9/6/17                                                  http://roganslist.blogspot.com/

Contact Federal Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
Fax your legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
Find senators Twitter and Facebook Accounts here:
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text your US postal address to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.


Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      "The New York Times reports that Trump privately asked his aides for a “way out” of this [DACA] dilemma, and that as a result, Chief of Staff John F. Kelly came up with the idea of ending the protections in six months to give Congress time to legislate a solution. This is in response to a coalition of states who are threatening a lawsuit to overturn the Obama-era executive action — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — that grants them work permits and shields them from deportation. Meanwhile, ABC News reports that Trump “doesn’t want to own” the decision to end DACA, so it will be announced today by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. All this suggests that this six-month delay is meant to distance Trump in some way or other from ending it." Let's tell congress to pass DACA in its entirety as previously ordered by Obama and don't forget to tell Trump he is a weak president who creates scapegoats for his failures and to keep his small base happy. 

2.      It can be difficult trying to keep track of the legislation and issues that Congress will be addressing this month. Indivisible Guide has a helpful page, which lists each issue, then focuses on what the concern is and what we can be asking our MoC regarding each piece of legislation. Let's check it out, then work through the list: 

3.      From the Women's March:  Trump is likely to end #DACA, endangering the lives of 800,000 young people. If you marched on January 21st, this is a test of our commitment to intersectionality. We need you to do these 5 things NOW to defend DACA.  1)  Tweet at the 9 AGs who are threatening to sue the federal government to end DACA. Use this tool to tweet at them: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aQM98DqT2l0z0SyaPepucP7JofBwF9S9cSMGZBexYcA/edit , 2)  Call and tweet at key members of Congress and demand that they publicly defend DACA. Use this document: http://bit.ly/2wwQPie, 3) Allies: share a story of how a DACA recipient has positively contributed to this country. Use the hashtag #DefendDACA, 4) On Tuesday morning, [or now] call these 9 AGs en masse. Use the telephone numbers attached here http://bit.ly/2w37mGX, and 5) For the most up-to-date info on defending DACA, follow our friends United We Dream and sign up for alerts on defenddaca.com

4.      In Houston, Superfund toxic waste sites are flooded and the EPA has yet to arrive on the scene.  We can read more at this AP article on USNews. "EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has called cleaning up Superfund sites a top priority, even as he has taken steps to roll back or delay rules aimed at preventing air and water pollution. Trump's proposed 2018 budget seeks to cut money for the Superfund program by 30 percent..." Let's tell our MoC's that we want the cleanup of the Superfund sites to be funded fully.

5.      Florida's senators, Marco Rubio (R) and Bill Nelson are both voicing opposition to Trump's NASA nominee, Oklahoma Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R) saying, "a politician shouldn't lead the nation's space program."  “It’s the one federal mission which has largely been free of politics and it’s at a critical juncture in its history,” Rubio said. “I would hate to see an administrator held up -- on [grounds of] partisanship, political arguments, past votes, or statements made in the past -- because the agency can’t afford it and it can’t afford the controversy.” (source: Politico article) Let's tell our own senators to stand with the Florida senators in insisting that the senior NASA administrator be a scientist.

6.      Not only does the Senate have a DACA bill in the works, but so does the House. Sponsored by Rep. Gutierrez’s (D-IL) American Hope Act (H.R. 3591) (https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/3591) would give those with DACA and others who arrived in the United States as children a path to permanent legal status and eventual citizenship. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/trumps-daca-decision-puts-dreamers-future-in-the-hands-of-congress Let’s contact our reps and ask them to support and co-sponsor this important bill.

7.      DreamAct Toolkit is a click to call and tweet phone numbers and twitter graphics for the key GOP votes in Congress.  Let’s check it out and use it here:  https://dreamacttoolkit.org/

State Actions

1.      TX: The debate over commemorating Confederate figures in public spaces has reminded us that far too many Americans learned a revisionist version of our history (https://apnews.com/8b5acbe570e64e029a48cb1c99a4eebe). To come to grips with the need to address the poisonous legacy of slavery and the institutions built to justify it, we need to make sure that the next generation are taught about its full horrors, and not some Lost Cause myth-making about states’ rights. The heart of that fight is in Texas, where the State Board of Education adopted history standards in 2010 that force public schools to hide the truth about the Civil War and what caused it. Those standards are set for revision over the next year. Let’s join the Texas Freedom Network in calling for the standards to be fixed: http://tfn.org/history.html. And for those of us who are educators or scholars, let’s apply to serve on the state team that will revise the curriculum standards: http://a.tfn.org/site/R?i=A0OiN0rh0QimVpDDOfxw6A

2.      ALL:  California is stepping up to protect and preserve DACA . "California has its eyes on Congress to do what it should have done years ago, but we cannot bank on that,” said Gov. Jerry Brown’s top aide, Nancy McFadden, as the governor was traveling to an energy summit in Russia. California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerrapromised legal action to challenge the Trump administration’s decision, arguing on Tuesday that it was unconstitutional in light of the fact that the young immigrants followed the rules as instructed and, as such, may be denied their due process rights." http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-jerry-brown-lawmakers-trump-immigrants-daca-20170905-story.html  and http://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/349302-dems-threaten-to-sue-trump-over-daca   Let's call our state legislators, governors, and attorneys general to ask our states to preserve DACA.  Find your state legislators here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0k1qCMVpKZpajJhTnBhckdNTmM   Contact governors here:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0k1qCMVpKZpajJhTnBhckdNTmM  and contact attorneys general here:   https://docs.google.com/document/d/10gYBofYuBagQEirGHvmu43K8McyseyHRGfVc7p2AbBY/edit  

