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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       This week in Congress. Thirteen (13) bills are on the House schedule this week. Let's check them out here.  On Monday the Senate will convene at 5:00 pm to consider the nomination of Andrei Iancu to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. They are expected to proceed to a vote.  Iancu has already been approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee (source: WIPR).  The Senate only releases schedule information for the following day so let's check the Senate floor schedule for information about Tuesday.

2.      As the Nunes memo was released, Trump said that “a lot of people should be ashamed.”  Little did he realize that it was the GOP who should be ashamed.  Let’s not be distracted by memos.  It is about Russia.  It has always been about Russia.  The Sacramento Bee had a strong editorial prior to its release that outlines the issue of the Nunes memo well: and then Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein said this: “What we are seeing here is a demagogic, authoritarian president who is using this red herring to contend that there is a ‘witch hunt’ going on when, in fact, there is a legitimate investigation into what the Russians did, and whether or not the president of the United States and his cohort and aides and family may or may not have been involved in helping the Russians.”: Additionally, House Intelligence Committee Member Adam Schiff wrote a clear op-ed in Esquire about what is at stake: Some are concerned that we are watching a repeat of the “Saturday Night Massacre” from the Nixon era but in slow motion. Let’s be in touch with all our MoCs to say that the weaponization and politicization of our intelligence community is degrading our republic minute by minute.  Let’s also tell them that we stand with Mueller and Rosenstein and that unless they also stand up for them and call for the Russia sanctions to be enforced that we will find them complicit with the election interference and smear campaign.

3.      The House and Senate passed a continuing resolution (CR) last month to keep the government running through Feb. 8 on the strength of a promise from Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to have a “free and open debate” on immigration next month if the issue hasn’t been resolved by then.  It has not happened yet, and time is nearly up. Even if it means another government shutdown, our GOP lawmakers must be told that the onus will be on them if they do not pass a clean Dream Act (S.1615/H.R. 3440)and a reasonable immigration plan this week.  Our Democratic lawmakers need to know that we do not want them to backdown and that we support a shutdown until the GOP is ready to talk.  The Dreamers are counting on us. 

4.      While CHIP was reauthorized for six years as part of the continuing resolution (CR), another 26 million of us were left in the healthcare lurch, as community healthcare centers were not funded.  Many CHIP recipients are seen at these healthcare center:  Our legislators need to know that we want this funding for this valuable program reauthorized as part of any budget talks. 

5.      Paul Ryan (or a hapless intern) took to Twitter over the weekend to say this: “A secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, PA said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week… she said [that] will more than cover her Costco membership for the year.” He was slammed far and wide for this brand of “let them eat cake” idiocy regarding the tax cut and it was quickly deleted but broadly shared. Let’s take a moment to let Ryan know what we think of his tweet and on Twitter at @PRyan and @SpeakerRyan We can also consider a donation to his leading Congressional opponent Randy Bryce: Many gave $1.50!

6.      Need a pause in the bad news for something hopeful? There are some sanity guardrails holding when it comes to Trump’s nominees/confirmees: K.T. McFarland has withdrawn her name for consideration for Ambassador to Singapore:  CDC Director Brenda Fitzgerald has resigned (due to tobacco investments while running anti-smoking campaigns):   and the Trump administration has dropped Kathleen Hartnett White from consideration for environment advisor (she is a climate-change denier):  Let’s continue to make noise about off-the-rails nominees.

7.      The Department of Labor is continuing its assault on Obama-era worker protections, drafting a new rule that will force restaurant workers to pool their tips. Last week Bloomberg reported that they are doing so in spite of internal analysis showing that tipped workers could lose billions of dollars in wage ( Today is the FINAL day we can submit comments to the Department on this proposal. Let’s let them know that tips belong to the workers who have earned them, and we don’t want to see a pathway for employers to keep the tips for themselves at this link:

8.     State after state has listened to the majority of Americans and legalized marijuana. Jeff Sessions, formerly a champion of states’ rights, is ending the Obama-era policy that allowed states to move forward with change without federal interference. He said he would leave it up to individual federal prosecutors how aggressive they would be:  Now, it’s the Senate’s turn to protect us. Trump’s U.S. attorney nominees need to be confirmed. Let’s contact our senators, especially those of us represented by members of the Judiciary Committee, and tell them we want them to oppose any U.S. attorney nominee who does not explicitly promise to respect the rights of states that legalize marijuana. (We can also sign this petition from Color of Change.)

9.      Last April, “After a number of ethics complaints, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California, announced today that he will step aside from leading the House Intelligence Committee's probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.”  As recent events reveal, he has not done so.  He is no longer able to carry out his role as chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Let’s join in the voices asking for Nunes’ removal from that significant committee by calling one of Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) offices:

10.  The Money Follows the Person (MFP) program has enabled people with disabilities to transition out of institutions, in order to live in less restrictive environments, become more independent, and integrate into their communities: However, in 2016 the program was never renewed, and now states are set to lose federal funding for the program. Senators Rob Portman and Maria Cantwell have introduced S. 2227: EMPOWER Care Act, which will reauthorize the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program. This is a straightforward, bipartisan piece of legislation that will help us take care of a large part of our population, who are often ignored. Let's call our senators and ask them to cosponsor and support the EMPOWER Care Act.

