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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      The Republican tax bill is front and center this week and next. And it is purely Republican, since if they can keep all Republican MoCs in both houses on board, they need no Democrats for vote for it. "The Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to consider the bill [this] week, and the full Senate may vote the week after Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, House Republicans moved their bill out of the Ways and Means Committee [last] Thursday, preparing for a vote by the full House [this] week." This Wall Street Journal article offers a comparison of the House and Senate versions of the bill, which will have to be reconciled. But the bottom line is the same: making it seem like it won't hurt anyone to "[cut] taxes by about $1.5 trillion over a decade." Let's not let them get away with forcing this unconsidered and blindly partisan bill through. Let's contact our MoCs in both houses intensively! 

2.      Trump has been making judicial nominations at a breakneck pace, including those like John K. Bush, a chapter president of the Federalist Society, the conservative legal network, who wrote blog posts comparing abortion to slavery; Stephanos Bibas, a University of Pennsylvania law professor who once proposed using electric shocks on those convicted of certain crimes, although he later disavowed the idea; and Brett Talley, the fourth judicial nominee under President Trump to receive a “not qualified” rating from the American Bar Association and the second to receive this rating unanimously.   Of Mr. Trump’s 18 appellate nominees so far, 14 are men and 16 are white:  These nominees are on the fast track to confirmation, needing only 51 votes. It is vital that we give this takeover of the judiciary our full attention; many of these judges receive lifetime appointments, and we will have to live with them long after Trump is gone. We must make it clear to our MoCs that we are watching to make sure that they do not confirm incompetents or ideologues to our courts—and that if they do, we will advertise the fact as widely as we can.  We could also let the White House know that one incompetent in office is more than enough.

3.      The key to fixing our government is voting, of course, but since the Supreme Court crippled the Voting Rights Act in 2013, many attempts to suppress the vote have sprung up all over the country. We can have the best candidates and platforms, but we must counter those attempts in order to win. Since 2015, bipartisan forces in Congress have tried to reinstate the lost protections with a bill called The Voting Rights Enhancement Act, which has been reintroduced in the current session as S.1419 (Senate) and H.R. 2978 (House). Let's give our MoCs a call and tell them it's their duty to support these bills, to put right what the Supreme Court got wrong.

4.      Congress is running out of time to pass legislation to protect DACA recipients in the U.S. We need to stand up for DREAMers and make sure that our members of Congress are on board for a clean DREAM Act. We can use the call tool from Indivisible to find talking points, call scripts, and phone numbers for our MoC:

5.      Congress is running out of time to pass the DREAM Act, and with a packed agenda between now and the end of the year action is not at the top of Trump and the Republicans’ to-do list. Folks across the country are trying to keep the spotlight on the fate of our friends and neighbors if the needed legislation languishes ( We can have their backs by contacting our MoCs and telling them we want a clean, bipartisan DREAM Act ASAP. We can also use the call tool from Indivisible to find talking points, call scripts, and phone numbers for our MoC:

6.      When looking at what is in the tax bill, it is clear that it will not help the majority of those who have been referred to as Trump’s base.  Instead, it is a gift to his friends who are wealthy and own large corporations.  A vote on the House's tax plan is expected to take place this week  The bill “will hit California taxpayers harder than much of the country. It is also very likely to make the state’s housing crisis worse — particularly for lower-income residents. That would affect every state, of course, but a slowdown in affordable housing construction would be particularly brutal for California, which has a huge homeless problem and a $500,000 median home price that is more than twice the national level.” Say NO to the REPUBLICAN TAX PLAN. Call your reps today. 

7.      We now know that the big GOP impetus behind the outrageous tax bill is the pressure being felt from their donors.  While we may need tax reform, this is not the plan we need, nor the way it should be enacted.  No tax reform is better than what is being offered.  Let's keep calling our representatives to make sure that they vote against H.R. 1: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. For those of us with Democratic reps, we can use this call script:                        

8.      The Dept. of Health and Human Services oversees the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, among other branches. Monday, Trump nominated Alex Azar to replace Tom Price as Secretary of HHS.  Azar, a former executive at the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and a staunch opponent of the Affordable Care Act, supports, among other things, converting Medicaid from an entitlement program covering everyone who is eligible into block grants.  Rep. Elijah Cummings tweeted that putting Azar in charge of  HHS is like asking the fox to guard the hen house.  Azar only needs 51 votes in the Senate for confirmation. Senators Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine, Dean Heller of Nevada, John McCain of Arizona, Rob Portman of Ohio, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska all voted against the appeal of the ACA.  We should call on them to once again act responsibly by voting against the confirmation of Azar.

