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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.       Let's protect our midterm elections from foreign interference! "On Tuesday, the Trump-appointed heads of US intelligence agencies testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia ... is determined to interfere with our mid-term elections. Despite the intelligence agencies’ consensus, Trump has declined to impose sanctions on Russia." Clearly, it's up to Congress to do something about it, so  "Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Chris Von Hollen (D-MD) recently introduced the Defending Elections from Threats by Establishing Red Lines Act (“DETER”). The DETER Act would automatically impose severe sanctions on Russia if Putin interferes in our elections." Let's tell our Senators to sign on to this bipartisan bill.

2.      Yesterday, the Senate put forth four immigration bills and they all failed.  Let’s tell our MoCs that we expect them to continue to work on a bill that will protect the DREAMers and their parents, and family unification. 

3.      Three of the ten deadliest mass shooting in modern US history occurred during the past five months, the latest the horrifying killing of 17 children and adults in a Broward County, FL high school yesterday by a 19-year-old armed with a semiautomatic rifle. According to data from the Gun Violence Archive, a total of 30 verified mass shooting incidents have been recorded this year, as of February 14:  Instead of calls to check the proliferation of guns or even to ban automatic weapons, we are instead faced with the Republican push for concealed-carry reciprocity, which would make gun permits like driver's licenses: if you are allowed to carry a concealed weapon in your home state, you can carry it in public in all of them:  After sailing through the House and garnering Trump’s support, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act is co-sponsored by about 40 senators.  The best tribute we can offer the latest victims of rampant gun violence is to call our senators and demand the defeat of this bill and the introduction of laws controlling the sale, permitting, and circulation of guns.

4.      Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee have delayed scheduling this year’s annual hearings from the Directors of the FBI and CIA on global threats. Perhaps they fear that Democrats might ask FBI Director Christopher Wray about key provisions that were left out of the Nunes memo. Even Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has claimed that Russia is poised to hack the 2018 election. Let’s tell our representatives that learning about global threats to our elections and other aspects of our national security is important, and ask them to pressure the House Intelligence Committee to schedule these hearings ASAP. You can also contact the Republican Members of the Intelligence Committee here:

5.      The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved the nomination of Trump judicial pick Michael Brennan, sending him on to the full Senate. The fact that they’re moving forward with Brennan is an attack on a decades-old tradition that keeps extremists off the courts ( In his hearing, he refused to acknowledge racial bias in the justice system, a particularly disturbing comment in light of his expressed skepticism about the glass ceiling. And the progressive Alliance for Justice has found he’s willing to accept largely unchecked executive power, a view more dangerous than ever in the age of Trump. Let’s call our senators and tell them that between standing up for Senate tradition, insisting that social realities be recognized and the importance of checks and balances, there’s more than enough reason for them to say no to Michael Brennan.

6.      In the same week that Trump’s budget called for drastic cuts to non-military spending, we learn from budget directory Mick Mulvaney that the military parade Trump longs for would cost between $10 and $30 million.  $30 million would provide food stamps for a year for 20,000 people:   Mulvaney told the House Budget Committee that they’d “have to appropriate funds for it or . . . find funds”; some have suggesting finding these funds in the existing Defense or Homeland Security budgets—or in that of the National Park Service.  Let’s tell our MoCs that we oppose spending any of our taxes to indulge the egotistical whims of an infantile president.

7.      The Center for Disease Control is cutting global disease prevention programs by 80% and dramatically downsizing its efforts in 39 out of 49 countries. As the goal of this work is to stop future outbreaks of disease at the source BEFORE they become global pandemics, the results of this decision could be potentially devastating. Let’s tell our MoCs that funding for global disease prevention should be a budget priority that transcends partisan politics. We can give the same message to the Department of Health and Human Services (202) 205-5445 or and the White House, too.

8.     The Census Bureau must submit a final list of the 2020 census questions to Congress by March 31.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants these to include a question about citizenship status, but on Monday, 19 Democratic and independent state AGs and one governor sent a letter to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who oversees the Census Bureau, saying that including this question would “risk an unconstitutional undercount” and “fatally undermine the accuracy of the 2020 census”:  The CDC and public health experts agree, pointing out that $600 billion is appropriated to state and local governments based on the census; this includes federal block grants for children’s health and preventive care services as well as funding for food programs, school programs and transportation services:   We should let Ross know what we think: 202-482-2000 or U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20230.

