10/9/17                                                            http://roganslist.blogspot.com/

Contact Federal Government Officials

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STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.


Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      This week in Congress:  Per the Senate calendar, this week is a Senate state work period, as will next week be for the House.  In the House, eighteen (18) bills are scheduled be considered. Let's review them on the Majority Leader's schedule. Votes will not be taken until after 6:30pm on Tuesday so let's remember to check Countable.us Monday evening to read more about the pro's and con's on the 18 bills. Let's tell our representatives about any legislation that we strongly oppose or support. Let’s attend our MoC’s town halls (or at the very least call their local offices) and use these resources from Indivisible https://www.indivisible.org/resource/october-means-another-recess/  to:  A)  Defeat the extreme anti-democratic Republican tax scam, B) Defend DREAMers, C) Stop nuclear war with North Korea and Iran, D) Reauthorize funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, E) Stop gun violence, and F) Demand emergency relief for Puerto Rico

2.      Two House Democrats, Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Tim Walz (D-MN), who once held “A” ratings by the NRA, have donated their NRA contributions to other organizations following the tragedy in Las Vegas.  http://thehill.com/homenews/house/354333-house-democrats-donate-past-nra-contributions-after-vegas-shooting Let’s thank them both:   Rep. Ryan:  https://timryan.house.gov/contact-me and Rep. Walz:  https://walzforms.house.gov/contact/ Then, let’s check to see who else is getting contributions from the NRA (https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/recips.php?id=d000000082 ) and ask them to give it away as well. 

3.      The Trump administration just issued rules that threaten reproductive health care. They're using employers' religious and moral beliefs as an excuse to discriminate and cut off access to birth control (http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/06/health/trump-birth-control-mandate/index.html). The ACLU is organizing activists to submit public comments to the Department of Health and Human Services in opposition to this rule change. We can join them in making our voices heard at this link: https://action.aclu.org/secure/birth-control-rule.

4.      On Saturday evening, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) tweeted, “To everyone fighting for our Dreamers: Walk with your chin up and shoulders back. You are fighting for the future of this country.” http://abc11.com/politics/nc-dreamers-go-to-dc-to-plead-for-the-dream-act/2501628/  Let’s keep telling our MoCs that we want them to pass a clean Dream Act for our future as well as these young people. 

5.      States are starting to run out of money for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) because of the failure of Congressional Republicans to reauthorize this critical program that makes sure nearly 9 million children have health insurance. http://www.fox9.com/news/minnesota-running-out-of-money-for-childrens-health-insurance-program   Let’s join with Indivisible and tell our MoCs to reauthorize CHIP immediately. https://www.indivisible.org/resource/congress-needs-reauthorize-childrens-health-insurance-program/

6.      There are some dangerous bills being considered in the House. A) The Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act, HR 3668, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), would ease restrictions on gun silencers. Silencers are a public safety risk because they make it hard to determine where the sound is coming from. “People who want to buy silencers currently have to submit fingerprints and photographs, pay a $200 tax, and wait as long as nine months or more…to make a purchase. Federal law enforcement also has to keep a record of anyone who purchases silencers. The new bill would not only eliminate those requirements, but also refund the $200 tax to anyone who has purchased a silence since October 2015.”  & 2) The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, HR 38, introduced by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC), “would make it legal for people to carry concealed handguns in any state, as long as they have a permit to do so in their home states.” That means that even if your state prohibits gun-carrying, someone from another state with a conceal-carry permit can come to your state and override your state’s laws.  https://www.teenvogue.com/story/pro-gun-bills-before-congress  Time to call our MoCs and tell them to oppose these pro-gun bills being championed by NRA-loving Congressional Republicans.