11.   Genocide is still taking place against the Rohingya in Myanmar. AP has published a report detailing the discovery of mass graves following the continued massacre of the Rohingya people Let's make sure that we are urging our members of Congress to speak up and do everything they can to stop the ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. We can ask that our representatives support H.Con.Res. 90 and H.Res. 528, and that our senators support S.Res. 250

12.  The Senate will soon vote on Trump’s nomination of Eric Dreiband to head the DoJ’s Civil Rights Division. According to an August statement from the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, "Dreiband has devoted most of his career to defending corporations in employment discrimination cases and advocating for weaker antidiscrimination protections in the workplace.” "He also” the statement goes on, “has a troubling lack of experience, having done no significant work in other issue areas central to the Division's mission, including urgent priorities like voting rights and policing reform."  Given our critical need for an end to gerrymandering, the limitation of police power, and equity in the workplace, we must urge our senators to vote against this nomination.

Election 2018 - General

1.       Postcards to Voters' Campaign 50 for Democrat Conor Lamb in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district (PA18) continues with almost 10,000 addresses requested and assigned every day.  We can support the Democrats and Conor Lamb by writing five (5) postcards to Democratic voters in PA18. The special election is March 13. Let's join the fun by emailing: or checking the Postcards to Voters website for texting instructions.  

2.      Feeling frustrated about Devin Nunes? Many (frequently in the amount of $20.18) have taken this as opportunity to support the front-runner opposition candidate in that November 2018 Congressional race in the California 22nd, Andrew Janz:

3.      “Other than voting - Becoming a Poll Worker (or Poll Watcher) is one of the best ways to help the Democracy thrive and ensure fair elections throughout your State.”  Thanks to Postcards for America, we can find out what our state requirements are and how to sign up:

Election 2018 – By State

Other Actions

1.       “The Immigrant Yarn Project [is] a massive-scale work of public and democratic (made by the people) art honoring our immigrant past and diverse future. It is made of thousands of small squares and pieces knitted or crocheted by immigrants and their descendants representing their personal stories from across the country - compiled and sewn together in a single colossal display of yarn-based protest art. It will be displayed at Fort Point in San Francisco in November 2018. Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris are supporting this project as are dozens of organizations and individuals. We have started knitting circles in retirement centers, schools and girl scout troops in the Bay Area and beyond and the response has been incredible.”  Let’s see what we can do to help this creative endeavor:

2.      As if divesting from Wells Fargo due to their funding the Dakota Access Pipeline was not enough:, “the Federal Reserve announced Friday that it is restricting Wells Fargo's growth and demanding the replacement of four board members in response to "widespread consumer abuses and compliance breakdowns" at the bank.”  Let’s find a bank or credit union we can respect to work with. 

3.      Experts in authoritarianism advise us to keep a list of things subtly changing around us, so we’ll remember.  Amy Siskind is keeping that list for us. Amy writes, "Critical stories about Russia’s slow creep into our country and Trump’s refusal to impose sanctions were the most alarming stories this week yet received little attention. Nor did the stories about the continued dismantling of our executive branch agencies, and ICE ramping up their heinous activities, unchecked."  Let's review Amy Siskind's list week 64

4.      After the hurricanes, Home Depot crushed one million pounds worth of goods on St. Thomas island, according to Waste Management records. The goods were sent to a local landfill and claimed on the company’s insurance rather than sorted for hurricane survivors. (Source: WSBTV/Atlanta)  Let's write to Craig Menear, Chairman, CEO and President, Home Depot USA, Inc., 2455 Paces Ferry Road NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30339 to tell him how disappointed we are.  Let's consider choosing to purchase from a different hardware store in the future.

5.      Forced labor, human trafficking, and hazardous child labor taint our seafood supply. Now, there’s a new online tool to help businesses “ferret slavery out of the supply chain.” Let’s send a tweet to the following companies telling them to use the Seafood Slavery Risk Tool: and take necessary corrective action if they find that their suppliers or partners are violating human rights: A) Kroger, @kroger, B) Safeway, @Safeway, C) Whole Foods, @WholeFoods, D) Hy-Vee, @HyVee, E) Walmart, @Walmart, and F) Red Lobster, @redlobster

6.      We have a right to counsel in criminal cases, but not in civil cases—even though civil litigants can face life-damaging consequences like homelessness, denial of medical benefits, domestic violence, hunger, family break-ups, deportation, and incarceration. Let’s check out this list of pending federal and state legislation: , and let’s advocate to close America’s justice gap. More info from the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel,

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       Democracy for America (DFA) is hosting phone banking and needs our help: “Can you sign up to call your fellow DFA members and ask them to contact Congress and demand a clean DREAM Act now?  Calling DFA members is fun and easy. We will provide you with a script and all of the training you'll need, and our DFA Dialer will connect you with other members automatically.”  Details and sign-up here for Monday-Thursday this week:

2.      Wednesday, Feb. 7 is National Day of Action for a DREAM Act Now.  Details here for the Washington, D.C. rally: 

3.      In the event that Trump should let Mueller or Rosenstein go, let’s make sure we are signed up with the Rapid Response people to find our closest (or create one) response rally:


1.       MI: Promote the Vote is launching a campaign to collect 425,000 signatures in order to get a proposal on the November 2018 ballot, amending the Michigan Constitution to include protections for voting rights. While the official kickoff is February 21st, Promote the Vote needs volunteers to sign up to help collect the necessary signatures. Let's help expand voting rights in Michigan; we can learn more and sign up to volunteer at:


1.       “Study Finds Postcard Writing a Powerful Political Engagement Tool in Virginia’s 2017 House of Delegates Elections“ -

2.      Following outcry from numerous members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, FEMA has reversed its decision to end distribution of food and water in Puerto Rico

3.      And, as usual, our weekly dose of “Small Victories” -

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