9.      “Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday warned the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to not approve a draft criminal sentencing reform bill that he claims would reduce sentences for “a highly dangerous cohort of criminals.” The bill, unveiled by a bipartisan group of lawmakers last fall, aims to lessen prison sentences for non-violent drug offenders and it would also do away with the three-strike mandatory life provision. It would also give judges more discretion in how they sentence non-violent offenders. At the same time, it would toughen sentencing in some cases by adding mandatory minimums for crimes such as interstate domestic violence and trafficking in fentanyl-laced heroin. During his (Sessions) time in the Senate, he helped to kill a similar bill that was backed by many of his Republican and Democratic colleagues on the Judiciary Committee.”   Non violent offenders don’t need to waste prison space when more serious criminals should have those spots. That would make us all safer. Let you Reps know this is a no brainer YES VOTE.

10.  The Department of Homeland Security has drafted a new regulation that expands the government’s powers to deport lawful immigrants “who are, or are at risk of becoming a public charge.” Immigrants are denied from applying for most public benefits for five years, but there have been certain exceptions for food and medical care. Under the new regulation 1.9 million legal immigrants who have legally been granted exceptions and received services could be threatened with deportation. Supposedly this policy change is to save taxpayer dollars, but let’s remind our MoCs that immigrant families who are eligible for services use benefits significantly less than those who are native born and ask them to do everything possible to prevent this change in policy. We can also express our disapproval directly to DHS: Tweet, or visit their Facebook page. Here is their Comment Policy.!/policy.php?ref=pf.

11.   The Department of Education (DoE) admits their refusal to respond to civil rights complaints filed by transgender students who are barred from using bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity. Last week more than 700 parents of transgender children signed a letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos condemning her failure to protect transgender students and calling on her to recognize the basic human and civil rights of transgender young people in our nation’s schools. Meanwhile, Secretary DeVos complained about being criticized for not upholding the rights of students. Let's read more at HRC.  Let's contact the DoE and the DoE Office for Civil Rights to let them know that we support transgender students and expect their civil rights to be upheld.

12.  “In a 225-192 vote Thursday, most House Republicans and a dozen Democrats passed a bill that makes it harder for disabled persons to sue for discrimination, in an effort to prevent opportunistic attorneys from taking advantage of business owners.”  This bill now moves on to the Senate.  Let’s make sure our senators vote against this bill that discriminates against some of us. 

13.  Next week is a state work period for our MoCs.  Let’s check to see if they are having a townhall: If so, let’s make plans to attend.  If not, let’s find another way to interact with them while they are home.  We have a lot to talk with them about.

Election 2018 – General

1.       Warriors head coach Steve Kerr provided a powerful statement following Wednesday's mass shooting at a Florida high school that left at least 17 dead. You can and should read his complete statement here. FYI, Steve Kerr’s father was murdered by the Islamic Jihad on the morning of January 18, 1984, while he was serving as president of the American University of Beirut in Beirut. You don’t have to be a Warriors fan to follow Steve Kerr’s lead . . . His message in part,   “We can do something about it. We can vote people in who actually have the courage to protect people's lives, not just bow down to the NRA because they've financed their campaign for them," he said.”  Let’s keep that in mind when we vote in November. We don’t want candidates who take NRA money. 

Election 2018 – By State

1.       LA:  There’s a special election in Louisiana State House District 86 tomorrow, featuring three Republicans and Democrat Michael Showers. Showers is a 24-year Navy veteran with deep roots in the district ( If we’re in this area, let’s make sure we get out and cast a ballot for him!
Other Actions

1.       Shannon Watts, who started Mom’s Demand Action after the Sandy Hook massacre said, “We deserve to live in a country where students and teachers are able to feel safe in their classrooms without the threat of gun violence lingering over their heads. Every parent in America should know that their kids will be home for dinner after school."  She went on to say, “We cannot just be heartbroken over this, we must also act. Text ACT to 644-33 to get involved with your local @MomsDemand Action chapter. We must all be part of the solution.”  We can also join here:  

2.      From DemLabs:   with help from Esri we have created a StoryMap on mass shootings in a form where the scope of the tragedy is easily understood and shared. The map is interactive and the size of each circle indicates the number of people injured per incident. It directs people to groups such as Every Town For Gun Safety, Moms Demand Action and Sandy Hook Promise working on the issue:  Our goal with these StoryMaps is to present information in a form that can help bring about change and showcase groups working on the issue. 

3.      Fox News anchor Shep Smith took time in his broadcast after the Parkland massacre on Wednesday to read a list of all the fatal school shootings since Columbine: Let’s take a moment to thank Mr. Smith: Twitter: @ShepNewsTeam or at Fox New, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10036

4.      The Washington Post did a feature on Cox Farms in Centreville, Virginia where the family that owns the farm took the seemingly non-controversial stance of putting “Resist white supremacy” on their farm entrance sign and then much backlash ensued:  Let’s thank them for standing up for their values amid the furor: or 15621 Braddock Rd Centreville, VA 20120

5.      From Chop Wood/Carry Water:  Let's go to Drain the NRA's new website--just launched today, ironically--and check it out. It's got tons of information on who is taking NRA money and what we can do to divest from them.  We'll also find a list of companies that are supporting the NRA by offering its members discounts. Let's pick one and call, write, or tweet at them.