7.      Congress could not repeal/replace the ACA so the Trump administration is dismantling it piece by piece with the hopes of destabilizing it and causing it to fail.  http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/354308-trump-sabotage-seen-on-obamacare    Trump’s Dept of Health & Human Services has cut the advertising and outreach budget for ACA enrollment from $100 million to $10 million; funding for “navigators”—groups that work to enroll those in states without their own insurance exchanges—has been seriously reduced; the open enrollment period has been slashed; the Childrens Health Insurance Program is in limbo, with Congress taking no action; the HHS has sharply limited the contraception coverage mandate of the ACA.  Now, Obama-era regional directors have written a letter to HHS protesting the fact that their replacements have been forbidden to participate in open enrollment events and urging HHS to reverse its directive: http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/354215-former-hhs-regional-directors-participation-in-obamacare-enrollment-is-key  We must make sure that the new acting head of HHS understands that we are furious at the unethical ploys his department is using to undermine the ACA, which is, whether they like it or not, still the law: Don Wright, Acting Secretary of Health & Human Services, 1-877-696-6775 or 200 Independence Ave., SW, DC 20201.  Let’s also tell our MoCs that we are counting on them to make sure that we the people are protected and kept healthy.

8.      And lest we think Trump himself has given any ground on killing the ACA, he threatens this week to sign an executive order that would exempt many association health plans from providing the essential health coverage required by the ACA, thus, some say, blowing “a huge hole in the Affordable Care Act": https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/8/16439492/trump-obamacare-association-health-plans  Let’s try to stop him:  202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111 or https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

9.      The news cycle is moving very, very fast right now with huge ticket items like North Korea and Las Vegas (oh, and another hurricane made landfall) so it is essential that we keep focus on those struggling mightily in Puerto Rico: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-puertorico-healthcare/in-puerto-rico-lives-depend-on-volunteer-doctors-and-diesel-generators-idUSKBN1CB28W Let’s start our week with a call to our MoC’s office to implore them to stay engaged about Puerto Rico.

10.  Treating our nation like a reality show in need of cliffhangers, Trump has ominously told reporters that this might be the “calm before the storm”, without a willingness to clarify, and has also tweeted out that “only one thing will work” with North Korea (and we can bet that one thing is not diplomacy):
 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/07/donald-trump-nuclear-north-korea  The “adults in the room theory” does not seem to be slowing him down at all. Let’s let Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis (https://www.defense.gov/Resources/Contact-DoD/), Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (https://register.state.gov/contactus/), and Chief of Staff General John Kelly (The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20500) that although we admire their service to our nation, right now service involves saying with clarity that the emperor has no clothes.

11.  We all know that there are issues that need to be addressed and fixed in the ACA.  One of them is the high premium costs for those who do not qualify for subsidies.  http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/10/07/555957419/steep-premiums-challenge-people-who-buy-health-insurance-without-subsidies  Let’s make sure that our MoCs know that this is hurting many of us and needs to be fixed.

12.  The protests in St. Louis are ongoing, following the September 15th verdict that found former police officer Jason Stockley not guilty in the killing of Anthony Lamar Smith http://bit.ly/2y2PM8A http://bit.ly/2y8Uy6r Protestors are asking for meaningful policy change in the police system, especially as the epidemic of police brutality, and a complete lack of accountability, continues across the U.S. For Missouri residents, we can ask for lawmakers to repeal Sec. 610.100 of Missouri Senate Bill 732, which keeps police recordings closed to the public http://bit.ly/29v8nTd We can also ask our state MoC to draft legislation which would require independent investigations into police killings http://bit.ly/2y5vOM5 At the federal level, let's make some calls to remind our members of Congress that they have plenty of already-existing legislation that we expect them to cosponsor and support, which would help us make real change and help fix our current system: H.R. 1556: Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act, H.R. 3060: Preventing Tragedies Between Police and Communities Act, H.R. 3799: Demanding Oversight From Justice Act, H.R. 1870/S.814: Police Training and Independent Review Act, and H.R. 2676/S. 1258: PRIDE Act.

