
Contact Federal Government Officials

Find senator’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/RLiotu

Find representative’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/5i7SXC

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       Fully aware that the banking bill in the Senate, S. 2155: The Economic Growth and Recovery Act (a rollback on Dodd-Frank bank regulations),  will roll back protections that are designed to forgo another recession like that in 2008, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has released 17 amendments to the bill:  https://www.warren.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/warren-releases-17-amendments-filed-to-senate-bank-deregulation-bill  and  http://www.masslive.com/politics/index.ssf/2018/03/us_sen_elizabeth_warren_decrie.html Let’s tell our Senators to heed Warren’s advice and be proactive on these measures. 

2.      “The US housing department, helmed by the former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, has proposed a new mission statement in which the pledge to build “inclusive” communities “free from discrimination” is removed.” :https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/mar/07/ben-carson-housing-department-mission-statement-discrimination-inclusion Imagine having moving away from fighting discrimination as a priority. Let’s let Secretary Carson know what with think of his priorities: https://www.hud.gov/contact

3.      It seems at times as though Trump has taken up obstruction of justice as a new hobby. News broke Wednesday that he has quizzed staff about their Mueller interviews: 
http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/377303-trump-asked-senior-aides-to-describe-interviews-with-mueller-report Let’s ask our MoC how far we need to ride this down towards rock bottom.  

4.      The omnibus spending bill may be voted on in the House as early as next week:
http://bit.ly/2HjYp1V While the bill needs bipartisan support in order to pass, there are a number of problematic riders attached to it, many attacking healthcare for women and LGBTQ individuals. Let's read through some of the changes, cited by People for the American Way, then contact our representative in the House to ask that they not only reject these riders, but to then push back with protections of DACA recipients http://bit.ly/2FoSso8

5.      Along with riders which weaken campaign finance laws, and erode women's rights, the 2018 spending bill also has a number of riders which would de-regulate environmental protections http://bit.ly/2GUdfMz Sierra Club has an action page where we can edit and send a personalized letter to our MoC, then we can send a tweet, asking for a #CleanBudget  http://bit.ly/2FrRvrd Let's use these tools to ensure that our MoC does not support any spending bill that guts environmental protections.

6.      While Attorney General Jeff Sessions, threatens California’s sanctuary policies, https://www.politico.com/story/2018/03/07/jeff-sessions-california-immigration-444387  crops are rotting due to the shortage of available immigrant workers and the fear engendered through current immigration policies. http://goo.gl/bm6KK1. Let’s remind AG Sessions that immigrants are crucial to the California food economy, which produces the lion’s share of food for the nation. 202-353-1555; https://www.justice.gov/contact-us. Let’s also ask our MoCs to pass legislation that protects immigrants who are working on the farms that feed us.

7.      From MomsRising: The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has changed its mission statement, eliminating language that referred to the many contributions immigrants have made to the country and inserting language that emphasizes the protection of Americans. Let’s tell USCIS Secretary Francis Cissna not to erase the positive contributions of immigrants to our society or perpetuate the notion that we need protection from them. We can adapt the Moms Rising template letter and email them here, or call them at (800) 375-5283, or tweet @USCIS.

8.     Trump has proposed opening 90% of U.S. waters to offshore drilling in what would be a massive windfall for Big Oil and a massive disaster for our environment (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-drilling-offshore/trump-administration-aims-to-open-nearly-all-u-s-offshore-to-oil-drilling-idUSKBN1ET1OW). Folks living along our nation’s shores have emphatically rejected this plan. We need to continue letting the administration know it. Today is the FINAL DAY the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will collecting public comments on this proposal. Let’s let them hear from us before they’re done at this link. (H/t Sierra Club)

9.      Members of the House across the political spectrum came together to support legislation that will better protect congressional employees from sexual harassment, and ensure that the guilty members of Congress are held financially responsible for settlements instead of the taxpayer. Senate Republicans don’t see the same urgency, and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is urging leadership for a quick stand-alone vote or the bill’s inclusion in the next government spending bill (https://www.politico.com/story/2018/02/23/kirsten-gillibrand-congress-harassment-misconduct-422728). Let’s amplify her voice. Contact your senators and ask them to join Senator Gillibrand in support of quick passage of H.R. 4822.