Other Actions

1.      Reverend Robert Lee IV (a descendant of Robert E. Lee) has left his congregation due to their discomfort with how publicly he spoke out against confederate statues. His statement on his departure can be found here: http://auburnseminary.org/rev-robert-wright-lee-iv-statement-leaving-church-speaking-white-supremacy-mtv-video-music-awards/  Postcards for Kate has suggested writing to him to say thanks via a publication where he is a columnist: Rev. Robert Lee IV, c/o Statesville Record and Landmark, 222 E. Broad St, Statesville, NC, 28677  We can also let his former congregation know that an opportunity to live their mission has been missed: http://www.bethanyunitedchurchofchrist.net/home.html

2.      President Obama shared an eloquent and empathic response to Trump’s DACA announcement yesterday on his Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/barackobama/posts/10155227588436749 Let’s join in with the many other commenters and thank him for his words, his work, and his commitment to all.

3.      The GOP has another presidential poll for us.  This one is on Trump’s accomplishments:  https://gop.com/official-accomplishment-poll/

4.      This November, Virginia will be holding its state House and Governor elections, giving Virginians an opportunity to flip the state from red to blue. Flippable explains why the Virginia election is so important  http://bit.ly/2eZdhXQ Whether we are a Virginia resident or not, there are ways we can help out; those of us with the means can donate funds, or we can volunteer to either knock door-to-door, make phone calls, or raise awareness about the upcoming election https://www.flippable.org/virginia-house

5.      Looking for a new way to track legislation on the issues you care about, easily send your members of Congress your thoughts, and get a customized scorecard on how your rep is doing on bills important to you? Sign up with IssueVoter.org

6.      Cornell launches free climate change course online:  http://www.sustainablecampus.cornell.edu/blogs/news/posts/free-cornell-climate-change-mooc  Let’s sign up and learn all we can to help propel Congress into doing the right thing.

7.      Pruit wants to roll back EPA climate protections and fuel economy standards for cars. Some EPA alums have weighed in on this:  http://saveepaalums.info/resisting-the-trump-de-regulatory-agenda-talking-points/1322-2 more info:  https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-engines/midterm-evaluation-light-duty-vehicle-greenhouse-gas There is a public hearing in D.C. today, but we can also provide a written comment until 10/5. Here’s how:  http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1112344_heres-how-to-comment-on-epa-proposal-to-loosen-emission-limits-on-cars

8.      The American Federation of Teachers has put out a booklet, Protecting Our Studentshttps://www.aft.org/our-community/immigration .  For those of us who work in school settings with DREAMers and other undocumented children or know others who do, let’s share and use this guide.


1.      Let’s sign and tell Congress to pass a clean, stand-alone DREAM Act now:  https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/pass-the-dream-act-now

Marches/events/teleconferences to attend/organize

1.      Today -- Public hearing on EPA's landmark Greenhouse gas standards for vehicles.  Pruitt wants to weaken these essential climate protections.  Where:  Renaissance Hotel, 999 9th St. NW, Washington D.C. at 9:00 a.m. EDT to  when ever testimony is complete.  Can't attend?  CALL IN TO LISTEN: 1(866) 243-6502 and enter conference code: 8813040981#.

2.      Today – The Charlottesville to DC March Against White Supremacy arrives in DC today for several days of activities in which groups will launch wave after wave of civil disobedience demanding Trump be removed from office and that we begin to heal our nation's wounds of white supremacy.  Find out more here how to join in:  http://www.cville2dc.us/dc-takeover-charlottesville-dc.html

3.      Today -- Join the Drive for Our Lives bus tour for its final stop in Washington, DC on the National Mall at 11:30am.  Let’s check out more at Save My Care:  https://www.savemycare.org/  Let’s use this to share social content:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cYFyjvhRyOkfihJfpxTjEq4NufSHmiZjKGrggHwcQ6I/ed

4.      #DefendDACA rallies are popping up all over the country.  Let’s find one or start one:  http://weareheretostay.org/attend-an-event/


1.      “The civil rights movement was messy, disorderly, confrontational and yes, sometimes violent. Those standing on the sidelines of the current racial-justice movement, waiting for a pristine or flawless exercise of righteous protest, will have a long wait. They, we suspect, will be this generation’s version of the millions who claim that they were one of the thousands who marched with Dr. King. Each of us should realize that what we do now is most likely what we would have done during those celebrated protests 50 years ago. Rather than critique from afar, come out of your homes, follow those who are closest to the pain, and help us to redeem this country, and yourselves, in the process.” https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/01/opinion/civil-rights-protest-resistance.html

2.      Four Lies Jeff Sessions Told to Justify Ending DACA:  https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/9/5/16255436/lies-jeff-sessions-daca

3.      Impeaching Trump is all about Bob – but not the Bob you think:  https://medium.com/@DrDenaGrayson/impeaching-trump-is-all-about-bob-47b2391d79ec

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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