9.      "The so-called “Conscience Protection Act” (CPA), [House bill H.R.644 and Senate bill S.301], introduced back in January, could allow any health care provider—including doctors, insurance companies, medical training programs or hospitals—to refuse to perform, pay for, participate in or assist in abortion services. This bill would put providers’ beliefs above patient care, ultimately threatening the lives and health of patients. " Let's read more from the National Women's Law Center..  House bill HR644 currently has 124 co-sponsors - 122 Republicans and 2 Democrats: 1) Daniel Lipinkski - IL3, 245 South Archer Avenue, Chicago, IL 60638, P (773) 948 - 6223. and 2) Collin Peterson - MN7714 Lake Avenue Suite 101, Detroit Lakes , MN 56501, Phone: 218-847-5056.   Senate bill S301 has 26 Republican co-sponsors.  If our MoCs are among the co-sponsors of either of these bills, let's tell them that we object to this overt slap in the face to the separation of church and state and want them to remove themselves as co-sponsors.  If our MoCs are not co-sponsors of these bills, let's send emails and postcards to let them know we oppose HR644 and S301.  Let's all contact the two Democratic co-sponsors of House bill HR644, Lipinski and Peterson.  Obviously, they made a mistake.  

10.  Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) to extremist nominee and climate-denier Kathleen Hartnett White: “I worry about your lack of understanding of the law, which is to provide access for renewable fuels and to promote agriculture and … rural America,” Fischer said. “I worry about your extremist views.” When a Republican is concerned about extremist views, we know they are very extreme.  Another concerned Republican is Joni Ernst of Iowa.  Even one Republican defection could cost Harnett White the appointment for White House Council on Environmental Quality.  Let's tell our Republican Senators to oppose the appointment of White. Let's also contact Senators Fischer and Ernst to let them know we share their concerns and reinforce their opposition to Hartnett White.

Election 2017/2018

1.      With less than a month left to help Doug Jones win the Alabama Senate Race on Dec 12., we need to get the word out about our candidate. This Wednesday we can join Action Together Network and Twitter warriors in a tweet storm for Doug Jones. The storm is starts at 6pm Eastern Time, but we can schedule our tweets earlier if we need to am we can get more details when we click the link. This event is approved by the Doug Jones campaign.   

2.      Here are some groups that are seeking to restore the cause of social justice as a central feature of American political life by building a diverse bench of progressive office-holders at every level of government:  A)  Run for Something, , which is recruiting and training progressives under 35 to run for office, B) Peace First,, which teaches people under 25 how to effectively make positive change in the world, C) Rise to Run,, which recruits and trains progressive high school- and college-aged women to run for political office, D) Rock the Vote, , which rallies young people to fight for their interests through voting, E) Women’s’ March Youth EMPOWER,, a new toolkit to help young people become community organizers, build political power, and run for office.  Let’s help these groups by supporting them and by sharing this information with the young people in our lives.

3.      Roll Call gives us information on important House races in their article: "One Year Out: The 10 Most Vulnerable House Incumbents in 2018." If any of these races are local for us or are in nearby flippable districts, let's start making our plans for how we can participate to turn or keep our districts blue.  Some ideas: contribute to campaigns, volunteer for campaigns, become involved with local League of Women Voters, write with Postcards to Voters, work with Flippable.  Let's keep our eyes open for opportunities to participate in and make a difference in Election 2018.

State Actions

1.      MI:  From Michigan Resistance, in regard to gun legislation passed by the Michigan Senate last week:
We are calling Gov Snyder to veto these bills should they arrive at his desk, as well as some Michigan Republicans who have had a history of voting sensibly for Michiganders’ wellbeing. We are calling:  A) Governor Snyder: 517-335-7858, B) State Rep. David Maturen: 517-373-1787 , C) State Rep. Chris Afendoulis 517-373-0218, D) State Rep. Michael McCready: 517-373-8670, E) State Rep. Julie Calley: 517-373-0842, F) State Rep. Dave Pagel: 517-373-1796, G) State Rep. Kathy Crawford: 517-373-0827, H) State Rep. Brett Roberts: 517-373-1775, I) State Rep. Daniela Garcia: 517-373-0830, J) State Rep. Jason Sheppard: 517-373-2617, K) State Rep. Larry Inman: 517-373-1766, L) State Rep. Scott VanSingel: 517-373-7317, M) State Rep. Jim Lilly: 517-373-0838.  Sample call script: "Hi, I am calling to urge Governor Snyder /Representative ____ to veto/oppose legislation that would allow concealed guns in places like schools, churches, daycares, bars and libraries. This legislation is reckless and irresponsible, and it will do nothing to keep our children and communities safe. Please help to limit gun violence and protect Michiganders. Veto/oppose legislation to allow conceal carry guns in no-go zones."  For more information on the current gun bills in Michigan's legislature, we can check out this helpful article from MLive:

2.      MN: "Two women have publicly accused [state senator] Dan Schoen , a St. Paul Park Democrat and Cottage Grove police officer, of sexual harassment, igniting a bipartisan chorus of calls for Schoen’s resignation — which he did not heed — and touching off speculation about who might come forward next with allegations against whom. Schoen denies any inappropriate conduct.  Senate leaders suggested they’re considering opening an ethics investigation — a process that could ultimately result in Schoen’s expulsion from the chamber."  If we are Minnesotans, let's join the call our own state senator and demand an ethics investigation and/or Schoen's resignation.  Sexual harassment is not a partisan issue.

