9/27/17                                                            http://roganslist.blogspot.com/

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Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      There will not be a vote on the Graham-Cassidy health care bill after all.  http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/352503-senate-wont-vote-on-obamacare-repeal-bill  There may well be another bill rushed in before the Oct. 1 deadline for the GOP to use the 51-vote reconciliation process, but let’s encourage our MoCs to work together across the aisle to fix what is wrong with the ACA to make our country healthier.  While we are at it, let’s thank Senators Collins, McCain, and Paul for speaking up on behalf of so many of us. 

2.      Awareness of the crisis in Puerto Rico is finally spreading.  But, unlike Texas and Florida, Puerto Ricans, while US citizens, don’t have voting members of Congress to stand up for the disaster relief they need. In addition, there are two hidden issues preventing aid from reaching PR as quickly as they could: a) a 1920 law that prevents PR from receiving aid from non-US ships, and 2) a FEMA rule that requires aid recipients to match federal funds with local resources. Rep. Nydia Velásquez (D-NY) and other MoCs today submitted a letter to the Department of Homeland Security asking that the government waive these two requirements. https://velazquez.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/members-congress-push-recovery-plan-puerto-rico Let's ask our MoCs to add their support to these two requests, which would have immediate positive results.   

3.      “A group of Democratic lawmakers is urging Defense Secretary James Mattis to send additional military resources to Puerto Rico after back-to-back hurricanes created “harrowing conditions” on the U.S. territory.”  http://thehill.com/policy/defense/352517-dems-call-for-additional-pentagon-assets-to-be-deployed-to-puerto-rico  We need to make sure we’re using our power to stand up for our fellow Americans. Let’s contact our members of Congress and tell them to fight for Puerto Rico by supporting Rep. Jose Serrano’s proposed task force, modeled after the one created for Superstorm Sandy, to coordinate the rebuild.

4.      As published in the Federal Register, Dept. of Homeland Security will soon begin to collect social media data on all immigrants, including those with green cards and those who have been naturalized.  http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/352421-dhs-planning-to-collect-social-media-info-on-all-immigrants  Here is info on making comments before the Oct. 18 deadline when this new rule is to go into effect:  https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/09/18/2017-19365/privacy-act-of-1974-system-of-records   This is a clear violation of rights, particularly to those we have lawfully admitted to our country.

5.      Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke said that 1/3 of employees at the Department of the Interior are “not loyal” to Trump or the flag:   https://apnews.com/570c910d21be41869f76d45a2c55c359/Zinke:-One-third-of-Interior-employees-not-loyal-to-Trump Let’s remind Zinke that disagreeing with his abhorrent efforts does not mean they lack loyalty to this country: https://www.doi.gov/contact-us

6.      It seems that the Koch brothers have threatened to sequester donations to members of Congress who oppose the latest ACA repeal.  According to the San Diego Free Press, “There’s $400 million in campaign contributions and lobbying waiting behind a door the Koch brothers and their donor network have locked up pending ‘results’ on these issues.”:   https://sandiegofreepress.org/2017/09/follow-the-money-to-understand-graham-cassidy-use-your-heart-to-stop-it  While Graham-Cassidy seems to be dead, now that Sen. Susan Collins has announced her opposition, we should take nothing for granted.  Money talks, especially to this Congress; we must keep up our pressure on Republican senators until we see this bill defeated or withdrawn.

7.      As tensions rise between North Korea and the U.S., it is becoming more and more evident that we need to rein in Trump's ability to deploy military force and utilize nuclear weapons http://bit.ly/2foU5CZ Let's contact our MoC and tell them we need legislation passed which requires Trump to gain congressional approval before he engages in another unnecessary war https://5calls.org/issue/rec0qzYhTOiR0H9DG

8.      Instead of taking real action to keep us safe from terrorism, Trump is continuing to double down on bigotry and fear-mongering by expanding his Islamophobic travel ban (http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/24/politics/trump-travel-restrictions/index.html). With all that’s going on right now, it’s important to make sure Congress gets the message that we’ve noticed and we want it stopped, not expanded. Let’s contact our reps and tell them that this is un-American and we don’t want a penny of our tax dollars spent on it. We’re calling on them to defund enforcement of this ban in the appropriations process.

9.      Even though the majority of Americans aren't aware of this, the roughly 3.5 million people of Puerto Rico are American citizens. The island was suffering before it took a direct hit from Hurricane Maria, and the power grid is still completely out. While some federal personnel have been deployed, the governor of the U.S. commonwealth is asking for more help, but it needs more than clean-up and infrastructure help. http://fortune.com/2017/09/25/puerto-rico-hurricane-maria-relief-debt-crisis/    Let's a) ask our MoCs where the relief funding bill is for Puerto Rico and the aid to help it overcome its financial crisis, and b) find immediate ways to send help by choosing one of the PR-specific charities on this website: https://www.romper.com/p/how-to-help-puerto-rico-after-hurricane-maria-ravaged-the-island-2414119

10.  "President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will take separate fundraising trips this week as Republican leaders in Washington grapple with what appears to be the latest failed attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  Trump will travel to New York City for a fundraising dinner on Tuesday night, administration officials said. Pence will raise money for the Michigan GOP on Wednesday after an official event in the state to tout tax reform, according to a person familiar with the plans. He’ll hold another tax reform event on Thursday in Wisconsin, and tack on a fundraiser for the Trump-Pence Victory Fund and the Republican National Committee."   
http://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/25/trump-pence-fundraising-243130  What about funds for Puerto Rico?  Since they can't vote, neither one of them seems to care that American Citizens have no electricity, clean water or food.  Let's tell Pence and Trump to help raise funds for our citizens in Puerto Rico and not for their own pockets.