13.  There are currently 200 cosponsors of H.R. 3440: Dream Act of 2017, and it's past time for the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security to get the Dream Act out of committee. Let's call Chairman Labrador and Ranking Member Lofgren and ask that they support and pass H.R. 2440 ASAP. Rep. Labrador: (202) 225 - 6611 Rep. Lofgren: (202) 225-3072 Meanwhile, the Senate version of the Dream Act only has 9 cosponsors. Let's check to see if either of our senators have cosponsored S. 1615, and thank them if they have:  https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1615/cosponsorsOtherwise, let's make sure to call our senators and tell them they need to cosponsor and support the Dream Act now.

14.  The Senate Republican budget proposes slashing $473 billion in Medicare funding to pay for tax cuts for Trump’s billionaire buddies (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/04/democrats-respond-senate-budget-medicare-243436). They need to hear our voices on this issue. Let’s contact our senators and remind them that even Trump promised no cuts to Medicare during his campaign, and that’s a promise we’re going to insist on the GOP keeping.

15.  The House has passed the likely-unconstitutional, twenty-week abortion ban, and now the Senate is looking to do the same thing http://bit.ly/2y2T7GR These kinds of restrictions have no basis in science, and are in fact dangerous to women's health. Let's make sure that our Senators oppose the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R.36).   5calls has some great talking points and a call script that we can use: https://5calls.org/issue/recJXClLYB2C9N8cg

16.  Let’s join Indivisible, the National Immigration Law Center, and United We Dream in fighting to defund Trump’s mass deportation machine. https://www.indivisibleguide.com/resource/defund-trumps-mass-deportation-machine/ Trump’s 2018 budget request to Congress would pour $23 billion into his anti-immigrant hate agenda. Let’s “invest in families, not fear”:  A) $1.6 billion for the Mexico border wall could cover 1 million uninsured children through CHIP, B)  $4.4 billion for more prisons for immigrants could serve 5 million more children through the National School Lunch Program, C) $185.6 million to hire more ICE raiders and other staff could replace 37,000 lead water pipes like the ones in Flint, MI, and D) $100 million for border patrol agents could provide 12,000 with access to Head Start.  Let’s tell our MoCs to vote down any budget that feeds Trump’s mass deportation agenda.

17.  "The reason that these mass shootings continue to happen – the reason that 90 people die every day across this country – is because of public policy choices that this Congress makes,” he (Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said, his voice rising. This country has the loosest set of gun laws to allow dangerous people to own dangerous weapons in the industrialized world. And so what is unacceptable in the wake of the most deadly mass shooting in the history of the country is for this utter silence, this unintentional complicity from Congress, to continue." This is the first time in all 10 years that I’ve been in Congress that the NRA has admitted that the laws of the country need to change,” he said, speaking at a rally with gun control advocates in New Haven, Connecticut, on Friday. They are fearful for the first time that they are going to lose that fight if it happens in the Congress. Something has changed.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/07/chris-murphy-senator-gun-control-las-vegas-sandy-hook    Let’s get those phone calls, emails, postcards, and tweets going to all our reps.  We want Congress to make this law not the NRA playing a PR game like they are the good guys. They aren't! Let's start chipping away at gun control with a ban on bump sticks. Now is the time. 

18.  Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) has filed legislation, Senate bill S.1944, "to give evacuees from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands immediate access to a federal income supplemental program designed to help U.S. residents pay for basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter in the wake of a disaster." The bill is now in the Senate Finance Committee.  Let’s tell the members of that committee (https://www.finance.senate.gov/about/membership ) and our own Senators to support S1944 to help American disaster victims get back on their feet.