Other Actions

1.      Last week, a fourteen-year-old boy by the name of Jason Pero was shot by a deputy on the Chippewa reservation in Wisconsin. According to the latest statistics from the Indian Health Service, the rate of death from assault for Native Americans is more than twice that of all ethnicities in the USA. Let’s contact the Ashland County Sheriff’s Office urging them to exercise all due diligence in following up on Jason’s death and making sure that their officers have all of the necessary training and support they need for deescalating confrontations (Office of the Sheriff, 1205 East Main Street, Ashland, Ohio 44805 or or or 419-289-1501). Let’s also check out the work being done by the National Indian Health Board and see what we can do to help.

2.      Nestle is suing a small town in Michigan, after the township's appeals board and zoning commission denied Nestle's special land use application is looking to build a booster station on the land, in order to increase the amount of spring water it extracts; something which has not yet been approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). The hearing is set to take place tomorrow, Wednesday, November 15th, at the Osceola County courthouse. For those of us who are able, we can help by donating to the Osceola Township Legal Defense Fund 

3.      “Journalists working for Facebook say the social media site’s fact-checking tools have largely failed and that the company has exploited their labor for a PR campaign. Several fact checkers who work for independent news organizations and partner with Facebook told the Guardian that they feared their relationships with the technology corporation, some of which are paid, have created a conflict of interest, making it harder for the news outlets to scrutinize and criticize Facebook’s role in spreading misinformation.”  We can do better by vetting our own sources before we post on FB. Stay away from FAR LEANING sources and UNRELIABLE SOURCES. Here’s a guide to help:

4.      From Postcards From Kate[SR1] [SR2] :  Today we're thanking the Responsible Wealth Project for urging Congress not to cut taxes on the rich and instead raise taxes on wealthy people like them. Read more here. Address:  Responsible Wealth Project at United for a Fair Economy, 62 Summer St., Boston, Massachusetts 02110

5.      Trump and the Republican agenda are enabled by partisan redistricting, and Pennsylvania features some of the worst, electing only five Democrats to the House out of 18 districts from a light blue state. Activists have been fighting to pass House Bill 722 in the state to establish an independent redistricting commission, along with an anti-corruption bills that would enact a gift ban for lawmakers ( Progress on these bills has been stalled by Pennsylvania House State Government Committee chair Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, and Represent.Us is trying to build pressure on him to bring them up for votes. Those of us on social media can help by taking part in a Thunderclap to spread the word about this effort TODAY at noon. We can sign up at this link:

6.      Defending Roy Moore, Sean Hannity said that, "just kissing" between a 32-year-old predator and his 14-year-old victim was OK. This shocking and disgusting enabling must stop. We can join Shannon Coulter of Grab Your Wallet and demand his advertisers drop the show and stop supporting Fox's hate-filled agenda. The list of advertisers and instructions are at this link:  Coulter suggests focusing on @mitsucars (Mitsubishi), @SandalsResorts, @trivago, @CapitalOne, @ATT and @Cigna -- Updates:  As advertisers are starting to leave the show, Hannity is saying he "misspoke" in the hopes of stemming the tide. And, another accuser has come forward with an even more disturbing story of Moore attempting to force a sexual encounter on a 16-year-old girl.

7.      There are many ways we can help our veterans.  “Semper Fi Fund provides immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to post 9/11 combat wounded, critically ill and catastrophically injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families. We deliver the resources they need during recovery and transition back to their communities, working to ensure no one is left behind.”  The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation, with support from GoDaddy, will match our donation dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $10 Million through December 31st. That’s a potential $20 Million to support their vital mission.  Semper Fi Fund has a four-star rating from Charity Navigator:  We can make our donation here:

8.      Sen. Kirsten Gillbrand (D-NY) is seeking our assistance with a survey. We do not have to donate at the end of the survey, unless we are so inclined.


1.      Let’s stand with the Brady Campaign and ask Congress to expand Brady background checks on all gun sales:

2.      Given what we learned in the Paradise Papers, let’s join Credo Action in telling Congress no tax legislation without an investigation into the off-shore tax-dodging schemes:

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize


1.      Reading: From the Pew Charitable Trusts: Amid Immigration Crackdown, Cities Step in With Free Legal Aid. "Detained immigrants with legal representation were 10.5 times more likely to succeed in immigration court if they had a lawyer representing their case. And 91 percent of immigrants seeking asylum without a lawyer end up having their cases denied. With representation, asylum seekers have a five times greater chance of winning their case.  In April, New York became the first state to guarantee legal representation to every noncitizen who has been detained by immigration officials, allocating $10 million in fiscal 2018 for an immigrant defense fund. And in June, California Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, earmarked $15 million to provide assistance to noncitizens seeking legal immigration status. Cities are taking action, too. In 2013, New York City moved to establish the country’s first public defender system for immigrant detainees. This year, the City Council agreed to allocate $10 million for legal aid to immigrants facing deportation in 2018, up from $2.7 million last year. Over the past year, Austin, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, D.C., are among the cities that have started offering free legal aid to immigrants in danger of being deported.  Let's find out what our own cities are doing to help immigrants in court.  

2.      “How the ‘Resistance’ Helped Democrats Dominate Virginia”  --

3.      “Hate crimes rose for 2nd year in a row in 2016, FBI report” --,-FBI-reports

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