

11.   Trump has nominated Howard Nielson Jr. for a lifetime appointment as a federal judge from Utah. In addition to a longstanding history of bigotry and advocacy for the use of torture, Nielson has argued that common sense gun control laws like bans on handgun purchases by people under 21 or local ordinances barring semiautomatic rifles are unconstitutional (http://www.newsweek.com/president-trumps-new-judicial-nominee-believes-gay-judges-shouldnt-hear-lgbt-771447). Our senators need to know that this is not someone we want on the federal bench. We can find talking points and scripts from Indivisible here.

Election 2018 – General

1.       The first major test of the gun control movement’s electoral power since #Parkland is almost here. On April 3rd Wisconsin will elect a new state supreme court justice. Judge Rebecca Dalletsupports common sense gun control regulations like an assault weapons ban and has criticized overly broad readings of the Second Amendment and the influence of special interests. Her opponent, Scott Walker-appointee Michael Screnock, has the active support and endorsement of the NRA (https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/09/wisconsin-high-court-candidates-rebecca-dallet-and-michael-screnock-divided-over-guns-nra/404119002/). Let’s send a message to politicians nationwide that if they toe the NRA’s line they’ll pay for it at the ballot box. We can help Judge Dallet from anywhere in the country by following her on Twitterdonating, by joining Postcards to Voters, or by signing up to phone bank or text bank voters at this link.

2.      Part of turning the House blue in November involves running a competitive campaign. In order for candidates to do so, they need to have the funds. Swing Left has launched Midterm Madness to help encourage us to raise money for Democratic candidates in specific districts across the U.S. We can contribute to whichever region we want to see flip blue in November, and compete against other regions to see who can raise the most funds:  https://swingleft.org/midterm-madness

Election 2018 – By State

1.       GA:  A bill advancing in the Georgia Legislature would reduce voting hours in the city of Atlanta and limit early voting on Sundays. The legislation would force Atlanta’s polls to close at 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. and allow voting in advance of Election Day on only one Saturday or Sunday.  Last week, the GA House Governmental Affairs Committee approved [GA] Senate Bill 363 (SB363).  The committee’s five Democrats opposed the bill. We can read more at Politically Georgia. If we are Georgians, let's call our state house representatives to let them know that we oppose voter-suppressing bill SB363. 

2.      IL:  Today is primary day in Illinois, and we’ll have the chance to select nominees for Congress, governor and other statewide and local offices. Let’s make sure we get out and vote. We can find our polling place at this link: https://ova.elections.il.gov/PollingPlaceLookup.aspx

3.      MO, MT, WV, IN, ND:  New polls show Sens. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Jon Tester (D-MT), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Joe Donnelly (D-IN) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) would all lose reelection to GOP challengers if voters were heading to the polls now. Let's read more at The Hill. If we are in these states, let's consider ways that we can help these important Democratic campaigns. Links are to the senators' campaign sites. Let's work together to keep these seats blue.

4.      ALL:  Whatever your political affiliation... anyone who has been following the special election races knows the feeling of losing by a handful of votes. For example, the vote in PA-18 this last week was conducted almost exclusively via electronic touchscreens, and as Nate Silver reports, this leaves no recourse for those demanding a recount. (https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/pennsylvania-18-district-lamb-results/) It's important now more than ever for ALL of us to lobby for voter-verified paper ballots and rigorous post-election audits, so that we can continue to have faith in the results of our electoral process. This week Rogan's List will be providing several interconnected steps we can take to hold our local election officials accountable.  Step 2 (Step 1 was in the 3/18 Rogan’s List)Find the names of your local and state election agencies: A) The US Election Assistance Commission has links to the official election agencies of each US state and territory. (https://www.eac.gov/voters/register-and-vote-in-your-state/) From the website of your state or territory’s election agency you can usually find contact info for your local election agency (which may be part of your county or town government), B) Google your jurisdiction/location + “election authority” or “board of election” for contact info, and C) Call your local or state elected official’s office; staffers there should be able to help you identify the local and state election agencies.  #VerifytheVote

Other Actions

1.       Since the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, we've seen kids from that school (and many others) shoulder the burden of leadership in their quest for sensible gun control, at times looking more mature and focused than our actual leaders. This didn't happen by accident; their schools had taught these kids how to think critically, and how to respond to injustice in a democratic nation of laws. They are doing us proud, but meanwhile subjects like civics and social studies are being cut.  https://theconversation.com/teaching-students-how-to-dissent-is-part-of-democracy-93046   Let's each call our local school district and ask what steps they are taking to support the education of our kids, who are not only our future scientists and entrepreneurs, but also our young citizens and future leaders. 