11.  If we are followers of Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), we may have received a call to action on Monday asking us to call on our Senators to reject any legislation that attacks the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or its forced arbitration rule.  In a floor speech on Monday evening, Senator Elizabeth Warren  spoke in support of a rule recently issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that gives consumers who have been cheated the ability to hold their banks accountable. The CFPB's forced arbitration rule, which prevents banks and other financial firms from forcing customers to give up their rights to join class action suits, may be repealed by Senate Republicans as soon as this week, according to reports.  We can read more at The Intercept.  Let's get on the phones today to tell our Senators not to touch the CFPB or its forced arbitration.

12.  A pro-lobbyist bill, HR1431, has already passed in the House and moved on for consideration in the Senate.  The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Reform Act, HR1431, would allow industry representatives to serve on the SAB and other scientific research panels without receiving a special waiver. The panels are typically composed primarily of independent academics and researchers charged with reviewing agency science and advising the Environmental Protection Agency on major policy decisions with some input from industry. This legislation could change the balance in favor of greater power for regulated companies, particularly the oil and gas industries. Read the full article on The Intercept.  Let's tell our Senators to oppose HR1431.  Minnesotans: One of this bills co-sponsors is Democrat Collin Peterson from MN's 7th District. Let's encourage Representative Peterson to withdraw his support for this bill even though it has already passed in the House.  We can use Peterson's contact page to call or write his district office nearest us or to send an email now (only available to constituents.)

13.  Big Oil is renewing its push to destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge with Trump’s active assistance. We need to make it clear to Congress that we want this option off the table now and for good (http://www.alaskapublic.org/2017/09/15/trump-administration-moves-to-lift-ban-on-oil-assessment-in-anwr/). Let’s contact our reps and ask them to oppose any bill that would allow the administration to drill in ANWR and to support H.R. 1889, which would block drilling permanently by designating ANWR as protected wilderness. And let’s tell our senators to support the ban on drilling ANWR in S. 820. (H/t Chop Wood Carry Water)

14.  Propaganda watch. Sinclair Broadcast Group, the giant pro-Trump right-wing media organization, is waiting for approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for its $3.9 billion merger with Tribune Media Company. https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2017/09/25/trump-ally-sinclair-moves-consolidate-tv-empire/  If the merger goes through, Sinclair will reach 72% of American households nationwide. https://savelocalmedia.com/ According to the Coalition to Save Local Media, “Sinclair has a record of picking political winners and losers at their national headquarters and promoting them instead of allowing their local stations to be fair and balanced. Their expanded power and reach will cause them to become more engaged in political news stories and even play favorites in Republican primaries.” https://savelocalmedia.com/facts/Let’s tell our MoCs that Congress must reject the Sinclair-Tribune merger by using this form:  https://savelocalmedia.com/take-action/

State Actions

1.      PA: In response to the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL football team choosing to remain in the locker room for the national anthem, Cecil Township Chief of the [volunteer] Fire Department, Paul Smith, called coach Mike Tomlin "a no good n***er" on Facebook. Now that Smith has received negative backlash, he regrets his comments as noted in this CBS/Pittsburgh article. The Cecil Township Board of Supervisors issued a statement saying they are “deeply disturbed” by Chief Smith’s comments and suggested contacting the president of the Muse Fire Department regarding any further comment or action. Let's ask for Smith's removal. He said it; we know he meant it. Write to: President Ron Zombeck, Muse Fire Department, 186 Muse Bishop Rd, Muse PA 15350.

2.      KY: A Lexington-based non-profit, Plantory.org is now accepting applications for those Kentucky DREAMers who need help with their DACA renewal fees. We can read more about their work at wfpl.org. We can apply if we have need.  If we can help, we can donate. Both at Plantory.org. Let's be sure to share this information with our fellow Kentuckians.

Other Actions

1.      From Together Rising: “Last month, through Together Rising, you stood with Texas and gave $320,000 to those suffering after Harvey. Now it’s time to stand with our sisters and brothers suffering in Puerto Rico after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.”  Let’s listen to Glennon Doyle about what is happening there and how we can help:  https://www.facebook.com/glennondoyle/videos/10155742598459710/  Please give here:  https://app.mobilecause.com/form/xVzQ0A or text TR4RELIEF to 41444 for a link to give your tax-deductible donation. 100% of what we receive goes directly to suffering people. Together Rising is matching each of your gifts up to $100,000.