19.  At Trump’s behest, Mike Pence flew from Las Vegas to Indianapolis to attend a Colt’s football game on Sunday with the directive to leave if any player knelt during the national anthem, and then to fly to California for his next engagement.  When some of the 49er’s players knelt, Pence left the game and tweeted “I left today’s Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem.” Shortly thereafter, Trump tweeted his approval.  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/08/us/politics/pence-anthem-colts.html  The night before, in Charlottesville, VA, a group of white supremacists, led by Richard Spencer, gathered with tiki torches and racist and anti-Semitic chants.  Charlottesville mayor Mike Signer it was a "despicable visit by neo-Nazi cowards: and told the protesters,  “You're not welcome here! Go home!"  https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-nationalist-richard-spencer-leads-torch-carrying-crowd-charlottesville-n808766   The White House was silent on the event leading people to think that the administration thinks it is more American and patriotic to attend one of these protests that champion whiteness than to kneel during the anthem to protest racial injustices, which includes white supremacy.  The Trump administration needs to know that we find this despicable and want them to speak against white supremacists.  Also, that we find the use of federal dollars for airfare to perform a publicity stunt is wasteful and reprehensible. 

State Actions

1.      ALL:  Eleven states and the District of Columbia have now made voter registration automatic. Ours could be state number 12. Let’s click here to send an email to our state legislators and governor letting them know we want voter registration to be automatic:  https://act.rootsaction.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=12916

2.      ALL:  Money from the Volkswagen emissions cheating settlement is now available. That means it is time for state governors to apply for these funds so we can put them toward clean transportation programs (https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2017/09/28/arizona-teen-joins-capitol-push-to-replace-diesel-buses-with-electric/). We have a huge opportunity to use this money for new electric vehicle charging stations, electric transit and school buses, and other projects that will reduce air pollution and prioritize environmental justice, and it is all the more important that we do so with Trump and Pruitt rolling back environmental protection. But because the devil is in the details, exactly how governor chooses to use the money is key. Let us join the Sierra Club in contacting our governors to ask them to invest the settlement money in green infrastructure and underserved communities at this link: 

3.      ALL:  It’s been clear from the beginning the Trump administration has no intention of taking the action we need on climate change, and this week’s leak revealing they intend to destroy the Clean Power Plan confirms we can’t trust them (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/06/epa-clean-power-plan-repeal-243535). But this rule was designed to allow states to reduce emissions in the way that worked best for them, and the states can still follow through on it. Let’s contact our governors and let them know that we want them to work to reach the standards set by the Clean Power Plan even if Trump and Pruitt abandon it.

4.      GA: Secretary of State Brian Kemp wants to be elected governor of Georgia in 2018. He’s running against Democratic state Rep Stacey Abrams https://staceyabrams.com/ . Kemp has a long history of attacking minority voting rights https://www.facingsouth.org/2017/10/georgias-secretary-state-unjustly-targeting-voting-rights-activists-again   Let’s A)  Sign this petition by Color of Change https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/tell-georgia-voting-not-crime/ and B) Volunteer with https://staceyabrams.com/action/ and/or donate to 
https://secure.actblue.com/donate/donate-to-stacey?refcode=website to elect pro-democracy candidate Stacey Abrams Governor of Georgia.

Other Actions

1.      Philip Bump, of the Washington Post, tweeted that he had “made a tool that tracks not only data FEMA hid about Puerto Rico, but the day-to-day change.” We can see it here:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/10/06/fema-buried-updates-on-puerto-rico-here-they-are/ and thank him here:  Email:  Philip.bump@washpost.com or c/o Washington Post, 1301 K St NW, Washington, DC 20005

2.      Chanting, “the South will rise again” and “Russia is our friend”, white supremacists returned to Charlottesville Saturday night with their signature shirts and tiki torches: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/354415-white-nationalists-return-to-charlottesville?amp  Let’s keep an eye out for how this is covered and be in touch with media to keep the coverage honest vs. “fair and balanced”. The local NBC affiliate that had coverage initially referred to them as “white activists” and then corrected to “white nationalists” after an out-cry on Twitter: 