2.      “Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver on Sunday night announced the release of a children’s book that spoofs the one second lady Karen Pence and her daughter wrote about their family rabbit, Marlon Bundo. Oliver announced at the end of his show that he had published a book that mirrors the one about the Pence family’s pet rabbit, except in Oliver’s version, the rabbit is gay. However, Oliver was critical of the fact that the tour to promote the children’s book includes a stop at Focus on the Family, a religious organization that the host said promotes gay conversion therapy.” All proceeds of Oliver’s book will be donated to the Trevor Project and AIDS United.  http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/379105-john-oliver-publishes-spoof-of-book-about-pence-family-rabbit. You can purchase the book, “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo” here:

3.      We’ve all seen how Facebook let Cambridge Analytics harvest data from 50 million unwitting users. Many people who didn’t use apps, still had their data stolen because their friends did. If we want to prevent this from happening to us in the future, we can learn to turn off App access to our Facebook data here. Share as much as you like. 
https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/975107064912629765.html  We can read more about how this theft as orchestrated, and the very real dangers that remain, here: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/17/cambridge-analytica-facebook-influence-us-election

4.      Last week, get-out-the-vote organization Postcards to Voters assigned 16,395 addresses to volunteers in one day.  Over 17,000 people have now signed up to participate.  Two campaigns are currently open:  1) AZ-Campaign 60: Dr. Hiral Tipirneni for US Congress.  2) WI - Campaign 63: Judge Rebecca Dallet for WI Supreme Court. Returning writers may text WIN to (484) ASK-ABBY which is (484) 275-2229 and get addresses right away, 24/7 with an emailed courtesy copy for added convenience.  If we are new to this effective grassroots effort, we can still email: Join@TonyTheDemocrat.org OR text JOIN to (484) ASK-ABBY.  Let's write 5 postcards to voters. 

5.      Antisemitism is on the rise:  https://www.vox.com/identities/2018/2/27/17057802/anti-semitism-incidents-increase-adl, and yet antisemitism is often poorly understood or downplayed by progressives. Let’s educate ourselves by reading this report from the group Jews for Racial & Economic Justicehttp://jfrej.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/JFREJ-Understanding-Antisemitism-November-2017-v1-3.pdf

6.      "As students across the country prepare for the March for Our Lives and other coordinated actions to demand action to end gun violence, please take a moment and record a video to tell them how thankful and proud of them you are." We can participate in this positive initiative from the National Education Association and help spread their #ThankYouStudents message here:  http://neatoday.org/thankyoustudents

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize


1.       ALL:  Around 20,000 people commit suicide using guns each year. Washington is about to become the first state to enact a “firearm choice” law. Under the law, people can put their names on a do-not-sell list, voluntarily disqualifying themselves from purchasing a gun from licensed dealers. www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-ayres-vars-washington-firearm-choice-20180312-story.html  Let’s tell our governors and state legislators that we want to see a firearm choice law enacted in our state.  Find legislators:    https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator  and find governors: 

2.      ALL (except CA and WA):  Automatic voter registration. Election Day registration. Pre-registration for 16- & 17-year-olds. A state-based Voting Rights Act. These four reforms are now the law in California and Washington. 
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/03/all-of-a-sudden-voting-rights-are-expanding-across-the-country/ Let’s contact our state legislators (https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator ) and governors (https://www.usa.gov/state-governor) and tell them we want them to bring these expanded voting rights to our state, too.

3.      CA: The California Legislative Black Caucus prioritizes legislation that promotes social, economic, and educational justice. Let’s review the CLBC’s legislative package: http://blackcaucus.legislature.ca.gov/content/legislative-package , and let’s tell our state legislators to support it: https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/

4.      MA: Behind closed doors on Beacon Hill, there’s been significant debate about toughening up Massachusetts gun control regulations with a new red flag law. The legislation is likely to pass if it gets a floor vote – now we need to make sure it gets one (https://news.wgbh.org/2018/03/09/politics-government/there-gun-control-debate-beacon-hill-its-taking-place-email). Let’s check if our legislators are supporting extreme risk protection order bills like H. 3081 or H. 3610contact them and let them know we want them to lobby leadership for a vote. Everytown for Gun Safety will connect you directly to your state rep if you text SAFETY to 64433.


1.       “We are definitely in a period of sustained constitutional infection. The question is whether we can collectively bring that infection under control before we face an acute crisis.” This is from an excellent piece in The Atlantic titled “Is American on the Verge of a Constitutional Crisis?”: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/03/is-america-on-the-verge-of-a-constitutional-crisis/555860/

2.      “Conservatives Mobilize Grass-Roots Activists To Promote Trump Judges” - https://www.npr.org/2018/03/16/593487330/conservatives-mobilize-grass-roots-activists-to-promote-trump-judges

3.      “The White Allies’ Guide to Collecting Aunt Linda:  10 rules for speaking up on the Internet” -  https://medium.com/@realtalkwocandallies/the-white-allies-guide-to-collecting-aunt-linda-41c6a92ae864

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