2.      “With the spotlight once again on the act of kneeling during the national anthem, students will bring this conversation to the classroom. Here’s how to guide that discussion”:  https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/discussing-takeaknee-in-class  Let’s use this if we can and share with teachers we know as well.

3.      Citizens have been engaged in protests in St. Louis since a September 15th verdict which acquitted a former St. Louis police officer of murder. While the case was considered by many to be a straightforward case of murder, with premeditation, the judge stated that the prosecution had not met their burden of proof, especially in proving that the victim did not have a firearm, and noted ""The Court observes, based on its nearly thirty years on the bench, that an urban heroin dealer not in possession of a firearm would be an anomaly." Since the verdict, there have been protests, met with militarized police response, which has been compared to the events of Ferguson http://rol.st/2xyK9kj  Protesters are now asking for interim St. Louis police chief Larry O'Toole's resignation, after his handling of the protests, as well as the possible cover up of a black officer who was shot by a white officer, as well as an incident in which an undercover black officer who was arrested during the protests http://bit.ly/2wQQSad Meanwhile, the St. Louis mayor is standing behind O'Toole's inflammatory remarks regarding the protests http://bit.ly/2xxTQxp Let's stand behind the citizens of St. Louis as they fight for racial justice. We can call or mail St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson at her office to ask for Chief O'Toole's resignation: (314) 622-3201 1200 Market City Hall, Room 200 We can also consider donating to the St. Louis Legal Fund, to contribute towards the activists' court and legal costs.  http://bit.ly/2wU0Oe9

4.      Steve Kerr, coach of the NBA Golden State Warriors, responded to Trump's withdrawal of the Warriors' invitation to the White House. We can read his response at Sports Illustrated.  Let's stand behind Kerr's message to Trump of "Don't divide us. Bring us together."  Let's tell the White House on their website contact form.  We can thank Steve Kerr for his words at: Steve Kerr, c/o Golden State Warriors, 1011 Broadway, Oakland CA 94607.

5.      Department of Justice is looking into ADA violations for those in Adult Guardianships.  The moment a judge signs or upholds an involuntary guardianship they have designated your loved one “disabled”.  These individuals are protected by the ordering court as well as the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1993 and the Olmstead Act provision enacted in 1999 to further protect the disabled unlawfully institutionalized or isolated.  Most adult guardianship courts completely ignore these obligations. If we know someone who fits one of these profiles, we can file a complaint with the DOJ:  1)  Victims who are living and have been INVOLUNTARILY placed in a professional, public or private, guardianship, especially when advance directives or state law designate a family member or friend to serve, or, 2) Victims, living or deceased, who were removed from their residences, INSTITUTIONALIZED AND ISOLATED from legitimate family or friends by the guardian. (Olmstead Act Violations).  We can use this form to file suspected violations: https://www.ada.gov/complaint/form.php


1.      “One of our proudest legacies as Americans is welcoming those who need refuge. For decades, we’ve safely given refuge to families who fear for their lives and have nowhere else to turn.”  Trump’s new travel ban, supported by some in Congress, ignores all those who have been fleeing danger and living in camps.  Let’s join Oxfam and tell Trump and Congress that welcoming refugees is an American value! https://secure3.oxfamamerica.org/page/speakout/americans-welcome-refugees 

2.      Trump’s NAFTA renegotiation plan would make it easier for multinational fossil fuel companies to harm public health while making even bigger profits. This corporate power grab is formally called Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS).  Let’s add our name to demand that any North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiation removes the corporate power grab known as ISDS:   https://petitions.signforgood.com/EndISDS

Marches/events/teleconferences to attend/organize

1.      “Since 1976, the Hyde Amendment has been rammed through Congress every year as a “rider” to a must-pass appropriations bill. It bans the use of Federal funds to cover abortion services, except in very limited circumstances.”  Forward Together is organizing meet-ups with friends and community members in November to organize national opposition to the renewal of the Hyde Amendment.  Let’s join them: https://secure.everyaction.com/rHLhvlhxr0Gjf7wcJce2Xw2


1.      The Right’s use of “free speech” to defend attacks on science, on expertise, on the universities, on intellectuals should concern us more than the chaos of the Trump regime has allowed.  Here’s a very useful exploration of free speech and academic freedom from Joan Scott, professor emerita of Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study:  https://www.aaup.org/sites/default/files/Scott_0.pdf

2.      The white supremacists aren't just loud. They are backed by a lot of money from a variety of sources. Let's understand the nature and extent of this monetary support for hate by watching this short but informative video put together by AJ+: "Where Do 'Alt-Right' Groups Get Their Money?" http://www.ajplus.net/english/ . Understanding is the first step in the fight.

3.      Stay alert! “GOP already eyeing next chance to revive Obamacare repeal”:    http://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/25/obamacare-repeal-republicans-budget-243125

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic part ner of the Action Alliance,
a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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