3.      Enbridge is seeking approval from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission for the Line 3 Pipeline Replacement Project https://mn.gov/puc/line3/ The pipeline is set to expand through lakes, rivers, and wetlands, and affect the sovereignty of Objibwe tribes http://strib.mn/2wFSGi8 The Minnesota Commerce Department argues that there is no actual need for this pipeline expansion, stating "In light of the serious risks and effects on the natural and socioeconomic environments of the existing Line 3 and the limited benefit that the existing Line 3 provides to Minnesota refineries, it is reasonable to conclude that Minnesota would be better off if Enbridge proposed to cease operations of the existing Line 3, without any new pipeline being built." http://bit.ly/2y3Virs  http://bit.ly/2yClXL4 The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission is seeking public comment through November 22nd. Let's make sure we leave a comment, asking that they reject the request from Enbridge, and to not grant a permit for the Replacement Project https://mn.gov/puc/line3/participate/#3

4.      Creative activism can be quite effective in gaining publicity and spreading awareness to a cause. UltraViolet embodied this on Saturday when they screened Trump's infamous Access Hollywood tape, in which he bragged about sexual assault, from 9am to 9pm at the National Mall http://lat.ms/2xqr8ld Let's take this as an opportunity to learn more about UltraViolet, read through their action items, then thank them for being a leader in the fight against sexism, and for inclusion  https://weareultraviolet.org/about-us/ https://weareultraviolet.org/contact-us/

5.      Pope Francis has been outspoken in his call to care for the environment and fight climate change http://theatln.tc/2sBAjwENow, over forty Catholic institutions are following his lead, and divesting from fossil fuels http://bit.ly/2fHBgL3 While this is a great step forward, we still need the Vatican Bank to divest from investments in the fossil fuel industry. We can sign Go Fossil Free's petition https://gofossilfree.org/pope-divest-the-vatican/ for the Divest the Vatican campaign. For those of us in Catholic organizations, we can also check out their divestment toolkit: https://gofossilfree.org/catholic-divestment-guide/

6.      "California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D) on Friday filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration's rollback of an Obama-era policy that required employers include birth control coverage in their health insurance plans. “Donald Trump wants businesses and corporations to control family planning decisions rather than a woman in consultation with her doctor. These anti-women's health regulations prove once again that the Trump administration is willing to trample on people’s rights,” Becerra said in a statement."
7.      http://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/354341-california-challenges-trumps-rollback-of-birth-control-mandate and http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/354266-aclu-promises-lawsuit-against-trump-elimination-of-birth-control-mandate  Let’s thank Atty General Becerra and the ACLU for filing lawsuits to challenge this order.  Contacts:  Atty General Becerra:  scroll down on this page:  https://oag.ca.gov/contact.  If your pocketbook can manage it, the ACLU could use your help with a donation for all the work they are doing on behalf of us. https://action.aclu.org/secure/protect-rights-freedoms-we-believe-8

8.      Today, the federal government is celebrating Columbus Day while others are celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day. Let’s take this opportunity to reflect on what this day means for Native Americans: https://www.self.com/story/indigenous-peoples-day And let’s also check out some of these concrete tips for how to be an ally for indigenous peoples:  https://everydayfeminism.com/2014/08/honor-native-americans-without-appropriating/

9.      Last week, Trump tweeted “Ralph Northam, who is running for Governor of Virginia, is fighting for the violent MS-13 killer gangs & sanctuary cities. Vote Ed Gillespie!” 
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-looms-large-virginia-governors-race/story?id=50323977  Let’s read up on Ralph Northam’s history and platform, and see what we can do to help him win:  http://ralphnortham.com/