10.  A bi-partisan bill, The Political Appointee Burrowing Prevention Act, HR1132, was approved by a voice vote in the House on Tuesday. The legislation now moves to the Senate. The legislation includes a two-year “cooling off” period for political appointees before they can take a career position. Let's read more at Roll Call.  Let's contact our Senators to let them know that we support true swamp-draining bill HR1132.

11.   “Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr, an outspoken gun control advocate, is set to join U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna for a town hall with high school students discussing gun violence, according to a news release from Khanna's office. The town hall, dubbed a "conversation on gun violence," is scheduled for 3:45 p.m. Monday on the campus of Newark Memorial High School. Khanna represents California's 17th congressional district, which consists mostly of Silicon Valley cities and includes Newark. In the immediate wake of the deadly mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, last month, Kerr publicly expressed his disdain for the National Rifle Association and the politicians who have fallen in step with it.” 
https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Warriors-Coach-Steve-Kerr-to-Join-US-Rep-Ro-Khanna-in-Gun-Violence-Discussion-at-Bay-Area-High-School-476201333.html  Let’s each ask all our congress persons to go to high schools everywhere and have this conversation. I’m sure there are other persons with influence in each district who could join our Congress persons to listen to the voices of the youth and make sure they register to vote, and the NRA hears them. 

Election 2018 – General

1.       “A Washington State University graduate student has created what’s believed to be the first of its kind election map that details voting down to the neighborhood.”    http://pullmanradio.com/wsu-grad-student-creates-first-of-its-kind-detailed-precinct-level-voting-map/  Let’s check out his story and his map to help us moving forward with elections.

Election 2018 – By State

1.       PA: Election 2018 - A Special Election on Tuesday, March 13 will determine who represents Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district.  Democrat Conor Lamb is running against Republican candidate Rick Saccone. Already, the GOP is bracing for an embarrassing defeat next week in a district Donald Trump won by 20 points. Let's read more at Politico. This race is far from over. It's up to each of us in the district to turn out to vote.  If we are PA18 residents, let's make a plan to vote on Tuesday, March 13. Let's give the Republicans a reason to worry.

Other Actions

1.       ProPublica has created a database of all of Trump's staffers, cabinet members, and appointees. We can learn about each person's background, identify those with ethics waivers, and "Deregulatory task force members" https://projects.propublica.org/trump-town/ Let's be sure to keep this tool in our back pocket as we familiarize ourselves with the players in the Trump administration.

2.      A fund dedicated to the memory of Philando Castile, a black man who was murdered by a Minnesota police officer, has paid of the entire lunch debt of the 56 schools in the St. Paul school system. https://www.gomn.com/life/philando-castile-fund-pays-off-entire-st-paul-schools-lunch-debt. This is especially fitting, as Castile was known as someone who’d give his spare change to children needing lunch money. We can contribute to the fund, which is now expanding its outreach to other school districts here and share our act on social media to spread the effort.

3.      Rep. Don Young (R-AK) recently suggested that gun control was partially to blame for the Holocaust in defending his opposition to common sense gun laws (http://amp.thenewstribune.com/news/nation-world/national/article202573824.html). This add just another reason the people of Alaska would be better served by a new member of Congress. Let’s check out his challengers, teacher and education advocate Alyse Galvin and accountant and small business owner Dimitri Shein, and follow them both on Twitter. And we can donate to whoever becomes the Democratic nominee at this link. (H/t David Nir)

4.      As time passes since the last school massacre, the NRA is hoping we will forget about gun safety, but we cannot let that happen. One way to keep the pressure on  is to see if our financial institutions support the NRA. If they do, we can contact them and ask them to stop their support. If they choose to ignore us, we can look for a credit union near us and move our accounts.  We can see a list of NRA-supporting financial institutions here and read more about it here:  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-07/nra-s-banker-wells-fargo-climbs-to-top-of-gunmaker-debt-market  If we decide to change to a credit union near us, we can use this tool to find one:  http://mapping.ncua.gov/