6.      Trump’s budget explodes the deficit while slashing over a trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.  We can tweet against these outrageous demands, using this sheet from CAPAction Fund. Tweets are prewritten, so all we need to do is click on them.  We can read The Washington Post’s analysis of the budget here: 

7.      Every day, enough Americans are murdered with guns that we essentially suffer a Virginia Tech shooting every 25 hours. That means it's ALWAYS time to talk about gun control ( Let's call our members of Congress and our state legislators and ask them what they're doing to 1) ban bump stocks, 2) stop concealed carry reciprocity from undermining state gun control laws (Congress only), 3) put universal background controls in place and 4) promote the use of gun safes, trigger locks and smart gun technology that can keep us safe. And let's consider volunteering for and donating to some of the organizations fighting for common sense gun control, like Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun ViolenceGiffordsSandy Hook Promise, or Guns Down. And we can keep up with the latest developments in the fight to protect our kids from guns by subscribing to the free daily e-newsletter from The Trace 

8.     More and more people are being arrested for minor infractions and end up being detained in jails due to their inability to pay bail. This basically amounts to people being jailed for being poor (, and "6 out of 10 people in local jails are members of racial or ethnic minorities" ( This by itself is atrocious, and additionally, many of the 11 million people that cycle through the jail system each year ( retain the right to vote, but are unable to exercise their right from behind bars ( Let's look up the voting laws in our state ( and make sure our legislators know we want every person who is eligible to vote to be encouraged to make their voice heard, no matter where they may be at the time of an election. We can also read the ACLU's tool kit on advocating for incarcerated voters (see PDF p.10 and on:

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.       Victory Guide is hosting a free webinar to help progressive grassroots organizations and candidates for office better use technology during this election cycle, covering everything from voter outreach to volunteer recruitment to information sharing. This event will be held on Thursday, February 22nd at 1pm. We can sign up at this link and spread the word on Facebook here.

2.      The Student Debt Crisis is offering a webinar on February 27 to cover topics such as student loan repayment plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness as well as to share major policy updates related to Trump Budget FY 2019, reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, and the future of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. We can register here:

3.      Women’s March tweeted last evening that their Youth Empower group is working with partners to announce a national mass school walk-out for students, parents, teachers, and allies.  Details are to be announced sometime today.


1.       Most:  New York’s Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, tweeted yesterday, “If the federal government won’t act, your state can. Call your governor, your AG, your state reps, your mayor, your city council, and ask them what they are doing to #EndGunViolence Demand accountability.”  NY Governor Andrew Cuomo thinks that the rest of the states should look at NY’s Safe Act to see what was enacted there after Sandy Hook.  Let’s talk with our state and local officials to get things changed in our states.

2.      FL:  Here’s another one of those, it’s not the right time to talk about gun control.” This one from the Governor of Florida, the state that suffered this loss of life at a high school on Wednesday. “Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Wednesday punted on questions about whether policymakers should take a stand on mental health and gun control, saying that "there's a time" to have such conversations. There's a time to continue to have these conversations about how through law enforcement, how through mental illness funding that we make sure that people are safe," Scott said at a news conference in Parkland, Fla.  Scott's comments came hours after a gunman opened fire on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, leaving 17 people dead.  Scott, a Republican, has an "A+" rating from the National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund.”  Floridians, your governor has an A+ rating from the NRA. Time to vote him out or convince him you’d like him to have a failing grade from the NRA. 

3.      FL: Florida prosecutes more children as adults than any other state and fails to meet state and federal obligations by providing little to no education when children are locked up in adult facilities. (Source: SPLC) The Florida Legislature this year is considering SB1552SB936 and HB509 which would eliminate certain offenses and limit the number of children who are eligible to be prosecuted as adults. If we are Floridians, let's contact our state senators in support of SB1552 and SB936.  Let's tell our state representatives to support HB509.  

4.      WY: Efforts to call for a US constitutional amendment that would move toward changing the role of money in politics through a statewide ballot initiative have fallen short for the 2018 election. However its proponents are confident they will have the petition signatures they need for the 2020 ballot. Let's read more at the Gillette New Record. If we are Wyoming residents, let's find out more about the initiative and how we can get our own signatures on the initiative for 2020 at Wyoming Promise.


3.      The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) investigative office has worked to keep its internal handbook out of American courts. The handbook, published publicly this week, shows how the federal government pursues denaturalization against naturalized citizens and has instructions on how to prosecute cases efficiently to strip citizenship as quickly as possible. Let's read more at The Intercept. Let's be aware that this less-visible way to marginalize people and disrupt their lives.

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