10.  A librarian in Vermont “is suing Equifax in small claims court to protest the credit agency’s compensation to consumers after a major security breach,” arguing that “‘the remedy that Equifax is offering here — one year of credit monitoring in a slightly convoluted manner by a company not wholly distinct from Equifax — is not sufficient to match both the egregiousness of the offense and the complete and total hassle this is causing for me and many others.’”    http://www.vnews.com/Randolph-Librarian-Sues-Equifax-12765388 Meanwhile, Senators Sasse (R-NE) and Warren (D-MA) are making inquiries into the IRS’ decision to grant a contract to Equifax for approximately  $7.2 million  https://www.sasse.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2017/10/senators-sasse-and-warren-raise-concerns-about-7-2-million-irs-contract-awarded-to-equifax In addition to sending our thanks to Senators Warren (202-224-4543) and Sasse (202-224-4224), let’s stay on top of these stories to make sure that our privacy and economic resources are safeguarded.

11.  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when, how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media. Help them reach 48 more supporters by October 14 to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. Let’s click and add our social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr:   https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/62828-aca-signup-reminder  THEN we can cut, paste and share!

12.  "Lawmakers and federal agencies are rolling back protections for imperiled species and hoping we won’t notice―or won’t care." The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) shares information with us on some of the species affected in this article 

"From Panthers to Sage Grouse, Oil and Gun Interests Have America's Wildlife in Their Sights."  Wildlife is non-partisan. Let's read this and be sure to share this information with our conservative friends and family who share our love of wildlife.  Many of them are not aware of the assault on wildlife by this administration.

13.  With Trump cutting Enrollment time in half and slashing the advertising budget by 90%, we need to get the word out now.  You can get enrollment information for you, your family and friends from Get America Covered, who ran outreach for Healthcare.gov.  Already covered? Download flyers, donate and sign up for updates. https://getamericacovered

14.  The Weinstein Company board of directors has voted to let co-founder of the independent film company, Harvey Weinstein, go following the revelation of decades-long sexually harassment scandals.  http://variety.com/2017/biz/news/harvey-weinstein-out-weinstein-company-1202583568/  Let’s thank the board for taking the high road and not minimizing this serious issue.  Address:   375 Greenwich St., New York, NY 10013


1.      "Trump’s new rules threaten to gut the benefit ensuring that all insurance plans cover birth control at no cost – all under the guise of religious “liberty.” No one should have to pay for their bosses’ religious beliefs. That’s why the ACLU is suing the Trump administration – and why we need you to take action now." Let's join the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) action by submitting a public comment here

2.      Let’s tell Congress to reject any tax reform that cuts Medicare and Medicaid to pay for tax breaks for corporations:  https://go.ourrevolution.com/page/s/stand-up-to-corporate-greed-c

Marches/events/teleconferences to attend/organize

1.      People For the American Way, a progressive advocacy organization, will be hosting a teleconference tomorrow, Tuesday, October 10th, focusing on the Supreme Court's current term and the cases which will be argued. Executive Vice President Marge Baker, Senior Legislative Counsel Paul Gordon, and Senior Fellow Elliot Mincberg will be discussing gerrymandering, worker protection laws, Trump's immigration ban, and whether First Amendment rights extend to discrimination against LGBTQ individuals. Let's RSVP and tune in, so we can stay informed during this monumental SCOTUS term: http://act.pfaw.org/sign/rsvp-telebriefing-new-scotus-term/

2.      Saturday, October 14 will be a Nationwide Solidarity March for Peace.  For more information and to see where marches are being planned, let’s check here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1993330307613100/


1.      RISE Stronger’s newest United States of Resistance Digest:  http://mailchi.mp/risestronger/thoughts-into-action

3.      Experts in authoritarianism advise us to keep a list of things subtly changing around us, so we’ll remember.  Amy Siskind is keeping that list for us. Amy writes, "This was a dark week for our country, with the unfolding humanitarian crises in Puerto Rico and USVI, and the deadliest mass shooting in modern history in Las Vegas...As with every weekly list, this week rights and protections were taken away from women and marginalized communities." Let's review Amy Siskind's list week 47.

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic part ner of the Action Alliance,
a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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