5.      “Sinclair Broadcasting Corp. is requiring news anchors at its local TV stations to take part in a new promotional campaign that slams national media outlets for sharing “fake stories,” according to a new report.”  http://thehill.com/homenews/media/377296-sinclair-requiring-anchors-to-read-new-promo-slamming-one-sided-news-stories  Let’s tell Sinclair that all reporters/anchors should be able to call out “fake news” regardless of the source and only when they have verified it is so.  Contact:  http://sbgi.net/contact/  Let’s also let our local Sinclair stations know how we feel:  http://sbgi.net/tv-stations/

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       The American Civil Liberties Union has an activist branch we can all be involved in whether we're lawyers or not! "People Power is the ACLU's platform for grassroots action. By mobilizing in defense of our civil liberties, volunteers will build and strengthen local communities that affirm our American values of respect, equality, and solidarity."  https://peoplepower.org Because there's been so much interest lately in organizing locally, they've put together a number of online webinars this month. We can sign up here for free webinars on organizing basics, how to host events, using social media effectively, and more:   https://go.peoplepower.org/survey/upcoming-aclu-webinars

2.      March 14th, is the 17-minute #ENOUGH National School Walkout all over the country coordinated by Women’s March Empower youth group.  Let’s check here to see if there is an event near us:  https://www.womensmarch.com/enough

3.      “On March 24, the kids and families of March for Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end this epidemic of mass school shootings. The collective voices of the March for Our Lives movement will be heard. Join us in DC or march in your own community.”  Let’s find out more:  https://marchforourlives.com/


1.       ALL:  Most North Carolina educators think it’s a bad idea to let teachers carry guns in the classroom, and they say arming teachers would make schools less safe and harm the learning environment, according to a newly released poll. 78 percent of North Carolina educators say it’s a bad idea, according to an Elon University/News & Observer/Charlotte Observer poll. “Look, I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to kill anyone,” said Leigh Sanders, a sixth-grade English teacher at Swift Creek Middle School in Johnston County. “I want to teach, and if anyone wants to arm teachers, please for the love of country, let it be with school supplies, nurses, counselors and, above all trust.   http://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article204079809.html  Let’s all keep our eyes on our state legislatures, so they don’t pass any bills to arm teachers. We don’t want to arm teachers and the majority of teachers don’t want to be armed.

2.      ALL: “A state's laws governing the sale, ownership and use of guns — or its lack of such laws — are a powerful influence on rates of suicide and of firearms-related homicide there, new research shows.”  http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-gun-laws-homicides-20180305-story.html  Let’s call our state MoCs and use this information when we ask for commonsense gun reform to save lives.

3.      CA:  Yesterday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions came to Sacramento to announce a lawsuit against the state of California over the state’s recently enacted laws Senate Bill 54 (the California Values Act), Assembly Bill 450 (the Immigrant Worker Protection Act), and Assembly Bill 103. Make no mistake: with this lawsuit, the Trump administration is really saying that its racist immigration agenda, aimed at eliminating legal and unauthorized immigrants from our country, depends on California's cooperation.  Fortunately. the ACLU is well organized and prepared to fight, but they will need our help to win. To help them fight back, we can join the ACLU’s Rapid Response and get notified of actions we can take to protect our fellow Californians’ rights. Almost a year ago, with leadership from a broad coalition of organizations including the ACLU, state legislators and the Governor passed meaningful laws that increased protection for immigrants. Let’s keep those laws in place!  To join ACLU Rapid Response, we can sign up here:  https://goo.gl/YkXVv8

4.      MA: March for Our Lives-Boston, https://event.marchforourlives.com/event/march-our-lives-events/8734/signup/?zip=&referring_akid=,  is looking for high school and college students to be voter registration volunteers at the March 24th anti-gun violence demonstration on Boston Common. Let’s recruit volunteers using this form: 


1.       A federal law banning sex bias in the workplace prohibits discrimination against transgender workers, a U.S. appeals court said on Wednesday, ruling in favor of a funeral director who was fired after telling her boss she planned to transition to female from male.”  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-michigan-lgbt-lawsuit/u-s-appeals-court-says-civil-rights-law-covers-transgender-workers-idUSKCN1GJ2NO

2.      Another example of young people leading the way:  https://www.facebook.com/Brutlive/videos/1875672706064573/

3.      Why Women’s March leaders are being accused of anti-Semitism” - https://www.vox.com/identities/2018/3/7/17082030/womens-march-louis-farrakhan-tamika-mallory-anti-semitism-controversy

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